Liberation Of Europe (1974)

Movie №7534, 3 parts, Duration: 0:30:54 B/W
Pumpyanskaya S.
Drobashenko S.
Khmara L.


About liberation of countries of Eastern and Central Europe from fascism.

Reel №1

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Newsreel 1944.

Broken German technology (shooting the plane).

Sit, lie, are captured and wounded Germans.

It takes a column of German prisoners of war.

Sovetckie soldiers running across the field, down the broken bridge, pushing the gun.

Passing "Katyusha".

The opening of a second front in Normandy: fly planes, jump and land paratroopers.

Allied leaders Winston Churchill, Field Marshal Montgomery, A., General Dwight D. Eisenhower at the observation post.

Allied amphibious landings.

Shoot and run the American soldiers passing tanks, soldiers have guns.

German officers at the map.

Passing a column of German tanks.

Marshal Georgy Zhukov and other commanders in the trenches, at the observation post.

Passing gun, "Katyusha".

Moscow, Kremlin Wall.

Multrabota - Newspaper with a statement of the Soviet government on April 2, 1944. the restoration of the Soviet border and the entry of the Red Army on the territory of Romania.

Soviet tanks on the streets of Bucharest.

Romanians in national costumes in the streets.

Soviet soldiers talking with the Romanians.

Drawing - arms are held behind barbed wire.

Excesses of the Germans in occupied Europe - Soldiers beat, searching people.

A group of people are to be shot.

Warsaw Ghetto: people walking on the street, checking documents.

Exhausted girl gets out of bed, the dying boy lying in the street.

Is a group of Jews, CU. plans for individuals.

The prisoners in the concentration camp.

The men in white coats measuring human skulls.

From liberated concentration camps and carried away in stretchers on hand malnourished people.

The soldiers of the Allied armies close to the prisoners.

Prisoner prays lying on the ground.

Held prisoners of concentration camps, children's output and carried out of the camp.

Faces of former prisoners.

Soviet soldiers firing of guns and explosions.

Marshal Rokossovsky the map.

CU. plans Marshals Zhukov and Tolbukhin.

General Vasilevsky and other military leaders from the map.

Marshal Konev looks telescope.

Shoot "Katyusha", passing tanks, fleeing soldiers, Soviet planes in the air.

Romania - burning oil rigs in Ploiesti.

Soviet tanks and troops on the territory of Romania.

Germany - Shop military factory, working girl.

Flying airplanes, drop bombs, explosions on the ground. the ruined streets of Berlin.

Field Marshal Keitel at Nuremberg.

Missile test FAA. Head works to create the FAA W. von Braun, captured by the Americans, out of the door, talking.

American soldier.

Fly long-range missiles.

England - Fire in London, working firefighters are injured.

Shoots flamethrower, Soviet soldiers fleeing the attack.

Advancing tanks and infantry.

Anti-fascist uprising in Bucharest - lit store, people running down the street.

Police patrol checks the documents of the car driver.

Soviet tanks entering Bucharest.

Residents welcome Soviet soldiers.

Reel №2

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Newsreel 1944-1945.:

Bulgaria's liberation: the bell tolls, people shed their Nazi emblem.

Are soldiers Bulgarian Fatherland Front.

Bulgarian hugs her son.

Residents privetstsuyut Bulgarian soldiers.

Drove by the Soviet military equipment, "Katyusha", armored vehicles, soldiers on the machines.

Soviet officers are held with the Bulgarians.

Riding machine with the Soviet and Bulgarian flags.

Monument to the Heroes of Shipka, Soviet soldiers kneel at the obelisk.

Liberation of Yugoslavia - Pass Yugoslav soldiers, partisans.

The head of the Liberation Movement of Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito in the mountains.

Gunfight at the mountains.

German soldiers pass, shoot guns.

Shoot the Yugoslav partisans.

Partisans burdensome throw their weapons: Face to divide the tank into the river is confronted gun, car falls from the mountain to the river.

Guerrillas in the mountains in winter are chained are wounded on stretchers.

Soviet and Yugoslav military commanders at the command post.

Shoot "Katyusha".

Soldiers fired from guns in the mountains and in the city.

Battle for Belgrade - are tanks, soldiers are fighting.

Women are wounded.

Soviet soldiers running through the streets, carried the wounded officer.

Yugoslavs welcome Soviet soldiers, the soldiers through the streets of Belgrade.

Soviet military leaders at the map.

