XXVI Congress of the CPSU (1984)

Movie №55150, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:42
Studio Lennauchfilm (LNF)
Shtaden A.
Camera operators:
Dolgov N.
Solovjev V.


The film tells about the XXVI Congress of the CPSU, about the implementation of the decisions of the congress, as well as about the elections of the Supreme Council in 1984.


On the sidelines T.Maltsev, M.Ulyanov, Andrei Gromyko, Yu.Andropov.
There Leonid Brezhnev, Zh.Marshe, V.Yaruzelsky, D.Ustinov.
Military exercises.
Turbine, rental, generators "Elektrosila."
AvtoVAZ pipeline.
Drilling, icebreaker.
Afghanistan, India, demonstration for peace.
XI Five Year Plan 1981-1985g.
Steel, blast furnace, punching, icebreaker, with / x, watering the cabbage fields, eggplant.
November 1982 - The General Secretary Yuri Andropov.
Miners, young workers.
Engineers. Konstantin Chernenko (with 84g).
Elections to the Supreme Council.
The new Constitution of the USSR. Reform schools.
Victory Square - vozlozhnenie wreaths.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The XXVI Congress of the CPSU, held in 1981 in February.

Kremlin Palace, Spasskaya Tower.

People on the sidelines of the palace.

Before the meeting, deputies - workers, village workers, representatives of science, art, literature, and the military-communicate in the lobby.

In the frame - actor Mikhail Ulyanov.

Women in national costumes.

Girls in kokoshniks meet a foreign delegation with bread and salt.

In the frame - representatives of foreign delegations.

People in the factory shop applaud.

The general plan is the central meeting room, a view of the hall, the stage, the stands.

On the podium - General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Brezhnev L. I.

On the podium - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Tikhonov N. A.

Panorama of the meeting room from above.

The deputy in the hall makes notes.

An animated insert is a globe, images of the coats of arms of the socialist countries appear.

Negotiations with a delegation of social countries.

Animation insert-map, hitting the USSR, the inscription "Warsaw Pact Organization" appears.

Meeting of the Political Advisory Committee of the Warsaw Pact countries.

Krupno-Marshal Ustinov D. M., Minister of Defense of the USSR.

In the frame of the military - the joint command of the armed forces of the Warsaw Pact countries.

Military exercises - tanks are driving and shooting, helicopters are in the sky.

Large-rocket compartment of the helicopter.

The tank is crossing the river, the tankers are near the tank, the tankers are sitting on the ground-resting and communicating.

Animation insert - the sun, flags of social countries appear, the inscription - "Council for Mutual Economic Assistance" (COMECON).

The CMEA building in Moscow.

A round-table meeting of COMECON representatives.

Personnel from production at factories.

Large-food products (cans, canned food).

Various personnel - the production of cars, the laying of a gas pipeline.

Signing of the contract.

Large-in the hands of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

People on the streets of the city are reading newspapers.

There is a speaker on the podium.

Representatives of former colonial countries are in the hall.

Negotiations of the Soviet government with representatives of former colonial countries.

In the frame-Gromyko A. A., Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR.

In the frame-Andropov Yu. V., chairman of the KGB of the USSR.

The opening of the Friendship Bridge between the USSR and Afghanistan is a solemn rally, a train with new tractors is traveling.

Panorama of the territory of the nuclear power plant, cooling towers.

There is a lecture, there are foreign students in the audience.

Foreign students at practical classes, medical students at lectures.

Operating room - an operation is underway.

A dark-skinned woman brings a child to the Soviet doctors for examination.

Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India, is in the frame.

The delegation of India at the congress.

There are members of the government of the USSR-in the frame, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Gromyko AA, Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Chernenko K. U. and others.

Indira Gandhi signs the contract.

The general plan is the central meeting room, a view of the hall, the stage, the stands.

Various cadres from the CPSU congresses in foreign countries.

Brezhnev L. I. on the podium.

