Protecting the public (1982)

Movie №38839, 5 parts, Duration: 0:45:57
Studio -
M. Ciganov
Camera operators:
I. Kasatkin
Sound mixer:
B. Kokin
Others authors:
Yu. Maksimov, V. Katkov, V. Kuzin, V. Kondratjev


The film tells about a set of measures to protect the population during the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy and in the event of a nuclear danger.

Reel №1 Protecting the public

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Rotates the layout of the globe.

New types of weapons of NATO countries.

American poster.

The NATO Council summit in Brussels.

Map of the USSR with the directions of American air strikes.

Take-off of aircraft from the deck of an aircraft carrier.

Landing of infantry from helicopters.

Armored vehicles at the NATO exercises.

Launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Newsreel of 1945: panorama of Hiroshima, destroyed by the atomic bombing.

Missile launches at the exercises of the armies of the Warsaw Pact countries "West-81".

Missile boats are firing at a simulated enemy.

A Soviet plane drops bombs on a training target.

Missile carriers strike at ground targets.

Armored vehicles attack a simulated enemy.

The boats launch torpedoes at the training target.

Defeat of the training goal.

Barrel and rocket artillery fire from closed positions.

Landing of marine units on the shore.

Delivery of marine troops to the shore on a hovercraft.

Helicopters are firing at ground targets.

Landing of infantry and armored vehicles from helicopters.

The release of the air assault.

Chemical and bacteriological weapons of the United States.

American scientists are conducting experiments to develop new weapons of mass destruction.

The rocket is in the mine.

View of the Moscow Kremlin.

The leaders of the USSR go to the presidium of the session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The deputies applaud.

Brezhnev L. I. speaks from the podium, behind in the presidium sit Shevardnadze E. A., Gromyko A. A.

View of the meeting room.

Brezhnev on the podium, the deputies applaud.

Views of Moscow (from above).

A nuclear explosion.

The collapse of buildings as a result of the shock wave.

Examples of the impact of a shock wave on the sea, in the forest.

Demonstration of the effect of light radiation.

Fires caused by light radiation.

Examples of the action of penetrating radiation, fallout of radioactive substances (animation).

The scheme of protection of the population from weapons of mass destruction.

Evacuation of the population from the infection.

Interactive map of the USSR with the indication of protective zones.

Internal view of one of the shelters for the protection of people (panorama).

Inspection of the shelter equipment.

Protective-hermetic doors of the shelter.

Explosion-proof devices on air intakes and exhaust ducts.

A mock-up of a shelter with gravel and earth dusting to protect it from penetrating radiation and light radiation.

Equipment of the shelter's filter and ventilation system.

Water pipes and toilets in the shelter.

Connecting an autonomous power source.

Kerosene lanterns for emergency lighting.

Crates with food supplies.

Internal view of the medical center.

The doctor checks the condition of the medical equipment for first aid to the victims.

Medical supplies are in a glass cabinet.

Emergency exit doors.

Internal view of the shelter (panorama).

People in the shelter.

Photos of the entrance to the shelter, and test animals inside the shelter, taken during the exercise.

Collections of norms of engineering and technical measures of civil defense.

Mock-ups of city blocks with shelters.


Brezhnev Leonid Iljich -- statesman and politician Shevardnadze Eduard Amvrosievich -- statesman and politician

diplomat Gromiko Andrej Andreevich -- statesman and politician




Shooting locations

Moscow [820] USSR [863] USA [851] Japan [112]


Summer [824]

Reel №2

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Types of anti-radiation shelters to protect the population of cities and rural areas.

Anti-radiation shelter equipment in the basement of the building.

Works on strengthening of overlappings.

Electric motor of the ventilation system.

The woman goes down to the cellar, equipped with anti-radiation shelter.

Sleeping place in the cellar.

Construction of a rapidly erected shelter, the surveyor at work.

Welders at work, installing security doors.

Entrance to the protective structure.

People dig the ground on the construction of the simplest shelter in the countryside.

Types of the simplest shelters.

The production process in one of the workshops of the weaving factory.

View of a part of the car maintenance line in a taxi company.

Types of production facilities and warehouses that can be adapted for shelters.

Internal types of shelter adapted for storage in peacetime.

