A Day of Our Life (1959)

Movie №5115, 6 parts, Duration: 0:56:41
Karmen R.
Camera operators:
Kaspiy D., Mikosha V.
Lokshin A.
Khmara L.


About one day of the USSR's life -September 16, 1959.

Reel №1

Cameramen to take pictures in different places of the country.

Working pendulum clock - CU.

The child learns to walk.

A man with a child is on a dusty road in search of work (Africa), and the same road are military foreigners - LS.

Soviet tractor driving - CU.

The Japanese are fighting for peace.

The hand of the worker, anti-war.

NS Khrushchev on the plane before flying to the United States - CU., MS.

The aircraft "TU-114" in the air - MS.

Birch mug - LS. (With motion).

An elderly woman and a young man walking in the birch grove - MS., LS.

Cruiser "Aurora" on the Neva - LS.

Atomic icebreaker "Lenin" in the sea - LS.

The operator at the controls icebreaker.

Animation: rocket flies to the moon - MS.

Soviet and foreign newspapers with articles about Soviet rockets fired in the direction of the moon.

Muscovites go to work that morning - LS., MS.

Muscovites bought at kiosks newspaper "Soviet Russia", read in the street, "Izvestia", "truth" with photos of NS Khrushchev in the USA.

Komsomolskaya Square - LS. (With a / t).

The passengers in the bus read newspapers.

American tourists in Leningrad in the street, on the bus - MS., CU.

Geologists are on Angara swamps where the city will Novoangarsk.

Surveyors working - MS.

Bulldozers are cutting trees on the building site in the forest - LS., MS., CU.

Tents and built log homes for builders in the taiga - LS.

The first builders in the forest - LS., MS.

A new city in the forest - LS. (The plane).

Stalingrad - LS. PNRM.

The monument to the fallen defenders of Stalingrad on the town square.

A boy and a girl at the monument.

Stalingrad teacher VT Skobtseva passes through the streets of the city, stops in front of the school.

Teacher's face - CU.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

VT Skobtseva a lesson with students in the winter in the wrecked building.

Hero of the Soviet Union Sergei Tokarevskaya, daughter of former regimental intelligence officer, who lost both legs in combat, at home with her husband and two children.

S. Tokarevskaya with her husband and children of school age walking down the street of Stalingrad.

S. Tokarevskaya and Marshal VI Chuikov run along the waterfront of Stalingrad.

Students on an excursion to a place where there was a rate of Hitler's Vinnitsa.

Cracks in the concrete slabs - MS., CU.

Veterans of the German revolution, residing in Moscow, laying the Mausoleum of Lenin and Stalin flowers.

Monument VI Lenin in

Ulyanovsk - LS., MS., CU.

Reel №2

Painting "VI Lenin's card electrification. "

Manager at the controls Unified Energy System.

Light shield symbol of energy points and lines.

Feeding Leningrad plant "Electric power" Teplyakov A. and B. Terrible complete stator winding of a giant.

The hand turns the lever console.

Switched power line.

Stalingrad hydroelectric dam - LS.

Installation of the first line of high-power transmission of Stalingrad hydroelectric.

Spidermen-welders working on the construction of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station - LS., MS., CU.

Residential home builders Bratsk hydroelectric power station.

Builders cover Angara tippers dumped into the raging stream Angara boulders.

It takes a car with the inscription: "Angara subject the people."

On the construction of the dam of the Bratsk hydroelectric work Yuri Vasiliev, Gennady Belov, Dmitry Tikhanovski, Yuri Pavlov and others (winter).

On steel beams on the edge of the dam boldly climber - LS.

Bering Strait - LS.

On the frontier between the islands and Krusenstern Ratmanov pass guards.

The border guard looking through binoculars.

The Bering Strait in the fog - LS. (Winter).

New York City - LS. (With a / t).

New Yorkers on the streets welcome NS Khrushchev.

Smiling Americans - CU.

NS Khrushchev welcomes Americans.

Virgin field of ripening bread - LS. (The plane).

The construction of the Irkutsk aluminum plant.

Installer works Sergey Morel.

Working pendulum clock - CU.

At the Baku oil driller working Izzyat Dada.

Miner Nikolai Mamai works backward team in the mine.

Petropavlovsk Naval College cadets in the hospital sick boy Volodya Rogachev.

Academician MA Lavrentiev, who moved to work from Moscow to Siberia, where a new scientific town.

Building houses in the Science City.

Pointer on the road "Institute kinetics» - CU.

New houses in the Science City.

Academician Lavrentiev among scientists and the work of the lodge in the forest.

Taiga - LS. (The plane).

On the plane sits Lenin Prize winner H. Feinstein, discoverer of Yakut diamonds - CU.

The Lena River - LS. (The plane).

Airplane is flying over the taiga - MS.

A squad of geologists led by Lenin Prize Yu Habardinym boat floating on the taiga river.

Helicopter over the taiga - LS.


Feinstein met in the forest with Habardinym and his group.

Smiling geologist Yakut - CU.

