Wing by wing (1972)

Movie №52576, 5 films, Duration: 0:51:20 Black-white
Studio Lennauchfilm (LNF)
Camera operators:
operaktori Yu.Artamonov N.Sergeev
N.Levickij, B.Tolchinskij


The film is about a fighting way aviation regiment "Normandy-Neman" combat cooperation of Soviet and French pilots during World War II.

Movie №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Under the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, developing the national flag of France.

Stove in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Paris.

Guard of honor of the French army.

LI Brezhnev and members of the Soviet delegation to stand during "La Marseillaise."

Panorama of the Arc de Triomphe on the square stands a guard of honor and Lena Soviet delegation headed by Brezhnev.

Persons Brezhnev and members of the Soviet delegation.

The orchestra stops playing "La Marseillaise."

Brezhnev lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

French veterans are holding banners.

Brezhnev welcomed the French military and war veterans.

Brezhnev shaking hands with veterans of aviation regiment "Normandy-Neman" talks with them.

Those veterans "Normandy".

Fluttering Soviet and French flags.

Newsreel of 1943-1944: Soviet planes take off from the aerodrome field.

Aircraft rebuilt in the air.

Flying German bombers.

Soviet anti-aircraft gunners firing at the German aircraft.

Flying German aircraft.

German pilot in the cockpit.

Flies a Soviet fighter.

German bombers.

Soviet fighters attacked.


Solid German aircraft.

Aircraft crash into the forest.

Soviet fighters attacked the German bombers.

German aircraft crashed into the ground.

German radio operators are transmitting.

German fighters take off from the airfield.

Flying German aircraft.

The pilot in the cockpit.


Panorama of the sky.

General Zaharov GN gives interviews (synchronously).

Photos of French pilots of the regiment "Normandy".

Photo M. Lefebvre Photos French pilots in their aircraft.

Photos of the first commander of the "Normandy" Major J. tulle Photo deputy commander - Captain Litolff.

Photo of Captain J. Risso Photos pilots Duran, Albert, Lefebvre.

Photos Major Pouyade AP and other pilots.

Photos of Jacques Andre Marquis de la Poype R., L. Delfino, M. de Sein Photo of French and Soviet pilots of the plane.

Newsreel of 1943-1944: the pilots of the regiment "Normandy" stand in formation.

Story of Soviet pilots.

French pilots held a solemn march of airstrip.

The passage of Soviet pilots.

Soviet and French pilots before flying to discuss a joint action plan.

Flying Soviet bombers.

German anti-aircraft gunners firing.

Drop bombs.

Bombs are flying down.

The navigator at the bombsight.

Falling bombs.

Navigator pulls the lever bombolyuka.

The bombings on the ground.

The pilot at the controls.

Burning German engineering (above).

Photos of French and Soviet pilots during the hours of rest.

Photo Commander 18 Guards Regiment A. Golubov Golubov Photo in hospital.

Photos Golubov among Soviet and French pilots.

Photos of Soviet pilots N. Pinchuk, Basrsukova V. Zamorina I. Sibirina S., V. Seregin

Photos commander 303rd Air Division of General G. Zakharov with the French pilots.

Photos of French pilots with Soviet engineers.

Photos senior engineer "Normandy" Agabelyana S. among pilots.

Photos of Soviet engineers and French pilots.

Photos toothy mechanics and pilot J. M. De Sein mother's face and white teeth De Sein.

Photo de Sein.

Mother de Sein is sitting in a chair by the fireplace.

Photos toothy and De Sein on a shelf near the fireplace.

Newsreel, 1943: Night volley of rocket launchers.

Soviet artillery fire.

Tanks go on the attack during the fighting at Orel.

Flying Soviet fighters.

Soviet troops attacked the enemy.

Flying Soviet planes.

Over the airfield waving Soviet and French flags.


French pilots closed canopies before departure.

Air battles.

Photo Major tulle.

Clouds in the sky.

The Eiffel Tower in Paris.

