Red mist (1941)

Movie №66923, 4 parts, Duration: 0:40:56 Black-white

Reel №1

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About planting of Soviet rule in the Baltics.

Through the mist PNRM. by regions.

Map of the Baltic states.

Chronicle: The Red Army, combat arms, infantry, cavalry, armored train, ship, cannon.

The members of the Soviet government: Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov, Mikoyan and others


Newspaper 1929.

Pluck the smiling mask, beneath the face of Stalin.

Photo: Signing the Lithuanian-Soviet treaty on the transfer of Lithuania Vilnius and Vilnius region and mutual assistance.

Signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania I.Urbshis.

Lithuanian President Antanas Smetona Word on mutual assistance in the economic and social spheres


Smiling maska.26 August 1939 goda.

PNRM. Vilnius.

The town consists of the Soviet troops, residents greeted them with flowers.

It takes off the mask, the face underneath the Jew

Litva.1940 year.

Tank crushes the ground.

Aerial view of a column of tanks.

Demonstration in support of the Red Army.

Dancing, the crowd mixed with the soldiers.

Go trucks with soldiers


The newspaper published it zam.narodnogo Commissioner for Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.Dekanozova of Vilnius residents greeting Soviet Embassy in Lithuania Videyshesa area.

Photos of the Lithuanian government ministers.

Seeing young Lithuanians in the Red Army.

Printing prints the newspaper "Thiès", an article on the legalization of the Communist Party of Lithuania.

The text of the manifesto.

Portrait of Stalin.

The orchestra sounds song "My Moscow".


Portrait of the President, the meeting, members of the delegations, the adoption dekloratsii.

Seeing the Soviet delegation at the station, serves Lithuanian President

THE USSR. Moscow Kremlin.

Lithuanian President in Moscow.


The slogan: "Long live the Stalinist constitution", the star, the hammer and sickle.

The slogan: "Long live the VII session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR."

There is a demonstration of pioneers



Playing record, sound radio.

All go to the polls with flags.

Excursion in the hall with a stand History of the CPSU / b /, watching photos, documents.

Classes are in the army, the political instructor

About planting of Soviet power in Pribalkike.

Through the mist PNRM. areas.

Map of the Baltic states.

Chronicle: The Red Army, combat arms, infantry, cavalry, armored train, ship, cannon.

The members of the Soviet government: Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov, Mikoyan, and others.

Newspaper 1929.

Pluck the smiling mask, beneath the face of Stalin.

Photo: Signing the Lithuanian-Soviet treaty on the transfer of Lithuania Vilnius and Vilnius region and mutual assistance.

Signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania I.Urbshis.

Lithuanian President Antanas Smetona Word on mutual assistance in the economic and social spheres.

The smiling mask.

August 26, 1939. PNRM. op Vilnius.

The town consists of the Soviet troops, residents greeted them with flowers.

Takes off the mask, the face underneath the Jew. 1940.

Tank crushes the ground.

Aerial view of a column of tanks.

Demonstration in support of the Red Army.

Dancing, the crowd mixed with the soldiers.

Go trucks with soldiers.

The newspaper published it zam.narodnogo Commissioner for Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.Dekanozova of Vilnius residents greeting Soviet Embassy in Lithuania Vileyshisa area.

Photos of the Lithuanian government ministers.

Seeing young Lithuanians in the Red Army.

Printing prints the newspaper "Thiès", an article on the legalization of the Communist Party of Lithuania.

The text of the manifesto.

Portrait of Stalin.

The orchestra sounds song "My Moscow".


Portrait of the President, the meeting, members of the delegations, the adoption of the declaration.

Seeing the Soviet delegation at the station, serves Lithuanian President.

Moscow Kremlin.

Lithuanian President in Moscow.


The slogan: "Long live Stalin Constitution", the star, the hammer and sickle.

The slogan: "Long live the 7th session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR."

There is a demonstration of the pioneers.


Playing record, sound radio.

All go to the polls with flags.

Excursion in the hall with a stand History of the CPSU / b., Watching photos, documents.

Classes are in the army, the political instructor


Lithuania, the Red Army, troops, weapons, cavalry, military equipment, Gos, deyateli, personalities, Stalin troops Chronicle, Lithuania, the press, Gos, deyateli, personalities, President, Gos, akt, photos, Lithuania, the troops, the population, Lithuania, the Red Army, the population, soldiers, weapons, entertainment, demonstrations, tanks, troops, equipment, Lithuania, the press, Gos, deyateli, photo, celebrities, recruits, the Red Army, the president of the delegation, the pioneers, the orchestra, the Communists, Gos, akt, USSR visit, the President, the promotion, demonstration, children gos, deyateli, personalities, Lithuania, elections, music, radio, population, Gos, simvolika, photos, documents, the Red Army generals, teaching, The Soviet Union, Lithuania, Stalin, demonstration, rally, election, president, Red Army delegation gos, simvoly, agitation, tour, military leaders

Reel №2

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In the built temporary stage on the background cloth with a portrait of Lenin-Stalin.

