Die Deutsche Wochenschau №609 (1942)

Newsreel №59284, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:43
Studio UFA

Reel №1

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1. Spain.

In honor of the 4th anniversary of the liberation of Madrid from the Bolshevik yoke in the capital held a Grand parade of the Spanish troops.

Caudillo Franco on the podium.

Are Marines and sailors.

Close-up of one of the soldiers of the Spanish "Blue division", fighting on the Eastern front, which is on the podium.

2. Austria, Salzburg.

The meeting of Hitler and Mussolini on 29-30.4.1942. To the entrance drove a Mercedes.

Out of it, the Fuhrer and Mussolini.

The meeting was attended by foreign Minister Ribbentrop, foreign Minister Ciano.

Field Marshal Keitel, Colonel General Cavallero and the chief of the General staff of the Italian armed forces talking in the hall.

The Estate The Berghof.

Hitler and Mussolini walk up the stairs, to the right of field Marshal Kesselring.

They are in the reception hall.

The conversation between the Fuhrer and the Duce.

Hitler and Mussolini over the map.

General Jodl gives explanations from the map.

The talks were held in a spirit of friendship and the unbreakable brotherhood of the armed forces of both peoples and their leaders.

They concluded with the adoption and approval of decisions on elimination of all forces resisting the victory of the Third Reich after further plan for the war in political and military spheres.

The Duce and the Fuhrer, at the exit of the residence.

They are on the car leaving the Berghof.

At the train station.

Seeing the Duce.

Mussolini is forgiven Keitel, generals.

Farewell of Hitler and Mussolini.

The Duce the führer shaking his hand in the window of the car.

3. Germany.

Production processes at one of Krupowki military factories.

Working in the hot shop.

Workers at their machines.

4. Germany.


Session Reichsarbeitsblatt /Imperial chamber of labour/ in the Mosaic hall of the new Reichskanzlei on the occasion of the "national labour day" 1 May.

The performance of Dr.

Lei, who spoke about the huge successes on the Eastern front, and calls upon workers and all the people to follow their example.


The highlight of the meeting was the awarding of the honored figures of the German industry.

Lay awards of the Reich Minister of Economics and President of the Bank, Walter funk, designers Ernst Heinkel, Ferdinand Porsche.

A number of German companies were rated exemplary, they are given the right to pin it to the banner enterprise the sign of the cross for military merit.

5. Of the Soviet Union.

Eastern front.

The spring thaw.

Flowing streams.

The flooded area.

The population of the temporarily occupied areas by the Germans for forced labour for the construction of river crossings for the German army.

The construction of dams and dams.

Skis and toboggans shall be at clothing warehouse.

The soldiers sent to sanitation.

Treatment clothing in getCamera.

Medical check-up.

Soldiers in the bath.

Soldiers get treated clothes.

Soldiers on vacation.

They are engaged in household chores: shave, wash, wash the head.

Shooting locations

Spain [205] Austria [16] Germany [84] USSR [863]

Reel №2

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6. The USSR, the Eastern front.

Soldiers play cards, write letters, smoke, clean weapons.

The soldiers have guns.

Repair of vehicles, buses, tanks in field workshop.

Tanks on the streets of the village.

Tankers are ordered.

The commander in his tank.

Tanks rush forward.

They are on the ground.

Tankers help to get out of the deadlock, the soldiers in the boat.

Boats on the water.

Artillery ammunition forward by cable car.

The city of eagle, partially submerged by the flood.

Flooded buildings and streets.

The population in boats moved through the streets.

German soldiers in the boat.

Turbulent flows in the streets.

Soldiers wash cars and motorcycles.

The construction of footpaths.

The car, designed moving on the tracks.

Unloading of the car rubber boots.

Unloading ammunition and materials.

Ammunition sent to the position on the narrow gauge railway.

Unloading cargo.

Carts drawn by horses, driven loads.

Car in the mud on the bumpy road.

The car pulled out of the mud.

The car makes its way through the dirt.

The jammed machine.

Pop it out with the help of artillery trailer.

The Northern section of the Eastern front.

The spring flood in Valdai.

The convoy and the soldiers are on the water.

Carts in the woods.

Horses wading in the water.

Shooting locations

USSR [863]

Chronicle Topics

World War IIHistory

Reel №3

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7. Of the Soviet Union.

The Northern section.

The detachment goes through a wooded area.

Forest, maimed by shelling.

Wrecked tanks.

The positions of the German batteries.

The officers discuss the plan of operations.

Shoot German guns.

To start artillery barrage.

Infantry ready for action.

Marines move through water and marshy areas.

Burning town.

German infantry continues the path.

Wrecked Soviet tanks.

German infantrymen at rest.

The awarding of the distinguished soldier the iron cross.

Near Leningrad.

City view from the German positions.

The beginning of the shelling of the city.

The calculation at heavy guns.


The shelling of the Harbor district.

The smoke of the fire over Leningrad.

8. Atlantic.

The Channel Coast.

The German fortifications.

Loading German planes shot down on the platform to send to Germany.

In the German part.

Soldiers on vacation.

Singing with a guitar.

Spinning the record.


All rush to the anti-aircraft guns.

Shoot the German anti-aircraft guns.

Alarm in the flight.

German fighters in the air.

Fragments of air combat.

Downed English plane crashes.

Another downed British aircraft.

A captive pilot.

The fighters return to base.

Pilot captain Joachim Müncheberg, holder of the Iron cross with Oak Leaves, sitting with a puppy in his hands at the table in the circle of friends.

The appearance of enemy bombers.

German fighters take off into the air.

Downed bomber fell to the earth.

German pilot in the car.

Another British aircraft falls to the ground.


Life at the front

Shooting locations

USSR [863]

Chronicle Topics

World War IIHistory

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