Members of the Politburo and representatives of foreign countries applaud in the stands.

Panorama of the meeting room from above.

Collage-the Capitol, rockets, an American soldier.

The White House.

Photo of Reagan with a rocket in his hands.

Rallies in the United States for peace, against the arms race-there are demonstrators with slogans and banners.

Map of Europe.

B / w footage of foreign modern chronicles - American military bases, an aircraft carrier, police dispersing demonstrators, American pilots.

Brezhnev L. I. on the podium.

The deputies in the hall listen to the speech, applaud.

Stand on the street - "We will implement the decisions of the XXVI Congress of the CPSU".

Large-various headlines of Soviet newspapers.

Animation insert-missiles, a map on which the USSR and the USA are marked, painted planes, warships, soldiers appear on the map.

A peaceful demonstration - people are walking, with flags, slogans, banners.


Congress, Party, CPSU, COMECON, Warsaw Pact


Uljyanov M. A. - akter Brezhnev L. I. - sovetskij politicheskij deyatelj

Generaljnij sekretarj CK KPSS Tihonov N. A. - sovetskij politicheskij deyatelj

predsedatelj Soveta ministrov SSSR Ustinov D. M. - sovetskij politicheskij deyatelj


ministr oboroni SSSR Gromiko A. A. - sovetskij politicheskij deyatelj

ministr inostrannih del SSSR Andropov Yu. V. - sovetskij politicheskij deyatelj

predsedatelj KGB SSSR Gandi I. - premjer-ministr Indii Chernenko K. U - sovetskij politicheskij deyatelj

sekretarj CK KPSS

Shooting locations:

Moscow [820]

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.


Large-the headings of articles in Russian and foreign languages.

Photos of New York, the UN building, the UN General Assembly Hall.

The headlines of Soviet newspapers.

Large-a banner with the slogan for peace.

Soviet people are speaking at the rally.

Panorama of a crowd of people with banners at a rally.

Exit-a panorama of the hall and the stage.

Personnel from various industrial enterprises of the USSR - production processes, workers on the territory of the plant, the production of tractors, a welder works, etc.

New buildings.

Passers-by on the street.

Workers and female workers in the workshops of factories, in factories.

The party congress - various speakers speak on the stands, deputies listen to speeches in the hall.

Personnel from various industrial enterprises of the USSR.

Shooting from above - a gas tower, a snow-covered plain.

The icebreaker goes through the ice.

Railway junction - a train is going.

Brezhnev L. I. reads the report.

Voting in the hall.

Large-in the hands of a brochure.

Animation insert-a map of the USSR with the image of various enterprises.

The automatic control center at the factory-an employee is sitting at the remote control.

Various shots from the production.

The exhibition stand with household appliances and household goods.

Rig, oil and gas production.

BAM, laying of the railbed.

Nuclear energy - various plans from power plants.

Wheat field, combine harvesters are working.

A brochure on the topic of agriculture.

Grain harvesting, milkmaids with cows,

grain field, harvesting equipment, automatic watering of fields, tractors and combines work on the field, cows in the cowshed, the milking process, cows on grazing.

Photos of new areas and household objects.

A lesson in the classroom.

Field breeders on the field.

Large-articles of the Food Program.

Grain field.

Workers in factories, factories.

Fruit harvesting.

People in line with the savings bank.

The cashier issues a salary.

Boxes of vegetables are stacked on the field.

The harvest of vegetables is unloaded from the body of a truck.

A vegetable store.

A woman gives a lecture to the employees of the enterprise.

People are sitting on a park bench, a little boy is looking at the veteran's medals.

Young people on the street.

Streets of the city.

The territory of the kindergarten - children play outdoor games with the teacher.

Awarding of leading specialists.

Large-an article of the newspaper "Pravda".

Portrait of Yu. V. Andropov, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.

Photo-workers read the newspaper "Pravda".

A meeting at the enterprise.

Workers in production.

