Heroes Won't Die (1963)

Movie №5771, 4 parts, Duration: 0:36:12 Black-white
Bubrik S.
Karavkin U.
Khmara L.


About Soviet commanders - Mikhail Tukhachevsky, Vasily Blyukher, Alexander Yegorov, Iona Yakir.


Photos of the outstanding Soviet military commanders: Marshals of the Soviet Union Tukhachevsky, VK Blucher, AI Yegorov, Commander of the first rank Yakir. Uborevich. Newsreel. Workers, peasants and Red Army soldiers at the rally. Stands Lenin. Crimea. Panorama Sivash. Perekop. Types of Historic Places. View war memorial. Book of AI Yegorov "The defeat of Denikin. Newsreel. Troops on the ice of the Gulf of Finland during the assault, the Kronstadt. Into the castle. Types of captured ships. City of Moscow. The troops stormed the city of Kronstadt, go to the parade on Red Square. Says Tukhachevsky. City of Vladivostok. Uborevich greet people. We congratulate the people of the release of the White Army and interventionists (1922). City of Moscow. Columns of demonstrators at the festival Aviation (1923). Among the participants - VA Antonov-Ovseenko. Khodynskoye field. Planes on the field. Pilots. Yegorov among workers. Meetings on the field. Bolshoi Theater. Honoring members of the expedition on the icebreaker "Krasin" and "Malygin". Present in the room applauded, rise. At the podium: SM Budyonny Yegorov. Rewarding members of the expedition orders of Labor Red Banner. Military Academy. Frunze. Students at the lecture. The lecture reads Tukhachevsky. Books written by Tukhachevsky. Leningrad Military District. Cavalry Division on horseback. Tukhachevsky congratulated soldiers with the 10 th anniversary of the division, presents the flag of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee. Theatrical presentation with the participation of men. City of Moscow. Park of Culture and Rest. Anti-war demonstration. Demonstrators are held along the paths of the park. They stand Uborevich, Unshlikht, KV Wuhan. Uborevich welcomed the demonstrators. Plenum of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR. Present: Tukhachevsky, SS Kamenev, VK Blucher and others. Meeting was the Revolutionary Military Council Special Far Eastern Army. Blvukher the table at the meeting. Mass graves of the fallen soldiers. Memorial service. They stand the Red Army. Blvukher stands, sets on the grave of the Red Banner. Gun salute. Blvukher Awards Red orders. Irkutsk. Residents were met by soldiers Far East. In the group of commanders on the platform is Blvukher. Rally in the square. From the platform supports Blvukher. City Kharkiv. May Day demonstration. At the podium: GI Petrovsky, PP Postyshev, Yakir. On the square, demonstrators held. Types of construction of the Kuznetsk, Magnitogorsk Combine. City of Moscow. Delegates XVI Congress of the Party in the hall of the Bolshoi Theater. Passing by the protesters. Yegorov welcomed the demonstrators. Members of the Congress included in the theater building. At the podium: SV Kosior, PP Lyubchenko, NA Skrypnik, G. Petrovsky. Stands VY Chubar. The margins of Yakir speaks with participants of the congress. Parade of troops on Red Square. They stand commanders of Red Army soldiers, military equipment. Tukhachevsky toured the troops, welcomed the participants of the parade. There stands the Mausoleum of Lenin are: Tukhachevsky, JB Gamarnik, AI Egorov, SS Kamenev. In the Kremlin hall sitting delegates XVII Party Congress, among them: Khrushchev, Budyonny, SM Kirov, MS Chudov, Yakir. At the podium: GK Ordzhonikidze, G. Petrovsky, Mikhail Kalinin, VV Kuibyshev. From the platform supports Tukhachevsky. Applauding delegates. On the sidelines talking Blvukher, I. Dubov, Yakir, SM Budyonny Tukhachevsky, AI Egorov. Photographing a group of military delegates, among them: AI Egorov, Tukhachevsky, Uborevich, Blvukher, SM Budyonny. YI Alksnis. Kiev Military District. Maneuvers (1935). Passing tanks, fly planes, rushing cavalry. Explosions. Jumping parachutists. At the podium: Yakir, Voroshilov, PP Lyubchenko, SV Kosior, PP Postyshev and others. By Kreshchatik passes cavalry, mechanized infantry, artillery. Belarusian Military District. Maneuvers (1936). Rides horse artillery, tanks are going to be running infantry. Pass marshals Yegorov. Budyonny. City of Moscow. Kremlin. Meeting of the wives of Red Army. At the podium: Krupskaya, Blvukher, JB Gamarnik. Participants of the meeting to welcome them. The military part of the Special Far Eastern Army. The four tankers - Mikheev brothers and their father is suitable Blvukher. Greet them, talking. Brothers Mikheeva sit in the tank. The tank pulls. City of Moscow. Meeting session of the CEC of the USSR. Among the participants: Tukhachevsky, NK Krupskaya, MI Ulyanov, VM Orlov, Nikita Khrushchev, Academician Karpinsky. The presidium MF Vladimirsky, MI Kalinin. From the platform supports Tukhachevsky (synchronously). Germany. City of Berlin (1945).. Brandenburg Gate in the smoke. Shoot "Katyusha". Hoisting the flag over the Reichstag. The soldiers on the steps of the Reichstag. Salut. Portraits Tukhachevsky, VK Blucher, AI Yegorov, Yakir, Uborevich. People jubilation. Salute in honor of the victory.

