World War (1914-1918)

Footage №68100, 9 parts, Duration: 0:49:03 Black-white

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Animation: a map of the Balkan Peninsula, the coast of Turkey, the Straits of Dardanelles.

Map warfare attacks of the German army, General-Field Marshal A. von Mackensen, Thessaloniki front education.

German soldiers on a halt, the officer looking through binoculars, close grazing horse.

Map of the European theater of operations.

Frames / f: German soldiers are digging trenches, explosion, German soldiers are fleeing the attack, lie.

Shot of the French heavy guns.

French soldiers firing machine guns from the shelter.

German soldiers hurl grenades.

German soldiers dying in the trenches.

French soldiers fleeing the attack.

Double Exposure: gun barrels, German soldiers lay in the trench.


German soldiers on vacation.

Soldier wounded comrade gives to drink from the flask.

Double Exposure: German soldiers are fleeing the attack, gun shot.

Along the way are the French prisoners of war, the wounded carried on stretchers.

Animation: Map of hostilities - the North Sea, the inscription of the blockade.

Frames / f: a man writes his desk.

Portrait: German industrialist Walther Rathenau.

Double Exposure: German soldiers firing guns, machine guns, explosions, military production, the workers on the shop floor.

Frames / f: chemical laboratory.

Scientist conducting experiments.

A crowd of children stripped to the waist.

Double Exposure: terrible man comes over the crowd of children, symbolizing the hunger.


Street of the city, pedestrians.

The German soldiers were wounded, the medics were charged in the car hospital train.

In the narrow-gauge railway passing platform, covered with a tarpaulin bearing the emblem of the Red Cross.

German soldiers on the w / e platform.

Frames / f kitchen in the house, my mother washes the floor, the girl setting the table, the kid playing with blocks.

Comes a woman.

Mom plaster bread.

Close-up of hand with a cigar, cognac "Hennessy" on the table glass.

Hand opens a box with cigars "Caesar-Emperor", he writes in a notebook.

Double Exposure: explosions, guns shots, passes the German infantry.

Frames / f: Woman sews on the machine "Singer".

Chronicle: an armed merchant ship in the sea.

Animation: the North Sea coast of Germany, the inscription of the blockade.


War World
a map of military operations
the ground forces
artillery and prisoners of war
military production
railway transport
maritime transport

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Animation: Map of hostilities, the Russian front, fighting in the fortress of Przemysl.

German soldiers digging a trench, enclosed with barbed wire.

Animation: Map of hostilities, Asia Minor theater of military operations in the area of ​​the Dardanelles Strait.

Turkish camel cavalry.

Mountain landscape.

Camels drink from mountain river.

Multrabota inscription: Karpaty.

Winter mountain landscape.

Austro-Hungarian soldiers, wrapped in snow, pulling the sledge uphill, laden military property.

Austro-Hungarian artillery gun pulled uphill.

Austrian mountain cannon shots.

Multrabota inscription: Przemysl, Ivangorod, Warsaw, Grodno, Kovno.

Chronicle: the village street along the ditches are German soldiers, German rides horse carts: carts, covered with a tarpaulin.

Animation: the North Sea coast of Germany, map of military operations, double exposure: smoke, are German soldiers, a map of the European theater of operations.



Entrance of the plant.

Working out with a pass.

Military production, type of plant, top view.

Aircraft Factory, women in the workplace.

Women go to the entrance of the plant.

Frames / f: men in civilian and soldiers reading newspapers on the stand.

The newspaper «Berliner local-Anzeiger».

Frames / f: German soldiers in the trenches, shoot rifles, explosion, smoke, a German soldier falls, struck by a shell fragment.

Shop Factory.

The woman behind the machine, comes to her daughter, she brings a box in a box - notice of her husband's death and the reward - an iron cross.

A woman reading a letter, hugs daughter.

Double Exposure: engineering machine components.


First World War
the map of military operations
military production

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Him., Eng. titres.

Excerpts from the film «Denkt daran» / «Think about it," inv.№4844. Close-up of a German soldier in a helmet (profile), a German submarine in the sea, the team on board.

On a country road are German soldiers.

Drives a German military convoy.

Balloon in the sky.

On the streets of the ruined town passes a German convoy.