A veteran of the regiment "Normandie-Niemen" talks with GN Zakharov, gives interviews (synchronously).

Newsreel, 1943: Pilots of the regiment "Normandy" stand in formation on the airfield.

General Zaharov GN He is talking with the French pilots.

The pilots in the ranks.

General Zakharov and the new commander of the "Normandy" Major Pouyade P. Morning, planes at the airport.

Morning forest and rural landscapes.

Newsreel, 1943: French pilots are on the airfield.

Pilots are playing chess, sitting under the wing of the aircraft.

Soldiers removed the disguise from aircraft after receiving an alarm.

The pilot climbs into the cockpit.

Rotating propeller plane.

The pilot of the cab gives the command.

Left chess.

Plane takes off.

The duty radio operator looks at the sky.


Pouyade lead the fight from the ground by radio.

German bombers dropped bombs.

The face of the pilot.

Bombs are flying down.

Attacking the Soviet fighters.


Falling Soviet aircraft.

The aircraft sits on the airfield, people from the plane.

Soviet and French pilots a rest after landing.

Pilots continue to play chess.

Soviet soldiers in camouflage winter in camp.

Volley rocket launchers.

Soviet tanks and infantry are on the attack.

Dogfight, board shooter firing from a machine gun.

A passenger plane sits on the Paris airport.

Soviet and French pilots.

Newsreel 1943: Romanian soldiers surrendering at Stalingrad.

Captive Field Marshal Paulus F. among the officers of his staff.

Romanians are prisoners with their hands up.

The entry of the Germans in Paris in 1940, the troops marching past the Arc de Triomphe.

German troops are on the streets of Paris.

German generals greet passing troops.

The street passing horse artillery.

Veterans of the "Normandy" during a visit to Volgograd.

Monument Motherland.

Newsreel 1943: air battles near Smolensk.

The explosions on the ground.

Soviet fighters rebuilt to attack.


The burning plane.

Pilot "Normandy" by J. Risso discount house in Smolensk.

Soviet troops in the streets of Smolensk.

Tank column moving on the road.

The streets of Moscow in November 1943.

Anti-aircraft guns in the squares of Moscow.

A general view of Red Square.

A scene from the ballet "Giselle" at the Bolshoi Theater.

View of the hall of the Bolshoi Theater.

Ballet soloists go cap in hand.

It takes a train.

A veteran of the regiment "Normandy" De La Poype gives interviews, standing beside GN Zakharov (Synchronously).

Newsreel of 1943-1944: M. Lefebvre other.

The pilots are on the airfield near Tula.

Aircraft before departure.

The pilot sits in the plane.

Plane takes off.

The pilot is drinking tea at the plane.

Pilots inspect the damaged aircraft.

Plane takes off.

De La Poype and GN Zakharov play with dolphins at the aquarium.

Face De La Poype.

Newsreel of 1943-1944: awards the French pilots at the airfield near Tula.

Gen. A. Petit presents the award De La Poype and makes it into a gentlemen of the Order of the Legion of Honor.

General Petit awards the French pilots.

Awarded the French pilots.

Pilots are on the aerodrome.

Aircraft Regiment "Normandie" fly to the front in May 1944.

Aircraft flying on a mission.

Dogfight over Vitebsk.

Landing plane.

Type part airfield (top).

Game footage from x / film "Normandie-Niemen": landing of an aircraft Lefebvre.

Newsreel 1944: Loading the wounded pilot in hospital bus.

Photo of Hero of the Soviet Union M. Lefebvre

Newsreel 1944: Soviet artillery firing at the enemy during the offensive in Byelorussia.

Panorama wildflowers.

Newsreel 1944: Soviet offensive in Belorussia.

Aircraft in the sky.

Golubov AE gives interviews (synchronously).

Game footage: German anti-aircraft gunners firing.

Newsreel 1944: flying aircraft.

The plane landed.

Aircraft prior to departure on a mission.