Shooting guns, passing military vehicles and tanks.

Fleeing German soldiers with rifles.

Czechoslovakia 1944. - The Slovak National Uprising: explosions, Slovak soldiers in the streets of

Banska Bystrica, liberated from the invaders.

Hang on the building Slovak flag.

Area of ​​the city, Slovak soldiers dismantled rifle fighting.

Shoot Slovak partisans.

German soldiers passing by cars, motorcycles.

Moves Soviet military equipment.

Cost Marshal Konev and other military leaders.

Commander in the Soviet Union formed the Czechoslovak Corps, L. Svoboda with binoculars.

The fighting in the Carpathians - explosions, shooting guns, "Katyusha", passing tanks, advancing infantry.

Dukla Pass farmers meet the Soviet tanks.

Military technology is moving along the road.

May 1945. - National uprising in Prague shooting in the city, passing cars, people look out of windows.

Down the street is the patrol.

The rebels are building barricades.

From the roof of the house shoots German sniper, shoot the German tanks.

People pick up the wounded.

Soviet military leaders at the map.

Soviet advance to Prague - flying planes, are tanks.

Soviet soldiers in the streets of Prague.

City residents welcome Soviet soldiers.

Czech soldiers held the banner.

Prague residents (women and children) are going on a Soviet tank.

September 1944. - Soviet troops crossed the border of Norway.

Soviet military leaders of the card, at the command post.

Shooting guns, fleeing soldiers, explosions on the water, it shoots a machine gunner.

Soviet soldiers on the ship, advancing tanks and infantry.

Norwegian refugees return home.


Kirkenes talking to Soviet soldiers.

Over the building raised the Norwegian flag.

France - French Resistance members running for cover, explosion.

Command headquarters, the man on the phone.

The guerrillas are dragging a box of ammunition, carry a gun.

An armed uprising in Paris shootout in the streets, passing the German tanks.

A man is wounded.

Passing cars, a man throws a grenade out of the window, exploding German car.

In Paris, entering French and American armored divisions.

French soldiers greet, kiss, waving flags.

Reel №3

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Newsreel 1944-45. :


Paris (filmed from a helicopter).

Pass the head of the Provisional Government of France, General Charles de Gaulle, and others, Parisians welcomed the government.

German sniper fired from the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, people run, hiding from the shots.

Fires tank.

Politseskie deter Parisians.

Funeral service at the Cathedral of Notre Dame.

Arc de Triomphe, the people in the square.

Charles de Gaulle salutes.

French flag on the Arc de Triomphe.

Soviet troops boost Vistula - the tanks and all-terrain vehicles are entering the river, explosions, fleeing soldiers.

General Chuikov looking through binoculars.

Soviet tanks in Poland.

Soviet and Polish soldiers are firing, run to the attack.

Soviet and Polish soldiers are to free the Polish city, residents greeted the soldiers.

Soldier distributes newspapers with the Manifesto of the Polish Committee of National Liberation tion.

Polish peasants read the manifesto.

Peasants in congratulating obtaining land.

Record youth in the Polish Army.

A young man tries on a form.

Pass of the Polish Army.

German offensive in the Ardennes - flying German planes drop bombs, explosions on the ground.

Passing an American tank.

Shoots flamethrower, padded American tank.

Stand and are captured by American soldiers.

U.S. soldiers in a trench, bask in the fire.

Passing car.

Photos of Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin.

The Soviet offensive in the direction of Warsaw - shooting guns, the aircraft dropped bombs, the pilot in the cockpit, firing machine gun (from the aircraft).

Offensive tanks and infantry.

Shooting guns, tanks, soldiers.

Soldiers run through the streets of Warsaw destroyed Noah, hiding from the fire.

German planes in the air, blowing up homes in Warsaw, the burning city.

People were running in the smoke.

Smiling crazy woman, a child goes through the ashes.

Polish refugees returning home.

Hang on a destroyed building note.

Crying woman in a ruined house.

By area, are soldiers of the Polish Army, members of the Government of Poland on the podium.

The orchestra, go demonstrators.

Multrabota - Soviet offensive against the card.

Passing tanks, soldiers running, throwing grenades, burning a tank battle on the streets of European cities, the Soviet soldiers held the banner.

People greet soldiers, throw flowers.

Soviet soldiers talking to the locals.

Tracer fire, the advancing Soviet tanks, fly planes.

Land the plane.

Movie №0

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