Footage №103745, 10 footages, Duration: 5:01:23

Scene №1 7th Guards Airborne Assault Division, Airborne Championship competitions, Novorossiysk

View of the runway from the cockpit of the IL-76MD during landing.

The pilot opens the door of the aircraft, lowers the metal ladder.

Information for the military and passengers sounds in the cabin of the aircraft.

Servicemen descend the ramp to the airfield.

Two soldiers carry a box with the inscription "military".

Soldiers unload the plane.

IL-76MD at the airfield.

The cargo compartment of the aircraft is closing.

Paratroopers manually roll the plane to the parking lot.

The plane's side and the cockpit.

On the parade ground, a brass band plays the anthem of Russia.

Ranks of paratroopers with signs of military units.

A stand with the inscription "Handsome in the ranks - strong in battle."

Colonel Sirota reports on the formation of the personnel of the participating teams for the Airborne Forces championship among reconnaissance platoons and groups for tactical and special training.

View of the parade ground and ranks of soldiers.

The faces of the paratroopers in the ranks.

Raising the flag of Russia, the orchestra plays the anthem of Russia.

Ranks of soldiers.

The priest on the podium makes a speech.

The logo on the stand of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Airborne Military Intelligence.

The head of the competition, Valery Adamovich Yakhnovets, makes a speech.

The flag of Russia and the face of a soldier in a blue beret.

A minute of silence, a panorama of the construction.

The orchestra plays the anthem of Russia.

The monument with the inscriptions "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten", "225 legendary days".

Soldiers march past the podium.

A banner above the podium "The best participate - the strongest will win".

The flag of Russia and the face of a soldier in a blue beret.

The orchestra is playing a march.

Father Yevgeny talks about working with paratroopers, military service of a Christian, about the feat of the liberators of Novorossiysk from the Fascist invaders, wishes good luck to the participants of the competition.

Paratroopers on the parade ground disassemble ammunition.

Weapons and ammunition of soldiers are lying on the asphalt.

Paratroopers check radios, carry a box.

Soldiers are being formed in platoons at the training ground.

A banner "Greetings to the participants of the competition", with soldiers running in the background.

A soldier carries a wooden box on his back.

A group of soldiers listens to the commander.

Fighters overcome obstacles on the training ground.

Soldiers pump the press.

The stand "Above the banner of army sports".

Competitions on the crossbar, fighters pull up, perform coups.

View of the playground with horizontal bars, fighters and judges.

The faces of the soldiers, the fighter performs coups on the crossbar.

Comments of the judge.

A soldier talks about fatigue after performing coups.

Paratroopers in maroon berets.

The judge covers his eyes from the sun with his palm.


V.A. Yakhnovets - Head of Airborne Intelligence, Deputy Chief of the Airborne Staff, Colonel.



Shooting locations

Krasnodar region

Scene №2 Airborne dog handlers, dog training, kennel

The officer holds a Caucasian shepherd puppy in his arms, talks about his decision to become a dog handler, work experience, raising dogs, contract service, getting an apartment.

Caucasian Shepherd puppy, badges on the tunic.

The officer talks about the chevron and the Military Patrol armband, working with dogs in a cordon on city holidays and patrolling, about breeding dogs.

A training ground for dogs.

A dog handler with a shepherd dog on a leash.

Working out the detention of the violator.

The senior ensign talks about training a dog to detain a criminal in a frontal attack, evaluates the work of the dog and the person involved after training (several takes).

The officer deals with the person involved with the mistakes of the dog handler during training.

Working out the detention of the violator (several takes).

The senior ensign talks about the independent work of the dog without the presence of the owner, shows the exercise to the person involved to coordinate movements, demonstrates the work with a rubber stack, tells about the actions of the person involved during training.

The senior ensign in the role of the person involved fulfills the detention (several takes).

The correspondent in the role of the person involved fulfills the attack of the dog, talks about working with a sleeve and a stack (several takes).

The dog handler and his assistants teach the dog to climb the ladder to the log and descend (several takes).