Shooting of the film "The Unsent Letter" in the Yakut taiga.

Removes operator S. Urusevsky.

The film's director M. Kolotozov for recording the scene: a fire in the forest.

Removed actress Tatiana Samoilov.

Haul wood on the river Kama.

The raft passes through the gateway.

Behind the wheel of the tug - Lida Zobycheva.

Fishermen in Siberia Parabel pulling networks with sturgeon and sturgeon.

A fisherman carries a large sturgeon.

Breeding otters in the Kuril Islands.

Sea otter eats sea urchins.

Otters released into the ocean to freedom.

Sea otter swims away from shore.

Reel №3

Harvesting grapes in the Ararat valley - LS., MS., CU.

Georgian girls collect tea leaves.

Hands - CU.

Transhumance to winter pastures in the Trans-Ili Alatau in the tract Susamyr - LS., MS.

A flock of sheep in a pasture in the Altai - LS.

A herd of cows in the pastures of the Kuban, Estonia.

Milkmaid farm "Kekhta" in Estonia Hilda Vilks and Wilma Peppel in the barn milking cows.

Pouring milk - CU.

Automatic pouring milk in a bottle in the Tajik plant dairy products.

Automatic packaging of cheese in the pack.

Packs oil pipeline.

Moldovan team breeders - milkmaids and calf - the work on the farm - MS., CU.

Cobs - CU., LS.

Secretary of the Communist Party of BS Shipilov the farm "40 October" in the Kuban examines ears of corn varieties "hybrid."

Harvest in the vast fields of virgin areas: work combines, spilling grain.

Machine operators are machines in the field.

Go with the grain of the car.

Columns of cars pour grain in the elevator.

Wheat on the palm - CU.

Kolkhoz scientist T. Maltsev farmers in the group on the field.

Academician Ya St.

George in the office - CU., MS.

Chemical Plant - LS., MS.

Nobel Prize winner, Academician NN Semenov at work in the laboratory.

Chemical Plant in Sumgayit - LS., MS. PNRM.

Hand lights a gas burner on the stove - CU.

Lit gas cooker - CU.

Vehicles traveling in the sandy desert.

Gas rig in the desert (the plane).

Gas pipeline line Bukhara-Tashkent.

Pipeline to Armenia - LS.

Production of yarns and fabrics at the Krasnoyarsk fiber plant.

Machine weaving fabrics of artificial fibers - MS.

Synthetic fiber fabrics - PNRM., CU.

Demonstration of ladies' dresses of synthetic and natural fibers in the showroom of GUM.

Model wedding dress.

Leningrad student Tamara Petrova in the Palace of Marriages.

Congratulate the newlyweds present at the Palace.

On the street, the

Volzhsk passes Oling Oksana (Oksana girl was stolen by the Nazis in Germany, then came to the Netherlands, where she married the Dutch Riuvena Olinga and with him came to the Soviet Union).

Olingi at home getting ready for dinner.

Oksana cut and serve bread.

The table sat 10 children Olingov.

Riuven Oling works in a factory - MS., CU.

In Omsk maternity children being taken from the children's room to mothers on feeding.

Obstetrician AI Lipatov, which adopted September 16 his fifteen thousandth newborn bedside mothers.

Lying woman with a newborn.

Parents go out of the hospital with the child (in Moscow).

New houses in Moscow.

Furnished apartments for workers in Leningrad.

Writer KA Fedin at home says about working on a novel (synchronous)

Reel №4

Moscow - LS. (With a / t).

MSU in the Lenin Hills - LS., MS. (With motion).

MSU students: Romanian Vasile Pekuretsu, Aelita Laskova Bulgarian, Hungarian Andras Varga, Vietnamese May Thuc Loan in class on their faculties.

Pedestrians walk on the Crimean Bridge in Moscow.

Polish Industrial Exhibition in Moscow Visitors at the exhibition.

Czech glass exhibition at the Central Exhibition Hall Manezh Square, visitors to the exhibition halls.

Professor Kolesnikov operating doing heart surgery on a child with extracorporeal cardiopulmonary bypass.

Powered oscilloscope.

Doctor in a mask face - CU.

Recovering children who have undergone heart surgery, played in the House.

Children in the classroom and at work in the classroom work in Minsk boarding school.

Boarding schools in Rostov Teterin Victor goes to a music lesson, learning to play the piano.

Teterin house in the village of Chertkov.

VA Teterina and AM Teterin who adopted seven children, including Vitya, at home, and the father and the children prepare flower seeds to send as a gift to new settlers, for new buildings in the school.

Hockey players pass through the territory of the Central Stadium in Luzhniki.

Hockey players train on the artificial ice rink.

Skiers train in Leningrad springboard with artificial snow.

Maya Plisetskaya and Rice Struchkova that September 16 was awarded the title of People's Artists of the USSR, among friends.

People's Artist of the Republic Dm.

Kabalevsky listens to his sonata performed by Emil Gilels (synchronously).

At the airport there are planes - LS.

French aircraft at the airport - MS., PNRM.