The release of shelter premises in the event of an aggravation of the radiation situation, the removal of boxes from the shelter with the help of motor vehicles and small mechanization means.

Installing a bunk to accommodate people.

People take up positions in the shelter.

People wash in the shower room located in the shelter.

Vacationing electricians on duty.

Classes for the study of the device of the car and first aid, located in shelters in peacetime.

Halls of cinemas and clubs located in the premises of shelters.

Applauding audience.

Fashion demonstration.

Shooting in the basement shooting range.

Internal views of the cafe located in one of the protective structures.

People go down to the cafe located in the basement.

View of the part of the highway going through the city.

Panorama of the industrial enterprise and the adjacent residential quarter (top).

Road transport on city streets.

People on the street.

View of the city square (from above).

The layout of the city block, created with the construction of underground shelters in mind.

A mock-up of an underground garage-shelter for personal vehicles.

The car pulls into an underground parking lot.

Closing the anti-radiation doors.

Internal view of the underground garage.

The bus goes through the tunnel.

Urban landscape.

A man with a girl in the park.

Children play on playgrounds.

The entrance to a spent mine, designed to protect the population, people enter the shelter.

Food trucks arrive at the shelter.

People walk through the tunnels of the shelter.

Internal views of the wine storage located in the mining.

Internal views of the premises of the hospital located in the waste mine.

View of the Airport metro station.

Passengers on the escalator.

Types of metro stations designed to accommodate people in the event of a nuclear war.

Escalator stop.

Closing the protective flap of the transition between stations.

Closing the entrances to the station.



Shooting locations

Moscow [820] USSR [863]


Summer [824] Autumn [826]

Reel №3

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People are heading for the train station.

Registration of evacuees at the collection and evacuation point.

People get on buses.

A column of evacuees is moving through the square.

A convoy of buses with evacuees passes by.

Putting people on a train, on a river tram, on a plane.

Marine vessel at the pier.

People on the deck of the ship.

Landing of evacuees on the ship.

Evacuation of the population on foot, the column moves along the road.

Boarding in private vehicles.

A train passes by.

Evacuation of the population by various types of transport.

Arrival of evacuees to their destinations in the countryside.

A column of evacuees is moving to the emergency evacuation center.

Registration and distribution of people by place of residence.

The settlement of evacuated people in the houses in the countryside, the owners of the houses meet them.

Scheme of anti-radiation and anti-chemical protection.

Boxes with personal protective equipment in the warehouse.

Opening boxes of gas masks and other protective equipment for inspection purposes.

Issuing gas masks to employees of enterprises during civil defense exercises.

People disassemble gas masks with tags and individual dressing bags.

Conducting training on chemical protection, meeting the standard for putting on a gas mask.

People enter the fumigation tent.

People in gas masks in the fumigation tent perform the commands of the class leader.

The man runs out of the tent, rips off the gas mask.

The sign of the gas mask issuing point.

People go to get gas masks at their place of residence.

Gas mask adjustment at the gas mask fitting station.

Issuing protective equipment to evacuees in the countryside at the receiving evacuation center, determining the size of gas masks.

Issuing a protective child camera to a woman with a child in her arms.

Training in the production of dust-proof fabric masks and cotton-gauze bandages.

Air-raid alarm signal.

Workers leave the shop.

the work of the radiation and chemical monitoring post at the facility.

Reconnaissance groups are sent to the affected area by various types of transport.

Measurement of the level of radiation from the aircraft, the salary on the level of radiation.

A reconnaissance convoy passes through the infestation zone.

The movement of intelligence on a railway trolley, a report to the headquarters about the destruction in the area.

The reconnaissance group on the boat takes measurements of the radiation background.

Interaction of intelligence groups.

The telephone operators on the switchboard establish communication.

Transmitting radiation level data by phone.

The head of the anti-radiation and anti-chemical protection service reports his proposals for radiation protection of workers and employees of the plant.

Members of the civil defense staff work with a map of the infected area.

The head of the civil defense of the plant gives the order to introduce the radiation protection mode B-3 (synchronously).

A speaker on the wall.



Shooting locations

Moscow [820] USSR [863]


Summer [824]

Reel №4

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Employees of the company expect to reduce the level of radiation in a special room.