Soviet soldier plays the accordion.

Dancing in the village.

Danced Soviet soldiers


The Bolshevik Emblem Lithuanian Coat of Arms.

Magazines and newspapers from the Soviet Union in the Lithuanian language. "Thiès" ​​1940.

Simonas editor of the Communist Party and zhidah.

Changing Jewish names on the Russian-list.

Books in the window on the cover of Stalin and Lenin.

Stalin book "Problems of Leninism".

Poem about Stalin Lithuanian poet


Article Vytautas Eydukaytisa of the Bolsheviks, of the Red Army, poetry.

Bust of Stalin, Lenin, their portraits.

It works by sculptor.

The flag with the hammer and sickle.

Portrait of Stalin on the building, Music, dedicated to Stalin.

Poster about the tour of the Soviet artists.

Film, radio.

Radio Comintern, Russian speakers


Speaker of the opening in Tallinn of the 1st State Duma.

Estonian speakers.

Newspaper photo, Minister M.Gedvila article safeguards.



Nationalization in the Baltic States.

Smoke from the pipe plant.

Warehouse with the tissues described.

The newspaper "Worker", issued in Kaunas in Russian on July 12, 1940.

Title: "That's a lie, that the peasants are going to take the land."

Speech Yu.

Paletskisa land reform.

Powered surveyor marks the boundary stakes, boundary.

The collective farm named after Stalin.


A scene from the movie "Virgin Soil Upturned" by Sholokhov to join the farm

In the built temporary stage on the background cloth with a portrait of Lenin-Stalin.

Soviet soldier plays the accordion.

Dancing in the village.

The Bolshevik Emblem Lithuanian Coat of Arms.

Magazines and newspapers from the Soviet Union in the Lithuanian language. "Thiès" ​​1940goda.

Simonas editor of the Communist Party and zhidah.

The change in the Russian Jewish surnames - list.

Books in the window on the cover of Stalin and Lenin.

Stalin book "Problems of Leninism".

Poem about Stalin Lithuanian poet.

Article Vytautas Eydukaytisa of the Bolsheviks, of the Red Army, poetry.

The busts of Stalin, Lenin, their portraits.

It works by sculptor.

The flag with the hammer and sickle.

Portrait of Stalin on the building.

Music dedicated to Stalin.

Poster about the tour of the Soviet artists.

Film, radio.

Radio them.

Comintern, Russian speakers.

Speaker of the opening in Tallinn 1st State Duma.

Estonian speakers.

Newspaper photo, Minister M.Gedvila article safeguards.


Nationalization in the Baltic States.

Smoke from the pipe plant.

Warehouse with the tissues described.

The newspaper "Worker", which was published in Kaunas in Russian on July 12, 1940.

Title: "That's a lie, that the peasants are going to take the land."

Speech Yu.

Paletskisa land reform.

Powered surveyor marks the boundary stakes, boundary.

Farm them.



A scene from the movie "Virgin Soil Upturned" by Sholokhov to join the farm


Lithuania, photo, Stalin, Lenin, music, soldiers, entertainment, Lithuania, Gos, simvolika, press, Jews, Literature, Lithuania, literature, the Red Army, sculpture, skultory, personalities, Stalin, Lenin, photos, Gos, simvolika, cinema, theater, radio, Lithuania, Gos, deyateli, press, photo, celebrities, Jews, Lithuania, nationality, industry, media, farmers, celebrities, movies, USSR gos, simvoly, media, literature, sculpture, music, performances, actors, film, radio, photo, village

Reel №3

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Lithuanian village in winter.

On the way to move carts with slogans about solidarity, portraits of Lenin and Stalin.

He spoke under a portrait of Stalin, people listen.

Poster of the elections in Lithuania.

From the gates of the factory workers go to transprantami to Russian and Lithuanian languages.

Visible inscription: "Long live our dear ..." People with portraits of Stalin, Marx


The polling station, there is a vote in the ballot boxes thrown ballots.

Voter lists.

Hall, he spoke, an orchestra.

The newspaper writes about the elections, voted 95.51 in Kaunas.


Archival book about the influence of Bolshevism.

In the hall of portraits of Soviet statesmen: Stalin, Voroshilov and others.

Hall, listening to headphones.

Cartoon on the candidate.

Collect lists, sign.

Print flyers on a rotator


At school, studying the Russian language.

On the blackboard the phrase:.! "Broad is my native land" g.

Shkola 09.17.40, children's holiday, dance pioneers.

Squad on the street.



Cover the Lithuanian Constitution modeled on the Constitution safeguards SSSR.Perechen articles.

On press, 120 newspaper titles.

Article 100.Vskryvaetsya letter NDP.

NKVD.Statya 93, about religion.

