Footage №103691, 6 footages, Duration: 3:16:01

Scene №1 Open competition of special Forces sniper units

Snipers are preparing for competitions at the training ground.

A man measures the wind speed with an anemometer with an impeller.

A participant with a sniper rifle goes to the shooting site.

Men put supports for shooting lying down and attach weapons.

The shooter looks into the optical sight of the rifle.

Panorama of the shooting range.

Sniper rifle on a support.

Targets on the range.

Rifles on supports.

A man measures the wind speed with an anemometer.

The participant prepares for shooting, looks through the sight.

The barrel of the rifle.

The arrows are in position.

Assistants look into monoculars on tripods.

Participants shoot at targets.

Anemometer with an impeller on a tripod.

Sniper rifle on a support.

A truck is driving through the landfill.

Barrels of the MC-116 and SV-98 rifles.

The shooters take positions on the signal, the judges look into the monoculars.

The shooter pulls the trigger, the shot.

The participant corrects the optical sight of the rifle.

Barrels of shooting rifles.

The sniper looks into the optical sight, corrects the sight, inserts a cartridge, shoots.

View of an assistant with a monocular and an arrow.

At the end of the shooting, the snipers leave their positions.

The head of the competition, Colonel Alexander Gennadievich Zulgarov, talks about the military specialty "sniper", the competition of sniper pairs, Russian sniper weapons, shooting distances at competitions and technical controls.

The shooters communicate.

The sniper adjusts the rifle sight.

Participants in the positions are preparing for shooting.

The assistant looks into the monocular.

Participants adjust optical sights, shoot.

View of the shooting area and participants.

The assistant communicates with the sniper.



Scene №2 Annual championship of the Arsenal Martial Arts Club in hand-to-hand combat

Gusarov Sergey Arkadyevich talks about the main directions of the Arsenal martial arts club, annual championships, participation in competitions of 8 clubs, lists the types of martial arts.

Gusarov S.A. about the traditions of the club, continuity and work of the club members in the security forces, about instructors and coaches who are active employees of internal security agencies with pedagogical and sports education.

Gusarov S.A. informs that children's competitions are dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the formation of the security service of the President of the Russian Federation.

The boys hold a kickboxing match.

The boy hits the boxing bag.

Judges at the table.

A photographer with a camera.


The judge rings the bell.

Young men hold a kickboxing match.

The referee watches the match, announces the score into the microphone.

A young man with a patch on his eyebrows.

Medals on the table.

Gusarov S.A. communicates with the judges.

Participants place a podium.

Preparation for awarding the winners.

Gusarov S.A. reads and signs the document.

Athletes applaud.

The faces of the athletes.

General view of the sports hall with an honorary pedestal.

The winners of the competitions are announced.

Award ceremony, presentation of medals, diplomas and gifts.

Boys on a pedestal.

Parents take pictures of children.

A woman looks at her son's gifts.

Boys with medals.

Presentation of invitations to the New Year's tree in the Kremlin.

Certificates of honor.

The anthem of Russia sounds.

A woman with two sons-winners of competitions.

The mother talks about the family's decision to give their sons Ilya and Kirill to the hand-to-hand combat section.

Ilya and Kirill talk about duels at home and in the martial arts club.

Mother and children about military service.

Brothers about studying at a cadet school and playing sports.

Mother about the coaches of the Arsenal club.


Gusarov S.A. - President of the Kremlin Martial Arts Club "Arsenal", an employee of the presidential security service, colonel.



Scene №3 Sapper's path, exercises

Sappers with mine detectors are walking through the snow, looking for mines, piercing the snow with a probe.

The search element of the mine detector above the ground.

A sapper with a hand-held mine detector NR-900 EK "Kite" walks along the road, raises his hand, squats, the sappers following him also squat on the road (two takes).

A soldier hooks a climbing hook with a rope to a car tire lying on the ground, shifts the tire, cotton (imitation of an explosion).

A tire with a climbing hook and a dummy mine.

A minesweeper with a "Kite" mine detector walks along the road, raises his hand, crouches, points the direction with his hand, commands "Forward".

A soldier with a mine detector checks the specified place, finds a mine, raises his hand.

The decoration of the bus stop at the landfill, a canister next to the shop.

