Images of world war I in Turkey (1915-1916)

Footage №65405, 6 parts, Duration: 0:47:38 Black-white

Reel №1

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Palestine, 1915 On the way, passing the horse artillery.

Turkish soldiers-nurses with armbands with a red Crescent emblem is held with a stretcher past the wagon.

Turkish artillery (the white bandage on his head) about guns.

Soldiers, nurses placed a wounded man on a stretcher.

Out of the tent with the emblem of the red Crescent comes out a military doctor with a soldier-nurse, lift the wounded man, entered the tent.

The ruins of the old fortress.

Amid the ruins of the old fortress, the Turkish infantry advancing chain.

Soldiers lie among the stones, get up, run to the attack.


The area of the mosque.

The people in the square watching the firing of artillery.

The Wailing Wall.

On stone inscriptions in Hebrew.


Palestine, 1915 On the way, passing a car, it sits Turkish General accompanied by the officers.

Is the cavalry riders on camels.

Moving carts: carts pulled by oxen.

Passing gig, drawn by mules.

The Turkish General and his accompanying officers watching passing along the road Laden with camels and mules.

Passing cavalry, is a column of Turkish infantry.

The commander of the 4th army of the Syrian-Palestinian front, Jamal Pasha Ahmed on horseback watching passing on the way a column of Turkish infantry.

The commander of the 4th army of the Syrian-Palestinian front, Jamal Pasha Ahmed on horseback in the group of officers.

The road passes horse carts, horse artillery.

A group of Turkish officers studying a map.

Soldiers-medics carry a stretcher, escorted the wounded.

Runs soldiers-a medic with a box of medicines.

The Ottoman Empire.

Constantinople, 1915, Is a column of prisoners of war of British army: the Scots soldiers of the Australian and new Zealand corps, under escort of Turkish gendarmes.


Turkish cavalrymen watering their horses.

By source on horseback passes a Turkish officer.

Field bakery.

Baking bread in the field.



The Sultan's Dolmabahce Palace (at the European side of the Bosphorus).

On the square before the Palace parade held by the Turkish guards.

Ahead maker.

On the steps of the Palace are soldiers of the Sultan's Palace guard, representatives of the Turkish command, Vice-Generalissimo of the Turkish army Enver Pasha, the German officers.

Palestine [Gaza].

The ruins of the city, destroyed city buildings, homes.

Are Turkish soldiers, wagon rides, riders.

Smoking ruins, windmills.

Gallipoli, 1915, At the foot of the hill next to the tents are Turkish soldiers, soldiers with stretchers, ladders, and poles.

A Turkish soldier pulls the wire.

By stretched wires are Turkish soldiers communicators.

Are the coil, the poles of the stairs.

Is messenger-samochodzik.


The mast of the radio station.

Turkish a communications officer in the headphones, making notes in Notepad.

Next - Turkish soldier-telephonist.

The soldier spins the Dynamo radio.

Turkish soldiers-signalers regulate a Dynamo.


The Ottoman Empire, 1915-1916, Palestine, Jerusalem, Constantinople, Gallipoli, artillery, cavalry, medicine, the Red Crescent, the Army, infantry, architecture, religion, Judaism, Islam, road transport, cartage, Syrian-Palestinian front, personalities, military life, communication

Reel №2

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Gallipoli, 1915 the German General of cavalry, Marshal of the Turkish service of Liman von Sanders, accompanied by adjutant - major of German, Turkish officers out of the bushes, talking about standing next to the car.

The car has are: the Liman von Sanders, adjutant, Turkish officers; saluting emerging from the bushes Duke Adolf Friedrich Macklenburg.

Liman von Sanders shakes hands with the aide-de-camp, sit in the car, leave.

Turkish soldiers in the trenches, sandbags on the parapet of the trenches, are firing rifles, reloading the rifle.

Falls wounded soldier, leaning over him, the soldier-medic armband with the red Crescent on his sleeve, helping the wounded, puts a bandage on his head.

Fit nurses placed a wounded man on a stretcher, carried out of the trench.

Turkish soldiers-medics carry wounded on stretchers down the stairs.

The field hospital.

The wounded on the beds, linens.

Visible only feet in boots.

The wounded were sitting on the beds.

Turkish officer accompanied by a doctor bypasses the wounded.

