The War's Voices (1974)

Movie №7483, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:52 Black-white
Kraskov G.
Camera operators:
Epifanov G., Myakishev G.
Text authors:
Bodrov S.
Volockiy M., Lebedev A.
Kolychev U.


Every year, on May 9 in Moscow, in the Sverdlov Square at the Bolshoi Theater Great Patriotic War (Soviet people's participation in World War II in 1941-1945) veterans gather. 20-year-old young people also come to that place, they want to hear the war's voices.


In the movie newsreels of the Great Patriotic War. Among them: regulirovschitsa Spitak gives an interview at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin (synchronously), airmen and partisans recite the text of the military oath (synchronously), the pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union VV Talalikhin says on air fight, talked with his mother (synchronous) Lieutenant Kustov tells of the atrocities of the German invaders committed on ordinary Yuri Smirnov (synchronously), the mother of Yuri Smirnov favor (synchronous) call for the soldiers to avenge his son, commander of the Stalingrad Front Yeremenko tells of a battle near the town of Stalingrad (synchronously), Marshal Georgy Zhukov wishes of Red Army soldiers with the liberation of Kiev (synchronously), lieutenant-general and member of the Military Council of the 1st Panzer Army NK Popel speaks to the tank crews in Berlin (synchronously), interviews with tanker Lieutenant Goncharov (synchronously). In the film, shooting meet WWII veterans in the park Bolshoi On May 9. Interview with former fighter pilot in Taman Air Regiment ED Bershanskoy (synchronous) and mother Z. Kosmodemyanskoy - LT Kosmodemyanskoy (synchronously).

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Girls in the park at the Bolshoi Theatre on May 9 - CU.

The emblem of the "Order of Victory" in the columns of the Bolshoi Theater - MS.

War veterans in the park: a man is dressed in civilian clothes with decorations, is an old staff sergeant with the orders - MS., CU., PNRM.

Among the veterans is a young man - CU., PNRM.

Newsreel 1945:

On the streets of Berlin is photographed a group of soldiers and officers - LS., PNRM.

Traffic controller L. Spivak at the Brandenburg Gate - LS.

Inscriptions made by Soviet soldiers on the columns Reichstag - MS., LS., PNRM.

Newsreel 1941:

Air barrage balloon in the sky over Moscow monument to Alexander Pushkin, radars - LS., CU.

Anti-aircraft gun near the Kremlin - MS.

The Red Square and on the Moscow river embankment are columns of fighters, going to the front - LS.

German planes are flying, bombs fall, bomb explosions in the earth crumbling house, the woman looks at the site of a fire, the plane flies from which scribbling a gun, the man falls to the ground - LS., MS.

The ruined city are German soldiers - MS.

Pilots of aircraft near an oath; kolenopriklanenny officer at the banner reads the oath - MS.

Veterans at the Bolshoi Theatre - MS., PNRM.

Bell Khatyn - LS., PNRM.; CU., LS.

The sculpture "The old man and the boy in her arms» - MS.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Guerrillas are sworn in a forest clearing - MS., PNRM.

Children with partisans - MS.

Night Fights: face of a Soviet soldier - CU.

Shooting guns, flare gun shooting - MS.

Person pilot - CU.

War veterans at the Bolshoi Theater - MS.

Posters with the names of the regiments in the hands of veterans - CU.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Soviet and German aircraft in the air - LS., MS.

Machine gun fire from the mortar - LS., PNRM.

In the air, "Messerschmitt - 109" and the plane Victor Talalikhin "IL - 16» - LS., PNRM.

Victor Talalikhin home with his mother, the mother said Talalikhina (synchronous) - MS.

Newsreel 1945:

German planes in the air, hitting anti-aircraft guns, the face of the pilot B. Talalikhina (photo) displayed flashes of anti-aircraft guns - LS.

Night dogfight, in which B. Talalikhin rammed a German plane: Planes in the air, exploding planes - LS., MS.

Shells exploding in the air, machine gun fire tracer bullets - LS.

B. Talalikhin home tells his mother about the night ram (synchronous) - MS., CU.

Photo B. Talalikhina - MS., CU.

Veterans at the Bolshoi Theater, the trees hang posters with the words "18th Army" Little Land "," Tierra del Fuego "(Eltigen)" Norway "," 9th Guards Army "," 37, 38, 39 Guards Rifle Case »- MS.

Meeting women pilots of the 46th Taman Guards Regiment - MS., PNRM.

Air Force Colonel, commanding female regiment Evdokia Davydovna Bershanskaya of veteran pilots - CU., MS.

Youth Championships in the park - MS.

Photo pilots front years - MS.; MS., PNRM.

