Steps Of History (1976)

Movie №7907, 6 parts, Duration: 0:58:21
Rychkov B.N.
Camera operators:
Baykov V., Kochetkov A. S., Myakishev G., Orlov U.
Rychkov B.N.
Shainskiy V.
Konsovskiy A.


The film tells about realization in real life of the 24th Congress' of the CPSU decisions, about changes in county's life during 1971-1975.


Newsreel. Completion of the Sayan-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power. Workers on a rig. Address (synchronously) General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev on the retooling of all branches of industry and agriculture. Leonid Brezhnev's meetings with workers, youth, people on the streets. Work crews Zlobin. Interviews (synchronously) Zlobina the high results of his team. The joint flight of Soviet and American spacecraft, the meeting on European Security and Cooperation in Helsinki (Finland). The development of virgin lands: tractor for harvesting. Poems about his native land reads (synchronously) Tanya Smirnova. Northern winter wheat, fodder, preparation of equipment to work in the fields. Cleaning cotton. Construction of KAMAZ and new towns, such as the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. Working at KAMAZ machines on the shop floor at work. 17 Congress of the Young Communist League welcomed the builders of BAM.

Reel №1

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Participants of XXIV conference of Communist Party of Soviet Union are applauding.

Leonid Brezhnev is making a speech.

Panel with a portrait of Lenin.

Sunrise over the Red Square.

Connection lay-outs, operation panels, soldiers at the control panel, planes are taking off, cars are passing, coalminer is moving.

“We conquered you, Yenisei!” and “Ilich’s dream to come true!” slogans are written on the mountain.

Preparations for the overlapping of Yenisei for building Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydro Power station.

People are standing, cars are passing.

Drivers’ task master, companion of October revolution and of Labor Glory III degree, Ilya Vasilievich Kojura before overlap.

Newsreel of 1968:

Driver Iliya Kojura is dropping block to Yenisei(constructing of basin on the right side of river)

Workers are applauding

Blocks are falling into the water.

Newsreel of 1975:

Car is driving through the bridge.

Blocks on the waterside.

I.V.Kojura’s back-up - astronaut pilot of USSR G.Y.Beregovoy and the Hero of the Socialist Labor, honoured builder of Russian Soviet Federative Socialistic Republic A.E.Bochkin are passing by.

G.T.Beregovoy is greeting I.V.Kojura

Trucks are driving through the overlap, blocks are falling into the water.

Drivers are in the cabins.

Children are throwing little stones into the water.

Constructing schemes, people in the taiga, stepping out from a helicopter.

Cars and road-free vehicles are driving through.

Tractor is driving out of the plane.

Road in the taiga.

Pipe with a label: “Red joint of the largest oil pipe in the world”

Plane is flying, view of taiga.

Oil isburning.,

Reel №2

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Canned news of 1971-1975. :

Session of XXIV conference of Communist Party of Soviet Union.

Leonid Brezhnev is making a speech.

Control panel of Leningrad atomic power station.

Mechanisms are working.

High-voltage lines, panorama of power station.

Rocket launch.

Shots of different ages showing the meetings of Leonid Brezhnev the general secretary of Central Committee of Communist Party of Soviet Union with workers, his visits to various factories, trips to republics.

Nowadays newsreel – a panorama of new city region.

Constructing schemes, showing the growth of wellness of soviet people.

Education, enlightenment, recreation, health care, building.

Houses in Zelenograd – suburb of Moscow.

Builder Nikolai Anatolievich Zlobin, member of Presidium of Supreme soviet of USSR, Hero of Socialistic labor, laureate of Governmental award of USSR, and members of his team.

N.A.Zlobin and members of his brigade are passing by.

N.A.Zlobin is in the hall (the Kremlin).

Smelters working.

Spinner E.G.Amosova at work.

Coalminer G.N.Smirnov in the pit and at the meeting of Supreme Soviet of USSR.

N.A.Zlobin on the guest tribune at the demonstration on the 7 of November.

Demonstrators are passing by.

Members of the government on the tribune.

Reel №3

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Festive demonstration of November, 7th on the Red Square.

N.A.Zlobin is giving an interview on the Red Square.