Reel №1

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Photo: Tukhachevsky, V.K.Blyuher, A.N.Egorov, Yakir, I.P.Uborevich - CU.

Books-reports XX, XXI, XXII Party Congress.

Edition of "final word Khrushchev at the XXII Congress of the CPSU» - CU.

Newsreel 1918:

Detachments of workers and peasants, to join the ranks of the Red Army at the rally.

Lenin's speech to the Red Army soldiers going off to the front.

Pass by the Red Army.

Passing Red Cavalry.

Photo V.K.Blyuhera 1918.

Order of the Red Banner.

Red Square (30 September 1918).

V.K.Blyuher was the first in the Soviet republic was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

Photo 1920: V.K.Blyuher commanders of the 51st Division, which was headed.

Banner, handed 51st Division on the front of the delegation of the Moscow workers.

Historic sites, where the Red Army in the 1920s destroyed the Wrangel - PNRM.

Siwash - LS. (Front commander Frunze).

Perekop - PNRM., LS., MS.

The monument to the defenders of the Crimea in the Civil War - LS., MS., CU.

The plaque on the building, which housed the headquarters of Frunze, house - LS.

Photo Yakir 1918 and others years. - CU.

Photo: Mikhail Frunze and Yakir - MS.

Photo: AIEgorov group Red Army commanders.

AIEgorov in 1919 - Commander of the Southern Front - CU.

A.I.Egorova book "The defeat of Denikin in 1919."

Photo I.P.Uborevicha 1917 and the Civil War.

Photo I.M.Tuhachevskogo 1918, when he was commander of the First Army of the Eastern Front - MS.

Photo Valerian Vladimirovich Kuibyshev - the first member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Army.

The device transmits a telegram on the tape telegram to Lenin about the capture by Soviet soldiers Simbirsk.

Lenin portrait artist Michael.

Photo Tukhachevsky (when the Military Revolutionary Council awarded him an honorary golden arms) - CU.

The text of the Order of the Revolutionary Military Council on awarding Tukhachevsky - CU.

Newsreel 1920-1921.:

Are tanks - LS.

M.V.Tuhachevsky - Commander of the Caucasian Front.

Ordzhonikidze - member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Caucasian front.

The ice on the Gulf of Finland are part of Kronstadt 7th Army (under the command of Tukhachevsky).

Crater on the ice - LS.

Red Army stormed and come to Kronstadt.

Ships taken by Red Army soldiers in the insurgency.

Red Army to victory back from Kronstadt to Petrograd.

The participants in the assault on Kronstadt Reward formation in Red Square in Moscow.

By area, are armored cars.

Brass band plays (military).

Banner of the military school - CU., MS.

Red Army soldiers in the ranks of the Red Square.

From the podium at the Red Square stands commander Tukhachevsky.

Reel №2

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Newsreel, 1922-1923,.:

The Red Army liberated the Riviera of the last White Guards and interventionists came to Vladivostok.

Commander I.P.Uborevich Vladivostok talks with representatives of the various sectors of the city.

I.P.Uborevich congratulate the people of the city with the final liberation of the Soviet land from invaders.

I.P.Uborevichu presented with "bread and salt".

Obelisk of Freedom in Moscow - MS.

