The events in Czechoslovakia (1968)

Footage №59310, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:31

Scene №1 The events in Czechoslovakia

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The coat of arms of Czechoslovakia at the building of the railway station "black over the Tisza".

The train approaches the station.

People at the station waiting for a train.

Li Brezhnev, Kadar I., Kosygin A. N., MA Suslov, Podgorny, N. In. L. freedom during the meeting.

The text of the letter of the Czechoslovak working with captions published in the newspaper "Pravda".

Groups working on self-defense square in Prague in 1968, General view of the square (above).

Leaflets on the walls of Prague's buildings, people read the leaflets.

People put their signatures under the appeal to the authorities.

Inscription calling for an independent policy on the walls, people walk past one of the inscriptions.

Kadar I., Podgorny, Todor Zhivkov, T., Svoboda, L., Brezhnev, V. Gomulka, Ulbricht V., Ceausescu N., Suslov, the Rustle of P. E. during a meeting of leaders of the countries of the Warsaw Pact in Dresden on 23 March 1968, the national flags of participating countries on the balcony of the Palace, where the meeting was held.

Zhivkov, Ceausescu, Ulbricht, Gomulka, Leonid Brezhnev, Kosygin sign a joint statement, sitting next to Yu Cyrankiewicz, Piedmont.

The Face Of Freedom L.

The message about the meeting in Dresden and the text of the joint statement in the Soviet press.

The meeting at one of the industrial enterprises in Czechoslovakia, the demonstrations in Prague, the people are red flags.

The faces of the representatives of the Czechoslovak opposition.

View of the meeting in Prague, he spoke, the demonstrators applauded.

Newsreel of the Hungarian events of 1956: armed troops on the streets, the demonstration in Budapest, a woman standing on the windowsill, waving the Hungarian flag, the bodies of those killed during the fighting in Budapest, hung in the trees.

A portrait of Lenin on one of the corpses.

Soviet tank on the streets of Prague in 1968.

People on the streets of the city while entering into the Prague Soviet troops.

Columns of Soviet tanks on the streets of Prague.

The inhabitants of Prague on Wenceslas square at the foot of the monument.

On the street there is a tank column, the soldiers sitting on the armor.

Flying over Prague of Soviet military transport aircraft.

Soviet soldiers among the inhabitants of Prague.

A protest demonstration against the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia.

A Soviet officer inspects a rifle taken as a trophy after a skirmish with the Czechoslovak Pro-Western militants.

Wounded Soviet soldiers.

Wounded lying on a stretcher, give interviews to reporters.

Shipping wounded Soviet tanker in the Prague hospital.

Column of Soviet troops moving through the streets of Prague, people threaten military fists.

The officer on the armored personnel carrier with a gesture asks people to move out of the way, people stand on the sidelines and shake my fists, the face of the tanker.

People are trying to insert a piece of iron pipe between the rollers of a tank, go for the tank.

The man standing in front of the building, calls for protests, the faces of inhabitants of Prague.

People on the streets with transistors in hand to catch and listen to Western radio stations.

TV screen, TV report on the Soviet invasion of Prague.

The dropping of leaflets and Newspapers on the streets of Prague.

Soviet tank column moving through the streets of Prague, trying to set the tanks on fire, burning a Soviet tank, tank crews extinguish the fire.

People at the rally applauded the speaker to the representatives of the Czechoslovak opposition.

Riots on the streets of Prague, the burning armor, the wounded carried away on a stretcher, taken away in carriages "Ambulance".

The people around the burning bus.

Firefighters extinguish burning buildings, burnt-out skeletons of buses.

View of the building after the fire.

Prague residents enter into discussions with the Soviet military, blocking the road vehicles.

People argue with a Soviet officer.

The face of a Czechoslovak soldier.

The locals that support the deployment of troops, among the Soviet military.

Prague residents among tanks on the streets of the city, the construction of a makeshift barrier.


Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev-statesman and political figure Suslov

Mikhail A. -- statesman and political figure Kosygin Alexey Nikolaevich-statesman and political figure Podgorny Nikolay Viktorovich-statesman and political figure Shelest

Peter E. -- state and political figure Kádár jános-Hungarian statesman and political figure Freedom Ludwig-the Czechoslovak state and political figure

military leader Todor Zhivkov -- the Bulgarian state and political figure Wladyslaw Gomulka-Polish statesman and political figure Walter Ulbricht-German statesman and political figure Nicolai Ceausescu-Romanian statesman and political figure Cyrankiewicz

józef-Polish statesman and political figure


11.1956 1968

Shooting locations

Prague [879] Budapest [865] Dresden [973] Czechoslovakia [877]


Spring [825] Autumn [826]

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