VI Congress of the RSDLP (b).Victory of Great October (1980)

Movie №71096, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:50
Studio Lennauchfilm (LNF)
Z. Krashenkova
Camera operators:
S. Belyaeva
A. Yakovlev
Sound mixer:
N. Shknevskaya
Others authors:
A. Dubinin, L. Gricenko, A Glebova


The film is about the progress and decisions of the 6 party Congress, the preparation and victory of the armed uprising in Petrograd in 1917.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Photos of the events of July 4, 1917 in Petrograd, fragments of the execution of the demonstration.

Photos of soldiers and officers of the 5th army, called from the front to stop the riots.

Photo of junkers sitting on the stairs in the building of the destroyed editorial office of the newspaper "Pravda".

Photos of the disarmed soldiers of the 1st Machine Gun Regiment.

Photo of General Polovtsev on the Palace Square among the soldiers and officers of the 5th Army.

View of St.

Isaac's Cathedral in Leningrad, cover of the case of the judicial Chamber on the initiation of criminal proceedings against Lenin.

Portrait of V. I. Lenin.

The text of Lenin's manuscript on the current situation.

Announcement for delegates of the 6th Congress of the RSDLP in the newspaper "Worker and Soldier" of July 26, 1917, the texts of newspaper articles and notes.

Photo of the house on the Vyborg side, where the congress was held.

Map of Russia with the designation of the cities where the delegates came from (animation).

Portraits of F. E. Dzerzhinsky, Ya. M. Sverdlov, I. V. Stalin, N. I. Podvoysky, E. M. Yaroslavsky, G. K. Ordzhonikidze.

Photo of the house where the congress was held.

View of the lake in the Flood.

Views of the reconstructed hut in which Lenin lived, a stump that replaced Lenin's desk.

Portrait of Lenin.

Cover of the edition of the minutes of the Congress.

Newsreel of 1914-1917: fighting on the fronts of the First World War.

Devastation in the city and village.

Portraits of the leader of the Cadet Party Milyukov P. N., the leader of the SR party Avksentiev N. D., alternate with newsreels of the First World War.

The text of the Congress resolution on Lenin's non-appearance at the trial.

Newsreel of 1917: representatives of the Provisional Government and leaders of political parties at the Tauride Palace, Among them - Milyukov, Avksentiev, Dan F. I.

Photo of the house where the congress was held.

Portraits of the congress delegates elected to the Central Committee-Sergeev F. A. (Artem), Bubnov A. S., Dzerzhinsky F. E., Kollontai A.M., Muranov M. K., Nogin V. P., Sverdlov Ya. M., Stalin I. V., Uritsky M. S., Shaumyan S. G., Lenin V. I.

Portraits of V. Volodarsky, V. N. Podbelsky, A. F. Myasnikov, and Flerovsky.

Text of the resolution of the congress "On the political situation", newsreel of 1917: gathering of participants of the June demonstration in Petrograd.

Demonstration in Petrograd.

Fighting on the fronts of the First World War.

The consequences of the devastation in the frontline.

Texts of the Congress resolutions on trade unions and youth.

Portrait of V. P. Nogin.

Newsreel: the production process in the foundry of one of the factories.

View of the soldiers ' rally.

Rally in the village.

Photos of the Palace Square and the Winter Palace.

Lenin's Hut in Razliv (reconstruction).

Boat on the lake.

Photo of Lenin in a wig, made for a pass in the name of K. Ivanova, a pass with a photo.

Lenin's fake ID card.

Panorama of Razliv Lake.

View of the railway track.

Passenger train cars.

View from the car window.

Newsreel: panorama of the Moscow Kremlin.

View of the Bolshoi Theater building during the State Meeting.

The meeting participants go to the meeting.

A. F. Kerensky enters the building of the Bolshoi Theater.

General Kornilov L. G. among the officers at the entrance to the Bolshoi Theater.

Portraits of General Kaledin, Milyukov, Kerensky.

Photo of officers - employees of the Stavka department in Mogilev.

Photos of the review of troops on the Palace Square with the participation of Kerensky.

Drummers of the women's battalion in the ranks, standing next to General Polovtsev.

