From Heart To Heart (1976)

Movie №7850, 6 parts, Duration: 1:00:37
Lavrova T.
Madorskiy A., Saakov R.
Savelev G.
Kolychev U.


A film about the work of the Union of Soviet Communities and cultural ties with foreign countries.

Reel №1

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The members of the Soviet delegation, passing through the streets, the people welcomed.

LI trip Brezhnev to different countries, meeting people.

Moscow - The Kremlin, Red Square, a monument to VI Lenin - different.

Soviet flag - CU., MS.

People are Mausoleum Lenin - LS. PNRM.

Moscow River - LS.

The building of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, delegates XXV Congress of the CPSU, LI stands Brezhnev.

Delegates listen, stand up, applaud.

Framing plans: high-voltage power line, a nuclear reactor, scientists work, pouring steel, steel workers in the shop, factory workshop, working at the controls, the mill, factory, tractors in the factory yard, vehicles on the assembly line, the plane takes off, harvesters in the field, strewed grain; BAM - works tracklayers, passing the first train, builders welcome.

Moscow, Moscow River embankment, building CMEA - LS.

Foreign tourists in the bus, on the banks of the Moscow River, photographed - MS., CU.

Bolshoi Theatre - LS.

The Luzhniki sports complex - LS. (With a / t).


Old Moscow: passing cars on the street, the people in the square.

Foreign tourists in the Moscow Kremlin at the Tsar Bell, photographed, Belfry of Ivan the Great.

Triumphal Arch, passing cars - LS.

Great Belltower - LS.

Kalinin Avenue - LS. (With motion).

The House of Friendship, a sign on the building - LS., CU.

Meeting of the Council and the Bureau of Soviet Societies for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries.

Chairperson of the Bureau, a member of the Central Committee, member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR ZS Kruglov.

The building of the Column Hall of the House of Unions - LS.

Pass her delegates III-Union Conference of the Union of Friendship Societies, foreign visitors.

The delegates in the hall.

Advocates a candidate member of the Politburo, Secretary of the CPSU BN Ponomarev.

Delegates listen, applaud.

Awarding of the Union of Friendship Societies Order of Friendship - CU.

Animation: World map indicating the relations of the Union - MS.

Listen to the participants of the international seminar, representatives of friendship associations and delivers ZM Kruglov.

The meeting of the Polish participants with the head of the Soviet-Polish friendship, chairman of the USSR Supreme Soviet of the USSR AP Shitikova.

Said the head of the Gdańsk of Polish-Soviet friendship M. Yaloshinskaya.

Poland, Gdansk - PNRM. (With a / t).

Solemn ceremony of launching the ship for the Soviet Union: A military band played, a rally at the Lenin Shipyard, M. Yaloshinskaya at the rally, he spoke.

Woman smashes a bottle against the side of the ship, the ship "Captain Zamyatin" coming off the slips - MS.

Ship in the bay - LS.

House of Peace and Friendship in Leningrad - MS., CU. PNRM.

Photo exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the liberation of Romania from the fascist dictatorship in the hall - LS. PNRM.

B / w photographs depicting Romania - different.

Reel №2

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Hall of power "World» - LS., MS. (With motion).

Power line, a gas pipeline in the forest - LS. (The plane).

Melting friendship - steelworkers at the furnace, pouring steel - different.

Weaver works - in the shop of textile factory "Red Rose» - MS. PNRM.

Members of the Bulgarian delegation in the shop plant - collective members of friendship, talking to weavers - MS. PNRM., CU.

The plane lifted into the air, coming in to land, the pilot in the cockpit - different.

AN aircraft designers and AA Tupolevs at the airport, greeting the pilot - MS.

Chairman of the Soviet-Bulgarian Friendship A. Egorov and chairman of the National Committee for Bulgarian-Soviet friendship Zola Dragoicheva sign long-term agreements Soviet Societies for Friendship and UXO-congratulation.


LI Brezhnev acts, awards national hero of Bulgaria Ts Dragoicheva Order of Friendship of Peoples, congratulates her.

Blooming chestnuts, Japanese cherry, etc. - MS. PNRM., CU. (With motion).

Pass the seminar activists friendship societies of the socialist countries (Kiev) - LS.

