Foreign policy of the Communist party in the conditions of the outbreak of Nazi aggression, and the rise in the threat of war (series history of the Communist party) (1973)

Movie №55110, 2 parts, Duration: 0:20:35
Studio Lennauchfilm (LNF)
Vladikin V.
Camera operators:
Preobrazhenskaya Z.
Dunaeva N.


A film about the international situation prevailing during the 1930s, supported by the fascist regimes in Germany and Italy bourgeois states, the fight Spanish people with the Nazis, the efforts made by the Soviet Union to prevent war and the Communist Party of these processes.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel 1930: types of European cities, protests.

Workers in Asian colonies.

Trading on the stock exchange.

Unemployed people are sleeping on the benches.

General view of the Reichstag building in Berlin.

Parliamentarians on the steps of the Reichstag.

Construction of plants in the USSR. The meeting in the Hall of Columns.

Acts Shvernik NM People in the audience applauded.

Slogans in the hall early performance by five-year plan.

The meeting in the hall.

Foundry one of the plants.

Persons working.

Japan on the world map.

Newsreel, 1931: People on the streets of Tokyo.

Children are engaged in sports and military training.

Japanese soldiers in class melee combat.

Persons of Japanese generals and officers.

Japanese troops marching.

Shooting deck gun Japanese ship.

Japanese field artillery fires.

The officer looks at the telescope.

The fighting in the streets.

Bombers drop bombs.

Explosions in the city.

View of the streets of a town (top).

Japanese military atrocities, reprisals against civilians.

People buried in the ground alive.

The soldiers shoot civilians.

Map Japanese occupation of China.

Newsreel 1933: Hitler rides in the car on the street, people greet him.

People are fleeing Hitler salute.

The car stopped at the podium.

Hitler out of the car.

Stormtroopers restrain the crowd.

Hitler speaks at an event.

People in the audience greeted Hitler.

Hitler shakes hands standing next to the generals.

Torchlight procession in Leipzig.

Fiery swastika at the stadium.

Speakers leaders of the Nazi Party.

Photos of the German Communist prisoners in concentration camps.

Hitler of the floor.

General view of the hall, people listen to Hitler.

Hitler continued performance.

SS troops on parade.

Hitler welcomes the SS.

Marching stormtroopers.

The guns of the German warship.

Hitler was on board the ship.

Ships conducting training shooting.

17 delegates of the Congress of the CPSU (b) IV Stalin applauded Stalin speaks from the podium.

The text of the summary report of Stalin, published in the newspaper "Pravda".

Newsreel 1934: 17 delegates of the Congress of the CPSU (b) in the meeting room.

KE Voroshilov Stalin and the presidium of the congress.

The delegates applauded.

Photos of the meeting of the League of Nations.

Newsreel: MM Litvinov the floor of the League of Nations.

People listen to the speech of Litvinov.

Newsreel 1935: May Day celebrations in Moscow.

People at the demonstration.

A general view of Red Square from above.

People are carrying flags and flowers.

SM Budyonny and Voroshilov on the platform of the mausoleum.

Stalin and Voroshilov on the platform of the mausoleum.

View of the Red Square during the May Day demonstration.

The text of the Franco-Soviet Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, published in Soviet and French newspapers.

The text of the Soviet-Czechoslovak Treaty.

Newsreel: Moscow on days 7 Congress of the Comintern.

The delegates in the meeting room.

Stasov ED NK Krupskaya and in the boardroom.

Persons delegates.

The delegates of the congress.

Acts Togliatti Togliatti P. delegates applauded.

GM Dimitrov acts Italian Fascists march on the square in Rome.

B. Mussolini and Hitler stand on the podium during the parade.

Mussolini spoke from the balcony of the palace in Rome.

People in the area welcomed Mussolini.

Mussolini continues to act.

Newsreel: fighting in Abyssinia.

Abyssinian soldiers defending the position.

Calculation of anti-aircraft guns firing at the plane.

Flying plane.

The machine-gunners firing.

Plane crashes.

The explosions of shells.

The soldiers are wounded.

Killed civilians.

Burning hut.

The man with the child in her arms.

Burning village.

Litvinov serves as the League of Nations.

Meeting of the League of Nations.

Abyssinian troops retreating.

Newspaper articles about the work of the Congress for Peace in 1936.

Photos of anti-war and anti-fascist demonstrations in the cities of Europe.

Newsreel: demonstration in support of the Popular Front in Spain.

Spanish soldiers Republican talking to a girl on a city mall.

Children splashing in the water near the shore.


Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin - statesman and political figure [842] Shvernik Nikolai Mikhailovich - statesman and political figure Maxim Litvinov - statesman and politician

diplomat Kliment Voroshilov - statesman and politician

military leader Budyonny Semyon Mikhailovich - commander Nadezhda Krupskaya - a revolutionary

social and political activist Stasov Elena Dmitrievna - a revolutionary social and political activist Georgy Dimitrov - Bulgarian state and political figure Palmiro Togliatti - Italian politician Benito Mussolini - Italian statesman and politician Adolf Hitler - German statesman and political figure



Shooting locations:

Berlin [821] Tokyo [866] Rome [874] Moscow [820] Leipzig Africa China [46] Spain [205]


Summer [824] Winter [823]

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel, 1936: people walk along the promenade in the Spanish city.

