Footage №102807, 19 footages, Duration: 7:05:19

Scene №1 Cadets of the youth military-patriotic club "Paratrooper" at competitions in a military unit

Cadets of the youth military-patriotic club "Paratrooper" at competitions in a military unit.

Shooting range.

Two young men and a girl listen to the briefing before shooting from a machine gun.

Cadets lie down on a tarpaulin and, under the guidance of instructors, shoot at targets.

At the end of the shooting, the guys put their guns on the fuses, get up, run to the targets.

Cadets throw training grenades.

Training on the obstacle course, boys and girls participate; after passing the obstacle course, cadets rest, sitting and lying on the ground.

The guys are sitting on the ground and encouraging their comrades, there is a T-80 tank next to them.

Cadets are marching through the training ground, an instructor is walking next to them.

Young men on the obstacle course.

The guys are sitting on the ground.

An instructor with a stopwatch records the finish of a running guy.

The head of the military-patriotic club "Paratrooper" Mishukov Vladimir Vladimirovich takes the guys on video, encourages them.

The cadets are marching along the road, stop on command, turn left, go to the camping tents.

The sign "Soldier's canteen".

The guys enter the dining room with army bowlers in their hands.

The queue, the cooks at the distribution, the cadets get lunch.

Cadets have lunch at the table, answer the correspondent's question.

General types of dining room: long tables, groups of cadets having lunch.

The head of the canteen of the military unit, senior ensign Donskoy, talks about the ration of soldiers, combined arms rations, medical food inspection and registration in the book for the report.

Panorama of the dining hall.

The faces of the dining cadets.

The sign "Place for washing pots".

The guys are marching out of the dining room.

Cadets wash pots and mugs, clean dishes on the table.

The commander explains to the cadets the rules of construction and calculation.

Instruction on the passage of the obstacle course.

The boys go down the pole.

The sentry on the tower.

Cadets take turns passing the obstacle course; shots, pyrotechnic explosions, smoke over the playground.

A soldier in a trench fires single shots from a machine gun.

The formation of the guys is waiting for the final of the competition, the faces of teenagers.

The cadet passes an obstacle course, at the end breaks off the rope and falls to the ground.

View from the BMD tower of the cadets running towards it.

Cadets lie down on the ground, crawl under the BMD, get up, run on.

The cadets are crawling under the barbed wire.

The tank creates a smoke screen.

Cadets run across the field, climb on the armored personnel carrier armor, take seats inside the car.

The T-80 tank is driving across the field, the cadets climb into the back of the truck.

Future paratroopers run with the Airborne flag, shooting from below.

Cadets with the Airborne Forces flag shout the motto "Paratroopers are strength!"

The head of the military-patriotic club "Paratrooper" Mishukov Vladimir Vladimirovich talks about the participation of cadets of the club in military training competitions, trainings, physical fitness of children for military service, the interest of young people in the club, the long-term work of teachers with young people.

The cadets of the club talk about participating in competitions, preparing for competitions, working with a coach, challenging competitions of the Spartakiad and the desire to win.

Cadets take their places in the BMP, wave their hands, the car door closes.

The BMP is standing on a country road, Mishukov V. V. is sitting on the edge of the hatch, filming traffic on a video camera.

The BMP turns around and drives away.



Scene №2 546th Regiment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, military unit 3442

View of the checkpoint and the banner "FSUE "Instrument-making Plant" above the road, cars are driving.

Three fire trucks and a UAZ minibus pass the checkpoint.

The traffic controller is on duty, cars are passing by.

A training ground for service dogs.

Instructors work with dogs, animals walk on a boom, climb and descend stairs, overcome a suspension bridge and a log, jump over barriers.

Training in the pursuit and detention of a criminal, working out the commands "fas", "fu", "guard" with the participation of a person involved in a special protective suit.

The acting commander of the cynological platoon of the military unit 3442, senior ensign Teplov Anton Vladimirovich, talks about the breeds of dogs, how they are selected for the unit and what service they carry.