Sending a command via internal radio communication about taking anti-radiation pills.

First aid kit with anti-radiation agents.

People take pills.

Carrying out measures for decontamination and decontamination of the territory.

Treatment of streets with irrigation machines.

The people in the shelter are taking pills.

Employees of the enterprise put on respirators and leave the shelter.

Decontamination of equipment.

Checking the radiation level of the equipment after decontamination.

Carrying out partial special treatment of clothing, shoes and skin of the face and hands.

Workers begin to work in respirators in conditions of radioactive contamination.

Production processes in the workshops.

Decontamination of the territory with the help of irrigation machines.

Measures for decontamination of transport.

Checking vehicles for radiation levels.

Actions of civil defense units when a chemical alarm is declared, the commander distributes the areas between the groups.

Determination of the type of toxic substances in the lesion, collection of soil samples to clarify the boundaries of the site of infection.

Panorama of a part of the infected territory.

The personnel of the civil defense formation in the shower tent after leaving the affected area.

Decontamination of clothing and protective equipment.

Conducting dosimetric and chemical control.

Washing clothes in washing machines.

Scheme and components of medical protection of the population.

Members of the ambulance squad arrive at the site of infection in the back of a truck, wearing protective equipment.

The ambulance convoy enters the territory of the center of mass destruction.

Sandruzhinnitsy extract the affected from the rubble.

First aid with the use of personal protective equipment.

Funds used to provide medical self-help and mutual assistance.

Evacuation of the wounded on stretchers.

Loading the victims into the truck bodies.

Arrival of the ambulance train at the station.

A medical intelligence unit arrives at the site of a possible bacteriological lesion.

Sampling of air, water, soil, and vegetation.

Delivery of a container with samples to the laboratory of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Determination of pathogens of infectious diseases in the detected samples.

A checkpoint at the entrance to the territory with a lesion site.

Panorama of the quarantine area, the cordon of the area.

Panorama of the infected territory, conducting a farmstead survey to identify the sick.

Evacuation of the patient from the infected area for isolation and treatment.

Family members of the patient wear gauze bandages.

Unloading of food for the population of the infected area at a special unloading point.

Vaccination of the population of the infected area at the vaccination point.

Trade in the store under special conditions.

Vaccination of family members of the patient.

Providing first aid to victims in the center of mass destruction.



Shooting locations

Moscow [820]


Summer [824]

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Internal view of the elevator shaft.

The entrance to one of the underground control points of state, economic and party bodies.

Working process at one of the communication nodes, those on duty at the communication control panels.

Radar locators rotate.

The calculation of the missile troops prepares and receives a signal about the missile danger.

An air raid alert sounds.

Workers in the shop turn off the machines.

People come out of the shop.

View of a part of a residential block (above), people go to the entrance to the shelter after receiving an air alarm signal.

The signal on the TV screen.

Residents take their documents with them, turn off the TV, and leave the apartment.

People come out of the entrances and go to the shelter.

People get out of the trolley and go to the nearest shelter.

A traffic police officer stops traffic.

The bus passengers get off and walk to the nearest shelter.

View of the courtyard of the house, people come out of the entrances, enter the shelters, the siren sounds.

People enter the shelters, go through the corridors.

The doors of shelters and metro stations are closing.

View of an empty city block (from above), street lighting goes out.

View of the school building.

Panorama of the part of the workshop abandoned by the workers.

People in the shelter.

Members of the civil defense staff receive commands and keep in touch by telephone.

Engineering equipment rakes the rubble in the affected area, members of non-military civil defense units water the equipment with a special composition.

Rescue teams on command go to the entrances to the shelters.

Fire fighting.

Analysis of rubble.

People in gas masks get out of the shelter.

Rescue of people from the rubble of the shelter.

Actions of members of civil defense formations in the center of defeat.

Evacuation of the wounded on stretchers.

Clearing the territory with a bulldozer.

Members of the civil defense formation are in formation.

A column of special engineering vehicles passes by.

Panorama of a part of the city block (top).

People on the streets of the city.

Children at the fountain.

The boy feeds the pigeons.

Kids play in the park.



Shooting locations

Moscow [820]


Summer [824]

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