About Our Theater (1975)

Movie №7680, 7 parts, Duration: 1:12:56 Black-white
Soloveva N.
Camera operators:
Zaporozhskiy I., Istomin A., Myakishev G., Nikonov V., Khavchin A.
Turovskaya M., Khanyutin U.
Ter-Tatevosyan D.


The film tells about the 75-year history of the Moscow Academic Arts Theater. The film presents unique annalistic material, includes rare synchronous shootings of extracts from various performances.


A. Efremov at a rehearsal of the play "Ivan and Vanya." GV Massal'skaya, MI Prudkin, MM Yanshin. Wachter. Actors in the foyer. A.. Fungi. AO Stepanov. IP Miroshnichenko. L. Kharitonov. Interviews actors. Actors of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater presented with flowers actors of the Moscow Art Academic Theater. 1948: on the stage Knipper-Chekhov, VI Kozlovsky, S. Ya Lemeshev, Kedrov. Kremlin. Actors of Moscow Art Academic Theater of military exercises. Kiev railway station. VI Nemirovich-Danchenko. 1928: Nemirovich-Danchenko, Stanislavsky, Moskvin, and others. Rehearsal of "Tartuffe." Actors at the bedside of Stanislavsky. Photographs. Hotel "Slavic Bazaar". Posters. Says Knipper-Chekhov. Photo by Anton Chekhov. House Chekhov in Yalta. A scene from the play "The Cherry Orchard." Referring actors (Kachalov and others). A scene from the play "The Lower Depths." Photos. A scene from the play "Dead Souls". Empty room. Fragment of film "Gobsec. Personnel revolutionary Chronicle. Actors on stage. Photos of the play "Days of turbines." NG Khmelev, EA Kindinov, PV Massal'skaya, VL Orlov, MM Yanshin. Scene from "Anna Karenina". Rehearsal of the play "The Last Sacrifice". VI Nemirovich-Danchenko. NI Prudkin. MI Yanshin. Scene from "Solo for hours of battle." Says O. Efremov. VS Davydov. A. Sersky. Scene from "Old New Year". VM innocent. Rehearsal with O. Ephraim. LV Strizhenova. E. Evstigneev. A scene from the play "Steelworkers". B. V. Shcherbakov. Students.

Reel №1

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The Moscow Art Theatre is a branch of the stage rehearsal of the play "Ivan and Ivan", rehearsal runs Ch. director O. Yefremov, People's Artist of the USSR - (synchronous) - different plans

In the lobby of the theater is cleaned, a woman with a vacuum cleaner cleans the sofa; worker repairing light fixture, working props - different plans.

Actors meet the theater before the opening of the season, greet each other - ON Efremov, MM Yanshin, AN Mushrooms.

In the lobby of the theater gathered the whole company, including AO Stepanova, Miroshnichenko, MI Prudkin, young actors - medium, large panorama.

Photo: AP Zueva, SA Stepanova, AN Gribov, M. Yanshina, MI Prudkin, PV Massalsky, VS Davydov, ON Ephraim, E. Kindinova, A. Serskogo - medium, large plans.

Empty auditorium and the stage - the general plan (shot from above).

To question the announcer say: People's Artist of the USSR AP Zuev, AN Mushrooms, PV Massalsky, MI Prudkin, young actors and A. E. Kindinov Sersky (synchronous) - medium, large plans.

Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Moscow Art Theatre: the stairs to the stage of the Moscow Art Theater down the old actor, took seats on the stage, listening to speeches and congratulations (OI Androvskaya, AP Zuev, SA Stepanov, AN Gribov, M . I. Prudkin, MP Bolduman, PV Masalsky VJ Stanitsyn, VA Orlov, BJ Petker and others).

Acts chief director O. Efremov (synchronous) - different plans.

Newsreel 1948:

The fiftieth anniversary of the Moscow Art Theatre: actors with flowers come in theater, on the stage troupe, singing IS Kozlowski and SY Lemeshev (synchronous), OL Knipper-Chekhov, director of the theater, MN Kidron - different plans.

The audience applauded - the overall plan.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Snowy streets of Moscow, a fighter with a machine gun, antitank "hedgehogs" in the streets, the Kremlin - a common, average plans.

At the microphone stands IM Moskvin (synchronous) - the average plan.

Actors Theater, on the military activities (MM Yanshin, MI Prudkin, MP Bolduman, Massalsky PV, EV Kaluga) - the average plan.

Newsreel 1938:.

Says the People's Artist of the USSR, ML (Synchronous) - the average plan.

VI Nemirovich-Danchenko in his robe, IM Moskvin (People's Artist of the USSR) put flowers on the table, in the audience, AK Tarasova (People's Artist of the USSR) - a common, average plans.