Teplov A.V. talks about people who come to the unit with their dogs and serve under contract.

Teplov A.V. talks about the admission of dogs from the cynological center of Russia in Tyumen, talks about the stages of a two-month course of dog education in the training center of the unit.

The dog executes commands: sits down, gets up, lies down, barks, crawls.

The dog handler on camera calls and shows commands with voice and gestures.

Radar tower with a dome on the territory of the unit.

Cows are lying on the lawn in front of the house, a car and a girl on roller skates are passing by.

The city of Trekhgorny, new buildings.

City streets.

A girl with a stroller passes by a two-story wooden house.

Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, bell ringing.

Icon on the facade above the entrance to the temple, belfry.

Stele "Icarus and the Sun", views from different points.

Pedestrians on the park alley.

Two girls look into the camera and wave to the operator.

Three women are walking down the alley, they are overtaken by a boy on roller skates.

A man with a small child, fountain jets.

Adults and children at the fountain, girls walking on the water, parents with children around.

Views of houses and a radar tower.

The camera moves back.

Various panoramas of the city and surrounding areas.

View from the hill to the ski lift, the track, the house, the trees (with the camera moving back).

A column of female servicemen marches through the parade ground.

A platoon of fighters marches on the spot, stops.

The report of the chief of staff of the regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Penigin: the 546th regiment has been built for a general regimental divorce.

The colonel greets the soldiers.

Raising the flag of Russia, the anthem of Russia sounds.

The officers are out of order.

Columns of military personnel march in front of the podium.

The regimental band is marching.

The colonel answers the correspondent's questions about the goals and objectives of the military unit 3442, about the readiness to protect objects, about participation in exercises and the specifics of the service.



Shooting locations:

Chelyabinsk region

Scene №3 Applicants of the Ryazan Institute of Airborne Troops at berry picking

Applicants of the Ryazan Institute of Airborne Troops at berry picking.

A column of applicants is walking along a forest road.

Two young men carry a field kitchen tank.

The columns are marching along the road, the commanders consider a drill step.

The command "stand still", the guys stop.

The ensign instructs on security measures in the forest, gives a task to applicants, orders them to start picking berries.

The guys disperse through the forest.

Picking blueberries.

Applicants pick berries, answer the correspondent's questions.

Sergey from Smolensk region (Gagarin city) he talks about his desire to get a military education and become an officer.

Teenagers pick and eat berries, talk, joke.

The young man talks about the tasks of a paratrooper in the army, successfully passed exams, the decision to become an officer.

A field kitchen food tank with the inscription "14 company, water" and a bucket.

The young man comes out of the forest with a jar of harvested berries, approaches the tank, opens the lid, pours out the berries.



Shooting locations:

Ryazan region

Scene №4 Shooting exercises of paratrooper cadets at the training ground

Two officers and cadets are standing at the edge of the forest.

Three cadets with field radios and machine guns.

The cadets are standing in the trenches, receiving instructions from the commander.

The commander explains the exercise plan.

Fighters in the trench with machine guns.

The commander on the radio gives the coordinates of the target.

A fighter with a walkie-talkie and a machine gun runs across the field, shots are heard.

The soldiers in the trench are aiming from machine guns, shooting.

The command "Platoon, take cover!"

The fighters are hiding under a concrete slab.

The cadet reports to the commander about the detection of the enemy.

The command "To places!"

The fighters come out of hiding, take up positions on the parapet of the trench.

The commander reports the coordinates of the targets, the cadets shoot from machine guns.

On the command "Take cover!" the fighters are hiding under a concrete slab in a trench.

The cadet shoots into the air from a machine gun.

At the command "To places!" the fighters get out of hiding, take up positions.





Scene №5 Applicants of the airborne school are preparing for parachute jumps

A column of applicants marches along the road, the commander considers a drill step.

On the airfield, applicants prepare for jumps, check and fasten the straps of their satchels.

