Meyerhold (1990)

Movie №33962, 6 parts, Duration: 0:58:54
Studio -
N. Chiruk , M. Chistyakova, T. Borisova
Camera operators:
A. Gorelov
A. Romanovskij
Music designer:
S. Vasilenko
Sound mixer:
A. Romanov
M. Kozakov
Others authors:
S. Kudryavceva, N. Kaspe


The film tells about the fate of the outstanding theater director, stage innovator Vsevolod Emilevich Meyerhold.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The arch of the spring in the park, a stream of water flows down.

Water runs down a stone chute.

Images of the Italian comedy of masks, paintings-allegories.

The porch and window of a wooden house in Penza, where Meyerhold was born.

Photo portraits of Meyerhold V. E. in the gymnasium years.

Interiors of the rooms of the house-museum.

View of St.

Basil's Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow.

Domes of the cathedral.

Portrait of W. E. Meyerhold in his youth.

Photos of Meyerhold with his wife O. M. Munt and daughters, portraits of Meyerhold.

The steps of the stone staircase, illuminated by the light of a lantern.

Photos of scenes from the play "Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich".

Icons in the church, interior view of the Orthodox church, Photo of Meyerhold in the role of Vasily Shuisky.

Photos of scenes from the play with the participation of Meyerhold.

Photos of scenes from the play "The Seagull" based on the play by A. P. Chekhov and Meyerhold as Treplev.

Portrait of Chekhov in a frame on the table.

Interiors of rooms in the Chekhov house-Museum in Yalta, photos of Meyerhold in the role of Treplev.

A fragment of the carved decoration of the porch of one of the Kremlin palaces.

Photos of Meyerhold in the role of Ivan the Terrible in the play "The Death of John the Terrible, internal views of the Orthodox church.

Chess pieces falling from the edge of the table.

Newsreel 1915-1916: fighting on the Western front of the First World War, the attack of infantry trenches of the enemy.

Photos of scenes from the tragedy "Antigone", the film diviner Theresa.



Shooting locations:

Moscow [820]

Reel №2

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Views and panoramas of ancient ruins, columns and porticos of temples.

Photo of the composer Alexander Scriabin.

Newsreel of the 1910s: a caravan of elephants goes through the bazaar.

A windmill that rotates with the help of a donkey walking in a circle.

Workers carry the earth in rocker arms.

Types of Hindu temples.

A woman praying in front of the temple.

Women in the square at the incense burners with incense.

Performance of a gymnastic and dance number, synchronized movements of women's bodies.


Photo of Scriabin in profile, opposite the window.

Photo of Meyerhold standing on a wooden staircase leaning against the wall of a house.

Seagull flying over the sea, seascape (panorama).

View of a part of the wall of an old building with an arch.

Floorboards above the water.

Photos of Meyerhold while working as a director in the Kherson City Theater.

Group photo of the theater actors with autographs.

View of the tombstone with the figure of a cherub.

Photos of Meyerhold in the role of Landovsky the clown in the drama "Acrobats", staged by him at the Kherson Theater.

View of the courtyard of the house in Kherson.

Panorama of the grating of the Summer Garden in Leningrad, bare branches of trees.

Photos and portraits of the actress V. Komissarzhevskaya in 1907.

Panorama of the embankment of the Fontanka river.

Photo portrait of Meyerhold.

A fragment of an angel sculpture.

Photos of Komissarzhevskaya in various roles.

Photos of scenes from the play "Sister Beatrice" with Komissarzhevskaya in the title role.

Panorama of a part of the openwork grid of one of the bridges.

Sketch of a theatrical costume for the play" Balaganchik " by A. Blok.

Photo of Meyerhold in the makeup room.

Panorama of the Lion Bridge in Leningrad.

Portraits of Komissarzhevskaya and Meyerhold in profile.

Cartoons of Komissarzhevskaya and Meyerhold, fragments of sculptures by Klodt on the Anichkov Bridge.

Footage and storyboard of one of the first films in the world about feeding a child with semolina porridge, the appearance of the sculpture of Judith in the antique style (combined shooting).



Shooting locations:

Moscow [820] Leningrad [848]

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Fragments of the monument to Catherine II, views of the building of the Alexandrinsky Theater.

The doors of the auditorium open.

The chandelier going out in the hall.

Photos of scenes from the opera "Orpheus and Eurydice", staged by Meyerhold at the Mariinsky Theater.

Sets and costume designs for performances staged by Meyerhold.

Photos of Meyerhold in the role of Don Juan based on the play of the same name by Moliere, staged in 1910.

