Events in Czechoslovakia (1968-1969)

Footage №58492, 2 footages, Duration: 0:13:25

Scene №1 Events in Czechoslovakia

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Brezhnev L. I., Kosygin A. N., Podgorny N. V. in the Kremlin during the Soviet-Czechoslovak negotiations in August 1968.

Members of the Czechoslovak delegation at the negotiating table, a general view of the negotiating room.

Brezhnev speaks, the members of the Czechoslovak delegation listen to him, the faces of the members of the delegation.

The text of the joint Soviet-Czechoslovak communique, published in the newspaper"Pravda".

Views of spring Prague, historical buildings and neighborhoods of Prague.

People on city streets, distribution of an opposition newspaper among passers-by, people with newspapers in their hands.

In the room, the main ideologists of the weekly "Literarni listy" - Gamshik D., Vesely L., Klima I., Liim A. are talking.

General view of the building where the organization "Club 231" was located.

One of the streets of Prague in the evening.

Young people in the hall greet Prokhazka Ya.

Prokhazka speaks from the podium (synchronously), young people listen to him, the faces of young men and girls.

Economist Otto Schick speaks (synchronously).

Speakers speak at an anti-socialist rally, young people at a demonstration.

Views of Prague, tourists on the streets, passing cars.

German Chancellor George Kissinger speaks.

Speech by Brandt V. at the rally, a general view of the rally.


Brezhnev Leonid Iljich -- statesman and politician Podgornij Nikolaj Viktorovich -- statesman and politician Kosigin Aleksej Nikolaevich -- statesman and politician Gamshik Dushan -- czechoslovak writer Prohazka Yan -- Czechoslovak writer

screenwriter Kissindzher Genri (Hajnc) Aljfred -- german statesman and politician Brandt Villi -- german statesman and politician Shik Otto -- czechoslovak economist



Shooting locations

Prague [879] Moscow [820] Czechoslovakia [877] FRG (Federal Republic of Germany) [854]


Spring [825] Summer [824]

Scene №2

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Panorama Prague quarters (top).

Spreading leaflets over Prague.

People on the streets of Prague.

Wounded Soviet soldier giving an interview to a radio journalist.

Wounded - officer Morozov and his slave lying on a stretcher.

Soviet military talk with the residents of Prague, the person conversing and arguing people.

Anti-socialist demonstration on Wenceslas Square in Prague, leafleting, people with lighted torches.

Maroushek police captain gives interviews (synchronously).

Types of central Prague (top), behind the scenes sound performance G. Husak in the Czech language, with translation into Russian (synchronously).

G. Husak on the TV screen, a speech (synchronously).

Forms part of Lenin Museum building in Prague, bas-reliefs with the image of Lenin on the wall, a plaque in honor of the Prague Conference of the RSDLP in 1912.

Lenin monument on the museum grounds.

Session of the Plenum of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in April 1969, L. Strougal of the floor (synchronously), the meeting listened to his speech, the face of Liberty L. and G. Husak

The participants of the plenum applaud.

L. Svoboda, Husak, G. and leaders of Czechoslovakia during a visit to one of the Soviet military units.

Liberty and Husak go down the line, the soldiers applauded.

Military applaud, freedom goes to the podium to speak.

Liberty stands in front of Soviet soldiers (synchronously), the military listen to his speech, the face of soldiers and officers.

Gander listening to speech, freedom ends his speech (synchronously).

Monument to Soviet and Czechoslovak soldiers in the Dukla Pass.

It should be a guard of honor of the Czechoslovak army, tanks, aircraft and artillery on the territory of the memorial.

People on the streets of Prague in the spring of 1969, the mother walk with children.

Students go to classes.

The concert in the Prague theater, people on the streets.

Workers in the shops of factories, types of industries of Czechoslovakia, manufacturing processes on the factory floor.


Freedom Ludwig - Czechoslovak statesman and political leader

military leader Gustav Husak - Czechoslovak statesman and political figure Strougal Lubomir - Czechoslovak statesman and political figure



Shooting locations

Prague [879] Czechoslovakia [877]


Spring [825] Summer [824]

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