The duty officer checks the parachute packs.

Applicants put on satchels.

Young men are sitting on a bench, blowing life jackets.

Applicants with parachute packs walk along the airfield, are built in two rows.

Duty officer in front of the formation of parachutists.

On the inspection line, a serviceman inspects parachute packs.

The AN-2 plane lands.

Observation platform.

A line of parachutists.

An-2 aircraft on the tarmac.

The parachutist signs the documents before the jump.

The officer fills out a report card.

Parachutists go to the plane.

A line of parachutists.

View from a low point on the wing of a biplane and parachutists.

The technician wipes the side landing gear struts with a rag.

The propeller.

A column of parachutists is walking on the airfield.

Applicants get on the plane, sit on the benches.

The duty officer conducts the briefing.

The side of the AN-2 aircraft with the door open.

Three rows of parachutists on the airfield.

Applicants enter the plane, close the door.

An-2 takes off.



Scene №6 Exercises of the anti-terrorist unit of the Austrian police "Cobra"

View of the airfield, forest and parachute domes.

A man is running along the track, shooting through the net, from the side of the courts.

A single-engine aircraft maneuvers on the field, takes off.

The plane is in the sky, parachutists are jumping.

Views of the enterprise building with a flat roof.

Parachutists in the sky.

Three policemen land on the roof of the building, look around, go down the fire escape.

Police officers in black gear and helmets communicate with an assistant.

Three armed policemen run along the roof of the building, go down the fire escape, cover each other.

The policeman passes the parachutes to the assistant below.

The police are coming down the fire escape.

Buildings on the territory of the enterprise, lawn, trees.

Two cars are driving along the road, at the intersection they are blocked by a white car with armed men, the cars back up and drive away (shooting several times from different points).

Conditional criminals with weapons are hiding behind a white car.

Police flashing light.

The driver's hands on the steering wheel of the Audi car.

Blocking the road, shooting from the cockpit, driving on the road, stopping next to the helicopter.

A masked driver is driving.

Armed criminals are hiding behind a white car.

The criminals' car is leaving.

A car is on the road, people are walking around, a helicopter is taking off in the background.

A policeman from the "Cobra" unit talks about working out an attempt to seize a car with a protected person and about the tasks of protection, about the work of the unit as a whole.

Armed police near the car.

The man goes to the helicopter, starting the engine, the screws rotate.

The cars turn around and drive away.

The helicopter takes off, circling over the road; an armed policeman is on board.

Working out the detention of criminals with air support (shooting from different points, including from a car and from a helicopter).

A room with a target and a dummy for working out situations with the release of hostages.

Employees of the Cobra unit in protective gear, assault ladders, briefing before the start of the lesson.

The police climb the assault stairs to the level of the second floor, using explosives on the shield, knock out the window on the third, enter the building.

A policeman with a mannequin on his shoulder comes down the stairs.

The police take away the mannequin.

Two fighters remain near the stairs.

A policeman in a helmet with armored glass holds a pistol with a flashlight in his hand.

Men are cleaning the stairs.

A policeman climbs a rope ladder from the window to the balcony of the last floor.



Shooting locations:


Scene №7 106th Guards Tula Airborne Division

106th Guards Tula Airborne Division, demonstration performances of paratroopers, training of parachutists.

Fighters work out commands for demonstration performances with a carbine.

The sergeant talks about traditions and demonstrations in the paratroopers.

Two paratroopers in blue berets with carbines.

The faces of the fighters.

The sergeant communicates with the paratroopers.

A platoon of paratroopers marches on the parade ground.

Paratroopers are marching on the spot, a brass band is playing.

The fighters are practicing demonstrations with carbines.

Paratroopers run out to the parade ground, build up.

Fighters synchronously demonstrate hand-to-hand combat techniques.

The fighters are rearranged into ranks, go down on one knee.

Paratroopers show elements of hand-to-hand combat (sparring).

Exercises with nunchucks.

Three fighters practice hand-to-hand combat.