The doctor will bypass checks for a pulse.

Field infirmary under the awning stretched.

At the entrance there are Turkish soldiers, soldiers-medics with packs (the red Crescent on the packs).

Soldiers come under an awning, out of the tent.

Doctors in white coats at the operating table in surgery the leg.

An assistant takes the instrument.

Turkish artillery.

The gun crew at the guns, camouflaged with branches.

A Turkish officer gives the order indicates the direction of the hands.

Shot guns, reloading.

Turkish officers salute.

Ahead is the General.

On the background seascape is a group of Turkish officers, go to the brick building.

Against a brick building is a group of Turkish officers led by General.

Field infirmary.

The wounded lay on beds, beds of crawling flies.


Liman von Sanders, accompanied by a group of Turkish officers.

A group of Turkish officers led by General passes, stops, the General gives the orders.

A group of Turkish officers led by General Mehmet ESAT Bulatom, the commander of 3 corps, prays with folded hands in front of chest.

Turkish officers led by General Mehmet ESAT Bulatom, the commander of 3 corps, salute.

Are Turkish soldiers with school bags, hats, camouflaged with twigs.

Passing cyclists, riders.

Turkish soldiers are under the reins of mules, loaded with boxes, ladders.

Constantinople, October, 1916 the Funeral of the German Ambassador in the Ottoman Empire, Baron H. F. von Wangenheim.

It takes a military band, a column of German soldiers.

Are Turkish officers, field gendarmes.

Behind them is a German officer [von Neurath] and carries a pillow with orders of the deceased.

The funeral carriage carrying the coffin.

Sailors of the German fleet, Turkish officers carrying funeral wreaths.

After the carriage with the coffin of a German officer-cavalry lead by the bridle the horse of the deceased.

Pass the pastor, civilian and military personnel.

Among them are: field Marshal Colmar von der Goltz, the commander of Turkish naval fleet, Admiral Vladimir Souchon, General of cavalry Liman von Sanders, the representatives of the Austro-Hungarian army, Turkish officers, Jamal Pasha Ahmed, German naval officers, representatives of the diplomatic corps.

An honor guard of sailors of the German fleet off the coffin, covered with the German flag.

A group of civilians, military. panorama: field Marshal Colmar von der Goltz, a group of Turkish officers accompanied by aides and field gendarmes.

Funeral procession.

Turkish officers and the German sailors, carrying funeral wreaths.

One of the wreaths from the officers of the German squadron.


The Ottoman Empire, 1915-1916, Constantinople, Gallipoli, personality, motor vehicles, army, infantry, medicine, the Red Crescent, guns, religion, Islam, horse-drawn transport, funeral, a military band, music, navy

Reel №3

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Constantinople, 1915 Platz.

Austro-Hungarian artillery instructors from heavy guns.

Trays shells.

Turkish artillery gun charge.

For their actions watched Austro-Hungarian artillery instructors and a Turkish officer.

Austro-Hungarian officer charges the gun.

On the parade ground, German, Turkish officers stand at the gun, run by Turkish soldiers, artillerymen.

German and Turkish gunners set the gun, charged him.

German artillery instructor shows how to handle a weapon.

Mining cannon with protective shield.

Turkish soldiers gunners dismantled protective shield.

Austro-Hungarian artillery with guns (mortar), set-rangefinder sight.

PNRM .: Austro-Hungarian soldiers, telephonists, lift the gun barrel.


Turkish and Austro-Hungarian artillery with guns: dismantle it, shift the barrel of the weapon in the semi-detached carriage; remove the wheels from the gun, loaded on a mule.

Gun calculation from mortars.


Mountain guns.

Turkish gunners are trained to disassemble the gun: dismantled protective shield, remove the wheels.

Austro-Hungarian soldiers, artillerymen in mortar: mortar charge.

Austro-Hungarian soldiers telephonists.

PNRM .: mortar, lowered the barrel.


German and Turkish gunners soldiers deploying a tool, learning activities with cannon, set the gun in the position, bring the shells.

Constantinople, 1915 Sultan Dolmabahçe Palace (on the European side of the Bosphorus).

