By the Party's Way, By Our Fathers' Way! (1974)

Movie №7492, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:40 Black-white
Konovalov V.
Text authors:
Madorskiy A.
Khlebnikov A.


About the XVII Congress of the the All-Union Leninist Young Communist Leaque, held in Moscow in April, 1974.


Film of the 17 th Congress of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union.
The congress delegates in the corridors of Kremlin Palace of Congresses.
The opening of the Congress first secretary of the Komsomol E. Tyazhelnikovym (synchronously). In the Presidium of the Congress - members of the Politburo, Secretary of the CPSU.
The congress delegates applauded standing.
Was the General Secretary of the CPSU, Leonid Brezhnev (synchronously). E. Tyazhelnikov delivers a report (synchronously).
Performers: The first secretary of the Moscow city committee of the Komsomol VIShadrin, first secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee of Kazakhstan Z. Kamalitdenov, Hero of Socialist Labor, the builder of the Baikal-Amur Mainline AV Lakomov, winner of the competition of women mechanics Altay O. Plotnikova, miner, Hero of Socialist Labor Matveev, Academician Nikolai G. Basov, a member of the Executive Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth of Chile A. Fernandez and others.
Members of the Congress Party veterans welcome the delegates 6-th Congress of the Komsomol, the soldiers are building group BAM, literary and art SA Gerasimov, M. Bieshu, AIPahmutova, R. Gamzatov, G. Ulanova , Army. The film included newsreels, reflecting the participation of the Komsomol in the economic life of the country.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The Kremlin, Moscow - LS., PNRM.

Pass the delegates of the 17th Congress of the Young Communist League - LS., PNRM.

Delegates to the Congress in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses foyer meet, exchange autographs - PNRM., MS.

Opening of the Congress - the Congress delegates and guests applauded, welcomed the leaders of the CPSU and the Soviet government.

The presidium of the congress: Gromyko, F.D.Kulakov, V.V.Grishin, Leonid Brezhnev, Nikolai Podgorny, E.M.Tyazhelnikov, Kosygin, MA Suslov, A.P.Kirilenko, K.T.Mazurov, A.Ya.

Pelshe, D.S.Polyansky, A.N.Shelepin and others.

The first secretary of the Komsomol E.M.Tyazhelnikov opens Congress and to speak Leonid Brezhnev - MS.

Present in the room standing welcome Brezhnev - different.

Speech by Leonid Brezhnev (synchronously) - MS., LS.

Delegates listen, applaud - different.

Ceremonial session of the congress, the 50th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol assignment.

The meeting participants applause greeted the former Komsomol 20s participating 6th Congress of Komsomol.

Newsreel 1924.:

Delegates at the 2nd Congress of the Komsomol - MS.

Speaker, the bureau, listening in the hall - MS.

Acts E.M.Tyazhelnikov (synchronous) - LS., MS.

Delegates and guests of the Congress listen, applaud - different., PNRM.

In the debate on the report are the secretary of the Komsomol organization of the Union republics, Moscow and Leningrad.

Performs the first secretary of the Komsomol Moskovskogogorkoma V.I.Shadrin - MS.

Assembly shop of the Lenin Komsomol Automobile Plant - LS.

Young people in the shop at work - MS., PNRM.

Leaves car assembled a day cleaning day - MS.

Youth on the platform of the station-MS., CU.

Student construction teams work settings - different.

Performs the first secretary of the Komsomol of Ukraine A.N.Girenko - MS.

Foundry steel plant-MS., LS.

Pouring steel - CU.

Young metallurgists at work - MS., CU.

Performs the first secretary of the Komsomol of Kazakhstan Z.Kamalidenov.

Grain harvesting in the virgin lands-work combines.

Machine operators at work - different.

Passing car with a grain - MS.

Welder works - MS.

Construction of KAMAZ - the builders.

Construction of the Krasnoyarsk HPP - MS., PNRM.

Turbine Hall hydro-LS.

Dam - MS.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

In the hall of the Congress members are formed at the Congress of the All-Union Komsomol detachment behalf of 17 of the Congress of the Komsomol.

Labor veterans passed Red Flag construction team members who go

from the floor of the Congress for the construction of BAM - LS., PNRM.

Hero of Socialist Labor advocates builder Victor Lakomomv - MS.

Winner of the competition stands female mechanics Altai Olga Plotnikova - MS.

Listen to the Hall - MS.

In the working-girl machine operators - MS., CU.

Labor veterans rewarding young agricultural workers gift - MS.

Cheering - MS.

Work for the workplace delegates, including miner Matveev and E.M.Tyazhelnikov - different.

Farm chairman Alexander Grishin field - CU.

Anatoly steelworker stands the rich.

Students of vocational schools welcome the delegates-MS., PNRM.

Pavilion at the Exhibition Center, where the exhibition "Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth"

("NTTM - 74").

Exhibits: tractor, robot, railway, etc. - are different.

Nobel and Lenin Prizes, Academician NG Basov addresses Congress - MS.

Applaud the members of the presidium - LS.

Congress participants welcome writers and artists: Ulanova, R.Gamzatov, N.V.Tomsky, B.Rudenko, A.Pahmutova etc. - PNRM., LS.

S.A.Gerasimov presents the first edition of Ostrovsky, "How the Steel Was Tempered" the actor playing Pavel Korchagin actor Vladimir Konkin.

V.Konkin autographs - CU.


Moscow - LS.

Workshops Congress: speeches, listening differently.

Congress of the meeting devoted to the 50th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol assignment, welcome the representatives of the Armed Forces of the USSR - LS.

Combat Training - fleeing soldiers, passing tanks.

The congress delegates in the meeting room, among them - Tretyak hockey, figure skaters Irina Rodnina and A.Zaytsev - MS.

The stadium are Soviet athletes with banners-LS., PNRM.

At the competition serves the world champion in gymnastics L.Turischeva - LS.

Sitting members of the Bureau, including: G.F.Sizov, E.M.Tyazhelnikov, L.Turischeva, A.P.Kirilenko - MS.

Congress welcomed the representatives of the progressive youth of different countries - MS.

Stands by the member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Chile Antonio Fernandez - MS.

Rally of unity and solidarity with the people of Chile - different.

Members of the Congress in the lobby of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, talking, exchanging addresses - PNRM.

Members of the Congress were listening to the speaker, voice, standing applause - different.

Applaud the members of the presidium - LS.

Seeing the station Komsomol, departing on the scene - MS.

The boys are in the car, drive off the train - MS.

Face - CU.

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