Senior Warrant Officer Grigory Alekseevich talks about the training of mine-search dogs and the use of dogs during military operations in Chechnya.

Grigory Alekseevich about the kennel, dog handler teams, past exercises, his work in hot spots.



Shooting locations

Pskov region

Scene №3 Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov at military exercises

Sergey Ivanov talks to journalists.

Maneuvers at the training ground, movement and shooting of infantry fighting vehicles and infantry, the work of tactical missile systems "Tochka-U".

Ivanov S.B. awards officers, thanks soldiers for their service, wishes success.

Movement and operation of Buk-M2 anti-aircraft missile systems.

S.B. Ivanov is talking to officers.

Ivanov S.B. awards officers.

The officer presents a memorable gift to S.B. Ivanov - a model of the Buk-M2 fire installation.

S.B. Ivanov thanks the soldiers for their service.


Ivanov S.B. - Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.



Scene №4 The town of service dogs in / h 3660, Novocherkassk

The cynologist-judge talks about the preparation of dogs for the performance of aportirovki, lists the stages and rules of the training cycle, commands the cynologist to proceed with the reception.

Execution of the "aport" command for evaluation.

The correspondent tries to take the stick from the dog, talks about her age, the dog's performance of the "aport" command.

The dog handler takes the stick from the dog.

The correspondent throws the stick, at the command of the dog handler, the dog picks up the stick and returns it to the owner.

The dog handler talks about training and the food reflex (encouraging dogs with a treat for correctly executed commands).

The dog handler's assistants are hiding in shelters at the training ground.

Working out the "search" command.

Cadet Ivan on the site talks about the standards of search and search of the object, accrual and withdrawal of points at competitions.

The dog runs around the polygon, sniffing objects.

Ivan talks about his dog named Nora, studying at the institute, training the dog, his decision to become a dog handler, plans for the future, participation in competitions, a difficult test of tracking work with a dog, dog loyalty to the owner, the use of service dogs during the war in Chechnya.

The cadet strokes the dog.

Ivan advises conscripts to become military dog handlers.



Shooting locations

Rostov region

Scene №5 Interview of a WWII veteran about the fight against fascists

WWII veteran, former Belarusian partisan Maxim Davydovich talks about his childhood and about working as a scout behind enemy lines.

The veteran talks about the struggle of the partisans with the Nazi occupiers and the "Vlasovtsy".

Orders and medals on the chest of a veteran.

Maxim Davidovich shows the movement of partisan detachments on the map.

The book "Special Purpose Regiment" is in the hands of a veteran.

Maxim Davydovich talks about his repressed father, recalls his grandparents shot by the Nazis, shows photos of his parents.

Orders, medals, photographs, a certificate of honor signed by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, a photo of Lukashenko with veterans.



Chronicle Topics

VeteransSocial life

Scene №6 Mi-28N "Night Hunter" helicopter

The Mi-28N "Night Hunter" helicopter is standing on the site, next to the equipment, the propeller is rotating.

The helicopter moves along the airfield, turns around, rises into the air, freezes, turns around, flies backwards, sideways, flies away.

The Mi-28N flies over the trees.

Fire truck on the road.

Mi-28N flies over the houses.

Mi-8 helicopter in the parking lot.

The Mi-28N is landing.

Pilots in the helicopter cabins.

Mi-28N on the site, next to the technician, the screw rotates.

Tail rotor.

Rockets on helicopter suspensions.

The pilot is in the cockpit.

On the helicopter's propeller is a ball with a radar station (radar) "Crossbow".

Pilots in the helicopter cabins.

The Mi-28N is standing on the site, next to the equipment.

A technician on the helicopter body opens the casing, inspects the equipment.

The screws are rotating, the pilots are in the cabins of the helicopter, the technicians are inspecting the equipment.

The helicopter moves along the airfield, turns around, rises into the air, freezes, turns around, flies backwards, sideways, flies away.

The Mi-28N flies over the trees, performs circles, sits down on the platform.