The paratroopers demonstrate hand-to-hand combat techniques, reorganize into ranks, and run out of the parade ground.

Soldiers of the honor guard with carbines.

Ranks of paratroopers on the parade ground.

The flag of Russia, next to colored holiday flags.

Paratroopers carry out the orders of the commander, working out the synchronicity of movements.

A training complex on the territory of a military unit.

Parachute tower.

The commander of the combat vehicle, junior Sergeant Kharlamov Dmitry Sergeevich, shows a bedroom in the barracks, a sports "town" with simulators, talks about living conditions and leisure, sports classes, a household room.

General view of the barracks.

The flag of Russia and the flags of the unit, including those with the inscription "Reconnaissance company 51 gv PDP".

The paratroopers are practicing the landing element on the simulator after a parachute jump, comments Lieutenant Borisenko Sergey Alekseevich.

Dmitry Kharlamov talks about the exercises and the performance of tasks.

Paratroopers with parachute packs on their backs walk through the complex.

The reconnaissance operator of the control platoon, Evgeny Ivanovich Bochkov, talks about his unit, its traditions and combat past.

The gunner-operator of the BMD-3, the deputy commander of the combat vehicle, Ilya Alexandrovich Hukharev, talks about contract service and the desire to link his life with the army.

Paratroopers check parachute packs.

Lieutenant Borisenko commands to proceed with the implementation of the standard.

Paratroopers help each other to put on parachute packs, fasten belts.

The fighters report on the implementation of the standard.

The paratroopers unbutton their belts, remove and pack their parachute packs.



Shooting locations:

Tula region

Scene №8 Exercises at the training ground of the 77th Separate Guards Brigade of the Marine Corps of the Russian Navy

Exercises at the training ground of the 77th Separate Guards Brigade of the Marine Corps of the Russian Navy, working out the capture of the bridgehead by platoon forces.

Paratroopers run up the ramp to the landing ship "Jeyran".

The paratroopers leave the ship on command.

The lieutenant is in command.

Paratroopers run up the ladder to the ship.

The paratroopers are sitting in the hold of the ship.

The ramp rises and closes the entrance.

The duty lamp is on.

Paratroopers in the hold.

Paratroopers are standing near the tank.

The signalman gives the go-ahead.

The paratroopers run to the ship, run up the ladder inside.

BMP-2 and T-72 tank drive up the ladder into the hold.

The ramp rises and closes the entrance.

The ladder is lowered.

The T-72 tank leaves the hold, shoots.

BMP-2 is leaving the hold, paratroopers are running nearby, firing machine guns.

The BMP-2 fires a machine gun.

Paratroopers shoot from machine guns.

Fighters discharge weapons, put on fuses.

Soldiers run across a concrete training ground, get down on one knee, shoot from machine guns.

The machine gunner takes a lying position, shoots.

A fighter shoots with a sniper rifle.

The machine gunner is aiming.

The paratroopers stand in pairs.

Platoon commander Lieutenant Ivan Viktorovich Osipov talks about his decision to become a Marine, career growth, the prospect of getting housing, teams during exercises, paratrooper equipment, work with a field radio station.

Paratrooper equipment: body armor, unloading, gas mask, tablet, radio station, weapons.

The side and blades of the propellers of a small landing craft on an air cushion.



Shooting locations:

The Republic of Dagestan

Scene №9 Dormitory for contract servicemen and families of officers of the 77th Separate Guards Brigade of the Russian Navy Marine Corps

A dormitory for contract servicemen and families of officers of the 77th Separate Guards Brigade of the Russian Navy Marine Corps.

The mechanic-driver Mikhail Sergeyevich Bychkovich from Novosibirsk shows a room in a dormitory for contract servicemen, talks about living conditions, daily routine, battalion exercises, leisure, advantages of service under contract, service in the Marine Corps.

The furniture of the room, shoes in the hallway, sinks, shower.

Lieutenant Ivan Osipov with his wife Tatiana in their dorm room.

