Union parade of athletes (1945)

Movie №31030, 2 parts, Duration: 0:42:34


The film is about the conduct of the All-Union parade of athletes on Red Square in Moscow on August 12, 1945.

Reel №1 Union parade of athletes

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A general view of Red Square on the day of the parade of sports (from the top).

Panorama building of GUM and columns of athletes lined up on Red Square (above).

Parade participants are portraits of the leaders of the Soviet state.

Participants of the parade in the traditional costumes of the USSR republics, faces the parade.

Participants of the parade with the banner of the All.

View of the fountain on the Red Square.

Guests are directed to their seats in the stands.

Pass the Yugoslav military.

General view of the Red Square from GUM.

MI Kalinin, Andreev AA , LM Kaganovich are on the territory of the Kremlin.

IV Stalin, Malenkov, GM greet Kalinin, Andreyev, the Soviet leaders greet each other before going to Red Square.

Panorama Guest Tribune and Red Square, the people in the stands applauded.

Soviet leaders headed by Stalin rise to the podium of the mausoleum, the audience applauded.

Stalin on the platform of the mausoleum.

View of the guest stands.

VM Molotov, Mikoyan, AI, NS Khrushchev, Bulganin, NA, AA Andreev, Kaganovich LM, NM Shvernik, Zhdanov AA, Zhukov G .K., D. Eisenhower, US Ambassador Harriman A. on the platform of the mausoleum.

General view of Mausoleum, the Soviet leaders welcomed privateers parade.

A general view of Red Square.

Parade commander Lt.


Sinilov KR Chairman gave a report of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sport NN Romanov, the first secretary of the Komsomol NA Mikhailov and Secretary of the All MP Tarasov

Types of Red Square (above).

A parade of athletes at the car go round operation.

View of one of the ceremonial columns (above).

View of the Red Square (above).

Buglers give a signal.

Romanov made a speech from the rostrum of the Mausoleum, there are a number Mikhailov and Tarasov.

Representatives of the Soviet republics in the parade.

A general view of Red Square (above).

A general view of Red Square during the parade (at the top).

Passes drummers system, followed by the convoy of representatives of the Union republics, the participants of the parade are the emblem of the USSR and the portraits of the leaders of the Party and the state.

General AI Antonov, Stalin welcomed the participants of the parade from the rostrum of the Mausoleum.

Parade participants carry red flags and banners of sports associations of the Union republics.

A general view of Red Square during the parade (at the top).

Athletes passing convoy of the Russian Federation.

Ukraine Athletes carry a portrait of Stalin at the head of the column, the column is on the Red Square.

A general view of Red Square (above).

On Red Square are athletes union republics of Transcaucasia.

Molotov and Mikoyan on the platform of the mausoleum.

Athletes Caucasus go on Red Square.

Those Japanese and Chinese military attache.

On Red Square are athletes republics of Central Asia, with a portrait of Stalin.

Eisenhower and Army General Antonov, on the podium of the mausoleum.

They're coming athletes from Central Asia, foreign military attaches look at the passing column of athletes.

They're coming athletes of the Lithuanian SSR, faces a guest in the stands.

Pass columns athletes Moldova, the Baltic republics.

The naval officer among the guests.

Face athlete running at the head of one of the pillars of the Baltic republics.

Parade participants carry red flags and portraits of Stalin.

Voroshilov, Budenny, Andreyev on the podium of the Mausoleum.

On Red Square are members of a sports society "Labor Reserves".

General view of the Red Square during the (top) of the parade.

Pass students of the Institute of Physical Culture.

View of the Red Square (above), are representatives of the trade union sports societies with their flags.

General view of the Red Square (above), the column runs a sports society "Wings of the Soviets."

Those viewers.

Girls are performing synchronous movement, members of the society "Wings of the Soviets" are the banners.

Girls of the sports society "Zenith" in the course of performing synchronous movement with garlands of flowers.

Go boys, simultaneously performing weapon techniques with machine guns.

The leaders of the USSR and foreign guests on the podium of the mausoleum during the parade (in the back), view of the Red Square in front of the mausoleum.

Stalin on the platform of the mausoleum.

Columns athletes leave the Red Square near St.

Basil's Cathedral (above).

Girls of the sports society "Medic" on the go do the exercises with ribbons.