Celebration for the Red Air front on Khodynka in Moscow in 1923.

Among the participants of the festival Antonov aircraft - one of the organizers of the Red Army.

The people at the Khodynka - LS.

The first aircraft by Soviet industry - LS.

The first Soviet pilots - CU.

AIEgorov among workers at the celebration of aviation in 1923 - LS., CU.

Group of photographers "Izvestia» - CU.

Group of photographers at Khodynka.

The cameraman shoots - LS.

The Bolshoi Muscovites welcome the heroes icebreaker "Krasin" and "Malygin" who saved the Arctic expedition Italian General Nobile.

At the celebration there SM Budyonny and AIEgorov.

Unshlikht read the decree on awarding heroes Arctic Order of the Red Banner.

R.Muklevich presents Order heroes.

Present in the audience applauded - LS.

Photos on the building Frunze Military Academy.

Frunze - CU.

Newsreel 1928:

Military Academy of the lecture.

Tukhachevsky lecture listeners Academy.


PNRM. the books written by Tukhachevsky on military science.


Camp Cavalry Division in the Leningrad Military District - LS.

Tukhachevsky congratulates riders on the 10th anniversary of the cavalry division, and transmits them to the banner of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee.

Troopers evil joke ridicule those who bully division in the Don and Kuban (small dramatization).

Parade to mark the tenth cavalry divisions - LS.

Newsreel 1929:

The building of the Moscow City Council.

Past the City Council held a demonstration, the 1st of August was declared anti-war day - LS. (With a / t).

Streams Muscovites go to Central Park of Culture and Recreation.

I.P.Uborevich - Commander of the Moscow Military District, the park welcomes Muscovites.

Unshlikht and Wuhan at an antiwar festival in the park.

Plenum of the Revolutionary Military Council of the country - LS.

Deputy People's Commissar of Tukhachevsky, Chief Navy R.Muklevich, Deputy Commissar Sergei Kamenev, Commander WH Blucher with a group of representatives of the Far East at the plenum of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR.

Meeting of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Special Far Eastern Army.

Commander Odwan V.K.Blyuher Revolutionary Military Council at the meeting.

Far East Army cavalry rides through the streets of the city after defeating Dzhalaynora gangs Chiang Kai-shek, who tried to attack the CER and cross the border.

Special Far Eastern Army soldiers on a train approaching the border of the Soviet Union, across the border.

Mass graves who fought for the liberation of the Soviet Republic.

Memorial meeting at the mass grave.

Commander V.K.Blyuher speech at the rally.

Corps Commander speaks Vostretsov - Knight 4 Order of the Red Banner.

V.K.Blyuher sets Red Flag at the mass grave.

Thundering volley gun - LS.

V.K.Blyuher presents the Order of the Soviet Army of the Far East.

Red Army attaches shirt Order - CU.

Are awarded by the soldiers - LS., MS.

Warriors of the Far East welcome residents of Irkutsk at the station.

V.K.Blyuher at the train station in Irkutsk, talking with residents.

Rally in the square in Irkutsk in honor of the soldiers of the winning bands over Chiang Kai-shek.

On the podium V.K.Blyuher - CU.

Residents rally in Irkutsk - PNRM., LS., MS., CU.

Reel №3

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Newsreel 1930:

May Day demonstration of workers in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv.

Parade of military units in the town square.

On the podium G.I.Petrovsky, Yakir and others

By area, passing tractors - MS.

Demonstration of workers in Moscow, dedicated XVI Congress of the Communist Party - LS.

Construction of the first five companies: Moscow Automobile Plant, the Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combine, the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine.

Demonstration in honor XVI Party Congress in Moscow - LS.

Past columns are Bolshoi Muscovites tractor rides, released the Volgograd Tractor Plant.

On the steps of the Grand Theatre are XVI congress delegates, including AIEgorov, Pozern, Skrypnyk, Wuhan.

AIEgorov welcomed the demonstrators.

Congress of Soviets of the Ukraine - LS.

The presidium Kosior, Lubchenco, Skrypnyk, G.I.Petrovsky.

CPC Chairman of the Ukrainian SSR Chubar addresses Congress of Soviets.

Chubar and delegates chatting in the lobby.

G.I.Petrovsky, Yakir delegates of the Congress of Soviets - talk.

Newsreel 1933:

Parade of the Red Army in Moscow's Red Square on November 7.