Reel №2

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Newsreel of 1928:

K.S.Stanislavsky, V.I.Nemirovich-Danchenko, I.M.Moskvin, V.I.Kachalov, O.L.Knipper-Chehova, M.P.Lilina, Lugskij are sitting at the table.

Newsreel of the 1930-s:

K.S.Stanislavsky is rehearsing a role from “Tartufe” with the actress V.D.Bendina.

A.O.Stepanova and M.I.Prudkin are recollecting about K.S.Stanislavsky.

Photo: actors near the K.S. Stanislavsky's bed.

The "Hermitage" in the end of the last century.

Troupe of theatre led by Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko.

The “Slavyansky Bazar” hotel [“Slavic market”] (in the end of the last century).

K.S.Stanislavsky; V.I.Nemirovich-Danchenko; I.M.Moskvin.

Photo: I.M.Moskvin as Tsar Feodor M.I.Moskvin and O.L.Knipper-Chehova in the "Tsar Feodor Ioannovich" performance.

Newsreel of the 1940-s:

A scene from the "Tsar Feodor Ioannovich" performance, M.I.Moskvin - Tsar Feodor, in the scene K.K.Elanskaja, M.P.Bolduman, V.A.Orlov are taking part.

M.I.Moskvin is being congratulated, V.I.Kachalov kisses M.I.Moskvin.

Old posters, the poster of performance "Tsar Feodor Ioannovich".

The People’s Artist of the USSR M.M.Yanshin is remembering the first performance of the Art theatre.

O.L.Knipper-Chehova is telling about the first representation of “Chaika” ["Seagull"] performance.

A photo: A.P.Chekhov among the actors of the Art theatre.

K.S.Stanislavsky and A.P.Chekhov.

O.L.Knipper-Chehova in the play “Chaika” ["Seagull"].

V.E.Meyerhold in "Chaika".

A scene from the performance "Chaika" (3-rd act).

Reel №3

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O.L.Knipper-Chehova is telling about the "Seagull" representation.

A panorama of A.P.Chekhov's house in Yalta.

The Crimea, seashore.

Photo: A.P.Chekhov with a dog.

O.L.Knipper-Chehova (the beginning of a century); other photos of her.

Posters of Chekhovian performances.

Newsreel of the 1930-s:

O.L.Knipper-Chehova is playing Ranevskaya (“Vishnevy sad” [“Cherry garden”]) together with A.O.Stepanova and V.A.Orlov.

A.O.Stepanova, A.P.Zueva, E.Kindinov, O.N.Efremov are responding to the question of the narrator.

Photo: Konstantin Stanislavsky, Maxim Gorky; Art Theatre passway; V.I.Kachalov, V.I.Kachalov with students; V.I.Kachalov's portraits in different performances.

V.S.Davidov (actor) is telling about V.I.Kachalov.

Newsreel of the 1930-s:

Stage from performance "At the bottom", V.I.Kachalov, V.A.Orlov, V.N.Popova are acting.

The playwright M. Roschin is reading the play "Echelon" to the Moscow Art Academic Theatre actors; actors A.O.Stepanova, G.I.Kalinovskaja, V. Nevinnyj is talking about the play; actors and main director O.N.Efremov are listening.


V.I.Kachalov is reading his memoirs about job of the theatre on the "At the bottom" play.

Reel №4

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Photo: V.I.Nemirovich at a desk.

Newsreel of the1940-s: a scene from the performance “Mertvye Dushi”[“Dead souls”], M.M.Tarhanov (Sobakevich) and V.O.Toporkov (Tchitchikov) are playing.

M.M.Tarhanov in a role of the baker Semenov (“V lyudyakh”[“Among the people”]).

Newsreel of the 1940-s:

Fragment from the “Gobsek” film with L.M.Leonid (the People’s Artist of the USSR) as Gobsek.

Newsreel of 1917-1918.

Banners are carried on the Red square, girls in national suits are passing by.

Konstantin .

Stanislavsky with actors; actors are leaving the theatre, they are being welcomed by people.

Newsreel of the 1920-s:

V.I.Kachalov in a make-up room.

The building of the 2-nd studio of the Moscow Art Academic Theatre.

Actors on a stage.

Sketches dedicated to the incorporation of the second studio in the Moscow Art Academic Theatre.

A.N.Gribov is telling about M.M.Tarhanov (the People’s Artist of the USSR).

The stage in the new Moscow Art Academic Theatre building in Tverskoy Boulevard, an empty shined hall.

Photo: K.S.Stanislavsky.

Stages from the performance ”Bratya Karamazovy” [“Brothers Karamazovs”], with L.M.Leonidov as Dmitry Karamazov's.

