Daily News / A Chronicle of the day №30-1959 (1959)

Newsreel №10724, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:02 Black-white
Kulagina K.
Camera operators:
Kiselev V., Khodyakov V., Zemcov G., Usanov V., Makeev B., Mikosha V., Pankin L., Maksimov L., Solovev N., Fedyaev E., Akkuratov E., Khodyakov V.


Different subjects.


City of Moscow. Meeting in the hall of the Palace of Sport in Luzhniki, on his return from Poland, the Soviet Party and government delegation. At the podium: AI Mikoyan, Voroshilov, Brezhnev, Khrushchev, EA Furtseva and others. Come out with greetings to the workers, farmers, youth. Stands Khrushchev. The city of Yerevan. Inaugural Meeting of the Armenian SSR awarding the Order of Lenin. Voroshilov presents the Order of the representatives of the republic. Speakers: Voroshilov, VA Ambartsumian, SA Tovmasyan. Poland. City of Warsaw. Celebrations to mark the 15 th anniversary of the proclamation of people's power in Poland. Military parade, the parade of athletes at area parades. The podium leaders of Poland, Khrushchev. City of Moscow. American National Exhibition. Visiting the exhibition: Khrushchev, Voroshilov, Richard Nixon. The opening ceremony of the exhibition. Speakers: L. Thompson, G. McClellan, Khrushchev, Richard Nixon. The audience at the exhibition. USA. City of New York. Exhibition of Achievements of the Soviet Union in the field of science, technology and culture in the exhibition hall, Coliseum. Scope of Exhibits: Machine tools, layout of the Tu-114, marine equipment industries. Hall exhibition. The people at the exhibits. Iraq. City of Baghdad. Meeting devoted to the organization of Iraqi society-Soviet friendship. Speaker: Ahmed Al Avkati, Podvigin. City of Moscow. Opening of the exhibition of contemporary Iraqi art at the Museum of Oriental Cultures. Pictures at an exhibition. Artist Abbo Faraj al-Numan in his paintings. The people at the exhibition. City of Moscow. Seeing in the city of Vienna, participants at the VII World Festival of Youth and Students. Leaves train.

Reel №1

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1. Moscow.

A meeting in the Palace of Sports in Luzhniki dedicated to the return of Poland by the Soviet party and government delegation.

At the podium: Mikoyan, Voroshilov, Brezhnev, Khrushchev, EA Furtseva and others.

Playing with greetings workers, farmers, youth.

Acts Khrushchev.

2. Yerevan.

Commemorative meeting of the Armenian SSR awarding the Order of Lenin.

Voroshilov presents the Order of the representatives of the Republic.

Speakers: Voroshilov, VA Ambartsumian, SA Tovmasyan.

3. Poland.


Celebrations to mark the 15th anniversary of the people's power in Poland.

The military parade, the parade of athletes at the Place d'Armes.

On the podium of the leaders of Poland, Khrushchev.

4. Moscow.

American National Exhibition.

Exhibition examining: Khrushchev, Voroshilov, Richard Nixon.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition.

Speakers: L. Thompson, G. McClellan, Khrushchev, Richard Nixon.

The audience at the show.

5. USA. The City of New York.

Exhibition of Achievements of the Soviet Union in the field of science, technology and culture in the exhibition hall "Coliseum".

Exhibits: Machine tools, layout of the Tu-114, marine equipment industries.

Exhibition hall.

The people at the exhibits.

6. Iraq.

City of Baghdad.

Meeting devoted to the organization of the Society Iraq-Soviet friendship.

Speaker: Ahmed Al Avkati, Podvigina.

7. Moscow.

Opening of the exhibition of contemporary art at the Museum of Iraq Eastern cultures.

Paintings at the exhibition.

Artist Faraj Abbo Al-Numan in his painting.

The people on the show.

8. Moscow.

Seeing in Vienna participants VII World Festival of Youth and Students.


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