XXVIII Congress of the Communist Party of the USSR (1990)

Footage №25611, 1 footage, Duration: 1:12:24

Scene №1 XXVIII Congress of the Communist Party of the USSR

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Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

The announcer announces the launch of the XXVIII Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Congress leads Mikhail Gorbachev, President of the USSR, General Secretary of the Communist Party.

Procedural issues are resolved.

Ermolaev VV, party committee secretary "Estrybprom" Minrybhoza USSR, he withdraws (synchronously).

Delegates from Estonia and the Palm V. Panfilov PN come to the microphone,

argue their nominations to the presidium of the congress.

Electronic voting is the composition of the Presidium of the Congress.

At the scene of the Presidium of the Congress raised.

The presidium sit AI Lukyanov, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and

NI Ryzhkov, Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers.

Discuss the candidates and vote on the composition of the Secretariat of the Congress.

Discuss the candidates and vote on the composition of the Drafting Committee.

Discuss the candidates and vote on the composition of the Credentials Committee of the Congress.

The debate on the agenda.

Go to the microphone:

Bludov VD, a delegate from the Magadan region, the mandate of 1157, Assistant Chief of the site

mine "Kadykchanskaya" association "Severovostokugol" Coal Ministry of the USSR.

Ermolaev VV, party committee secretary "Estrybprom" Minrybhoza USSR.

Palm, VA, head of Tartu State University, Estonia.

Panfilov PN, Second Secretary of the Communist Party of Estonia Tallinn City Committee, secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Estonia.

Karaulov DV, Head of Leningrad NGO "Granite" Minsudproma USSR.

Ivkin NS, Party secretary of the production association "Motorostroitel"

Sverdlov Minaviaproma USSR, Perm region.

Bulatnikov Yu, a senior bureaucrat plant petrochemical production association "Salavatnefteorgsintez"

50th Anniversary of the USSR Ministry of Chemical and petrochemical industry of the USSR, Bashkir ASSR.

Chernenko AK, rector of Novosibirsk Higher Party School.

Lisitsyn GF, chief of the Research Institute of Automation of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR, Moscow.

Mogilevtsev PL, the operator of the Donetsk Metallurgical Plant named after VI Lenin

Ministry of Metallurgy of the USSR, Donetsk region.

Barinov AO, Chair of Chita State Medical Institute.

Elephants AV, the first secretary of the district committee of the Communist Party Korelichsky Belarus, Grodno region.

Volodkina MM, first secretary of the District Party Committee Kadoma, Ryazan region.

Seleznev NK, welder plant "Electrokhimpribor"

Ministry of Atomic Energy and Industry of the USSR, Sverdlovsk region.

Vetchinov MI, retired, Moscow.

Merzlyakov TG, editor Rezh city newspaper "Pravda communism", Sverdlovsk region.

Kugultinov DN, member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the writer, the Kalmyk ASSR.

Razmakhnin YK, chairman Karymsky District Council of People's Deputies, the Chita region.

Soobik JE, first secretary of the city committee of the Communist Party of Estonia in Tallinn.

Saharchuk VN, first secretary of the regional committee of the Communist Party of Molodechno Belarus, Minsk region.

Boldyrev Yu Yu, member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Leningrad.

Avdus VP, Head of Research and Production Association "Rotor"

Ministry of General Machine Building of the USSR, Moscow.

EA Melnikov, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Mogilev Production Association "Khimvolokno"

Lenin Ministry of Chemical and petrochemical industry of the USSR, Mogilev region.

Volgin VA, Party secretary of the Industrial Association of Voronezh

producing heavy excavators Comintern.


Gorbachev M.S. -- state and political figure Lukjyanov A. I. -- state and political figure Rizhkov N. I. -- state and political figure Bludov V. D. -- Party leader Ermolaev V. V. -- Party leader Paljm V. A. -- Party leader Panfilov P. N. -- Party leader Karaulov D. V. -- Party leader Ivkin N. S. -- Party leader Bulatnikov Yu. A. -- Party leader Chernenko A. K. -- Party leader Lisicin G. F. -- politician Mogilevcev P. L. -- Party leader Barinov A. O. -- Party leader Slonov A. V. -- Party leader Volodkin M. M. -- Party leader Seleznev N. K. -- Party leader Vetchinov M. I. -- Party leader Merzlyakova T. G. -- Party leader Kuguljtinov D. N. -- Party leader Razmahnin Yu. K. -- Party leader Soobik Ya. E. -- Party leader Saharchuk V. N. -- Party leader Boldirev Yu. Yu. -- Party leader Avdusj V. P. -- Party leader Meljnikov E. A. -- Party leader Volgin V. A. -- Party leader


July 2, 1990

Shooting locations

Moscow [820]


Kremlin Palace of Congresses

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