View of the backstage and theater hall.

Sketches of costumes for one of Meyerhold's performances.

Newsreel of 1913: Nicholas II, Alexandra Feodorovna and their accompanying members of the Imperial Family and the ranks of the retinue in the Kremlin during a solemn event on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov.

Pass employees of the court department.

Panorama of the Red Square during the anniversary celebrations.

Photo of a scene from the play "Elektra", staged by Meyerhold.

Sculpture of an angel on the Alexander Column.

Panorama of a part of the courtyard-well.

Part of the colonnade of the Kazan Cathedral.

Photos of Roshchina-Insarova in Ostrovsky's play "The Storm", staged by Meyerhold at the Alexandrinsky Theater.

Drawings of the scenery for the play.

A horse in a night dress.

Photos of Roshchina-Insarova in the role of Katerina.

The moon is on the field.

Leningrad city landscape.

Newsreel of 1914-1915: loading wounded soldiers into trams in Petrograd.

Photo of Meyerhold and the artist of the play "Masquerade" Golovin.

Smoke from the factory chimney.

Newsreel of 1917: panorama of Voznesenskaya Square in February 1917.

Rows of seats in the auditorium.

A painting depicting a scene from a play.

Lighting devices are lit.

A sketch of one of the scenery of the play.

Portraits of actors who played roles in the drama "Masquerade", a ruby ring on a silk handkerchief.

Sketches of scenery and costumes, photos of scenes from the play.

Rows of chairs in the hall.

Newsreel of 1917: demonstrations in Petrograd in March 1917, alternated with images of scenery and costumes for the play "Masquerade".

Photo of Nicholas II during his stay under arrest in Tsarskoye Selo.

Newsreel of the revolutionary events in Petrograd in March 1917.

Students greet A. F. Kerensky.

Portrait of Kerensky.

Sketch of the scenery for the play.

Fragments of the x / film "October", footage of the storming of the Winter Palace.

Portrait of Meyerhold by Golovin.

Photo of the staged scene of the storming of the Winter Palace and the changing portraits of Lenin.

Sketch of the scenery.


Romanov Nikolaj II Aleksandrovich -- russian emperor Kerenskij Aleksandr Fedorovich -- statesman and political figure



Shooting locations:

Moscow [820]

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

View of the Winter Palace, paving stones on the square.

Sculpture of an angel on the Alexander Column.

Newsreel 1981: the demolition of the monument to Alexander III in Moscow in July 1918.

Children at the wreckage of the monument.

Fragments of the demolished monument.

Mayakovsky in the film "The Young Lady and the Bully".

Sergei Yesenin at the opening of the monument to the poet Koltsov in Moscow.

Photo of Meyerhold in one of the performances.

View of the wall of the building, at the top of the broken clock.

Portrait of Meyerhold in 1918.

Seagull flying over the sea, seascape.

Newsreel of 1919: the parade of the Volunteer Army units in Rostov-on-Don.

View of a part of the sea shore, the corpse of an animal in the surf (from above).

Portrait of Meyerhold.

Photos of scenery and scenes from the play "Mystery-Buff" based on the play by Mayakovsky.

Newsreel of 1919: the parade of Cossack units of the White Army.

View of the railway track.

Red Army soldiers on railway platforms.

Horse artillery of the Red Army on the march.

View of one of the streets of the settlement during the entry of the Red Army units into it (from above).

Photos of a scene from the play "Komandarm-2", staged by Meyerhold based on the play by I. Selvinsky.

Photo of Meyerhold in the Red Army uniform.

Newsreel of the 1920s: the work of railway transport, production processes at enterprises.

Photos of scenes from the Meyerhold Theater play "The Death of Tarelkin", staged in the early 1920s.

Views of the streets of Moscow in the 1920s (newsreel).

Photos of Meyerhold, Mayakovsky and Nikolai Erdman.

Photos of scenes from Erdman's play "The Mandate", with Erast Garin.

Portrait of Yesenin.

Newsreel of Yesenin's funeral on December 31, 1925.

Photo of Yesenin in a coffin.

Photo of the artists of the Meyerhold Theater on the day of Yesenin's funeral.

Newsreel: removal of the coffin with the body of Yesenin from the Press House.

Installation of the coffin on the hearse.

Operation of equipment at industrial enterprises.

Storyboard images of a child having breakfast.

The process of packing cigarettes, the telephone operator at work on the switchboard.

Photo by Meyerhold.

Performing rhythmic movements by actors, imitating actions.