Instead, the service in the church is a lesson of the Marxist-Leninist Circle.

Article 96, on the propaganda.

The number of closed, burned churches.

Dancing Stalin's portrait

Lithuanian village in winter.

On the way to move carts with slogans about solidarity, portraits of Lenin and Stalin.

He spoke under a portrait of Stalin, people listen.

Poster of the elections in Lithuania.

From the gates of the factory workers go out with banners in Russian and Lithuanian languages.

Visible inscription: "Long live our home ...".

People with portraits of Stalin, Marx.

The polling station, there is a vote in the urn throw BULLETIN.

The list of voters.

Hall, he spoke, an orchestra.

The newspaper writes about the elections, voted 95.51 in Kaunas. .

Archival book about the influence of Bolshevism.

In the hall of portraits of Soviet statesmen: Stalin, Voroshilov and others.

Hall, listening to headphones.

Cartoon on the candidate.

Collect lists, sign.

Print flyers on a rotator.

At school, studying the Russian language.

On board the phrase: "Broad is my native land!" 17/09/40 The school, children's party, dance pioneers.

Detachment in the street rally.

Cover the Lithuanian Constitution modeled on the Constitution of the USSR. List of articles of the Safeguards.

On press, 120 newspaper titles.

Article 100 shall be opened a letter, NDP.

NKVD. Article 93, on religion.

Instead, the service in the church is a lesson marsistsko-Leninist Circle.

Article 96 of propagante.

The number of closed, burned churches.

Dancing Stalin's portrait


Lithuania, workers, propaganda, elections, photo, Stalin, personalities, Lithuania, elections, the orchestra, the press, Lithuania, elections, documents, literature, Gos, deyateli, personalities, propaganda, Lithuania, school, children, promotion, festivals, pioneers rally the population, Lithuania, the constitution, religion, teaching, entertainment, photo, Stalin propaganda, The Soviet Union, Lithuania, propaganda gos, simvoly, church, election, factory workers, school children, holiday, agitation, press

Reel №4

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Church, is service.

Cut the cow.

Article of the Constitution 99.Vedut under escort of women and children.


Instructions, classified as "Top Secret".

On the order of operations to evict antisovestkogo member from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia



Map of the USSR. The prison, inside the chamber.

Excavations of burial, the bodies of those executed by the NKVD. Map of Lithuania, skulls pattern indicates mass graves.

Piles of corpses.

Photo: Woman looking at the dead man.

heads slaughtered


A search warrant and the arrest of Jan Sadowski Ignatievitch from the village Meteliai.

Signature of the investigator and the head.

An arrest warrant in January 1941.

The arrow points to the investigators signature: Rozauskas, Litmanovich, Glaser and others. 1941 Military Tribunal sentences.

Coffins are women, men.

Bury the dead in the dungeons of the NKVD. Crosses.

He spoke, calling for the union. 50,000 corpses


Combat aircraft, flying bombs.

They're coming tanks, cars with German soldiers, the infantry.

Explosions, fires, houses the ruins.


Discarded portraits of Stalin, Lenin, plaques "Stalin Avenue".

German soldiers on bicycles.


Nazi flags.

Lithuanian population meets German colors

Church, is service.

Cut the cow.

Article 99 of the Constitution are conducted under the escort of women and children.


Instructions, stamped "top secret".

On the order of the operation to evict anti-Soviet elements from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia.


Map of the USSR. The prison, inside the chamber.

Excavations of burial, the bodies of those executed by the NKVD. Map of Lithuania, skulls pattern indicates mass graves.

Piles of corpses.

Photo: Woman looking at the dead man.

Headed killed.

A search warrant and the arrest of Jan Sadowski Ignatievitch from the village Meteliai.

Signature of the investigator and the head.

An arrest warrant in January 1941.

The arrow points to the investigators signature: Rozauskas, Litmanovich, Glaser et al.

Sentences in 1941 a military tribunal.

Coffins are women, men.

Bury the dead in the dungeons of the NKVD. Crosses.

He spoke, calling for the union. 50,000 corpses.

Combat aircraft, flying bombs.

They're coming tanks, cars with German soldiers, the infantry.

Explosions, fires, houses the ruins.


Discarded portraits of Stalin, Lenin, plaques "Stalin Avenue".

German soldiers on bicycles.


Nazi flags.

Lithuanian population meets German colors


Lithuania, the cathedral, the religion, the jail, women, children, Lithuania, the railroad, the prison, the NKVD executions, photo, USSR, Lithuania, the NKVD, funeral personalities, population, USSR, Lithuania, war, invasion, the population, the Air Force, tanks, soldiers, fire, destruction, explosion, photo, transportation, cavalry, Gos, simvolika, Lithuania, the church, the prison, the NKVD, the corpses, funeral photo, arrest, BBC World War 2, the ruins of the bombing, soldiers gos, simvoly

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