Truth and fire (1991)

Movie №39033, 6 parts, Duration: 0:58:12
Доступность: Кинодокумент не опубликован
Studio Fatherland
Ryzhko V.


The film is about the explosion of the Temple of Christ the Savior in Moscow, of the destruction and the destruction of religious shrines in the Stalin era.

Reel №1

Dome of the church, away river.

Verger passes iconostasis with a lighted candle.

Portrait of Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna (synchronous sound of her poems).

Verger lights a candle and a cross.

Caption: "the truth and the fire."

General view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

People remove the icon from the wall.

Work hammer chisel wall of the temple.

Workers descend on rails truck with stone slabs.

Sculpture, tied with a rope.

Beaten off the head of the statue.

Fragments of broken marble statues lying on the ground.

Workers descend from the wall of the temple stone block with a winch.

Work is tying a rope statue.

The hand of the statue, tied with a rope.

General view of the Moskva River with the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Temple window (bottom).

Workers install a wooden fence around the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Workers nailed boards to the fence.

Worker stands on a ladder and nailed the board.

Chronicle of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty: pass the imperial family retinue and guests.

Demonstration of the beginning of the 1920s, comes ahead of a military band.

Demonstrators against the backdrop of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Painting of Napoleon's army crossing the Niemen.

Portrait of Emperor Alexander I.

Manifesto Alessandro I of the expulsion of the French army out of Russia (synchronous sounds manifest text).

Painting of the 1812 Moscow fire.

Paintings depicting episodes of the War of 1812.

Portraits of the generals and heroes of the War of 1812.

Portrait of MI Kutuzov The central part of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour falls from the explosion.

People with torches in their hands and ride at the rink.

Spotlight illuminates the people on the streets of Moscow during the anti-religious activities.

People are holding slogans.

Persons participants.

Lights layout of the church.

Caricature doll priest.

Lights layout of the church.

Face of a participant.

Last minute doll and the layout of the church.

General view of the event.

People cut down the cross, standing on the roof of one of the churches.

Red Army pulled the ropes.

Falling cross.

Cross falls in snowdrift.

People endure icons from the church door.

People dump icons wall.

Piled in a heap of icons.

The woman in the house removes the icon from the wall.

People walking down the stairs at home, are in the hands of the icon.

Woman removes the icon from the wall.

People are icons down the stairs.

People icons stacked on the floor.

Man makes icons from the door of the house.

Burning in a fire icons.

Faces of people standing around a campfire.

Last minute icons.

Boy with accordion.

People throw the rest of the icons in the fire going.

Burning fire.

Chronicle Topics

Domestic policyPolicy

Reel №2

Portrait of the author of the project of Christ the Saviour architect KA Ton Sketch project.

Color engraving depicting the construction of the temple.

Photos fundraisers to build a temple.

Fragments of the picture-splint, depicting the construction of the temple.

Photo erected the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Newsreels: The facade of the temple above the main entrance.

View from inside the central dome.

The interiors of the temple.

Frescoes and icons on the walls.

Fragments of frescoes and icons.

Color picture of the main iconostasis of the church.

Wall murals and fragments of architectural decoration.

Fragments of wall frescoes and icons.

General view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Fresco "The Cathedral of All Saints."

Icons above the doors of the main iconostasis.

The fresco "The Last Supper".

Faces of the Apostles on the mural.

Face of Jesus Christ.

Chronicle: general view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior until 1917.

Street lights on the corners of the temple.

The main entrance to the temple.

Sculptures of saints on the outer walls of the temple.

Fragments of architectural decorations sculptors Loganovsky, Ramazanov Klodta over temple doors.

Sculptural group depicting St.

Sergius of Radonezh blessing Dmitri Donskoi.

General view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Photos of Patriarch Tikhon among participants All-Russian Local Church Cathedral, held within the walls of the temple in August 1917.

Newsreel: rallies and demonstrations in Moscow and Petrograd in March 1917.

Photo Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Portrait of Patriarch Tikhon.

Photos processions in Moscow and other Russian cities.

Photo of the procession on the square in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in 1917.

Flames of fire.

Handwritten landscape with Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Drawing of Emperor Alexander III during the consecration of the church.

Fragment of the picture: the people in the square at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in the time of his consecration.

Engraving depicting the square in front of the temple filled with people.

Group photo of the court and government officials at the door of the temple on the day of his consecration.