Frames / f: at dusk seen silhouettes of German soldiers standing in a trench.

North American United States.

Military parade.

Along the street are the American soldiers with the Stars and Stripes.

Parade American soldiers.


the USA
War World

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

German soldiers are fleeing the attack.

Solid storage unit, black smoke rising into the sky against a background of black smoke flying seaplane.

Explosions in the field, pushing forward German infantry.


Animation: Map of hostilities, France.

Military action in the area of ​​the river Somme.

Frames / f: wire fence, German soldiers are fleeing the attack, battlefield explosions.

Russian soldiers in trenches, hide from the blast.

German soldiers are fleeing the attack, overcome the barbed wire.

Russian soldiers surrender.

Frames / f: General-Field Marshal August von Mackensen, accompanied by German officers sits in the car and drives away.

Animation: Map of hostilities Warsaw-Przemysl.

German offensive in eastern Galicia (May-September 1915).

The field of battle, explosions.

Animation: Map of military operations in the Champagne region.

Animation: Map of military operations in the Grodno region, Kaunas, Riga (Russian Front).

The German offensive in the area of ​​Vilna.

Animation: Map of military operations in the district of Verdun.

French heavy cannon shot blast.

Frames / f: German soldiers in the trenches Landsturm, throw grenades.

German soldiers fired from rifles, burst, clods of earth fall asleep trenches.

Animation: Map of hostilities, France.

The flash from the explosion.

Map of military operations: the German offensive on Warsaw.

Frames / f: explosions, German soldiers are fleeing the attack.

Germany, PNRM .: bridge over the river, a monument, a railway bridge, the Gothic cathedral, the river floating barge.

It drives a German military train wagons on railway platforms, the soldiers waving.

The movement of trains.

Frames / f: Cossack patrol.

Cossacks on horseback with lances, one looking through binoculars.

Russian soldiers on a halt in front of the manor.

German generals in the trenches, watching through binoculars.

Smoke from shells exploding near.

Austro-Hungarian gun.

Austro-Hungarian soldiers are fleeing the attack.


First World War
soldiers Landsturm German
Russian Front
the map of military operations
railway transport

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Narrow Gauge Railroad.

Passing trolley, German soldiers are sitting in them.

German soldiers are building wooden barracks.

British prisoners of war in the excavation.

Next - laden trucks.

On the road passing a truck with a trailer.

On the side is a German soldier.

In the narrow-gauge railway train passes, in trolleys - German soldiers.

In the narrow-gauge railway rides horse-drawn tram, German soldiers carry the can.

Train with German soldiers.

German soldiers carry logs on the gun carriage.

German sailor leads to about the elephant, pushing in front of a platform, laden with boards (1915, Albert Dawson operator, Albert Dowson).

German soldiers drive through standing on carts.

German soldiers plow plow land.

German bakery field.

Baker takes the freshly baked bread.

Soldiers endure provisions from the warehouse.

German soldiers repairing boots.

Construction of German soldiers.

German soldiers with things in their hands are on the streets of the ruined city, passing carts.

At the Fountain German soldiers dried clothes.

German soldiers entices food chicken with chicks.

On the street - the piano.

German soldiers playing the piano, listening to others.

German soldiers dancing in pairs, plays a military band.

Soldiers stand in line at the movie theater «Soldaten-kino».

Actors grimiruyutsya.

German field camp in the woods.

The actor plays a scene in front of the soldiers.

Soldier Orchestra.

Theatrical performance for the soldiers.

Before the soldiers appears disguised as a woman actor.

German soldiers on vacation playing cards.

German soldiers are on the streets of the city.

The soldiers are on a rope sheep.

The streets passing car, are women and children.

Frames / f: German soldiers in the barracks celebrate Christmas.

Dressed Christmas tree, covered tables, soldiers reading letters, smoking, eating, talking, playing the harmonica.

German soldiers sitting in trenches.

Night flares.

German soldiers in the positions behind barbed wire.

The explosion, a cloud of smoke.

German soldiers in the trenches.

German soldiers in the dugout around dressed up Christmas tree, puts presents under the Christmas tree.

In the dugout officer comes, removes his coat, opens gift.

NDP: "Alarm" / «alarm».

German soldiers are moving in a trench.

The officer comes out of the dugout.

