Soviet Lithuania (1947)

Movie №53857, 6 parts, Duration: 0:34:14
Poseljskij I.
Camera operators:
A. Levitan, A. Shafran, S. Shkoljnikov


Forest, river, historical monuments.
The signing of the Treaties of Accession of Lithuania to the Soviet Union. The peasants divide the landed estates.
The fighting on the territory of Lithuania during the Great Patriotic War.
Vilnius, Klaipeda, Kaunas.
Farmers plow the land, pass the milk in the dairy section of the cooperative.
Sewing workshop.
Working in a printing house.
Builders to restore the destroyed during the war buildings in Vilnius.
Rehabilitation of power plants, factory buildings.
Work silk weaving factory "Kauno-Audinyay." 4-6ch. - Folk Museum.
Working wood carvers, potters, jewelers.
Fishermen are fishing in the sea, ships in the port of Klaipeda.
I session of the Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR. Students and professors at the University of Vilnius.
Scientists at the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.
Lithuanian writers, painters, sculptors at work.
Fragments of the performances of the Lithuanian theater.
The farmers are harvesting grain in the field.
The house of the peasant harvest festival passes.

Reel №1


Reel №2

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A meeting in a Lithuanian village.

Peasants participating in the war, awarded with orders and medals, take part.

The chairman of the assembly reads out the appeal of Lithuanian residents to Stalin from the Lithuanian newspaper Tiesa (Pravda).

Peasants inspect seeders before sowing in 1947.

The heads of the collective farm from the Shauliai district, together with the secretary of the party committee Zhilinskis, are discussing a plan for the construction of a collective farm settlement.

Layout of the village.

Houses are being built for collective farmers.

According to popular custom, when the roof is installed, a wreath rises above the rafters.

The horses are going to the farm.

A local breed of heavy-duty horses.

Piggies inspect young piglets.

A pigsty brings food for a sow with piglets.

Riding local horses.

A milkmaid inspects a Lithuanian red cow.


A herd of pigs on a walk.

A peasant stands in a field with grain sprouts.

A peasant at a horse-drawn plow.

Tractors arrive in the village.

Children watch the arrival of equipment through the open windows of the school.

Peasants inspect and repair tractors.

Competition of tractor drivers.

The winner is followed by a commission and checks his furrow.

Machine and tractor stations and rental points give farmers equipment for cultivation of the land.

Milk processing equipment.

The peasants are going to a meeting of the agricultural credit association.

Through cooperation, they receive loans, buy seeds, fertilizers and complex machines together.

Trains with new agricultural machines.

High water.


The harvester is working.

Women gather sheaves.

Horses graze by the river.

Breaking horses.

Poultry house.

Ducks swim on the river.

Pigs graze on the field.

A pig with piglets in a pen.

Cows graze in a meadow.

Delivery of milk to the cooperative.

Construction in the collective farm of Zhemaitiya

Threshing sheaves.

Farmers finish harvesting grain.

Panorama of a field with sheaves.

Assembly of sheaves.

Peasants take hay out of the fields.

Peasants plow the land on horses and sow grain by hand.


Construction, Seeding, Harvesting, Credit partnerships



sekretarj partkoma.

Shooting locations:

Lithuania [128]


The collective farm of Zhemaitiya.

Reel №3

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Lakes of Lithuania.

Crawler in protected areas of Lithuania.

Migratory birds on the lakes of the reserve.

Wild geese.


Map of Lithuania.

The map shows Klaipeda.

The Curonian spit of Neringa.

Dunes on a spit 70 meters high.

The dunes are planted with shrubs.

The scythe is studied by scientists led by M. Tauyatis.

Panorama of the spit during a storm.

Pine forest.


Sailing in the vicinity of Klaipeda.

Female crew.

Children from pioneer camps have a rest at the sea.

The resort of Palanga.

People are relaxing on the beach.

Vacationers from all republics of the USSR.

People's Artist of the USSR Kipras Petrauskas and President of the Academy of Architecture Mordvinov are fishing.

Pensioner Vasiliev is vacationing in Lithuania.

Alternation of shots from Lithuanian health resorts.

Vacationers go home.

Pioneers are leaving home, September begins.

Children go to school on September 1.

Schoolchildren on the streets of the city.

Pupils of the nautical school.


Nature of Lithuania, Sports and recreation, Schools in Lithuania


M. Tauyatis

professor. Kipras Petrauskas

narodnij artist SSSR. A.G. Mordvinov


Shooting locations:

Lithuania [128] Klaipeda [955] Palanga

Reel №4

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13 research institutes are united by the Academy of Sciences (AS) of the Lithuanian SSR.

Scientists enter the building of the Academy of Sciences.