Demonstrators are waving with flowers, carrying ensigns, transparent with portraits of Leonid Brezhnev .

Rocket is launching.

Flight control panel.

Cartoon: Rocket in the space.

Meeting of the soviet and American astronauts, participants of flight “Souz - Apollon” [“Union –Apollo”] in the space.

Moscow, Kremlin.

Soviet and American astronauts in the Kremlin.

Leonid Brezhnev with astronauts.

Conference about European safety and cooperation in Helsinki.

Leonid Brezhnev and other heads of states are signing Concluding act of conference.

Monument “Mother – Cradleland” on Mamaev borrow.

Veterans of Great Patriotic War are going through the street, hugging and kissing.

Children and women are throwing flower to their feet.

Leonid Brezhnev is kissing with his fellow soldiers (Novorossiysk).

Minute of silence.

Eternal flame.

Leonid Brezhnev , A.N.Kosygin, N.V.Podgorny and others are standing.

Girl is putting flowers on burial plates with text: “1942” (Moscow).


Mid-Russian autumn view.

Horse in the filed.

Man is going through the plowed filed.

Harvesting of the bread in state farm “Novy Put’ [“New Way”] situated in Karaganda region of Kazakh SSR.

War veteran who lost two legs during war deputy of Supreme Soviet of USSR a hero of socialistic labor, a knight of two orders of Lenin and of order of Red Star, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov is driving a harvester, wiping the window, drinking water in the field.

Newsreel of 1954-56:

Barracks on virgin soil.

Arrival of people on virgin soil.


Leonid Brezhnev on the tribune in the field.

Tractors in the field.

Sky, clouds over the field.

I.I.Ivanov is passing through formation of pioneers.

They are applauding.

I.I.Ivanov in the lobbies of Supreme Soviet session.

Grain pouring.

Night harvesting.

Drops of rain on the window of the car.

Men inspecting cereals after the rain.

Hands hold spikes bruised by hail.

Dry, cracked ground.

Cloudy sky.


Washy ground.

Nowadays filming.

Tractor driver passing.




Buildings of new livestock complex.

Automated feeding of livestock.

Ameliorative works, tractor grabbing cut trees, digging trenches.

Grain is falling into the machine.

Reel №4

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Chief Agronomist farm "Druzhba" Parfenevskogo district, Kostroma region Tanya Smirnova is on the field (fall), talking on the phone - the average view, close-up.

Board meeting of the farm (the average age of the board members - 24 years) at a meeting of T. Smirnova and her husband Valery - director of the farm - the average, close-up.

Tanya is a horse on a plowed field - the average plan.

Combiners are - close-up.

Harvester drives, clean straw - the average plan.

T. Smirnova led cleaning - the average plan.

Blooming sunflowers - close-up.

Tanya Smirnova - Party-Union meeting of young writers, read his poetry (synchronous) - close-up.

Tanya rides - panorama, walks with his son - a close-up.

Passing car ("GAS") - A panorama (winter).

T. Smirnova Farm - close-up, departure.

V. and T. Smirnova, and other board members inspect agricultural equipment - medium, close-up, departure.

Agricultural machinery in the factory - a large panorama.

Crane lifts a tractor - close-up.

They stand ready to tractors, combines, trucks - Medium shot departure.

Assembly machines - panorama.

Tractor on flat - A panorama.

Harvesting cotton in Uzbekistan harvesters in the field - panorama, closeups cotton growers.

Passing cars with cotton - medium shot, run over.

Director farm "Uzbekistan", located in the Hungry Steppe Inobad Akhunov passes clamps cotton, cotton beret in hand, in the cockpit with a combine - large, medium panorama.

Black-and-white images:

Hands rubbed dry land - the average plan.

Hurricane on the field - panorama.

Covered with cotton - medium shot.

Cotton is dried on the road - panorama (removed from the top point).

A female combine operator in the cab - A panorama.

Piles of cotton - A panorama (filmed with motion).

The old man and the girl raised on the streets of cotton stalks, put in a box nailed to the wall - the average plan.

Naberezhnye Chelny (removed from the car with motion) - the average, the overall plan.

The inscription on the dock in the Russian and Tatar "Naberezhnye Chelny.

Chaly Yar. "

Brass band plays.