On the steps are soldiers guard the sultan's palace, the doors of the palace goes Sultan Mohamed Sultan Mohamed V. On the steps of the Dolmabahce Palace are the V, Vice-Generalissimo of the Turkish army, Enver Pasha, the Cavalry General Liman von Sanders, Field Marshal Colmar von der Goltz.

Are the members of the clergy.

Turkish soldiers shifts the stones under the supervision of Turkish officers.

Turkish soldiers at rest: eating with a dish under the supervision of the non-commissioned officer.

The campground at the foot of the hill, awnings.

Turkish soldiers in camp.

Guns are made up in the box.

The presence of soldiers, orderlies.

Circular PNRM.

Hilly terrain.

Turkish soldiers are moving chain.

Cavalry General Liman von Sanders in a group of German and Turkish officers watching teachings.


The Ottoman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1915-1916, Constantinople, the Syrian-Palestinian front, artillery, communications, architecture, army, infantry personnel, military life

Reel №4

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Constantinople, March 23, 1916, the Visit of field Marshal August von Mackensen.


Stairs rising field Marshal August von Mackensen, inspector-General of the black sea Straits, von Usedom, accompanied by military and civilians.

Followed by General of cavalry Liman von Sanders, the commander of Turkish naval fleet, Admiral Vladimir Souchon, Duke Adolf Friedrich Macklenburg, German and Turkish naval officers and civilians.

Constantinople, April 1916 the Funeral of field Marshal Colmar von der Goltz.

The coffin, covered with the flag of the Ottoman Empire.

On the coffin lay the wing cap and a helmet with a lance (pickelhaube).

The honor guard at the tomb. pnrm: the chaplain's speech.

Parade of German soldiers.

German and Turkish soldiers carry funeral wreaths.

Following are the German officers, carry pads with orders of the deceased.

The participants of the funeral ceremony, the relatives, the ladies in black dresses and veils.

In the background is the mosque of Hagia Sophia.

Funeral procession: German sailors with wreaths, Turkish soldiers, a military band, soldiers of the Sultan's Palace guard with wreaths.

German officers carry pads with orders of the deceased.

The Golden Horn Bay.

German sailors in fezzes. remove the coffin from the gun carriage, and take him on Board a steam boat.

The sailors on Board the steam boat laid funeral wreaths.

The Turkish officer salutes a German naval officer standing on Board a steam boat.

On the pier there are Austro-Hungarian officers, Turkish officials, Vice-Generalissimo of the Turkish army Enver Pasha, interior Minister Talaat Pasha, General of cavalry Liman von Sanders, the Grand vizier said Halim Pasha.

Steam boat departs from the pier.

Loading funeral wreaths on Board a steam boat.

On the pier there are marine Turkish and German officers.

The territory of the German Embassy in Constantinople.

The honor guard at the tomb of field Marshal Colmar von der Goltz.

The coffin covered with the flag of the Ottoman Empire. pnrm. the soldiers of the Sultan's guard, military and civilians, participants of mourning ceremony.

Is the naval band, the soldiers of the Sultan's Palace guard carrying funeral wreaths.


The Ottoman Empire, 1915-1916, Constantinople, celebrities, funerals, marine transportation, military band, architecture

Reel №5

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The Mosque Of Omar.

The Wailing Wall.

On stone inscriptions in Hebrew.


Constantinople, 1916, the Square in front of Hagia Sophia.

Passers-by in the square.

A religious procession with banners.

Passing on horseback, the cavalry is a military band.


Country road passing sanitary carts - carts with the flags of the red Crescent.

Tent with the red Crescent emblem.

A military doctor by the Turkish soldiers - nurses carry the wounded to the tent.

The tent out the doctor, accompanied by Turkish soldiers - nurses, sanitary dismantle the tent.

Roadside stands a group of Turkish officers.

General points stack on the passing of cavalry.

A car pulls up, driver opens the door, the General sits in the car.

On the road riding Turkish camel cavalry.


Passing cavalry with lances, at the head of a hat with plumes.

A group of Turkish officers studying a map, watching with binoculars.

Gallipoli, 1915 a Group of Turkish officers exchanged greetings, salute each other.

A car drives.

In the cabin under the awning of the officer in the glasses.

The car is a Turkish officer.

Constantinople. pnrm: the soldiers of the Sultan's Palace guard, a military band.