Sappers with a mine detector and a probe approach the stop.

A soldier with a mine detector "Kite" notices a mine, squats, raises his hand.

The sapper sticks a climbing hook into the ground, wraps a canister with a rope, unwinds the end of the rope, departs.

A canister, a hook with a rope next to it, a dummy anti-tank missile on a bench.

The rope is stretched, the canister falls, an imitation of an explosion.

A canister, next to a hook with a rope.

The soldiers are squatting, one of them is pulling a rope, everyone is ducking their heads.

A sapper with a mine detector "Kite" goes to the bridge, raises his hand, crouches at the barrier.

A mined barrier post.

Wires on the ground.

A hand with a mine detector.

A soldier with a mine detector is walking slowly along the road, next to a barrier.

The search element of the mine detector over the snow.

Sappers with mine detectors are walking along the road, a sapper with a radar stops, squats, raises his hand.

Soldiers with a mine detector and a probe stop and crouch.

An explosion in the forest, a soldier crouches.

The soldier hooks the door of the kiosk with a climbing hook with a rope, unwinds the rope, pulls, the door opens, an explosion in the forest.

The mine fuse button is attached to the kiosk door.

Sappers with mine detectors are walking along the road.

A soldier with a probe checks the ground and snow near a wooden bridge.

A hook with a rope lifts a board on the bridge, under it lies a dummy mine with wires.

The soldier next to the decoration of the house departs, an explosion is heard in the forest.

The soldier in the decoration of the house hooks the locker door with a rope, unwinds the rope, leaves, the door opens.

The soldier climbs over the fence, checks the snow with a probe.

Explosion behind the fence of the house.

Road sign "STOP".

The correspondent goes with the soldiers on the road and talks about the path of the sapper (several takes).

Explosions in the snow at the edge of the forest and near the bridge.

Sappers are standing on the road.



Scene №4 Sappers in the classroom at the training center

Cadets in the classroom stand up, greet the teacher.

The teacher announces the topic of the lesson "Antipersonnel mines of the Russian Federation and fuses".

On the screen there are photos and a diagram of the OZM - 72 mine, the teacher talks about the technical characteristics of the mine.

The faces of the cadets.

Video projector on the table.

Cadets record a lecture.

General view of the class, cadets at their desks, the teacher at the blackboard.

Viktor Petrovich Doroshenko, head of the training cycle for specialists in clearing areas and objects from explosive objects, talks about a lecture on anti-personnel mines, theoretical and practical classes on mine clearance.

Doroshenko V.P. about the amount of information about explosive devices that cadets receive during training.

Stands with photos of mines and explosive devices.

Dummy mines TM-62M, OZM -72, MON-50 in the showcase.

The inscription on the mine MON-50 "To the enemy".

The teacher talks about the protective suit of the sapper "Doubloon" for carrying out mine clearance work, points to the equipment of the suit, talks about the technical characteristics.

The "Doubloon" sapper costume from different angles.

Technical information for the costume "Doubloon" OZPS-02.

Cadets at their desks.

The officer shows the cadets the mine detector NR-900 EK "Kite", tells about its completeness.

The cadet puts on a satchel with a charger and a signal processing unit, takes a block with a search element in his hand.

The teacher points at the mine detector display with a pointer, talks about the readings on the screen, about the possibility of detecting radio devices turned off by the mine detector, points to the components of the NR-900 EK "Kite" kit, talks about technical characteristics.

Close-up: the display of the device NR-900 EK "Kite" with indicators and buttons.

On the computer screen, an educational film "Engineering mines of the Russian Federation" and animated videos with diagrams of mines.



Scene №5 Dog Training Center

The gate with the inscription "Breeding nursery".

An administrative building and a doghouse on the site.

The soldier comes out of the door with a sign "Class 4".

Dog houses with inscriptions "Justa 2004", "Pali 2002".

4 dog houses on the playground.

Aviary with a sign "Alice, Aegis, Eliza", shepherds behind bars.

Dogs in aviaries.

A soldier in the kitchen talks about feeding dogs, shows numbered feeders, talks about the diet.

A soldier cooks vegetable porridge for adult animals, dairy porridge for puppies, tells how many times a day animals are fed.

Cauldrons with porridge on the stove.

An axe and a piece of meat.