General view of the columns of athletes, passing in front of the mausoleum (above).

Go members of sports associations "Metallurg", "builder", doing exercises with a cold sporting weapons.

General view of part of the Red Square during the parade (at the top).

Go members of sports associations "Energy", "Bolshevik" on the go doing synchronous movement, Stalin on the platform of the mausoleum.

General of the Red Square (above), are members of society "Spartak", a man with a girl in his arms on the guest podium, the audience faces.

Pass members of society "Dynamo".

Stalin applause from the podium of the mausoleum.

society "Dynamo" Members are on the shoulders of children, performing synchronous motion sports oars.

Panorama of Red Square during the parade.

Columns of athletes go on Red Square.

A column of cyclists passing through Red Square, closing the solemn march of athletes.

Commanders on the side of the podium of the mausoleum during the parade.

A general view of Red Square in the center of the start of sports-gymnastic performances (above).

Children depict pioneer the fire with the help of red flags.

Stalin on the platform of the mausoleum.

Children performing on Red Square with dance numbers, a general view of Red Square (above).

Children roll out the symbolic chariot with the "Order of Victory" to the side of the mausoleum.

Children walk past the mausoleum greeting and waving paper flowers.

Stalin puts the boy on a side platform.

Children walk past the mausoleum and welcome leaders of the USSR.

Foreign military attaches at the guest bleachers.

A general view of Red Square during a speech center of the Estonian SSR athletes (top) face the audience at the guest bleachers, the audience applauded.

Speech by the Latvian SSR athletes face the audience at the guest bleachers.

On the Red Square stands the sports delegation of the Lithuanian SSR, with the performance of folk dance "Kosari" face the audience at the guest bleachers.

View of Red Square during a speech in society "Labor Reserves" (above).

Performers are the young members of society - students of vocational schools, Stalin on the platform of the mausoleum.

Types of Red Square during a speech in society "Labor Reserves" (above).

Young members of society perform synchronous exercises, the children at the guest bleachers applauded.

The leaders of the USSR on the platform of the mausoleum (rear) during the performance of young athletes, Stalin applauded.

Voroshilov, and Andreev applause from the podium of the mausoleum.

Column society "Labor Reserves" leaves the Red Square at the end of the performance.

Panorama of the guest podium (top).

Athletes of the Moldavian SSR performing on Red Square folk dance, the audience applauded.

Speech by the delegation of athletes of the Lithuanian SSR, rowing exercises, dance composition.

General view of the Red Square after the performance of the Karelian-Finnish delegation (above), the delegates in the convoy pass through Red Square.

Performance sports delegation of the Kyrgyz SSR, Soviet military leaders face on the side of the podium of the Mausoleum.

The girls perform a dance with flowers, faces the audience.

Performance sports delegation of the Turkmen SSR. Those foreign visitors.

Speech Turkmen wrestlers, Voroshilov, Budyonny and Andreev on the platform of the mausoleum.

The audience applauded.

Turkmen delegation continues its presentation on Red Square render a portrait of Stalin.

Soviet commanders on the side of the podium of the Mausoleum.

Continued performance of the Turkmen delegation.

Performers are athletes of the Tajik SSR, faces spectators in the stands.

Those generals on the side of the podium of the Mausoleum.

View of Red Square in the center of the performance of Tajik athletes (top), the performance of a sports and dance numbers, the audience applauded.


Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich [842] - a state and political figure Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin - state and political figure Andrei Andreev - state and political figure Kaganovich Lazar - state and political figure GM Malenkov - State and political figure Vyacheslav Molotov - state and political figure Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan - state and political figure Nikita Khrushchev [882] - a state and political figure Nikolai Bulganin - state and political figure Shvernik Nikolai Mikhailovich - state and political figure Andrey Zhdanov - state and political figure Kliment Voroshilov - statesman and political leader

military leader Budyonny Semyon Mikhailovich - commander Antonov Antonov - commander Georgy Zhukov - commander Sinilov R. Kuzma - commander Nikolai Romanov - state and political figure Mikhail Petrovich Tarasov - state and political figure Nikolay Mihaylov Alesandrovich - state and political figure Dwight Eisenhower - American statesman and political leader

military leader Averell Harriman

William - American statesman and politician




Shooting locations:

Moscow [820]


Red Square


Summer [824]

Reel №2

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On Red Square are the representatives of the Institute.