Nazi planes fly.

People look at the sky.

Planes drop bombs.

People on the streets fleeing the bombing.

Bodies of people killed in an air raid people.

People take out from under the rubble of a young child.

Motorcycle and car passing on the street.

General Franco comes out of the wagon train and greet Hitler.

Mussolini speaks.

Italian Fascists welcome Mussolini.

German soldiers marching.

Fighting in Spain.

Flying Nazi bombers.

Navigator crew presses bomb bay.

Bombs are flying on the target.

People fleeing the bombing.

Fascist face of the pilot.

Flying down the bomb.

Jose Diaz stands.

Rally on the square in Madrid.

Diaz continues to address.

Barricades in the streets of Madrid.

Soldiers Republicans at the barricade.

Republicans are firing at the enemy.

Foreign volunteers travel to Spain.

Soviet ships arriving in Barcelona.

Soviet captain welcomed the Spaniards.

Barcelona residents welcomed the Soviet sailors.

Feed steamers "Zyryanin."

International Brigades fighters go on fighting positions.

The face of an old woman.

Persons Brigades fighters.

Republicans marching along the highway.

Newsreel 1937: Japanese military listen to a speech of the Emperor.

Float Japanese warships.

Flying airplanes.

Japanese troops are on the Great Wall of China.

In the sky flying aircraft.

Burning houses.

Japanese gunners have guns.

Ruined city block.

Soldiers jump from the truck.

People look at them, standing on the sidewalk.

Atrocities of Japanese invaders in the streets of Chinese cities.

Japanese soldiers in the campaign.

War Minister Tojo of Japan of the floor.

People greet Tojo.

Japanese military commit ritual.

Type of terrain in the area of Lake Khasan.

Soviet border guard toured abroad.

Fly airplanes.

Calculation of anti-aircraft guns firing at the planes.

Drop burning aircraft.

Wing bomber.

The pilots in the cockpit.

The explosions of shells.

Soviet tanks are on the attack.

Shot gun.

Gunner-spotter transmits data to fire.

The guns are firing.

The corpses of Japanese soldiers killed during the fighting at Lake Khasan.

Japanese Red Army soldier captured adds helmets.

Map of Europe.

Newsreel 1938: Hitler speaks from the podium.

Hitler and Wehrmacht commanders to discuss plans to capture the European states.

Text and maps plan "Barbarossa".

Newsreel: types of streets and squares of Vienna.

German soldiers take an oath.

A general view of one of the Nazi activities.

Soldiers are.

Passes through the tank.

Military convoys moving along the road.

Map capture by the Germans in Austria.

Photo of Westminster Abbey in London.

Photo skyscrapers of New York, the telegram Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the relation to the seizure of Austria by Germany.

The statement of the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs of the USSR.

Newsreel 1938: types of streets and squares of Prague.

Hitler of the floor.

Fluttering flag of Germany, France and England.

British Prime Minister Chamberlain N. descends from the plane.

Chamberlain's meeting at the airport.

French Prime Minister Daladier.

The signing of the Munich Agreement.

Articles in foreign newspapers about the seizure of Czechoslovakia.

Newsreel 1939: descending barrier at the border.

Border post with the arms of Czechoslovakia.

German troops entered Czechoslovakia.

Soldiers riding in trucks on city streets.

Persons citizens.

The clock on the Kremlin's Spassky Tower.

18 delegates of the Congress of the CPSU (b) in the meeting room.

The text of the report of Stalin.

Congress delegates in the meeting room.

Telegraph and telephone operator at work.

Mongolian border guards on patrol.

View of the Khalkhin Gol.

The commander of the corps commander GK Zhukov developing a plan of operations.

Marshal Choibalsan is accompanied by the Soviet military.

Soviet tanks stepping up the river.

Soviet infantry attacks.

Shoots a machine gun.

Japanese gun shoots.

Red Army soldiers escorting prisoners of Japanese soldiers.

Broken Japanese guns.

Map of Europe with Germany captured territories.

German troops are moving to the East.

Message in the newspapers about the beginning of negotiations with the British and French military missions.

Message in the newspaper "Pravda" on the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact.

Soviet factories running.

Workers in the shops of metallurgical enterprises.


The Spanish Civil War


Benito Mussolini - Italian statesman and politician Adolf Hitler - German statesman and political figure Francisco Franco - Spanish statesman and political figure Jose Diaz - Spanish revolutionary and politician Hideki Tojo - Japanese statesman and politician

military leader Neville Chamberlain - British statesman and politician Edouard Daladier - French statesman and politician Georgy Zhukov - commander Choibalsan Horlogiyn - Mongolian statesman and politician

military leader



Shooting locations:

Moscow [820] Berlin [821] Madrid [873] Spain [205] Rome [874] Barcelona [875] China [46] Japan [112] Mongolia [147] USSR [863] Prague [879] Munich [872]

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