Die Deutsche Wochenschau №634 (1942)

Newsreel №62825, 2 parts, Duration: 0:21:08 B/W
Studio UFA
Camera operators:
Viljgeljm Ernst Bashtanier, Andreas Bajer, Ioahim Blashke, Ernst Glunc, Yulius Jonak, Heljbih, Gans Noak, Erih Onash, Olesko, Gans Shmid, Shtarke, Aljfred Sholjc, Ramhorst, Maks Endrejat, Voljfgang Shnajder i drugih.

Reel №1

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The celebration of the 20th anniversary of the "March on Rome" /the seizure of power by fascists in Italy/. panorama of Rome.

The building with the Italian flag, a bust of Il Duce.

Italian Ambassador Dino Alfieri speaks at the Italian Embassy in Berlin.

He speaks of the importance of the March on Rome.

Saying Mussolini: "My blood is the case of the fascist revolution."

Historical footage of the March on Rome 28.10.1922. Armed convoys entering the city.

Mussolini at the head of the Blackshirts. 1942.

King Victor Emmanuel III. Mussolini on the balcony.

The construction of new roads, bridges, houses and holiday houses.

The draining of marshland in the agro Pontino.

Mussolini in the city Littoria.

Mussolini with a pickaxe on the construction of the road.

The children swimming in the sea.

Mussolini in one of the villages.

He takes part in agricultural work.

The Italian ship.

The construction of new roads and settlements in the African colonies.

Settlers in the new house.

Marshal Italo Balbo - the Governor-General of Italian Libya.

New industrial enterprise.

The descent of the new military vessel in the water.

Italian submarines, destroyers, cruisers, etc.

Combat aircraft.

The squadron is in the air.

Italian infantry marching.

Tanks on parade.

The Grand building troops.

Italian flag.

The Northern section of the Eastern front in the area of lake Ilmen, where they are surrounded by German troops.

Colonel-General Alfred Keller, responsible for supply the encircled troops by aircraft, out of the plane, he's in position.

Keller presents the Knight's cross Peter-Paul Breu, commander of 2nd group, 3rd bomber aviation.

Corporal NJC Erwin Kraus bypasses the formation of soldiers of the national socialist automotive corps.

Loading of ammunition and ammunition the forces of the NJC. Cars with ammunition in the way.

They are passing through Staraya Russa.

In the location of the German flight, the pilot is watching the puppy.

Load containers in the form of shells, letters and Newspapers to the transport plane.

Planes fly in the air.

The airdrop is surrounded by soldiers.

The inscription on the ground: "We are grateful".

German soldiers reading Newspapers.

The division commander "Totenkopf" ("Dead head"), Colonel General Theodor Eicke and commander of the 16 th army, Colonel-General Ernst Busch at the meeting in the woods.

German composition follows the narrow gauge railway, the soldiers on the platforms.

The Marines landed.

They follow across the bridge into position.

Horse-drawn carts with arms and ammunition.

The fallen horse pulled out of the mud.

At the destination, unloading.

German soldiers are in position.


Italy, anniversary, celebration, GOS, figures, personalities, the Nazis, Mussolini, children, construction, agriculture, Navy, sea, tanks, air force, army, parade, Soviet Union, world war 2, warlords, rewarding, soldiers, air force, bridge, Pets, mail, railway, personalities

Reel №2

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In the area of lake Ilmen.

Soldiers of supply with canisters behind them go by swampy marshland under fire of the enemy.

They reach the trenches, soldiers distribute food in pots.

A skirmish with Soviet units.

German artillery fires.

Tanks with infantry in the attack.

Stukas in the air.

Tankers watching the air battle from the ground.

Soldier watches through binoculars for the fight.

Falls downed Soviet aircraft.

Shoot German guns.

Soldiers in camp, lunch.

Fighting near the river.

German infantry moving forward chain.

Signalmen pulling cable.

Mortar fires.

A German tank in the woods.

Shoot tanks.

Wrecked Soviet tank.

Soviet prisoners of war.

Destroyed Soviet equipment. pnrm disfigured by the fighting areas.

Abandoned and destroyed Soviet equipment.

The North African front.

The meeting of German officers at the headquarters of the combat squadrons.

Officers with maps.

You need to attack the oases of Kufra, which is the English fortifications in the South of the Egyptian-Libyan border.

German flight part.

Will fly at a distance of 1000 km, preparations for the equipment of bombers in a special way, providing even an emergency landing (spare gas cans, food supply, recruitment for the pilot: a flask, a pot, a machete, sunglasses).

Flying over the Libyan desert.

The view from the plane.

The bombing of the hangar of the Fort that Way.

Visible burning tank with oil.

Attack with a dive on the position of anti-aircraft artillery, the British infantry trenches, tanks.

Stalingrad front.

Heavy fire from the German batteries on the Northern outskirts of the city.

Smoke fires.

German soldiers hiding in one of the barrage of anti-tank ditches.

The assault force in the attack reaches the houses, for which there is the gun factory "Barricades".

The soldiers hiding in the ruins of houses, Jogging, running the tanks.

Panorama of the burning city, the Volga.

The Caucasian front. panorama of the Soviet position from the air.

German infantry in the campaign.

The soldiers climb into the mountains at Tuapse, horses with baggage.

The crossing of a mountain stream.

Among the rocks.

The skirmish with the enemy.

The German mortars in the mountain forest.

The Soviet bunker.

Soviet prisoners of war.

Shooting telephoto camera Tuapse.

German planes bombed the city.


USSR, war world 2, tanks, equipment, air, prisoners, soldiers, North Africa, war world 2, BBC, mail, artillery, USSR, war world 2, destruction, fire, troops, tanks, Soviet Union, world war 2, air force, army, mountain, pet animals, prisoners

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