The building - LS., MS. PNRM.

Khreschatyk - LS. (With a / t).

Street of the city - LS.

People take pictures - CU.

Cathedral - MS. PNRM.

Volodymyr Hill, Dnieper - LS.

The Seminar on the boat - MS., Dancing on the deck - LS., MS.

The bridge across the Dnieper and away the new district - LS. (With a / t).

On the river floats river hydrofoil - LS.

Hungary - Budapest - LS. (With a / t) Street - LS. (With a / t).

House of Soviet Culture and Science, people enter the building, visiting the exhibition - MS., LS.

The study of the Russian language - teacher at the negotiating points - LS.

Hands reveal a volume of poems, AS Pushkin - CU.

She takes off the shelf plate with opera PI Tchaikovsky - MS.

The building of the Hungarian House of Friendship.

LI Brezhnev enters the building, the people welcomed him (meeting with activists of the society of Hungarian-Soviet friendship.)

Rewarding LI Brezhnev gold badge of the House of Friendship, exchange gifts, acts of LI Brezhnev.

The House of Friendship in Berlin (GDR), a sign - LS., CU.

Berlin area - LS. (With a / t), Report on the streets - MS. PNRM.

Radio Works building - LS.

Worker of the Brigade of the German-Soviet Friendship - different.

"The Cabinet of friendship" - people talking, hands open book on VI Lenin (in German).

Flags, commemorative pennants USSR and GDR - CU.

The building of the Museum of Fine Arts.

Pushkin in Moscow, USSR and GDR flags in front of the - MS., Departure.

Turn into a museum - LS. PNRM.

Visitors to the museum examine the paintings from the Dresden Gallery - LS., MS.

Rubens, Terborch and other artists - CU., MS.

Station platform in East Germany, a military band played, the train of friendship - LS., CU. (With a / t).

People wave from a train window - MS. PNRM.

River, landscape - LS. (With motion).

Activists of Soviet Societies for Friendship, departing on the 30th anniversary of the liberation of Czechoslovakia from the Nazis, talking in the car - MS., CU.

Veterans of World War II LA Govorukhin MZ Beznoshchenko, K. and J. Biryushovy, NI Borisov in the car.

Houses - LS. (With motion).

Member of the Committee of Soviet Women Natalia Belyaeva in the car - MS.

Military photos young radio operator Belyaeva - CU., MS. PNRM.

Belyaeva talking to children at home, watching pictures - MS., CU.

Czechoslovakia - women decorate storefront with a photo of a Soviet soldier - MS., LS.

Reel №3

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Meeting of the Soviet delegation to the platform, is the youth with posters, welcome - LS., CU.

Meeting military friends - radio operator General Staff Nikolai Belyaev and connected guerrilla group Gym shoes Alicja - CU.

Monument (sculpture and obelisk) Soviet soldiers who died for the freedom of Czechoslovakia - LS.

Members of the Soviet delegation laying a wreath at the monument - different.

Graves of Soviet soldiers, women and war veterans - members of the Soviet delegation put flowers on the graves, crying - different.

Landscape on the site of the village of Lidice, burned by the Nazis - LS. (With a / t), PNRM.

Monument - a sculpture of a woman - LS., CU.

Held by war veterans, are Czechoslovak pioneers.

Veterans of the children tied red ties - different.

Blossoming apple - MS. PNRM. (With motion).

Children play in the playground - LS.

Wedding guests dancing - LS., CU. PNRM.

Prague - LS. PNRM. (With a / t).

Report on the city.

Members of the Soviet delegation at the plate on the house with the words "Checked.

No Mines »- CU.

LA Govorukhin MZ Beznoshchenko and colleagues Julius Fucheka siblings Kiselev pass and stand on the bridge - LS., CU.

Seeing the activists of Soviet Societies for Friendship at the station, waving pioneers - different.

Exhibition hall Cuba; visitors in the hall - LS., CU.

Photographs depicting Cuba and the Soviet-Cuban friendship - different.

Drawings of Cuban children, visited the Soviet Union - are different.

President of the Soviet-Cuban friendship, Cosmonaut VA Shatalov and members of the Cuban delegation to the pavilion "Space" at ENEA in Moscow - different.