Faces of the Yugoslav military.

Synchronous execution of sports and dance compositions on the Red Square, the spectators in the stands applauded.

Athletes of the Kazakh SSR on Red Square before the speech.

LP Beria and GM Malenkov on the platform of the mausoleum.

The woman's face.

Performance sports delegation of the Kazakh SSR, the audience applauded.

View of Red Square in the center of the start performances of athletes of the Uzbek SSR (from the top).

Athletes are the Uzbek SSR with sports and dance composition.

Shvernik NM, AN Kosygin, AA Zhdanov on the platform of the mausoleum.

The Uzbek delegation performs folk dance, face the audience at the guest bleachers.

Andreev AA and LM Kaganovich Uzbek athletes applauded.

Those applauding spectators.

Statement by the representatives of the Leningrad Institute of Physical Culture.


Marshal GK Zhukov on the platform of the mausoleum.

Leningrad athletes demonstrate techniques rifle during a speech in Red Square.

Those viewers.

Art Gymnastic song by Leningrad athletes.

Speech by the delegation of athletes of the Armenian SSR, face the audience at the guest bleachers.

Stalin on the platform of the mausoleum, the Armenian athletes performed a dance composition.

Molotov and Mikoyan on the platform of the mausoleum.

Speech athletes of the Georgian SSR. Kalinin, Stalin, Malenkov, Beria and Khrushchev on the platform of the mausoleum.

Execution of sports and dance compositions with poles.

Georgian athletes perform synchronous exercises.

Marshal Zhukov, General Antonov at the platform of the mausoleum.

A general view of Red Square during a speech Georgian athletes (top).

The Georgian delegation performed the national dance, the audience applauded.

The standard-bearer of the Georgian sports delegation.

Georgian delegation passes in front of the mausoleum with banners sporting societies.

Stalin and Harriman on the platform of the mausoleum.

Performance sports delegation of the Azerbaijan SSR. Harriman, Kalinin, Stalin, Malenkov, Voroshilov on the platform of the mausoleum.

On Red Square passing motorcyclists with the flag of the All.

Performing artists from the voluntary sports associations of trade unions.

Foreign guests at the guest bleachers.

Athletes perform gymnastic figures on moving motorcycles.

Through Red Square passing motorcycle racers.

Those viewers.

Fizkulturnaya delegation of the Byelorussian SSR stands with sports and dance composition.

Those viewers.

Fizkulturnaya delegation of the Ukrainian SSR performs folk dance, Stalin on the platform of the mausoleum.

View of the central part of the Red Square, during a performance of the Ukrainian delegation (from the top).

Spectators at the guest platform.

KE Voroshilov and Andreev on the platform of the mausoleum.

Sports-gymnastic performances of students of the Moscow Institute of Physical Education to them.


Andreev and Kaganovich on the platform of the mausoleum.

Moscow athletes continue to speak, the person performing the girls.

Male guest on the podium with the girl in his arms.

Continued performance of athletes in Moscow.

General view of the Red Square in Moscow during a performance of athletes (from the top).

Spectators at the guest bleachers applauded.

Members of sports parade stand in formation on the Red Square during the execution of the national anthem of the Soviet Union.

Stalin on the rostrum salutes during the anthem.

Military at the guest bleachers during the anthem.

Panorama of one of the columns of athletes during the anthem.

Stalin and General Antonov on the platform of the mausoleum of the anthem.

View of the columns of athletes on Red Square.

General view of the tribune of the mausoleum.

A general view of Red Square (above).


Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich [842] - a state and political figure Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria - a state and political figure Georgy Malenkov Maksimilianovich - state and political figure Shvernik Nikolai Mikhailovich - state and political figure Alexei Kosygin - state and political figure Andrey Zhdanov - state and political figure Andrei Andreev - state and political figure Kaganovich Lazar - state and political figure Vyacheslav Molotov - state and political figure Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan - state and political figure Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin - state and political figure Nikita Khrushchev [882] - a state and political figure Averell Harriman

William - American statesman and political figure Georgy Zhukov - commander Kliment Voroshilov - statesman and political leader

military leader Antonov Antonov - commander



Shooting locations:

Moscow [820]


Red Square


Summer [824]

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