Pilots in the helicopter cabins.

View of the helipad.



Scene №7 Conscription point, part 1

Conscripts are sitting on chairs in the corridor, waiting for a medical examination.

The young man is being examined by a dentist.

A conscript and a doctor in the corridor.

Examination by an otolaryngologist.

Examination by a neurologist

A conversation with a psychiatrist.

Examination by an optometrist.

The sign "Military Commissar of Krasnoselsky district - Deputy chairman of the draft commission Bogomolov Oleg Alexandrovich, Colonel".

The officer invites Alexander Vladimirovich Panichkin, a conscript, to the office.

Panichkin A.V. reports on his arrival at the military commission, talks about his education, good health, positive attitude to military service, lack of criminal records.

The lieutenant colonel says that the conscript has a driver's license of category "D" and will serve in the army as a bus driver.

Panichkin A.V. says he wants to serve in the commandant's company.

Colonel Bogomolov informs that Panichkin A.V. is going to serve in the ground forces, the commandant's company.

Panichkin A.V. receives a summons, signs.

Members of the draft commission.

On the street, Panichkin A.V. talks about his education, getting a driver's profession of category "D", the desire to get into the commandant's regiment.

Panichkin A.V. walks down the street, enters the building of the recruiting office (several takes).

Colonel Bogomolov talks about the course of the autumn conscription campaign and conscripts, the cancellation of the second deferrals for students, the increase in the number of conscripts with higher education.

The lieutenant colonel spoke about the autumn conscription campaign, the cancellation of deferrals, the reduction of service life to one year, the increase in the draft plan, conscription awareness, the desire of Moscow youth to serve in the army, the shortage of drivers of category "D" for driving buses.



Shooting locations


Scene №8 The Central House of Aviation and Cosmonautics DOSAAF of Russia

On the street, a woman answers the question who is Yuri Gagarin.

The Major General in the hall of the museum of the Central House of Aviation and Cosmonautics tells about cosmonautics, Sergei Korolev, Yuri Gagarin, the five first cosmonauts, museum exhibits.

In the halls of aviation there are models of aircraft from the moment of the origin of aircraft construction to the present.

The first rocket engines, artificial Earth satellites, spacesuits, equipment, cosmonauts' food, etc. are exhibited in the halls of cosmonautics.

General view of the museum hall.

Portraits of astronauts: Titov G.S., Nikolaev A.G., Popovich P.R.

A model of the Vostok spacecraft.

The model of the scientific module "Quantum" of the Mir orbital station.

The rescue spacesuit of the cosmonaut "Sokol-K".

Chevron on the sleeve "USSR".

Pressure sensor on the sleeve of the suit.

Stands with photos of satellites, astronauts, scientists and engineers.

A mannequin in a red spacesuit with the inscription "USSR" on the helmet.

Showcase "Elements of the cosmonauts' life support system" with food and things.

Food for astronauts in special packages.

The cylinder and the plate "TEAK solid-state oxygen source".

The cabin of the ship "Buran": dashboard, chair, steering wheel.

Bust of Gagarin Yu.A.

A spaceship with a container to accommodate a dog.

Sculpture of a dog and a container with a sign.

Model of the first Soviet artificial satellite of the Earth.

Stands with photos of astronauts and satellites.

The museum building, there is a descent vehicle of the Vostok ship at the entrance.



Shooting locations


Scene №9 Conscription point, part 2

An employee of the military enlistment office fills out the documents of Panichkin Alexander Vladimirovich and gives the conscript a military ID.

Personal file of Panichkin A.V.

A sign on the building "Recruiting office".

People come out of doors.

Vera Petrovna Prudnikova, deputy head of the Basmanny district Council for Social Affairs, talks about the work of the council together with the military enlistment office to send residents of the Basmanny district of Moscow to serve in the presidential regiment, including conscripts A. Panichkin and S. Evseev.

Prudnikova V.P. tells about the good tradition of the departure of the employees of the administration to military units to meet with recruits.

On the square of the Kazan railway station, conscripts communicate with parents and friends.