Tatiana talks about waiting for official housing, living conditions, daily routine and leisure.

Ivan talks about the lack of work for his wife.

Lieutenant Yulia Slepenkova's wife talks about family life in a dormitory for military personnel.

Stuffed toys on the sofa.

Iron, scissors, keys and phone on the table.



Shooting locations:

The Republic of Dagestan

Scene №10 Garrison of the 102nd Russian military base, Gyumri

Deputy commander of the anti-aircraft missile regiment Lieutenant Colonel Platonov Alexey Yuryevich about the goals and objectives of the regiment located on the territory of the 102nd Russian military base.

A.Y. Platonov talks about the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system and the 2K12 "Cube" missile system, which are on combat duty, talks about cooperation with the Armenian military on border protection.

General view of the 2K12 "Cube" anti-aircraft missile system.

Self-propelled reconnaissance and guidance unit 1S91 with radar.

The flags of Russia and Armenia are fluttering in the wind.

Information board "Powers of the air defense forces".



Shooting locations:


Scene №11 School No. 19 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Gyumri

The director of school No. 19 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in Gyumri, Shiroyan Semyon Akopovich, talks about his work at the school since 1994, the educational process, the educational activities of teachers, constant communication with the parents of students, sports training of schoolchildren.

Students in the classroom.

Biology lesson.

The faces of the students.

Girls at a home economics lesson (knitting, embroidery, applique).

A boy at the blackboard, a Russian language lesson.

Children answer the teacher's questions, raise their hands.

Students at recess in the corridor.

The layout of the fortress.

Portraits of Russian military leaders (drawings of children).

Elementary school students in full dress uniform.

Classes in the computer classroom.

Drawings of children in chess class.

Panel on the wall.

Painted portraits of Tolstoy and Gogol.

A number of aquariums with fish.

View of the school from the main entrance.

Military camp, houses and playground, parents with children.



Shooting locations:


Scene №12 Firing range from divisional self-propelled howitzers 2S19 "Msta-S" 152-mm

The smoke from the shell explosion rises above the landfill.

Soldiers at a self-propelled howitzer.

Soldiers at the stands with indicators.

View of the polygon.

Gunshots, explosions in the field, smoke.

Calculation next to the howitzer.

Different types of polygon.

Soldiers stack boxes of ammunition next to the howitzer, a truck pulls up.

Soldiers run to the truck.

The crew near the howitzer listens to the commander.

The fighters climb into the howitzer tower.

General view of the landfill, trucks and tent.

Gunshots, explosions at the landfill, smoke.

The calculation comes out of the howitzer, is being built.

Soldiers load the gun.

Shots, explosions, smoke over the landfill.

Gunners near the DMK-01 weather instrument in a metal case, take readings from sensors, make calculations.

Anemometer (wind sensor of the wing type).

Compass, pencil, calculator.

The spotter looks at the table in the book.

The commanders are conferring.

A shot from a gun.

Fighters carry boxes of ammunition on their shoulders.

The colonel at the training ground talks about missile troops and artillery, a training center for training junior specialists and gun commanders of various classifications, training stages and exams.

Soldiers unload ammunition; a stack of boxes.

Three self-propelled howitzers are in the trenches.

A fighter in a helmet at the stand.

The soldier opens the box, shows the projectile to the operator.

The commander of the 2S19 gun, Sergeant Fetlugin Evgeny Alexandrovich, talks about the correct handling of ammunition, safety precautions, and checking before firing.

Soldiers are sorting boxes with shells.

The turret and barrel of the 2C19 gun.

View of a self-propelled howitzer from the front.

On command, the calculation takes places in the howitzer.

The lieutenant looks through binoculars, reports the landmarks of the target.

The soldier takes the shell from the box, carries it to the howitzer, inserts it into the opening of the conveyor.

The lieutenant waves a red flag, commands "Fire!"

The howitzer shoots.

View of the howitzer from the front, the fighters climb inside.