Newsreel of 1917: drill training of the women's shock battalion in Petrograd, General Polovtsev watches the course of classes.

Photo of the center of Riga.

The text of the appeal of the RSDLP to the workers calling for the organization of resistance to the Kornilov rebellion.

Photos of Red Guards and revolutionary soldiers.

Photos of the surrender of weapons by Kornilov troops.

Newsreel: a speaker speaks at a rally.

Panorama of the rally.


Milyukov Pavel Nikolaevich -- state and political figure

Kerenskij Aleksandr Fedorovich -- state and political figure

Kornilov Lavr Georgievich -- warlord

Dan Fedor Iljich -- revolutionary and political figure

Avksentjev Nikolaj Dmitrievich -- state and political figure


1914, 1917

Shooting locations:



Summer, Autumn

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Map of Russia with the designation of cities where the Soviets adopted Bolshevik resolutions.

Newsreel of 1917: members of the VTsIK Chkheidze N. S., Tsereteli I. G., Kamenev L. B., Avksentiev N. D.

Checking passes by a soldier's patrol on the streets of Petrograd.

Slogans of the Bolshevik Party.

The growth chart of the batch rows (animation).

Headlines of party newspapers and magazines.

Cover of the edition of the "Charter of the Workers ' Red Guard of Petrograd".

Photos of Petrograd and Moscow Red Guards.

Newsreel of 1917: fraternization at the front.

Soldiers ' rallies.

There is a military echelon.

Photos of the quarters of Helsingfors.

Texts of Lenin's articles.

The interiors of the apartment Fofanova, where Lenin settled on his return to Petrograd.

Lenin's desk and bed.

Photo of the house where the meeting of the Central Committee of the RSDLP took place on October 10, 1917.

Interior view of the safe house.

The text of Lenin's resolution on armed insurrection.

Photo of the Lesnovsko-Udelninskaya District Duma building, where an extended meeting of the Central Committee was held on October 16.

Portrait of M. I. Kalinin

View of the meeting room.

Portrait of Lenin.

The text of the minutes of the meeting with the voting results.

Memorial corner in the Duma building, a memorial plaque on the wall dedicated to the creation of the Military Revolutionary Center (VRC).

Photos of members of the VRC.

Kamenev's article "About the speech" in the Newspaper "New Life".

Map of Russia with an indication of the cities in which the Lenin resolution on the armed uprising was implemented (animation).

Newsreel of 1917: detachments of revolutionary soldiers and Red Guards at the entrance to Smolny.

Troops loyal to the Provisional Government on Palace Square.

The Cossack part passes by.

Construction of a firewood barricade in front of the Winter Palace.

Photos of warships summoned to Petrograd by the Military Revolutionary Committee.

Lenin's desk in his last safe house.

The text of the "Letter to the members of the Central Committee".

Stairs leading to the exit of the house.

Fragments of the x / film "October".

Map of Petrograd, reflecting the implementation of Lenin's plan of armed insurrection (animation).

Fragment of the x / movie "October".

The text of the appeal "To the citizens of Russia".

Fragments of the x / film "October", a shot from the cruiser "Aurora", the assault on the Winter Palace, a view of the assembly hall in Smolny, where the 2nd All-Russian Congress of Soviets took place.

The texts of the report on the arrest of members of the Provisional Government, the Congress ' address to the workers, soldiers and peasants.

The painting "V. I. Lenin proclaims Soviet power", fragments of the picture.

The texts of the decrees on peace and on land, alternate with newsreels of the First World War.

View of the Smolny Assembly Hall.

The text of the message about the creation of the Council of People's Commissars.

Photo of members of the first Soviet government led by Lenin.

Photos of the October battles in Moscow.

Map of Russia showing the cities where Soviet power was established (animation).

Monument to Lenin in front of the Smolny building in Leningrad.


Kamenev (Rozenfeljd) Lev Borisovich -- state and political figure

Chheidze Nikolaj Semenovich -- revolutionary and political figure

Cereteli Iraklij Georgievich -- revolutionary and political figure

Avksentjev Nikolaj Dmitrievich -- state and political figure



Shooting locations:




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