Landscape, showing part of the city with the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

The young man in the church vestments holding a burning candle.

Icon of Christ the Savior.

Photo of the interior of the temple until 1917.

Image Order of St.

George on one of the walls.

Fragments of marble boards with the names of the heroes of the War of 1812.

Frescoes and icons on the walls of the temple.


Tikhon (Belavin) - a priest, a church leader

Tone Konstantin Andreyevich - Architect



Shooting locations:


Reel №3

Portrait of the author of the project of Christ the Saviour architect KA Ton Sketch project.

Color engraving depicting the construction of the temple.

Photos fundraisers to build a temple.

Fragments of the picture-splint, depicting the construction of the temple.

Photo erected the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Newsreels: The facade of the temple above the main entrance.

View from inside the central dome.

The interiors of the temple.

Frescoes and icons on the walls.

Fragments of frescoes and icons.

Color picture of the main iconostasis of the church.

Wall murals and fragments of architectural decoration.

Fragments of wall frescoes and icons.

General view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Fresco "The Cathedral of All Saints."

Icons above the doors of the main iconostasis.

The fresco "The Last Supper".

Faces of the Apostles on the mural.

Face of Jesus Christ.

Chronicle: general view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior until 1917.

Street lights on the corners of the temple.

The main entrance to the temple.

Sculptures of saints on the outer walls of the temple.

Fragments of architectural decorations sculptors Loganovsky, Ramazanov Klodta over temple doors.

Sculptural group depicting St.

Sergius of Radonezh blessing Dmitri Donskoi.

General view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Photos of Patriarch Tikhon among participants All-Russian Local Church Cathedral, held within the walls of the temple in August 1917.

Newsreel: rallies and demonstrations in Moscow and Petrograd in March 1917.

Photo Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Portrait of Patriarch Tikhon.

Photos processions in Moscow and other Russian cities.

Photo of the procession on the square in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in 1917.

Flames of fire.

Handwritten landscape with Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Drawing of Emperor Alexander III during the consecration of the church.

Fragment of the picture: the people in the square at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in the time of his consecration.

Engraving depicting the square in front of the temple filled with people.

Group photo of the court and government officials at the door of the temple on the day of his consecration.

Landscape, showing part of the city with the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

The young man in the church vestments holding a burning candle.

Icon of Christ the Savior.

Photo of the interior of the temple until 1917.

Image Order of St.

George on one of the walls.

Fragments of marble boards with the names of the heroes of the War of 1812.

Frescoes and icons on the walls of the temple.


Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - statesman and political figure

Gorky Gorky - writer

Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin - statesman and political figure

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin - statesman and political figure

Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin - statesman and political figure

Grigory Zinoviev Evseevich - statesman and political figure

Lev Davidovich Trotsky - statesman and political figure

Lazar Kaganovich - statesman and political figure

Yakov Sverdlov - statesman and political figure

Yaroslavsky Yemelyan M. (Gubelman Saints Izrailevich) - revolutionary leader


1931, 1941, 1917, 1920

Shooting locations:

Moscow, Petrograd


Cathedral of Christ the Savior


Spring, Autumn, Winter

Reel №4

V.Mikosha says (synchronously).

Newsreel 12.05.1931 g .: The destruction of the Temple of Christ the Savior.

H ..

Khrushchev and L. Kaganovich.

Workers build a fence around the church.

Site preparation work for the Palace of Soviets.

Layouts and architectural designs of the Palace of the Soviets.

Pool "Moscow" in the winter.

Historian Hohlushkin I. talks about the course of repression and humiliation of the priests on the ground.

Newsreel 20-ies .: The Sukharev Tower in Moscow.

Analysis of destruction.

Ilyinsko gate.

Workers dismantled masonry church.

Movement of trams on the area.

Break out the grill.

Says historian I.Hohlushkin (synchronously).

Newsreel 1914-1918 .: View of Moscow from the top point view of the domes of the churches.

Newsreel 1918-1920 gg .: The destruction of churches in Russia.

Falls bell.

Monument to Pushkin Square in Moscow on.

Passion and Miracles monasteries.

Analysis of destruction.


1920s, 1914-1918, 1931

Shooting locations:

Moscow, Russia

Chronicle Topics

Domestic policyPolicy

Reel №5

Portraits repressed Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Historian Hohlushkin I. talks about the course of repression and humiliation of the priests on the ground.

Portraits murdered priests.