Pass the residents of the city - the average plan.

Baby in a stroller - close-up.

Goes another baby - medium shot.

Children play in the garden, cut - medium, large plans.

Children say what they will work (synchronous) - close-ups.

Installation work at KAMAZ - general plans.

Lead pipes - the average plan.

Directions to the building - the general plan (shot with motion).

Shop Kama automobile plant - the general plan.

Excavate - the general plan, impact.

Excavator operator in the cab - a close-up.

Building complex - the general plan, departure.

The tractor ride cook girl and boy - the overall plan.

Car ride with construction equipment - the general plan (shot from the top of

Reel №5

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Newsreel 1971 1975gg.

Tseh Kama automobile plant - the general plan.

Working at the bench, the forging press - big plans.

Cars driving down the street in Naberezhnye Chelny (with motion machine) - the average plan.

Cranes on construction - panorama.

Working on a building site - the general plan (shot from the top point).

Briefing on the construction of (synchronous) - different plans, big plans for those workers.

The cooks in the dining room at the plant KAMAZ laid meal - the overall plan.

Dining room - the overall plan.

Working lunch - medium, large plans.

Initiator initiative "Two work of three," Commander of the Order "Badge of Honor" foreman builders Salakhov Rais and others on the construction site, smokes - different plans.

Virtual tour of new building of Naberezhnye Chelny - the general plan (shot from the top point).

The deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the sidelines of the session - the overall plan.

Salakhov R., N. Zlobin, Ivanov, Smirnov on the sidelines of the session.

Hero of Socialist Labor, member of the Central Committee, member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR

locksmith Shubnikov Victoria in the Kremlin - in the lobbies and of the floor - the average plan.

Listen to the Hall - the average plan.

NV Podgorny presents award to AV Viktorov - the average plan.

Photo: A. Victoria and other at work - the average plan.

Brigadier A. Victor for the machine at the First Bearing Plant - medium, large plans.

Lie and move bearings - medium, large plans.

The young man behind the machine - panorama.

Master considers drawing - panorama.

Former mechanic, now secretary of the All AV Victors is the shop, greets his students and other workers, examines them machine - close-up.


Ball-Bearing Plant shop - the general plan.

Machinist - a common, average plans.

Hands plucked bearings - close-up.

Workers smile - close-up.

Newsreel 1930:

Vinogradov are young, P. Kryvonos (on the train), M. Gnatenko, I. Hoods, A. Bulgakov, N. Smets, K. Borin (rising to grain) - different plans.

Congratulate AG Stakhanov.

Work at the helm - the average plan.

Grinding roller - the average plan.

Order of Lenin Minsk factory of electronic computers to them.

Ordzhonikidze - girl at work, the general plan workshops.

Management of Nuclear Power Plant - panorama.

Lights display - close-up.

1971. - LI Brezhnev speaks at the XXIV Congress of the CPSU (synchronous with the words "For the development of our national economy .." before the words ".. and we are sure to learn this" - the average plan.

Reel №6

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Computers assembly.

Scientists of laboratory.

Constructing schemes, sign with text: “Academy of science of the USSR”.

Scientists and teachers are talking with students.

Experiment is being held.

Delegates of XVII conference of all-union Leninist Young Communist League are greeting future builders of Baikal-Amur Mainline.

Representative of komsomol is reporting.

Seeing off of Baikal-Amur Mainline builders to the railway station.

Close ups of youngsters.


Near Tundra.

Opening of the first bridge over the Lena river.

Flag, view on the brass band.

First train goes trough the bridge.

Young builders in the train.

Man with a child in his hands is looking.

Baikal-Amur Mainline builder are driving through the snow drift.

Woodcutters are working in the taiga.

Trees are falling.


Packing up railway sleeper.

Plane is flying.


Barge are going by a river.

Construction site.

Oil-workers at their work.

Girl is assembling clocks.

Workers are smiling.

Girl is navigating plane.

Close up of workers’ faces.

Trucks in the sand career.

Spinners going through the section of factory and congratulating the coalminers – heroes of the Socialistic competitions.


Planes are flying over the water.

Metallurgical complex.

Gas cisterns.

Trucks are driving through.

Rocket is ready to launch.

Scenery and other views.

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