Soviet warrior №5-1986 National holiday (1986)

Newsreel №14506, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:03 B/W
Kiselev S.
Camera operators:
Durnov K., Maev V., Osipov I., Semin V.


On the celebration of Victory Day.


Magazine dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day - 9th May.
Various photos of the Great Patriotic War.
Military photographer of Colonel A. Sergeev talking about himself, about his work (synchronous).
Veterans of the war at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow on Victory Day.
Soviet Army soldiers march past the Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin Wall.
War veteran, pilot LI Shulaykina and her family see photos from the family album. LI Shulaykina introduces himself (synchronously).
Footage of a military chronicle: are tanks, fly planes, with Soviet aircraft fired aerodrome; shoot "Katyusha", sailors on the ship, a military parade in Red Square in 1945.
Representatives of the Soviet leaders: Stalin, Mikhail Kalinin, Voroshilov, Molotov on the mausoleum.
Designer, one of the founders of rocket launchers, Popov considers military photos, talking to recruits.
Writer N. Afanasyev talking to recruits.
Member of the Victory Parade in Moscow in 1945, the Bulgarian People's Army general, three times Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Stoychev about himself (simultaneously in Bulgarian).
People dancing in the square near Gorky Park.
Gorky in

Reel №1

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Photos: Soldiers run to attack, are omitted Nazi banners at the parade, the soldiers have guns, photographer of the war, crossing, wounded soldiers, sailors, soldiers listen to a phonograph, a military cameraman, a celebration of the Victory Day in Poland, in Moscow.

Salute - LS.

Photo stand - MS., Hitting.

Photojournalist Colonel A. Sergeyev in the museum tells the story of the first celebration of Victory Day (synchronously) - CU.

Veterans of the war at the Bolshoi Theater - different., Removes AN Sergeev - CU.

Girl presents flowers to veterans - MS.

Veteran talks to young soldiers - CU.

Laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the honor guard at the tomb, the Eternal Flame - MS., CU.

At the grave are warlords, pass the guard of honor - CU., MS., PNRM.

Talking veterans, among them - a female sailor, Petty Officer 2nd article of the Northern Fleet, VP Poluden - CU., PNRM.

Former pilot LI Shulaykina with wartime comrades view photos, LI Shulaykina says Victory Day (synchronous) - MS., CU.

Photos Shulaykinoy - CU.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Are tanks, fly planes, shoot guns, explosions, shooting from aircraft.

Charge "Katyusha", shot "Katyusha" - from the land and from the ship, the sailors on the ship.

Victory parade: pass "Katyusha", guest tribune.

One of the founders of rocket launchers "Katyusha" AS Priests of the photos - CU., MS.

Photo: young Popov, the tank, the "Katyusha» - CU., NPL.

Designer Alexander Popov and writer NM Afanasyev talk with recruits - factory workers "Compressor" (Moscow), look for the battery Afanasiev book Captain Flerov - MS., CU.

Monument "Katyusha" on a pedestal, are conscripts, the honor guard at the monument, changing of the guard - different.

The boys lay flowers at the Eternal Flame - MS., CU.

AN AS Sergeev photographs Popov Hall - MS., Hitting.

Rewarding young Afghan war veterans: present applauded, stands Commissar - MS., Hitting.

Seeing recruits: a poster in the hall, "Good luck, dear soldiers!» - MS.

Smile recruits - CU.

Applaud the girls, the bureau - MS., LS., Hitting.

Removes AN Sergeyev.

Photos of the liberation of Bulgaria - MS., PNRM., NPL.

Photo: Soviet and Bulgarian command, Victory Day parade in 1945 - MS.

The participant of the Victory Day parade in 1945 in Moscow, the Bulgarian People's Army General Vladimir Stoychev (synchronously in Bulgarian) - CU.

Newsreel 1945:

KE Voroshilov, IV Stalin, MI Kalinin, VM Hammers on the mausoleum during the Victory Parade.

Pass fighters 3rd Ukrainian Front and the other troops.

Photo: tank man playing the piano around the tank - MS.

Veterans at the Central Park of Culture and Rest named after Maxim Gorky, people are dancing on the square - different.

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