A scene from the “Bronepoezd 14-69” [“Armored train 14-69”] performance, Kachalov as Vershinin, N.P.Khmelev (the People’s Artist of the USSR) as Peklevanov, N.M.Kedrov (People’s Artist of the USSR) - Sin Bin U, N.P.Batalov as Vaska the Gammon.

Stage from play “Dni Turbinikh” [“The Turbins family life”].

M.I.Prudkin, I.M.Kudryavtsev.

M.I.Prudkin is recollecting a debut of young actors in the play “Dni Turbinikh”.

Reel №5

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Different photos from performance “Dni Turbinih” [“The Turbins family life”].

Photo: N.P.Khmelev (the People’s Artist of the USSR), V.J.Stanitsyn (the People’s Artist of the USSR), V.L.Ershov (the People’s Artist of the USSR), B.G.Dobronravov (the People’s Artist of the USSR).

B.G.Dobronravov in different roles.

N.P.KKhmelev in different roles.

A scene from the performance "Anna Karenina".

M.I.Prudkin as Vronsky, A.K.Tarasova (the People’s Actress of the USSR) as Anna Karenina.


A.K.Tarasovoj's different photos in various performances.

V.N.Livanov (the People’s Artist of the USSR) in different roles.

Actor V.S.Davidov is recollecting B.G. Dobronravova.

Scenery of the "Tsar Feodor Ioannovich" performance, the garment of Tsar Feodor.


N.P.KKhmelev in a make-up room.

The 75s anniversary of the Moscow Art Academic Theatre: actors on the stage and spectators in the hall are listening to a fragment from "Anna Karenina" in A.K.Tarasova's performance by radio.

Actor E.Kindinov is speaking about Khmelev.

M.M.Yanshin is telling about "Anna Karenina's" rehearsals.

The working woman of theatre is putting flowers and hanging up dresses in A.K.Tarasova's make-up room.

The rehearsal of the “Poslednya Zhertva” [“The last victim”] performance at school-studio of the Moscow Art Academic Theatre is lead by A.K.Tarasova.

P.V.Masalsky is telling about B.N.Livanov.

A scene from the performance - B.N.Livanov is acting in the play “Dead souls” as Nozdrev.

Reel №6

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A scene from the “Dead souls” performance: B.N.Livanov as Nozdrev, V.V.Belokurov - Tchitchikov.

The newsreel of the beginning of the XX century :

Moscow: streets, pass of Art theatre (Kamergersky lane).

Photo: the old building of the Moscow Art Academic Theatre, V.I.Nemirovich-Danchenko; M.M.Yanshin as Lariosik (“Dni Turbinykh”); V.J.Stanitsyn in different roles; A.N.Gribov in different roles; O.N.Androvskaja in different roles; group of actors - release of the Moscow Art Academic Theatre school-studio in 1947

M.I.Prudkin, P.V.Massalsky, A.O.Stepanova, M.M.Yanshin are responding to the announcer’s question.

A.N.Gribov is speaking.

M.M.Yanshin, A.N.Gribov, M.I.Prudkin, V.J.Stanitsyn are preparing for the performance in the make-up rooms.

A scene from the performance “Solo dlya chasov s boem” [“Solo for a Clock Watch”] Androvskaya, M.Yanshin, A.N.Gribov, M.I.Prudkin); spectators are applauding, actors are bowing.

Director's table, the curtain drops.

O.N.Efremov, V.S.Davidov, A.Sersky are speaking about the Moscow Art Academic Theatre.

Spectators are standing in a hall by the theatre entrance in the evening.

A scene from the performance “Stary Novy God” [“Old New year”], Nevinny as Sebeikin.

Reel №7

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A scene from the performance “Stary Novy God”, V.M.Nevinnyj as Sebejkin.

O.N.Efremov is rehearsing the play “Stalevary” [“Steelmakers”] with actors, L.Strizhenova, E.Yevstigneyev, Gulyaev, Monastyrsky, E.Kindinov are taking part in the rehearsal.

Building of the Moscow Art Academic Theatre (evening), people near the poster.

A scene from the "Stalevary" performance.

Rehearsal of youth-studio group; O.N.Efremov supervises.

A.P.Zueva, P.V.Massalsky, M.M.Yanshin are speaking about youth of the theatre.

The 75th anniversary of the Moscow Art Academic Theatre: actors are sitting on the stage, youngsters are presenting flowers to the Moscow Art Academic Theatre actors; the audience is applauding.

O.N.Efremov is answering a question of the announcer.

A photo of V.I.Nemirovich-Danchenko, M.I.Moskvin as Tsar Feodor, O.L.Knipper-Chehova as Ranevskaya, a scene from the play “Vishnevy sad”, a panorama of the portraits of the Moscow Art Academic Theatre actors.

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