Photo portrait of Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev and Galicia, who was killed in 1918 (synchronously are the words of Metropolitan).

Portraits of Metropolitan Vladimir.

Newsreel 1918 .: VI Lenin Marx monument on the tab.

People carry sacks of grain.

Volga starving person.

Portrait of Lenin.

Crying hungry baby.

An exhausted child in the hands of men.

People pick up a woman who died of starvation.

Lies hungry man.

Starving children.

The corpses of the dead from hunger are taken on a sled from the hospital morgue.

Faces of starving children.

The child died of starvation.

Starving child standing by the wall of the house.

Hands of a child with lice choosing clothes and body.

Starving woman.

The corpses of children dying of hunger.

Stacks of corpses of people who died from starvation.

Photo Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

Newsreel 1913 .: The 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty: pass the imperial family retinue and guests.

A general view of one of the celebrations to mark the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty.

The imperial family sits in an open carriage, the crew pulls.

Nicholas II goes along soldier system.

Photo of the imperial family.

Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg, surrounded by a fence.

Stairs leading to the basement of the house.

Photo of Nicholas II, Tsarevich Alexei.

Daughter of the Emperor (photo).

Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich sitting at a table with a book.

Photo of the imperial family.

The wall in the basement of the Ipatiev House, where the royal family was shot.

Tsarevich Alexei.

Yurovsky YA.H. security officer, who commanded the execution of the family.

A general view of the swimming pool "Moscow".

The ruins of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Remains of the walls of the temple after the explosion.

The Red Army was removed after the explosion of broken brick temple.

Remains of the walls of the temple.

Workers removed the remaining blocks of stone from a pile of construction debris.

Work rolls before a wheelbarrow.

Krasnoarmeyets control lever hoist.

Excavator digging at the site of the temple.

Machinery at the construction site of the Palace of the Soviets.

Removal of broken bricks on trucks.

Red Army pulled large stone blocks by a line.

Clearing the site for the construction of the Palace of Soviets.

General view of the site (above).

Panorama platform (top).

Red Army soldier holds the lever hoist.

Remains of the walls of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

View of the Moskva River embankment without the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - statesman and political figure

Nicholas II - Emperor of Russia


Cathedral of Christ the Savior


Winter, Summer

Chronicle Topics

Domestic policyPolicy

Reel №6

Portrait of the author of the project of Christ the Saviour architect KA Ton Sketch project.

Color engraving depicting the construction of the temple.

Photos fundraisers to build a temple.

Fragments of the picture-splint, depicting the construction of the temple.

Photo erected the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Newsreels: The facade of the temple above the main entrance.

View from inside the central dome.

The interiors of the temple.

Frescoes and icons on the walls.

Fragments of frescoes and icons.

Color picture of the main iconostasis of the church.

Wall murals and fragments of architectural decoration.

Fragments of wall frescoes and icons.

General view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Fresco "The Cathedral of All Saints."

Icons above the doors of the main iconostasis.

The fresco "The Last Supper".

Faces of the Apostles on the mural.

Face of Jesus Christ.

Chronicle: general view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior until 1917.

Street lights on the corners of the temple.

The main entrance to the temple.

Sculptures of saints on the outer walls of the temple.

Fragments of architectural decorations sculptors Loganovsky, Ramazanov Klodta over temple doors.

Sculptural group depicting St.

Sergius of Radonezh blessing Dmitri Donskoi.

General view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Photos of Patriarch Tikhon among participants All-Russian Local Church Cathedral, held within the walls of the temple in August 1917.

Newsreel: rallies and demonstrations in Moscow and Petrograd in March 1917.

Photo Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Portrait of Patriarch Tikhon.

Photos processions in Moscow and other Russian cities.

Photo of the procession on the square in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in 1917.

Flames of fire.

Handwritten landscape with Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Drawing of Emperor Alexander III during the consecration of the church.

Fragment of the picture: the people in the square at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in the time of his consecration.

Engraving depicting the square in front of the temple filled with people.

Group photo of the court and government officials at the door of the temple on the day of his consecration.

Landscape, showing part of the city with the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

The young man in the church vestments holding a burning candle.

Icon of Christ the Savior.

Photo of the interior of the temple until 1917.

Image Order of St.

George on one of the walls.

Fragments of marble boards with the names of the heroes of the War of 1812.

Frescoes and icons on the walls of the temple.



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