Orthodox encyclopedia №2 14.01.2012 (2012)

Telecast №75187, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:11
Studio Pravoslavnaya Enciklopediya
Uminskiy Aleksey


Results of the year for the ROC (Russian Orthodox Church).

Reel №1

Introductory speech by Priest Alexei Uminsky.

A survey on the streets of Moscow about the main event of the year.

The results of opinion polls on the results of 2011.

The results of opinion polls on the prospects of 2012.

People are having fun in the park.

Christmas tree in the park.

The main church events of 2011 are listed on the screen.

Ekaterina Orlova, a member of the inter-council presence of the Russian Orthodox Church, tells us.

Interactive public opinion poll: Has the authority of the Church strengthened in 2011?

The Athos shrine is the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Patriarch Kirill.

The worship of the shrine by the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Believers who came to worship the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The ark with the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Athos monk brings the ark to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

The procession with the ark.

Patriarch Kirill tells us.

Cave temple.

Believers secretly pray to Jesus Christ.

Mountains of Iraq.

A child's drawing of a burning temple.

Children's drawings of the cross.

A destroyed Christian church in Sri Lanka.

Militant opponents of Christianity.

Ruins of Christian areas in Nigeria.

Tells the priest Stefan Ocheholon.

The destroyed church, school and priest's house.

Destroyed Orthodox churches in Kosovo.

Bombing by NATO planes of Serbia.

Destroyed Christian shrines in Serbia.

The exodus of Orthodox Serbs from their ancestral territories.

Abbess Haritina, the abbess of the Pechsky Monastery, tells us.

The Muslims of Kosovo are ruining an Orthodox church.

The cross from the dome of the temple falls to the ground.

A mountain of crosses in Lithuania.

The cross on the mountain.

Archpriest Anthony Ilyin, head of the representative office of the Russian Orthodox Church at European international organizations, tells.

Monument EUR.

Monument in Brussels.

Festive illumination.

Narrated by Nikolai Lisovoy, Doctor of Historical Sciences.

Alexey Uminsky tells us.

Patriarch Kirill's visit to Syria and Lebanon.

Meeting with the hierarchs of the Orthodox Church of Antioch.

Patriarch Ignatius is the head of the Orthodox Church of Antioch.

Joint prayer service of the patriarchs.

Patriarch Ignatius speaks.

Patriarch Kirill speaks.

Panorama of Damascus.

The President of Syria is hosting Patriarch Kirill.

Patriarch Kirill is visiting the Supreme Mufti of Syria.

The Patriarch in Beirut held a prayer service at St.

George's Cathedral, met with the President and the people of Lebanon.

Meeting of Patriarch Kirill with students and teachers of Balamand University.

Patriarch Kirill meets with believers.

Gradoyakutsky Transfiguration Cathedral.

Patriarch Kirill illuminates the monument.

Patriarch Kirill blesses the children.

Patriarch Kirill tells us.

Demonstrations in Moscow.

Alexander Uminsky tells.

Under the leadership of Patriarch Kirill, proposals have been prepared to improve the health of the nation and overcome the demographic crisis.

Elena Mizulina, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, tells.

Pedestrians on the streets of Moscow.

Sister of mercy.

Photos of mothers with children and children.

An Orthodox sister of mercy is talking to a visitor.

Hieromonk Ambrose (Zhelyabovsky), rector of the church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in Tver.

Mom walks with a stroller near the temple.

Ekaterina Orlova, a member of the inter-council presence of the Russian Orthodox Church, tells us.

Mothers with children.

A child in a stroller.

Hieromonk Dimitri (Pershin) tells the story.

The book of Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) "The Unholy Saints".

Alexander Prokhanov, a writer, tells.

Meeting with readers.

Says Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov).

According to the results of the interactive survey, listeners believe that the authority of the church has increased.

The final word of Alexey Uminsky.


Results of the year, The prospects, The shrines of Orthodoxy, New dioceses, Inter-church relations, Motherhood, Abortions, Book of the Year


Svyaschennik Aleksej Uminskij. Patriarh Kirill. Svyaschennik Stefan Ocheholonu. Igumenjya Haritina

nastoyateljnica Pechskogo monastirya v Serbii. Protoierej Antonij Iljin

glava predstaviteljstva Russkoj pravoslavnoj cerkvi pri evropejskih mezhdunarodnih organizaciyah. Nikolaj Lisovoj

doktor istoricheskih nauk. Patriarh Ignatij glava Antiohijskoj pravoslavnoj cerkvi. Elena Mizulina

predsedatelj komiteta Gosdumi RF po delam semji

zhenschin i detej. Ieromonah Amvrosij (Zhelyabovskij)

nastoyatelj hrama Vladimirskoj ikoni Bozhiej Materi v Tveri. Ekaterina Orlova

chlen mezhsobornogo prisutstviya Russkoj pravoslavnoj cerkvi. Arhimandrit Tihon (Shevkunov).



Shooting locations:

Moscow [820]

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