The middle plan: the fighters take their places in the howitzer.

The howitzer turret turns, the gun barrel rises and falls.



Scene №13 Outpost named after Krainov F.E.

In the museum of the outpost, the lieutenant tells about Chinese poachers crossing the border to collect ginseng root and fern and hunt rare animals, shows seized sticks, scales, traps, weapons, etc.

Natural landscapes.

A border patrol with a dog is walking along the river bank.

The officer looks through binoculars.

Shepherd and guide.

Bottom view of a guide with a dog and an officer with binoculars.

Border guards squat or kneel, freeze under the trees, alternately go to the water (shooting from different angles).

The patrol is walking along the shore, the dog is looking for a trace.

The conductor stops, gives a signal, the officer looks through binoculars.

Border guards crouch with automatic weapons at the ready.

The shepherd dog walks on the water, swims, gets out on the shore.

Viktor A. Chursin, a member of the voluntary people's squad, talks about helping border guards, the activities of Chinese poachers on the territory of Russia, the experience of calculating poachers, meetings with wild animals in the forest.

A wagtail runs by the water.

River, hills, smoke over trees, rocky shore, current.

Chursin V.A. advises border guards the route of circumvention.

Two-storey building on the territory of the outpost.

The border guards run out of the building, get into the UAZ car, drive away.

The head of the outpost, Captain Bondarov Viktor Nikolaevich, talks about the detention of violators, the number of detainees recently, the experience gained in detaining criminals; all border guards serve at the outpost under contract.



Shooting locations:

Primorsky Krai

Scene №14 Women's platoon of cadets of the Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great

Female cadets at the Academy museum at a lecture on the history of rocket science in the USSR.

Samples of missiles.

The colonel-lecturer communicates with the cadets, talks about missiles, about famous Soviet scientists.

View of the hall from above.

Rockets and rocket engines (details).

Female cadets.

The group leaves after the lecture ends.

Classes on the parade ground, cadets disassemble equipment.

A line of girls, machine guns and equipment are lying on the ground.

On command, the cadets equip themselves, arm themselves, march to the bus, go inside.

After getting off the bus, the cadets form a column.

A column with a song marches along the road to the shooting range.

The department according to the regulations welcomes the lieutenant.

Cadets in combat positions are preparing for shooting

The girl prepares a place for shooting, answers the correspondent's questions about the studies and the course of the young fighter.

The cadets approach the observation tower.

The soldier on the tower.

The deputy head of the Faculty for educational work of the Academy of the RVSN, Colonel Guryanov Vladimir Alekseevich, talks about the resumption of recruitment of girls to the academy, a competition for admission, the service of graduates in the missile forces, the desire of women to study at the academy, distribution to military units after graduation.

The girls go to the shooting.

The soldier on the tower.

Cadets are loading automatic magazines.

Kalashnikov assault rifle on a tarpaulin.

A line of cadets, briefing before shooting.

The girls take up positions on the shooting range, load and discharge automatic weapons on command, report readiness, shoot in a prone position.

The cadets report on the end of the shooting, put the automatic rifles on the safety, take out the magazines, collect the casings.

The girls get up, put on their submachine guns, and run away to another point on command.

A machine gun, a bowler hat and a duffel bag against a brick wall.

Formation of cadets.

Girls shoot in a prone position.



Shooting locations:

Moscow region

Scene №15 Ryazan Institute of Airborne Troops

Ryazan Institute of Airborne Troops, exams, expulsion, tent camp.

A battle canvas on the wall of the auditorium.

Entrance written exam, applicants at their desks.

A battle canvas depicting a parachute landing on the wall of the auditorium.

Cadets at their desks.

The cadet passes an exam on parachute training (parachute device, assignment of parts), answers the colonel's questions.

The parachutes are spread out on the floor.

Details of equipment on the tables.

Cadets at their desks.

Information stands on the wall.

The cadet answers the questions of the examination ticket.

The expelled applicants are in the ranks, next to bags with things.