Turkish soldiers attached bayonets to the rifles coming over the wicker fence.

Turkish soldiers climb the mountain.


A group of Turkish officers, among them a military pilot, on Board the ship of the German squadron.

Is a column of English prisoners of war soldiers of the Australian and new Zealand corps.

Constantinople, March 23, 1916, the Visit of field Marshal August von Mackensen.

German soldiers aboard a military ship.

In the background, approaching the group of officers: delegation headed by General-field Marshal A. von Mackensen.

On Board the ship raised: field Marshal A. von Mackensen, inspector-General of the black sea Straits, Admiral von Usedom, accompanied by the master of ceremonies Fuad Bey.


The road passes a detachment of Turkish cavalry.

Ahead of top Turkish officers, the rider with the standard of the commander of the army.

The commander of the 4th army of the Syrian-Palestinian front, Jamal Pasha Ahmed on horseback watching passing on the way a column of Turkish infantry.

The commander of the 4th army of the Syrian-Palestinian front, Jamal Pasha Ahmed on horseback in the group of officers.

On the way, is the Turkish infantry, soldiers, nurses, military band.

Turkish soldiers are under the reins of mules carrying ammunition boxes.

On the way, passing the Turkish cavalry, Znamenskii.


The Ottoman Empire, 1915-1916, Palestine, Jerusalem, Constantinople, Gallipoli, the Syrian-Palestinian front, artillery, cavalry, ground troops, infantry, religion, Judaism, military band, medicine, Red Crescent, road transport, aviation, Navy, personnel, cartage

Reel №6

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Field infirmary.

From under the awning out of the Turkish soldiers with rifles in hand, packs behind.

Turkish soldiers make dashes in the trench, in front of the officer; take position for firing.

Among them, the soldier-medic.

Turkish soldiers under the command of an officer out of the trench.

Turkish General Mehmet ESAT Bulkot, the commander of 3 corps, the positions with his staff, sitting at the table in front of the laid out cards.

The telephone with field telephone.

The suitable Turkish General officer, General order, specifies the points on the map.

One of the officers with a gesture calls another officer.

Officer suitable expands a report, reports to the General.

Arrived messenger on horseback.

The officer handed him the report.

The General gives an order to the officers.

The officers leave.

Officer on field telephone.

General orders, looking through binoculars, gets up from the table.


Turkish soldiers on a halt under the awning, sitting on the ground, Smoking.

The review of troops in positions.

Out of the car General of cavalry Liman von Sanders, takes place along the line of Turkish soldiers accompanied by German officers.

A group of German and Turkish officers, talking.


The Sultan's Dolmabahce Palace (at the European side of the Bosphorus).

The stairs down the soldiers of the Sultan's Palace guard.

Door leaves Vice-Generalissimo of the Turkish army Enver Pasha, sits in the car.

From the door of the Palace goes Turkish General, salutes, the car drives away.

The Turkish General, civilians are at the door.

Constantinople, March 23, 1916, On the street, the crew travels of Sultan Muhammad V. the Crew accompanies the entourage and the Sultan's guard.

The crew stopped at the entrance of the administrative building.

The crew goes to the Sultan Mohamed V. the Sultan's Dolmabahce Palace.

On the square before the Palace parade held by the Turkish guards.

Ahead maker.

On the steps of the Palace are soldiers of the Sultan's Palace guard, representatives of the Turkish command, Vice-Generalissimo of the Turkish army Enver Pasha, the German officers.

At the door a guard of honor from the Sultan's Palace guard.

Down the stairs the master of ceremonies Fuad Bay, field Marshal August von Mackensen with field Marshal's baton in his hand, salute, shake hands with a Turkish dignitary. A. von Mackensen sits in the crew.

The crew pulls.

Pulls up the crew.

In it sits the inspector General of the black sea Straits, Admiral von Usedom.

Walk down the stairs accompanying the field Marshal Mackensen German officers, say goodbye, sit in the carriage, leave.

A car pulls up, it sits a German naval officer and Duke Adolf Friedrich Macklenburg, the car drives off.


Parade of the Austro-Hungarian huntsmen with a pack behind.


The Ottoman Empire, 1915-1916, Constantinople, Gallipoli, medicine, army, infantry, personalities, military life, road transport, architecture, guard, parade

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