Out of the plane of the delegation, the tourists from different countries.

The plane from Iran - PNRM.

Taxis the aircraft, of the aircraft goes hunters turns, arrived from Germany on vacation on the Black Sea coast of Crimea.

Coil in Livadia, in the former royal palace, met with Kazakh shepherd Kunashpaevym and other holiday resort.

Twice Hero of Socialist Labor Kunashpaev in a sanatorium.

Steers the aircraft in the Yerevan airport.

Out of the plane-Armenian tourists from America.

Yerevan residents welcome the guests, the guests were crying.

Moscow - LS. (With a / t).

Police officers involved in search of people who went missing during the Great Patriotic War.

Reel №5

Police Colonel Medvedev at the Vnukovo airport meets Marina Sidorova, he sought out at the request of her father who lost his daughter in the days of the siege of Leningrad.

Marina and Medvedev ride from the airport by car.

Marina goes to his father on the train goes through the village to the house.

The meeting of father and daughter.

September 16 Major City Executive Committee and Chairman of Egorov Sotnikov sign the act to close the prison in the town of Pinsk.

Workers break jail in Pinsk.

Pyatigorsk television tower - MS. PNRM.

Pyatigorsk - LS.

View of Mount Mashuk.

Television equipment, the pavilions Pyatigorsk TV station work begins, the announcer announces the start of the Pyatigorsk Television Centre on September 16.

Dispatchers at the console.

The operator at the camera.

TV viewers at home.

The village Yungerovka Saratov region built a new school building at the expense of a retired engineer, ND Serov.

Pupils help to build the school.

ND Serov in the construction of the school.

Pupils Rostov collective farm.

Stalin a free lunch in the school cafeteria.

Village collective farm.

Stalin - LS.

Baking bread in a collective farm bakery.

Cook AZ Ivanchenko preparing cake and applies it to the table for a farewell dinner polar drifting station "North Pole-6."

North Pole - LS. PNRM.

The station-VS Antonov signed last radiogram.

Radioman I. Yakubaytis transmits a telegram to the mainland.

PNRM. the antenna - MS.

Airplane is flying over the northern region.

Pilot Cherevichny driven aircraft.

Black Sea in Sochi (the plane).

Landscapes Sochi.


People swim, ride a pedalo - LS., MS.

The plane on the ice "SP-6".

Polar face - CU.

Polar volley salute, the flag is lowered to mark the end of winter, the drift from Chukotka to the Greenland Sea.

Explorers board the plane.

Aircraft in the air.


Landscapes of the Irtysh (the plane).

Ducks on the pond and on the shore - LS. PNRM.

Kara Kum - LS. PNRM.

Parched, cracked earth - MS.

Blue Ribbon irrigation canal in the desert - LS. (The plane).

Cotton field.

Cotton harvesting.

Combine the wheel.

Machine pours out of the bunker cotton.

Mountains of cotton.

Bales of cotton on a conveyor belt, a nuclear reactor in Tashkent - PNRM., LS.

Engineer Mukhtar Muminov for devices console.

Village Orochi - PNRM., LS.

Children Orochi in class village school.

Teacher talking to adults.

September 16 at the International Seminar students asked Academician AN Nesmeyanov Frenchman Guy Tissier.

AN Nesmeyanov responds (synchronously).

Models of satellites and rockets in the pavilion ENEA.

Visitors to the pavilion at the layouts.

Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Speech by NS Khrushchev at the UN (synchronously).

PNRM. UN meeting in the hall during the performance, NS Khrushchev - LS., MS.

Discharged in full battalion sent to the construction site.

Escort girls demobilized soldiers.

Does the train to demobilized soldiers.

Foreign soldiers marching, passing military vehicles rises barrel guns.

Powered haymaker Rostselmash.

On the field, running a new corn harvester.

The car "Zaporozhets": seat, steering wheel car - LS., MS., CU.

Laboratory of Academician VI Dikushin: professor and other scientists for drafting automatic machines.

Authors horizontal boring machine - designers Razygraev A. Abramov and perform tests of the first sample of industrial production "thinking" machines.

Details of the machine - LS., MS., CU.

Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Plant - LS. PNRM.

Young steelworker Yu Shish at work in the shop.

Yu Shish protects engineer diploma martenovtsa.

Members of the state commission and friends congratulate George with protection degree.

Secretary of the Communist Party in the city of Novosibirsk, AP Filatov presents railwayman Gregory Lugovoi party ticket.

The street is a Communist, Mr.


Industrial landscapes - LS. PNRM.

Traffic in Moscow in the evening - MS.

Palace of Culture in the village Tyvrovo - LS.

The auditorium of the Palace.

Viewers go to the opening of the Palace of Culture.

The audience at the Bolshoi.

Bolshoi Theatre - LS.

Traffic on the streets of Moscow.

Pedestrians on the streets.

Sverdlov Square - LS.

Moscow - LS.

Kremlin - LS. (With a / t).

Kremlin stars (zoom).

Astronaut in the hardware - MS., CU.

Animation: rocket flies into space - MS.

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