The officer reads out the names of the expelled, informs about the order of departure from the training center and the rules of conduct.

The expelled guys go to the checkpoint in a column.

The guys are marching out of the gate, walking along the road.

The senior lieutenant gives instructions on how to get to the bus station.

The young men on the move answer the correspondent's questions about the reasons for the expulsion and future plans.

Applicants are returning from picking berries.

The attendant opens and closes the gate.

Morning jog.

On command, applicants run to the tents.

The young men wash their faces, brush their teeth, cut glasses out of plastic bottles, and leave the tents.

The system of applicants, the captain explains the task of collecting wild berries.



Shooting locations:

Ryazan region

Scene №16 The crew about the BMP landing, part 1

The lieutenant colonel explains the laying of the BMP parachutes.

Soldiers are laying parachutes in the field.

The paratrooper officer shows the connections of the parachute lines with links, talks about the landing of the BMP, about universal seats for crew members in the cockpit.

The fighter gets into the BMP, buckles himself in.



Scene №17 The crew about the BMP landing, part 2

The fighter sits in the BMP, buckles on the universal seat.

Paratroopers talk about the sensations at the moment of landing of the BMP.

The BMP is in the field.

The crew leaves the BMP, builds next to the car.

The crew is walking across the field.

Two BMPs are driving across the field.

The crew near the Volga car marks a soft landing, drink from mugs, have a snack.



Scene №18 Installation of the bust of Peter I on the territory of the main military hospital named after N.N. Burdenko

Installation of the bust of Peter I on the territory of the main military hospital named after N.N. Burdenko.

Granite slab with the decree of Peter I on the construction of the hospital.

Decoration of the lobby in the hospital administration: a bronze bust of Peter I, flags of Russia and the Navy.

A sign at the entrance to the building "The Main Military Clinical Hospital named after Academician N.N. Burdenko".

View of the hospital building.

The territory of the hospital, the temple.

The cross on the dome of the temple.

A truck with an arrow, a packed bust in the back.

Workers lift the bust with an arrow and carry it to the pedestal.

Installation of the bust on a pedestal.

Doctors in white coats.

Workers remove the foam packaging from the bust.

Gilded bust of Peter I.



Shooting locations:


Chronicle Topics

MonumentsCulture and Arts

Scene №19 190th Military School of Cooks, Naro-Fominsk

Educational kitchen.

Cadet baker Gorelov Alexander Sergeevich talks about training cadets in the profession of a baker-cook of the third category and preliminary classes.

Cadets use special brushes to lubricate baking molds with oil.

Gorelov A.S. talks about the methods of making bread and working with a dough mixer.

Gorelov A.S. checks the consistency of the dough.

The dough is in the tank, the cadets check the consistency.

The faces of the cadets.

Gorelov A.S. talks about serving in the army, studying at the school of cooks, the profession of a baker, working as a senior baker at school.

Cadets at their desks, the theoretical part of classes.

Lieutenant Mikheev Vladimir Vladimirovich in the bakery talks about the process of making bread, shows two units for sifting flour, an automatic dough dividing unit, a proofing cabinet, a baking oven.

The unit for sifting flour.

Plates with the names of the equipment and instructions.

Cadets transport a tank of dough to the bakery.

The dough separating unit is lubricated with oil.

Under the guidance of A.S. Gorelov, the cadets load the dough into the unit.

Control weighing of the first portion.

Working with the unit: cadets load the dough into the hopper, then into bread baking molds.

Baking molds with dough on the rack.

The chef-teacher conducts a lesson in the cutting shop, the topic is the primary processing of fish (cleaning, cutting for different dishes, cooking fillets).

Plates with pieces of fish.

Under the supervision of the teacher, the cadets clean the fish, cut off the fins and tails, wash and butcher the fish.

Senior cooking instructor Nikolai Grigoryevich Carvers talks about his title of master chef, about working as a cook and teacher.



Shooting locations:

Moscow region

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