Lower Povolzhie №11 (1966)

Newsreel №77179, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:23 B/W
Studio Nizhnevolzhskaya studiya
V. Bajnov
Camera operators:
G. Bojnenkov, V. Yaroslavskij, B. Ciperman, A. Sofjin, K. Lavigin, G. Matis, Yu. Selivanov
Text authors:
O. Gladisheva
Others authors:
N. Surovcev


The issue is dedicated to the completion of the 23rd Congress of the CPSU and various aspects of life in the Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan and Tambov regions.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

23 Congress of the CPSU.

View of the Moscow Kremlin and the building of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

Panorama of the meeting hall of the 23rd Congress of the CPSU (above).

Members of the Presidium of the Congress vote by raising their mandates, and the Presidium Brezhnev L. I., Suslov M. A., Kosygin A. N.

The delegates of the congress vote by raising their mandates.

The members of the Presidium applaud.

View of the hall and the presidium of the Congress meeting (top).

Panorama of the congress meeting hall (above), delegates applauding.

Views of the Congress meeting hall, Suslov speaks from the rostrum.

Brezhnev speaks from the rostrum with a message about the election of the party's governing bodies.

Congress delegates applaud.

Types of the congress hall and presidium.

Arrival of the train at the Saratov railway station.

Meeting on the platform of the Saratov delegates of the 23rd Congress, who returned from Moscow.

The first secretary of the Saratov Regional Committee of the CPSU Shibaev A. I. comes out of the car and shakes hands with the greeters.

Presentation of flowers to the returning delegates, relatives meet the delegates.

Inspection of the Tsaritsyn-Stalingrad Defense Museum by delegates from South Vietnam.

The head of the delegation, Nguyen Thi Binh, inspects the exhibits.

South Vietnamese delegates go to inspect the Volga hydroelectric power station.

Delegates visit the machine hall of the HPP.

View of the hall and the presidium of the solemn meeting in honor of the South Vietnamese guests.

Presentation of gifts to members of the delegation.

Panorama of the hall, the participants of the meeting applaud.

Participants of the meeting speak from the rostrum.

The pioneer ties Nguyen Thi Binh's tie.

Nguyen Thi Binh speaks from the podium, with a translator standing nearby.

South Vietnamese delegates visit a kindergarten, children welcome guests.

Children show guests dance routines.

The faces of the South Vietnamese delegates and Nguyen Thi Binh.

Spring landscapes.

Reflection of trees in the water.

A bird in the sky.

View of the field of the collective farm "Solodchinsky" of the Volgograd region during the spring sowing.

Sowing aggregates in the field.


Snowfall in the Astrakhan steppe.

Transportation and laying of sections of the new railway track on the Astrakhan-Guryev line.

Joining of laid sections of the railway track.

The stowage train is moving.

Training of mountaineers in the training camp "Burevestnik".

Training on practicing climbing techniques.

Working out the techniques of descent on the Snake Cliff near Saratov, the instructor from above gives instructions.

Delegate of the Komsomol Congress.

Apparatchik, secretary of the Komsomol organization V. Kiselev in the shop of the Tambov chemical plant at work.

Kiselev takes readings of control and measuring devices.

Kiselyov's face.

Kiselyov makes a wall newspaper.

Kiselev discusses current issues in the Komsomol committee.

Kiselyov's face.

Types of halls of the Saratov Art Museum.

Radishchev during the regional art exhibition.

Visitors view paintings and sculptures.

The faces of the visitors, the paintings presented at the exhibition and their fragments.

View of one of the halls of the insert.

The faces of children viewing an exhibition of children's drawings in Volgograd.

Drawings and crafts presented at the exhibition.

Children in the exhibition halls.

Exhibition poster.


Brezhnev Leonid Iljich -- statesman and politician Suslov Mihail Andreevich -- statesman and politician Kosigin Aleksej Nikolaevich -- statesman and politician Shibaev Aleksej Ivanovich -- statesman and politician Nguen Thi Binj -- Vietnamese statesman and politician



Shooting locations

Moscow [820] Saratov region [801] Volgograd [946] Volgograd region [773] Tambov region [805] Astrakhan region [769]


Spring [825]

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