Meeting of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR.

The President of the Academy of Sciences is Professor Iozas Matulis.

The Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences, Jozas Jukshta, speaks.

Professor Plaschis.

Professor Khreshchunas.

Professor Souris.

Scientists are helping to solve the problems of Lithuania's recovery and development.

Meeting of scientists of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.

Children in kindergarten.

Schoolchildren listen to a teacher who was awarded orders and medals during the war.


Readers receive books.


Vilnius University.

The interior of the university.

Telescopes and old books.

The globe.

A large audience of the university.

Lecture on physiology.

The lecture is given by Professor Jonas Shipauskas.

Students at lectures and laboratory work.

Public library.

Higher educational institutions of Kaunas, for example, the Institute of Chemical Technology.

Polytechnic Institute.

Veterinary Academy.

Institute of Physical Culture.

Rhythmic gymnastics classes.

Gymnastics training.

Graduate of the Institute, USSR boxing champion, Algerdas Shotikas.

Awards of students of the Institute.

Students are walking down the street.

11 institutes of the republic produce about one and a half thousand specialists per year.

Botanical Garden.

The head of the Institute is Professor Grybauskas.

Republican breeding station in Dotnuva.

Scientist Pudalas is working on new varieties of barley, oats, and wheat.

The station displays 48 varieties of different crops.


Research institutes of Lithuania, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Higher educational institutions of Lithuania, Breeding station


Iozas Matulis

professor. Iozas Zhyukshta

vice-prezident AN. Professor Plashis. Professor Kreschunas. Professor Prokis. Professor Ionas Shipauskas. Aljgerdas Shocikas

chempion SSSR po boksu. Professor Gribauskas. Pudalas


Shooting locations:

Lithuania [128]

Reel №5

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Alternating frames with Lithuanian museums.

Folk art.

Examples of such creativity.

A weaver works on a loom.

Samples of Lithuanian peasant dresses.

Samples of socks and mittens with a folk pattern.

Clay handicrafts.

State Art Institute.

Leonas Tamulis paints the restoration of Vilnius.

The statue of the fisherman was created by the young sculptor Kazis Varnas.

Educational sketches of students of the State Art Institute.

The picture is created by a former partisan A. Gogin.

The painting is called "On execution".

The artist Zhmultsiniavicius and the sculptor Mikenas discuss their works.

The sculptor Mikenas created the Victory Monument in Kaliningrad.

Landscapes of Zhmultsinyavichus.

In 1947, the Academy is preparing to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the Lithuanian book.

The first printed Lithuanian editions.

Professor Pokarklis examines the manuscripts of the Lithuanian poet Danilaitis discovered in Kaliningrad.

Russian translation of the poem.

Translations of Russian classics into Lithuanian.

Shooting of Salome Neris, a poet.

Writers Peteris Svirka and Bolis Stuoga, Antanas Svenslavas and Boris Daugaviatis discuss new works in the Writers' Union.


Culture and folk crafts


Leonas Tamulis

hudozhnik. Kazis Varnas

skuljptor. A. Gogin

hudozhnik. Hudozhnik Zhmuljcinyavichus. Skuljptor Mikenas. Professor Pokarklis. Solomeya Neris

poetessa. Peteris Svirka

pisatelj. Bolis Stuoga

pisatelj. Antanas Svenslavas

pisatelj. Boris Daugavyatis


Shooting locations:

Lithuania [128]


State Art Institute.

Reel №6

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Port operation.

Moored seiners.

The seiner's team is going to sail.

Barrels for fish are loaded.

The bells are beaten off and the ship goes to sea.

The captain of the ship.

Lithuanian trawler chooses a trawl with fish.

Near the shore they catch from boats.

There's a catch of eels in the boat.

The nets are adapted for catching only large fish, the young go to sea.

Panorama of the Klaipeda port.

Unloading of the vessel.

Komsomol member Vytautas Manaitis unloads machines for a spinning mill.

Women mend nets.

New vessels and minesweepers have appeared in fishing harbors for fishing at great depths.

Fishermen work on the deck.

The work of the Klaipeda port.

In 1939, the Germans took Klaipeda from Lithuania, the Soviet Union returned Klaipeda to Lithuania.

There are ships from many countries in the port of Klaipeda.

A Polish ship is being unloaded.

A platform for unloading coal.

Unloading of wood.

Panorama of moored trawlers.

Fishermen are resting on the shore.

Portraits of fishermen in special clothes, some smoking pipes.

The boats approach the shore.


Ports of Lithuania, Fishing, Merchant ships in the port of Klaipeda


Komsomolec Vitautas Manajtis.

Shooting locations:

Lithuania [128] Klaipeda [955]


Klaipeda port.

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