Spaceship - LS. PNRM.

Pavilion "Space» - LS.

VA Shatalov autographs - MS.

Cosmonaut Victor Gorbatko autographs - MS., CU.

Meeting of the Soviet-Mongolian Friendship Society.

MHP leader Tsedenbal stands and gives the head of society Gorbatko Order of Sukhbaatar, present applauded.

Soviet officials meeting with members of the Vietnamese delegation, receives flowers.

Vietnamese soldiers fleeing with the banner, waving Vietnamese flags.

Directing traffic on a city street, a car went by warriors.

Held with the Vietnamese flag.

A Soviet-Angolan friendship to plant them.

VI Lenin, perform factory representative and president of the People's Republic of Angola, Agostinho Neto, A..

Workers listen, applaud - different.

The presidium meeting BN Ponomarev.

Reel №4

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The Moscow House of Friendship - LS.

Foreign students and visitors are awarded commemorative badges - CU. PNRM.

Young men and women of different nationalities play around them, dancing - different.

Board member of the Soviet Association of Friendship with the Peoples of Africa, a machinist metros Izmailovo depot Valentine Gessler at the Friendship House, goes to the depot, climbs into the cab and subway is - different.

Subway rides - LS. (With movement, with a / t).

African coast, the ocean in the distance - LS. (With a / t).

Report on African cities.

Meeting of the members of the Cultural Center - different.

A solemn meeting in honor of the memory of the friendship society activist, Nicholas Pyaskorskogo Soviet soldier who was killed in mine Algerian territory after foreign aggression.

Photo N. Pyaskovskaya and decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Photo: Soviet students at a construction site in Algeria.

Joint Soviet-Syrian Euphrates hydraulic construction - the overlap of the river, running technique, the people rejoice.

The school building in Moscow - LS. PNRM.

Lesson Hindi (class 4-5th), teacher and students say (synchronous) - Various.

Children - CU.

Boy writes in Hindi - CU.

Teacher and students look magazine - MS.

Souvenirs from India - toys, etc. - MS. PNRM.


Meeting of representatives of the Indo-Soviet Cultural Society with LI Brezhnev, who are in India on an official visit and delivers LI Brezhnev (synchronously), the present listen, stand up and applaud.

B / W:

A meeting of solidarity with Chile, organized in Moscow society activists "USSR - Chile" and youth organizations of the Soviet Union.

Acts Gladys Marin, and others; the protesters applauded.


Ceremonial welcome Luis Corvalan - Secretary of the Communist Party of Chile - in Moscow, people stand with posters, greeting, pass L. Corvalan and his wife, welcome.

Film set film studio.

Bitter, burning lights - MS.

The head of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR, the film director Leo Kulidzhanov conducts acting samples for the television movie "Karl Marx.

Younger years, "talking to the actors - different.

Flags of the Soviet Union and Mexico - CU.

The chairman of the "USSR - Mexico" L. Kulidzhanov acts and presents the prize of the Union of Friendship Societies Mexican filmmaker Sergio Olkhovich (in the House of Friendship with Peoples of Foreign Countries), says S. Olkhovich, present applauded (International Film Festival) - Various.

Poster University of Peoples' Friendship.

Patrice Lumumba - MS., LS.

Ceremony for new students youth from Asia, Africa, Latin America - University professor speaks and gives students a symbolic "key of knowledge."

Students of different nationalities listen, applaud, take an oath - different.

The ceremony of signing of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, signed L. Brezhnev.

Reel №5

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Neva river - LS.

Report on the streets and squares of Leningrad.

Cruiser "Aurora", people rise to the cruiser, sailor in the honor guard - LS.

Opening of the exhibition devoted to the 500th anniversary of the Italian sculptor Michelangelo, visitors to the exhibition - LS., CU.

Photographic reproductions of sculptures by Michelangelo - CU.

Foreign tourists in Petrodvorets - LS., MS.

Monument to Peter I - LS. PNRM.

Fountains of Peterhof - LS., Departure.

Society activists "Finland - USSR" sit on ships traveling along the Volga, talk to the captain the ship, considering souvenir - different.

The Volga River - LS. PNRM.

Yaroslavl - LS.

Theater building.