Mayakovskij Vladimir Vladimirovich -- the poet Esenin Sergej Aleksandrovich -- the poet



Shooting locations:

Moscow [820]


Summer [824] Winter [823]

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel of the second half of the 1920s.

The window shutters open.

Shoe cleaning on the street.

Clients in the barber's chair.

View of the city fountain.

Photo of the building of the State Theater.


Portrait of Meyerhold.

Newsreel: fragments of the play" The Inspector", staged by Meyerhold, with the participation of E. Garin, Zinaida Reich, Maria Babanova, alternates with photos of Meyerhold while working on the play.

Photos of scenes from the play.

Newsreel of 1926: a tram on the streets of Moscow.

Meyerhold V. E. speaks at a meeting of the theater troupe.

Photos of scenes from Mayakovsky's play "The Bedbug".

Photos of Meyerhold and Mayakovsky while working on the play.

Photos of scenes from Mayakovsky's play "Banya".

Portrait of Mayakovsky.

Photos of the dilapidated building of the Theater of Meyerhold.

Photos of the reconstruction of the theater building.

Photos of models of the new theater building.

Newsreel: the production of the layout.

Meyerhold during the discussion of the project of the new theater building.

View of the assembled layout.

Interior view of one of the Kremlin cathedrals.

The poster is photo montage.

Portrait of Mayakovsky.

Photo of Mayakovsky in a coffin.

Newsreel of 1930: the faces of people at the coffin of Mayakovsky, among them-Pasternak B. L.

People walk past the coffin of Mayakovsky Mayakovsky in his grave.

View of the funeral procession on the streets of Moscow on April 17, 1930, the coffin on the truck platform.

A shoeshine man on a street in Berlin.

Organ grinder on the street.

A hat on a hurdy-gurdy.

Views of the streets of Berlin in 1932, alternating with photos of scenes from the play "Introduction" and photos of the actor L. Sverdlin as an architect.

Boarding passengers on the second floor of the bus.

Urban transport on the streets of Berlin.

Photos of scenes from the play, with the participation of Sverdlin.

Newsreel of 1936: a shot putter in the stadium during the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Hitler watches him from the podium with binoculars.

Types of sports festival at the Dynamo stadium in Moscow, pass columns of athletes.

Photo by Meyerhold.

Photos of scenes from the play "Woe to the Mind", staged by Meyerhold in 1928.

Photos of Meyerhold on the construction of the new theater building.


Mejerholjd Vsevolod Emiljevich (Mejergoljd Karl Kazimir Teodor) -- theater director

actor Rajh Zinaida nikolaevna -- theater actress Garin Erast Pavlovich -- actor

theater and film director Babanova Mariya Ivanovna -- theater and film actress Pasternak Boris Leonidovich -- poet


translator Gitler Adoljf -- German statesman and political figure



Shooting locations:

Moscow [820] Berlin [821]


Summer [824]

Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

View of a part of a residential building in Moscow in Bryusovsky Lane.

Photo of Meyerhold with composer D. Shostakovich, a fragment from the x / film "Funny Guys".

A painting of Meyerhold lying on a sofa.

Photos of Meyerhold and his wife Zinaida Reich, portraits of Reich.

Mock-ups of the scenery for the play "The Lady with Camellias".

Photos of scenes from the play with Zinaida Reich in the title role.

Photos of Meyerhold with the actors of the theater.

Photo of Meyerhold at his desk.

Tram on one of the streets of Moscow, near the building of the Stanislavsky Opera House.

Newsreel of 1939: physical culture parade in Leningrad.

Portrait of Meyerhold.

Sculptures of the Summer Garden.

Newsreel of the sports festival on the Palace Square in 1939.

The window of the apartment of Meyerhold in Bryusov lane in Moscow.

Paintings depicting scenes from the play "Masquerade".

Performing pantomime and rhythmic movements by artists.

Stairs leading to the balcony.

Photo by Z. Reich is in a coffin.

The wheels of a rusty steam locomotive on the rails.

The wheels of the locomotive, half-buried in the sand.

Destruction of the image of Meyerhold in a group photo (combined shooting).

Memorial stone at the Vagankovo cemetery with the names of Meyerhold, Reich and K. S. Yesenin.

The dome of the Orthodox church.

Portrait of Meyerhold by Golovin.

Winter landscape, a lone tree with bare branches in the middle of the field.



Shooting locations:

Moscow [820] Leningrad [848]

Movie №1 Meyerhold

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The film is about the fate of the prominent theater director, stage innovator Vsevolod Meyerhold.



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