Large-articles in the newspaper "Pravda".

Congress - deputies applaud in the hall.


Congress, Party, CPSU, UN


Andropova Yu. V. - sovetskij politicheskij deyatelj

Generaljnij sekretarj CK KPSS. Brezhnev L. I. - sovetskij politicheskij deyatelj

Generaljnij sekretarj CK KPSS

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Workers at the factory.

Workshop for the production of cars.

Workers near the automatic control panel.

Awarding of leading specialists.

A tractor with hay is driving, the workers are sitting on the field.

Design bureau. employees work behind the coulmans.

Congress, deputies in the hall.

The general plan is the central meeting hall of the Palace of Congresses, a view of the hall, the stage, the stands.

Photo with the cover of a brochure about the Constitution.

The deputies are in the hall.

Reception of the population in the deputy's office.

Meeting in the office of the head of the enterprise.

Meetings of the Council of People's Deputies.

Deputies are in the hall, in the stands.

When the camera hits the stands, K. U. Chernenko, the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, is sitting in the center.

A banner hangs on the house - " March 4, 1984 elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Everyone to the polls!"

People register for elections, cast ballots in the ballot box.

Chernenko K. U. and his wife vote.

The general plan is the central meeting hall of the Palace of Congresses, a view of the hall, the stage, the stands.

Photo with the cover of a brochure about the Constitution.

Articles of the Constitution.

The Commission for the admission of new members to the party.

Various meetings.

There is a sign on the door - "Party Committee".

A meeting in the Party Committee.

The camera captures the hall of the Palace of Congresses.

Director S. A. Gerasimov is sitting in the hall.

The speaker is on the podium, K. U. Chernenko, A. A. Gromyko and other political figures are sitting behind him.

The deputies applaud.

Large-the building "House of Political Education".

People are standing at the information stand.

The library gives out books.

People in the reading room of the library.

The general plan is the central meeting hall of the Palace of Congresses, a view of the hall, the stage, the stands.

The deputies are in the hall.

Large-an article of the newspaper "Pravda".

M. A. Suslov, Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, makes a report.

Members of the Central Committee of the party and deputies applaud.

Large-a fragment of an article from a Soviet newspaper.

A fragment from the book by K. U. Chernenko "The people and the party are united".

People at the table with books.

Large-covers of books about the party, communism, etc.

Large-a fragment of the title page of the newspaper "Pravda".

Portrait of Chernenko K. U. in the newspaper "Pravda".

Brochure with a speech by K. U. Chernenko

Meeting of K. U. Chernenko with the staff of the "Sickle and Hammer" plant.

The master teaches the student on a lathe, the employees at the garment production.

Chernenko K. U. at the meeting.

Voting at the Session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The newlyweds lay flowers at the monument to the heroic defenders of Leningrad.

School in Leningrad, September 1-the school yard, first-graders with flowers, the first bell rings.

A foreign modern chronicle - a rocket takes off, the control lever switches on the remote control, the plane takes off from an aircraft carrier, American soldiers.

Animation insert - some European countries are marked with rockets on the map.

Photo of Reagan.

Collage-on the map there are arrows from the USA to the USSR, on the sides there are images of an American soldier, missiles and military equipment.

A military band is playing in the hall of the Palace of Congresses.

Large-the faces of the military.

The deputies applaud.

The general plan is the central meeting hall of the Palace of Congresses, a view of the hall, the stage, the stands.

The building of the Palace of Congresses, Spasskaya Tower.


Congress, CPSU, elections, constitution, deputies


Chernenko K. U - sovetskij politicheskij deyatelj

Generaljnij sekretarj CK KPSS. Suslov M. A. - sovetskij politicheskij deyatelj

sekretarj CK KPSS. Gerasimov S. A. - rezhisser Gromiko A. A. - sovetskij politicheskij deyatelj

ministr inostrannih del

Shooting locations:

Moscow [820] Leningrad [848]

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