Volkov - LS.

Tourists from Finland visited Engine Plant, in the shop talking to the workers - LS., MS.

Pioneers welcome guests from Finland with bread and salt, and the guests dance pioneers' tapped-enku »- MS., LS.

Annual poetry festival dedicated to AN Nekrasov - the people at the festival, playing the poet A. Surkov - different.

Dancing Girls in Russian national costumes - LS., MS. PNRM.

Finnish tourists on the boat - LS., CU.

Along the river is a hydrofoil - LS. PNRM., Departure.

Dushanbe residents greeted the participants in the days of the Soviet Union, France, led by chairman of the friendship society "France - USSR", the former commander of the squadron "Normandie-Niemen" Pierre Pouyade, receives flowers member presidential council society actress Marina Vlady.

Street Dushanbe - LS.

P. Pouyade and other French guests talk to the head of the national society of friendship Mahrifat Karimova.

The people at the cinema - LS. PNRM.

Vladimir M. autographs.

Vladimir M. and P. Pouyade dance with the residents of Dushanbe - different.

Welcome guests from France with the rector of the Tajik University, a member of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR, Professor Pulat Babajanov.

People at the posters in the exhibit of works by winners of the International Peace Prize by the French artist Jean Effel - CU., LS.

Photographs and drawings Effel - different.

Photos of Paris - CU. LS.

The French arrived in Paris meet LI Brezhnev LI Brezhnev welcomes people.

Foundation of a new society of friendship "USSR - Portugal" - people talk, he spoke in the hall listening.

The House of Friendship in Moscow - LS.

Director General of TASS, president of the society "USSR - FRG" L. Zamyatin welcomes chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Germany Willy Brandt and delivers Brandt; present applauded.

Report on Tbilisi theater, philharmonic - different.

Palace of Pioneers - LS.

Pioneers presented with flowers residents of the West of Saarbrücken.

Children dance Georgian national dance, the guests applauded - Various.

Children accompany visitors from Germany - MS., LS.

Reel №6

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The Moscow House of Friendship Soviet choreographer Shulamith Messerer welcomes artists Japanese band "Girls of Takarazuka."

The Category group - dancing and singing (simultaneously in Japanese) - Various.

The audience, including viewers filmmaker Don M. - MS., LS.

Talk and are artists from different countries.

Performance of American students from the state of Tennessee: play, dance and sing (simultaneously in English) - Various.

Chairman of the USSR Supreme Court, President of the Association of Soviet Lawyers LK Smirnov and others lawyers talking with U.S. lawyers.

Newsreel 1945:

Nuremberg, lawyers prosecutors from around the table, serve Rudenko, Smirnov, sit war criminals.

The president of the "USSR - USA", the director of the Institute of Oncology Blokhin prepare and carry out the operation.

Blokhin, Soviet pilots, the wife and son of aviator Chkalov talking with guests from the United States - are different.

Newsreel 30's.:

Flying aircraft, meeting Soviet pilots Chkalov Baydukova, Belyakov, after non-stop flight to the U.S., Americans are welcome.

USA - a monument in

Vancouver after the flight, the NDP on the monument - MS., CU.

Rise spacecraft - different.

Soviet and American astronauts in the spacecraft cabin, hands holding the emblem of the joint flight "Soyuz - Apollo '.

The newspaper of the Union of Friendship Societies "Moscow News" (in English) - CU.

traditional international tournament skaters flags; audience applauded.

Playing LA Pakhomov, and A. Gorshkov, I. Rodnina and Alexander Zaitsev.

Bus pass - LS. PNRM.

Residential housing camp, are pioneers - LS.

It takes young people from different countries, who arrived in Moscow for the Russian language Olympiad - LS. PNRM.

Speaks a foreign girl, a young man from Africa (synchronously).

Listening to young people of different nationalities - different.

Converse girls from Moscow and Bulgaria (synchronously).

Dance pioneers and participants of the Olympiad - Various.

Russian landscape - different.

Pioneers farewell to guests - different.

Guests walk up the ramp.

Faces of boys and girls of different nationalities - CU.

Children run through the boulevard - LS., MS.

Flying seagull - CU. PNRM.

Clouds - MS. PNRM.

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