Soldiers complete meal, dress quickly, run out of the barracks.

Explosion, smoke.

The soldiers in the trenches.

On the table in the hut among the rats running around food.


War World
railway transport
road transport
prisoners of war
military life

Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Animation: explosions, NDP letters of fire, "Verdi".

Animation: Map of hostilities - Duamon fort, Fort Vaux, Verdun.

Crown Prince Frederick William, accompanied by German generals talking with a German soldier.

On the mountain road passing trucks driven gun barrels.

On the streets of the ruined city passes a German convoy, laden military property.

On the road passing the German train, truck, wagon.

German soldiers in trucks.

On a country road passes the German infantry.

passing trucks are built by German soldiers through the streets.

Animation: Map of hostilities - Verdun, Reims, Metz.

Germany, frames / f: on the railway bridge over the river passes through a military echelon.

The farmer tills the soil, takes off his hat in greeting.

Drives a passenger train of cars waving German soldiers.

Ran children.

Drives a locomotive, children waving white handkerchiefs.

People stand on the w / e platform, waving.

The train stops.

Sisters of Mercy, a medic with the Red Cross handed out armbands soldiers bread, drinks, food.

The soldiers sit in the cars, the train departs.

Double exposure: the military card contravene the Carpathians, Warsaw, Russia, the Russian front.

Frames / f: Poland Village.

Woman in embroidery removes lingerie, sitting German soldiers near the huts bleached.

German soldiers talking to a peasant.

German soldiers pass through the village.


Past tier standing on the tracks passing carts and are German soldiers.

A German soldier and peasant sitting on the fence, sweet talk.

German soldiers are studying the map, talking animatedly, laughing.

On a country road passing car, he sits in it, General A. von Mackensen.

General accompanied officers to the table, which laid the card, drives a finger on the map.

Animation: Map of hostilities - Fort Duamon, NDP letters of fire, "Verdi".


War World
map of military operations
road transport
railway transport

Reel №7

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

German soldiers are under arms a wounded French soldier.

Types of positions: trenches, communication trenches.

Pass the German soldiers.

A shot of a flamethrower.

French soldiers took cover, metal grenade.

French artillery calculations, gun shot, the French heavy cannon shot.

The field of battle, explosions.

French soldiers fleeing the attack, the German soldiers fleeing the attack.

French soldier throwing a grenade.

German soldiers with sanitary dog ​​lay in the trench.

German soldiers are wounded French prisoners of war.

French soldiers are put forward from the trenches, fleeing the attack, the bodies of French soldiers.

The field of battle, explosions.

German soldiers are fleeing the attack.

Frames / f: German soldiers are fleeing the attack, jump down the shaft.

It takes a wounded German soldier, supports the injured arm.

German soldiers transferred the wounded under the arms.

Frames / f: barracks, the German soldiers are placed on the bench injured.

French heavy weapons, artillery calculations, shot, explosion battlefield.

German soldiers are fleeing the attack.

Machine-gun team carries a machine gun.

German soldiers are fleeing the attack, lay down.

German horse artillery, cannon harnessing explosions.

German soldiers are fleeing the attack, overcome the wire barrier.

The French artillery.

A German soldier takes a grenade killed a comrade from the hands, throws it.


French soldiers pulled out of the mud gun.

French horse artillery.

German soldiers in the horror covers his face.

French soldier raises his hands with a rifle.

The corpses in the trenches, shot from the flamethrower.

French soldier throwing a grenade.

German soldiers firing rifles, lay.

German soldiers trying to get out of the trench.

German soldiers of the trench raises bugle, an explosion, a soldier falls.

German soldiers are fleeing the attack on the corpses.

A German soldier throwing a grenade into the bunker observation slit.

Killed French gunner.


Animation: Verdun fort, Fort Duamon.

Frames / f: at the gates of the bunker explosion NPD: Duamon.

German soldiers are fleeing the attack, overcome the barbed wire, a German officer raises his cane, gesture carries soldiers to attack.

German soldiers are fleeing the attack, explosions.

German soldiers in the destroyed casemates of Fort Duamon.

Inside the bunker.

French soldier strolling hands behind his back gallery of the fort, a German soldier was watching him from the corner.

German soldiers captured Frenchman, offered him a cigarette, his escort.

