A Word About one Russian Mother (1966)

Movie №6357, 3 parts, Duration: 0:28:56 Black-white
Karpov B., Rusanov P.
Karpov B., Rusanov P.
Khmara L.


About the Russian woman Ye.F. Stepanova, whose sons died during the Great Patriotic War(1941-1945).


Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War: fighting Soviet troops in the early days of the war, the liberation of the Krasnodar region, crossing of the Dnieper. Rally in a village in Ukraine on the occasion of the arrival in the village of the mother of Hero of the Soviet Union A. Stepanova - EF Stepanova - lost in the war 9 of two sons. Meeting EF Stepanova in his native village "Pervomayskiy. The celebration in the hamlet of 90-th birthday of EF Stepanova. EF Stepanova at the festive table, among friends and relatives.

Reel №1

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PNRM. Helicopter: meadows, river, plowed field - MS. (Summer).

Stands and looks far older woman Epistimiya Fedorovna Stepanova - MS.


Words of the mother of Dovzhenko.

The tops of the trees, lit by the sun - MS. PNRM.

Morning fog in the village - PNRM., MS.

PNRM. on the lake - MS.

Sparrows on telegraph wires - MS.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Nazi planes fly, drop bombs.

Explosions on the ground.

Burning village and town homes.

The fields are German soldiers.

The evacuation of the rural population.

Native soldiers escorted to the front.

EF Stepanova - CU.

PNRM. her hands (sitting under a tree on the boulevard in Rostov-on-Don, where she lives with her daughter Valentina).

Pictures of the young EF Stepanova - CU.

Stepanova photos sons: Nicholas, Basil, Philip, Ivan Elias, Paul Alexander - CU.

Soldiers' letters lie - CU., MS.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

The field are retreating soldiers are wounded, and women soldiers watered milk.

Fly planes.

Winter snowstorm.

Horse driven cannon.

The soldiers pulled out of the water the horses and the car ferry building.

Soldiers' letters - LS., MS., PNRM.

Stepanovs house in the village.


Pigeons on the roof - MS. (Summer).

House in winter - MS.

Summer: boys with fishing poles running down to the river, on the river - LS.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Ashes in the liberated from the occupation of Soviet territory (tube furnace) - PNRM.

A woman takes out the surviving oven baked bread (on the street).

Woman threshes manually bread.

Build a house.

Woman with a cow plowing the land.

Three men manually sow.

A woman working in the garden.

Pass on the way the Soviet soldiers.

Surgeon at the hospital makes the operation.

Wounded in the wards.

The woman at the bedside of the wounded.

Are tanks.

Reel №2

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Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Soviet offensive, the liberation of Ukraine, the crossing of the Dnieper.

USSR, Cherkasy region, near Kanev: summer evening landscape of the Dnieper - LS.

The common grave and monument, where he is buried HSU Lieutenant Stepanov Alexander - youngest son E.F.Stepanovoy.

The inscription on the tombstone - CU. (Winter and summer).

Village on the banks of the Dnieper - LS. (With a / t, winter).

Arable land and flowering trees - LS. (Spring).

Residents meet EF Stepanova and her daughter Valentina, go to the tomb of Alexander.

Memorial meeting.


Pioneers and residents with wreaths and flowers at the grave.

EF Stepanova at the grave of her face - CU.

PNRM. from the tomb of the monument: the soldier with a raised rifle - CU. (Summer).

The sun shot through the clouds - CU.

Autumn landscapes Dnieper and other rivers in the storm: a raging Dnieper, fluttering in the wind rush - MS., LS., CU.

Photos of dead sons EF Stepanova: Alexander, Theodore, Nicholas, Basil, Ivan, Philip Elias, Paul.

Monument to Soviet soldiers in Treptow Park in Berlin - MS., CU., Hitting.

Flowering branches of apple trees - LS. (With motion).

Newsreel 1945:

Meetings demobilized after the war, the Soviet soldiers with family and friends.

Crying Epistimiya Feodorovna, telling how she waited sons (synchronously) - CU.

Two monuments to Soviet soldiers who died in the Orel-Kursk battle - CU., MS.

Grassy craters and trenches - MS., LS.

The common grave and monument to fallen soldiers - LS., CU.

Reel №3

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EF Stepanova, coming out of the house, the cross on the church - MS.; House at the entrance talking to a child - LS.

Children play on the Strip and at the fountain - LS.

EF Stepanova in one of the house windows, watering flowers - MS.

Stepanova daughter Valentina with husband dismantled mother sent letters - LS.

EF Stepanova hears the piano granddaughter Zina sew something - LS., MS.; Hands - CU.; Looking out the window - CU.

Rostov - LS. (With a / t).

EF Stepanov is with his granddaughter on a city street - LS. (Summer).

Hamlet Pervomaysky - birthplace Stepanova, hitting her hut - LS., MS.

A dog on a chain in the yard, happily the welcoming hostess - MS.

The yard is EF Stepanova - LS., MS.

Travel to the cottage door - MS., PNRM.

Pigeons on the tube hut - MS.

EF Stepanova looks well, moves, walks through the garden, inspecting homes - LS., MS.

Haystacks in the field - LS., PNRM.

Road going into the distance - LS.

EF Stepanova greets the farmers, family, all come into the house - LS., MS.

EF Stepanova in the house with family and friends, children - MS., LS.

Festive table in the yard of the cottage Stepanova - marks the 90th anniversary of the birth Epistimii Feodorovna.

Guests at the table.

EF Stepanova congratulate sailors, representatives of public organizations, family, the farmers are given gifts - LS., MS.

EF Stepanova at the festive table - LS., CU., MS.

Gathered pictures.

Newspaper articles about family Stepanova and her portrait - PNRM., MS., CU.

Envelopes with letters - PNRM., LS., Departure.

EF Stepanova stands in a field - CU., MS.

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