Fighters "Yak-3" at the airport.

General De Gaulle made a speech in liberated Paris.

People listen to De Gaulle.

Jubilant people on the streets and squares of Paris.

The plane flies over the Place de la Concorde.

Soviet pilots congratulate the French with the liberation of Paris.

Mother de Sein is sitting in a chair by the fireplace.

Newsreel 1944: planes converted on the road to the new airport.

Flying airplanes.

Game footage from x / film "Normandie-Niemen": an attempt landing de Sein.

Newsreel 1944: the plane crashes and breaks.

Mother toothy sitting at the table.

Mother de Sein gives interviews (synchronously).

Photos toothy and De Sein, standing on a shelf near the fireplace, mother De Sein gives interviews (synchronously).

Veteran "Normandy" Jacques Andre sitting in flower beds.

Andre in the greenhouse gives interviews (synchronously).

Andre is on the greenhouse along the beds of flowers.

Newsreel 1944: Andre the aircraft with the Order of the Red Banner on his uniform.

Andre gives interviews (synchronously).

Newsreel of 1944-1945: the fighters in the sky for the attack are rebuilt.

Air battles over Eastern Prussia.

Burn lined German planes.

Planes are flying into battle.

The face of the German anti-aircraft gunners.

Aircraft dropped bombs.

German anti-aircraft artillery firing.

German troops counterattack.

German soldiers are shot out of hiding.

General Chernyakhovsky ID on the banks of the Neman.

Soviet troops stepping up the Neman.

Chernyakhovsky on the banks of the Neman watching the ferries.

Soviet tanks, artillery and infantry on the march.

French pilots are on the streets of Moscow.

General De Gaulle presenting awards to the pilots of the regiment "Normandy-Neman".

De Gaulle presenting awards to the Soviet military.

De Gaulle made a speech before the French pilots.

Pilots applaud De Gaulle.

Mechanic helps French pilots put on a parachute.

The pilot climbs into the cockpit.

French pilots before flying to France.

Colonel L. Delfino front of the ranks of the regiment.

Plane takes off.

Soviet aircraft in the skies over Konigsberg.


An enemy plane in sight.

Plane falls in the forest.


The pilots stand in formation on the airfield.

Awarding of the regiment "Normandy-Niemen" Order of the Red Banner.

General Khriukin attaches to the award banner regiment.

General Petit and General Zakharov during the presentation of awards.

Khriukin General congratulates the regimental commander.

Soviet generals greet passing regiment march past.

The pilots of the regiment "Normandie-Niemen" go marching past the aerodrome.

Soviet and French pilots are on the airfield.

They fly airplanes.

Victory Salute in Moscow.

Jubilant people on the streets of Moscow.

The pilots of the regiment "Normandie-Niemen" during a reception in Moscow.

Air Chief Marshal AA Novikov delivers a speech in front of the pilots.

Those French pilots.

Novikov presenting French, Soviet order.

Novikov talks with award-French.

The pilots of the regiment "Normandie-Niemen" at the airport before flying to France.

Those Soviet pilots.

General Levandovich presenting gifts.

French pilots considered donated aircraft model.

General Levandovich shakes hands with French pilots.

General Petit speaks to the pilots.

The pilots were listening to the general.

Fluttering Soviet and French flags.

Generals Levandovich and Petit waving goodbye to the departing French pilots.

Aircraft in the sky.

View the Arc de Triomphe in Paris (at the top).


Novikov Alexander - commander Khriukin Timothy T. - commander Georgy Zakharov Nefedovich - commander Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich - commander Charles De Gaulle - French statesman and politician Ernest Petit - French military commander Delfino Louis - French pilot De La Poype Roland - French pilot Marcel Lefebvre - French pilot Risso Joseph - French pilot Pouyade Pierre - French pilot


1940 1943-1945

Shooting locations:

Moscow [820] Paris [850] Smolensk [822] Belarus [845] Tula region [808] Kaliningrad region [778]

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