Prudnikova V.P. says a parting word to the recruits.

Young people and employees of the military enlistment office listen to the speech of the deputy head of the Basmanny district council, receive watches and gifts.

The military shakes hands with recruits.

A.V. Panichkin, a rookie, talks about his passion for motorsport, extreme driving, and a positive attitude to serving in the army.

Panichkin's parents say they are very happy for their son and are proud of him.

The recruits say goodbye to their parents and friends, get into the Zhiguli car, and leave.

The lieutenant colonel addresses the conscripts, says that the farewell is over, commands them to get into the car to be sent to the assembly point.

Panichkin's brother says that he is happy for Alexander, who got into the commandant's regiment, about his passion for motorsport, good character, wishes good service and career growth in the future in the civil service.

Panichkin's sister is proud of her brother, who independently decided to serve in the army.

Panichkin's mother A. speaks about her son's passion for technology and cars from an early age, his independent decision to serve in the commandant's regiment, wishes his son excellent service.



Shooting locations


Scene №10 The first all-Army professional competition of military (naval) psychologists

The grand opening of the first all-Army professional competition of military (naval) psychologists at the cultural center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The lieutenant colonel gives the floor to Lieutenant General Bashlakov Anatoly Alexandrovich.

Bashlakov A.A. makes a speech.

Finalists of the competition: Guards captain of the Far Eastern Military District (v/o) Tikhomirova Elena Vladimirovna, Major of the space forces Maxim Vasilyevich Kolesov, senior lieutenant of the Leningrad v / o Orlova Tatiana Viktorovna, major of the Moscow v /o Dudenkov Eduard Konstantinovich, senior lieutenant of the Department of the Chief of Communications of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Vetvichenko (or Vitchenko, pronounces unintelligible) Mikhail Alexandrovich, guards captain of the Volga-Ural v/o Karpova Elena Anatolyevna, captain of the RVSN Trofimov Evgeny Igorevich, psychologist from the Siberian v/ o Vlasova Marina Yuryevna, Guards Major of the North Caucasian v/o Bugaev Vyacheslav Evgenievich, captain of the 2nd rank of the Northern Fleet Nechaev Sergey Alexandrovich, Major of the Pacific Fleet Ksenia Igorevna Sudyarova, Guards Captain of the Airborne Kruglova Irina Evgenievna, Lieutenant Colonel of the Air Force Druzhinin Mikhail Viktorovich, major of the Baltic Fleet Kovtun Tatiana Faridovna, lieutenant Commander of the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Vanina Yana Vladimirovna, Captain of the 3rd rank of the Black Sea Fleet Kozlov Viktor Ivanovich, Captain of the Navy Magurin Viktor Evgenievich, senior Lieutenant of the Main Directorate of the General Staff Pivovarov (no, but he says it unintelligibly) Valentina Vladimirovna.

Jury members: Korchemny Pyotr Antonovich, Endrzheevsky Anatoly Alfredovich, Bogachev Vadim Vyacheslavovich, Savich Vadim Vitalievich, Beskorovayny Felix Ivanovich, Kuryak Valentin Ivanovich, Kruk Vladimir Mikhailovich, Gubanova Tatiana Vladimirovna.

The chairman of the jury Korchemny P.A. makes a speech.

The contestants sort the exam tickets from the table.

People communicate in the hall during the break, journalists interview the participants.


Bashlakov A.A. - Head of the Main Department of Educational Work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Korchemny P.A. - Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

Endrzheevsky A.A. - Head of the Department of Moral and psychological support of the DGSK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Colonel.

Bogachev V.V. - Head of the group of departments for psychological work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel.

Savich V.V. - Head of the group of the Psychological work Department of the Main Directorate for Work with Personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel.

Beskorovayny F.I. - Deputy Chairman of the Council on Organizational Issues of the OOOF of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

V.M. Kruk is a leading consultant of the department of organization of psychological work of the Department of Organization of Moral and Psychological Support of the DGSK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.



Shooting locations


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