Women in the military parade - CU.

Head of the Political Administration of the Red Army.

Ya Gamarnik group military.

Military equipment on Gorky Street before the parade.

Tukhachevsky Deputy People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs takes parade on Red Square.

Congratulates the parade on the holiday.

Parade participants meet at the welcome cry of "Hurrah!".

Tukhachevsky, J. Gamarnik, AIEgorov, S.S.Kamenev on Red Square during the parade.

Newsreel 1934:

XVII Party Congress meeting in the Kremlin.

NS Khrushchev Budyonny and other members of the Moscow delegation to the session of the Congress.

Leningrad delegation - S.M.Kirov, Miracles and others at the meeting of Congress.

The delegation of Ukraine - Yakir, Popov and others at the convention.

The presidium of the congress G.K.Ordzhonikidze, G.I.Petrovsky and others.

From the podium stands Tukhachevsky.

Applaud Kalinin, G.I.Petrovsky, G.K.Ordzhonikidze, V.Kuybyshev.

On the sidelines of the congress talking V.K.Blyuher, Oak, Yakir, Budyonny, Tukhachevsky, AIEgorov etc.

Members of the Central Committee of the Party elected at XVII Congress: AIEgorov, V.K.Blyuher, Tukhachevsky, I.P.Uborevich and others.

Photographed on the memory of the congress.

Red Army parade in Red Square on the XVII Party Congress - LS., MS.

Go to the Lenin Mausoleum Tukhachevsky, Egorov AI, SM Budyonny V.K.Blyuher other

Armed units of the Moscow proletariat, including Litwin-Gray in the parade.

Troops on Gorky Street - LS. (With a / t).

Ceremonial march on Red Square.

Commander of the Moscow Region.

Corn on the podium.

On Red Square is the artillery, armored units - LS.

Newsreel 1935:

Maneuvers in the Kiev Military District - LS.

The training involved fighting tanks, aircraft, artillery, cavalry.

The landing of paratroopers.

Commander of the district Yakir, Voroshilov, Lubchenco, G.I.Petrovsky and others on maneuvers.

Yakir talks with the commander of the military exercise.

Transport aircraft to land at the airport armored vehicles.

Part of the Kiev military district maneuvers after a visit to Kiev.

City residents warmly welcomed the soldiers on Khreschatyk.

On the podium Yakir, N.E.Voroshilov, Kossior, Postyshev.

Cavalry, artillery units on Khreschatyk, passing motorized infantry.

Marshals Tukhachevsky, V.K.Blyuher, AIEgorov - CU.

Reel №4

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Newsreel 1936:

Marshals AIEgorov Budyonny and the maneuvers of the Belarusian Military District.

Horse artillery on maneuvers.

Photo portrait of the commander of the Belorussian Military District Jerome Uborevycha Petrovich.

Tank units and infantry are in the training battle.

Excerpts of the documentary "kick back" 1936. - Progress in the maneuvers in Belarus.

Meeting women of the Red Army in the Kremlin.

Krupskaya at the meeting.

V.K.Blyuher, J. Gamarnik The following officers were female officers.

V.K.Blyuher greeted with tank crews Special Far Eastern Army brothers Mikheev and acquainted with their father F.Miheevym, who arrived at a military base, where several of his four sons together.

Mikheyev brothers sit in the tank and drive off from Marshal Blucher.

Sitting of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.

Tukhachevsky, chief of the naval forces of the USSR Orlov, Krupskaya, academician A.Karpinsky, Nikita Khrushchev, Kalinin, Vladimir Filatov, at a meeting of the session of the CEC.

From the platform of Germany's preparations for an attack on the Soviet Union stood Marshal Tukhachevsky.

Newsreel 1945:

The capture of Berlin by Soviet troops, hoisting the flag over the Reichstag.

Soviet soldiers in the Reichstag shouting "Hurrah!" In honor of the victory over Nazi fascists.

Salute in honor of taking the Reichstag - LS.

Portraits Marshals Tukhachevsky, V.K.Blyuhera, A.I.Egorova, commanders Yakir, I.P.Uborevicha - CU.

Newsreel 1945:

Popular jubilation in Red Square on Victory Day over Nazi Germany.

People shaking military.

Fireworks over Moscow.

From the Academy.

Frunze out general Chibisov NE and others.

Fireworks over the Kremlin.

Movie №1

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