A stand with kitchen equipment.

Soldiers in the classroom listen to a teacher with the rank of captain talking about the use of dogs in the army.

A teacher with a pointer at a stand with photos.

Soldiers listen to a lecture, make notes in notebooks.

A female dog handler brings a puppy into the vet's office for examination.

Veterinary paramedic Junior Sergeant Libenyuk Artem Gennadievich examines the puppy's teeth and ears, wipes the dog's ear with cotton wool.

The veterinarian says that every morning all the dogs of the kennel are examined to prevent mass diseases.

The veterinarian after the examination states that the dog's condition is good, advises adding vitamins to the diet.

The veterinarian talks about skin diseases of dogs in humid climates and reports that almost all animal diseases can be cured in a kennel, as well as operations.

A shepherd puppy looks into the camera.

Medicine cabinet.

Microscope and medical clips on the table.

A woman with a puppy in her arms walks through the territory, enters the infirmary.

Dogs in aviaries.

The sign "Yanka 2005", a shepherd dog behind bars.

Shepherd puppies on straw.

In the aviary, the puppies caress the soldier.

A sign with the names of dogs "Golden Eagle, Borman, Bes, Bim, Baikal".

A puppy in a cage.

The head of the cynological center, Captain Denichenko Zoya Ivanovna, talks about a shepherd puppy named Gert, whom she holds in her arms.

The door with the sign "Maternity".

Dog handlers at aviaries with dogs.

The soldier enters the aviary, fastens the leash to the dog's collar, goes out.

The soldier combs the dog.

Dogs in aviaries with signs "Juno 2007", "Flora 2007".

The colonel talks about the military equipment of the dog handler and dogs, shows items on the stand.

A sign with a list of special equipment and inventory.

Collars and leashes on the stand.

A shepherd dog with puppies in an aviary.

A sign on the aviary "Yassi, German Shepherd".

Dog training ground.

The person involved in a special suit fights off the Rottweiler, the dog handler pulls the dog away from the person involved.

Two Rottweilers chase the person involved, cling to the sleeves of the special suit, dog handlers pull the dogs aside.



Scene №6 Joint exercises of soldiers of India and Russia

At the training ground, a delegation of the Indian Armed forces led by Major General JJ Singh communicates through an interpreter with Russian paratrooper officers before the start of joint exercises.

The Russian officer talks about the location of objects at the training ground, the locations of military personnel of the two countries and the start time of the exercises.

Soldiers walk across the field.

The trunks of an anti-aircraft installation camouflaged in the bushes.

An army tent in the bushes.

Shooting and smoke in the woods near the tent.

Scouts in camouflage hide in bushes and grass.

Singh, Indian and Russian officers are watching the exercises, listening to comments through an interpreter.

A platoon of scouts is being built at the training ground.

Singh makes a speech in front of the military formation, talks about the excellent work of the fighters at the exercises, congratulates, hands the soldiers a watch as a gift, shakes hands.

Singh communicates with Russian soldiers, shakes hands.

Indian and Russian military are watching the exercises of paratroopers in the shooting range maze.

Panorama of the training ground with simulators and an obstacle course.

Two-storey panel building for training.

The skeleton of a truck.

Smoke screen at the landfill.

Concrete pool with water.

Paratroopers climb ropes on the simulator "wall".

Fighters with machine guns are swimming in the pool, climbing ladders to land, crawling like a plast.

A detachment of soldiers is crawling in a roadside ditch.

A fighter with a machine gun jumps into the pool, swims.

Soldiers take up a position in a ditch on the side of the road.

The fighter jumps into the well.

Overcoming metal structures with a rope.

A shootout from an automatic weapon.

A fighter shoots from a platform on a metal structure.

Smoke over the landfill, gunshots.

The fighters run up to the two-story house, one of them climbs up the pole into the window opening of the second floor.

Soldiers shoot, storm the house, climb into the windows.

A shootout near the army tents.

A soldier moves along a cable from one metal structure to another.

A smoke screen at the army tents and a powerful explosion.

Smoke over the field.

A fighter carries a "wounded" comrade on his shoulders.

The stretcher goes down the rope, the soldiers take the "wounded" on the ground.


JJ Singh is the Chief of Staff of the Indian Army.



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