Animation: Fort Duamon.

Chronicle: Crown Prince Wilhelm communicates with the soldiers, accompanied by officers.

Frames / f: Fort Duamon, casemates, inside view, are German officers.

Animation: frame aerial - photo area near Fort Duamon silhouette of flying an airplane.

Chronicle: Emperor Wilhelm II, accompanied by officers of awarding German soldier shakes hands, slaps on the shoulder.

French officers stand at the entrance to the dungeon of the fortress, talking.

View of the ruined city.

Woman on the ruins.

NDP on the building: Hotel du commerce.

French soldiers in the ruins.

French position.

Pass the wounded French soldiers.

French soldiers carry a box on a stick.

The streets are going cars, runs the French cavalry.

Parade of French troops in the field.

The parade takes Marshal Joffre.

Banner of military unit.

Marshal Joffre passes, accompanied by generals salutes.

On a country road systems are the French soldiers.

French soldiers are on the streets of the ruined city.

Destroyed Clock Tower, truck.

Pass the French soldiers.

French soldiers in the positions occupied trenches.

Shot of the French guns.

German soldiers in the trenches, lay down, explosion.

Frames / f: dungeon fort Duamon.

German soldiers running out of the gate.


German soldiers are fleeing the attack, firing rifles, machine guns.

French soldiers fleeing the attack, the French cannon blast.

German guns in the trench, an explosion, burning earth, the NDP: "Hell of Verdun."

The field of battle, explosions.

German soldiers in the trenches, explosions.

A German soldier throws a rifle, a dying German soldier.

A German soldier lifts a wounded comrade in the trenches.

Double exposure: the crater of guns, explosions, the German soldiers in the trenches.

Frames / f: barracks German soldier gives to drink from his canteen wounded.


German soldiers are fleeing the attack.

Double Exposure: fleeing the attack, firing guns.

On a country road are French prisoners of war, carried on a stretcher a wounded soldier.

Drives a German convoy.

Frames / f: German soldier drags on itself wounded French soldier.

Chronicle: the road go wounded French prisoners of war.

The soldiers charged with the stretcher-bearers in the ambulance.

Passing convoy of French prisoners of war.

German soldiers distributing food French prisoners of war.

On the side of the road - broken cartridge gig on the road are the French prisoners of war.

PNRM .: French prisoners of war, the Zouaves, Moroccan arrows.

Among them - awarded NCO medals.

French position.

Pass the German prisoners of war.

From the trench rises French soldier behind him - a German officer with a bandaged head, gives him honor.

French trenches.

French soldiers escorting German prisoners of war.

French trenches.

German prisoners of war are wounded on a stretcher.

French cavalrymen escorting a column of German prisoners of war.

Stalag: fence, enclosed with barbed wire; on the ground by German prisoners of war sitting.

French soldiers guard.

German prisoners behind barbed wire.

German orderlies carry the wounded on stretchers.

German soldiers, medics unloaded from ambulances wounded, transported on a trolley.

German soldiers, medics loaded into a van with a stretcher wounded.

Narrow Gauge Railroad.

Trolley equipped with bunk bunks.

German orderlies soldiers wounded on the planks, the flag with the Red Cross emblem.

Railway Station, German soldiers in a freight train car.

Medics help a soldier to climb into a freight car.

Hospital train.

German soldiers, medics charged with stretchers with the wounded.

In the narrow-gauge railway passing trucks covered with tarpaulin with the Red Cross emblem.


War World
prisoners of war
road transport
railway transport
the Red Cross

Reel №8

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

German gun mounted in the gap walls.

Gun calculation submits shells.

The field of battle, explosions.

German soldiers in the trenches, watching the explosion.


Repeated frames / f: the man's hand with a clock, a German officer looks at his watch.

PNRM .: German soldiers in the trenches behind barbed wire face.

Repeated frames / f: German soldiers in the destroyed casemates of Fort Duamon.

Inside the bunker.

French soldier strolling hands behind his back gallery of the fort, a German soldier was watching him from the corner.

German soldiers captured Frenchman, offered him a cigarette, his escort.

Animation: Verdun fort.

French soldier throwing a grenade, a German soldier fires his rifle, trying to get out of the trench.

German soldiers are fleeing the attack.