Women veterans in the park near the Grand Theatre - MS.

Nurse partisan Hope Samuilovna Chekalin Veterans - CU.

Among the veterans is Love Timofeevna Kosmodemyanskaya, talking with young people - MS., CU., PPNR.

Photo Zoe Kosmodemyanskoy - CU.

Photo executed by Zoe - CU.

Cranes are Flying - LS.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

In a clearing soldiers stand in formation, Lieutenant Bushes tells the men of the Guard series, Komsomolets Yuri Smirnov, who was executed by the Germans (synchronous) - MS.

The poster, which depicts a crucified on the wall of the shelter, Yuri Smirnov.

The inscription on the poster: "revenge!

Death executioners »- MS.

Smirnov mother talking with the men (synchronous) - MS.

Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - CU.

An elderly woman at the grave; schoolgirl in a white apron and an old general at the grave - CU., LS.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Veterans in the park near the Bolshoi Theater - LS.

It takes a veteran, captain of the first rank - MS., PNRM.

Taking place in civilian clothes with medals on his chest former sailor cruiser "Red Caucasus" Vasily Pokutny - MS.

Rear Admiral Alex Matveevich Gushchin, former commander of the cruiser "Red Caucasus", talking with officers and with VM Pokutny - CU., PNRM.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Cruiser "Red Caucasus" is fighting, shooting guns cruisers, deck runs sailor, sailor charges naval guns, the smoke on the deck runs sailor, throws out of the hatch on the deck of the burning shell, the shell covering their bodies burning - LS.

Photo VM Pokutny the war - CU.

Photo: sailors pulled out of the hatch of his friend in the burning clothes - LS.

VM Pokutny with the sailors of the cruiser in park - MS., PNRM.

A man with a baby in the park of the Bolshoi Theater - MS., PNRM.

Among elderly people is Sergeant in uniform with medals on his chest - CU.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Soldiers in the trenches singing the song "Ah, you Galya Galya young ..." (synchronous) - LS., MS., PNRM. at soldiers.

Soldiers in the trenches flicking each other - MS.

The soldier in a trench collapses cigarette - MS.

PNRM. the burning, destroyed Stalingrad - LS.

In the smoke run fighters - MS., PNRM.

The fighting in the devastated Stalingrad - MS., CU.

About the Stalingrad battle commander tells the Stalingrad front Yeremenko (synchronous) - MS.

Fires and smoke over Stalingrad soldiers run in the smoke, the soldiers fired from a ruined house, soldier passes gunner discs with cartridges - MS., PNRM.

The soldier at the guns, the soldiers shoot from the balcony at home - MS.

Advancing Soviet tanks - LS., PNRM.

Tank tracks - CU.

Joint offensive of tanks and infantry - LS., PNRM.

Embrace veterans park at the Bolshoi Theater, is a woman - a veteran with awards - MS., PNRM.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Nurse bandaging a wounded soldier, wounded man drinks water from a kettle - MS., CU.

Tanks pulled out of the wounded tank driver - MS.

Shoot "Katyusha» - LS.

In liberated Kiev stands representative of Supreme Commander G. Zhukov (synchronous) - MS.

People in the square listening to Zhukov, the portrait of Lenin and Stalin, Soviet military leaders are - LS., MS.

At the front, the men being interviewed - Heroes of the Soviet Union Ilya Andreyko and Vasily Geresh (synchronous) - MS., CU.

Soviet tanks in the streets of Berlin, the tank commander Guard lieutenant gave a report of the military council member 1st Panzer Army, Lieutenant General Nikolai Kirillovich Topel, NK Topel greeted with tank crews and delivers a speech in front of them (simultaneously) - MS.

A soldier lays the gun shells with the inscription "For the Reichstag» - MS.

Shoot "Katyusha» - LS.

Soviet soldiers with a flag run to the Reichstag: up the stairs, hoisting the flag over the Reichstag - MS.

Soviet tank in the Reichstag, the soldiers on the tank, a Soviet tanker Lieutenant Goncharov addresses a speech to the men, then the chorus begins to sing the song (synchronously) - LS.

Small children in the park on Sverdlov Square - MS., CU., PNRM.

Photos of the war: the children in uniform with military orders, an officer with the two boys, the soldiers - MS.

Newsreel 1945:

Rides train with demobilized soldiers, the poster on the train with the inscription: "Motherland - Mother!

Meets his sons - the winners! »- MS., PNRM.

Train with war veterans coming to the platform, waving greeters, soldiers cuddling with family - MS.

In a park near the Bolshoi Theater are veterans with medals - CU., PNRM.

Among the veterans is a young man, looking girl - CU.

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