German soldiers assisting the wounded.

French machine-gun team.

French soldier carries on his shoulders a machine gun.

Disguised French cannon.

German soldiers in the trenches.

Repeated frames / f: German soldiers on a mountain in the trenches, the wounded, the attack of German soldiers, explosions.

Chronicle: German soldiers in the trenches ready to attack, get out of the trenches, fleeing the attack.

Smoke, explosions.

The French cannon: explosions in the woods among the trees.


German soldiers are fleeing the attack, hurl grenades lie.

French machine-gun crew, the soldiers pass boxes of ammunition.

A shot of a flamethrower.

German soldiers are fleeing the attack.

French soldiers with flamethrowers in the trenches.

The bodies of French soldiers in the trenches.

Frames / f: soldiers, raising his hands, jump into the trenches.

German soldiers are moving in the trenches on the communication trenches.

A shot of a flamethrower.

French soldiers hurl grenades.

The French cannon shot bursts.

German soldiers are fleeing the attack.


War World
artillery and ground troops

Reel №9

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The barrel guns, gunshots, explosions.

French heavy weapons, artillery calculations, the French sailors have guns.


German soldiers are coming forward.

In the trenches advancing German soldiers with pots, lay down, explosion.

German soldiers descend the shaft down with rifles and grenades.

A German soldier falls, struck by shrapnel.

French soldiers in the trenches.

Double Exposure: explosion, gun barrel, fly clods, German soldiers cut the barbed wire, blast, gun barrel, German soldiers are fleeing the attack, falls dead German officer.

Close-up of a German soldier in a helmet.

The telephone unit, the soldiers telephonists.

German machine-gun team, explosions, smoke.

A wounded German soldier on the bunk.

Inverted frame.

Soldier telephonist.

The German general at a desk in front of the cards.

NDP: Brest-Litovsk, Radom, Warsaw.

Drives a German truck.

Geographic Maps.


On the road passing the German trucks, are soldiers.

Russian soldiers are fleeing the attack.


NDP: Brest-Litovsk.

By rail locomotives move.

American horse artillery, cannon harnessing.

Close-up of faces of the soldiers, gun shot, mask, face, hand.

Flares light up the position, fortified with barbed wire.


Explosions, smoke.

German soldiers are fleeing the attack.

The ship in the sea, shooting, barrels of guns, explosions.

Flares light up the area.

British soldiers are in the trenches.

There is a column of German soldiers.

German soldiers in the trenches.

Telephone unit.

French heavy guns.

German soldiers chosen to light from an underground shelter.

Palm closes the frame.


A wounded German soldier crawling in the trenches.

Negative: German soldiers in the field, lay down, explosion.

Telephone unit.

The field passes French tank "Renault".

The military echelon.

A ship at sea.

The German gunners in masks load a gun chemical shells.

Airplanes in the skies.

German machine-gun crew, the soldiers lay in the trench.

French tanks "Renault" in the field.

Warship leads shooting.

German heavy bomber "Gott".

Bombolyuka: hanging bomb.

The ship in the sea, shooting, bomb bay, drop bombs from an airplane.


French tank "Reno" goes on burning wood.


Double exposure: gas mask, German soldiers are wounded on a stretcher.

A crowd of Russian prisoners of war.

Closes the shutter gun, the German soldiers to unbutton his uniform on his chest killed.

Killed a German soldier in an underground shelter.

The person in a gas mask.

German machine-gun team.

Shot of heavy guns.

German bread cards (brotcarte).

German woman at the dinner table, reading a letter.

Food cards.

Hand holds cigar.

A box of cigars.

The killed soldiers.

Set the table.

Disabled in a munitions factory, for the machine.

Undressed for children belt.

Bottles with expensive drinks on the table.

The face (close-up), women's hand sews the sewing machine.

A soldier in an underground shelter.

The woman's face.

Rows of letters, the face (close-up).

A terrible figure, depicting famine over the crowd of children.

American cavalry gallops.

American horse artillery, gun horse harnessing.

Telegraph, ribbon-cable.

Horse carts, vehicles, explosions, the general at his desk, the gun barrel.

German horse artillery, horse harnessing.

French soldiers fleeing the attack.


War World
road transport
air force
prisoners of war
military production

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