The role of the Russian Orthodox Church during the Great Patriotic War: "We held out with faith" (2005)

Footage №81015, 18 footages, Duration: 1:13:20

Scene №1 The role of the Russian Orthodox Church during the Great Patriotic War: Father Sergius (Stragorodsky).

Sergey Kravets talks about the role of the Orthodox Church and the activities of Metropolitan Sergius of Stargorod during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

Military chronicle:

People on the street listen to the announcement of the beginning of the war.

Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War: attack, explosions, destroyed cities, wounded.

The nun is helping the wounded.

Service in the temple.

Center of Moscow: the Kremlin.

Letters from Metropolitan Sergius.


Kravets Sergey is a journalist and public figure in Russia.


03/07/2005 1941-1945

Scene №2 "We held out with faith": St. Luke

The autobiography of St.

Luke: a photograph of the lord.

Documentary newsreel:

railroad train, village (winter).

Books of Vladika Luke.

His watch.

Military hospital of the Great Patriotic War.

The temple and the approaching cars, wounded in the hospital photo of St.

Luke with the church hierarchs.

Decree of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Service in the temple, where the relics of St.

Luke are buried.



Scene №3 "We held out with faith": Maria Trukhacheva

The history of the village of Bely Rast near Moscow in the years of the Great Patriotic War.

A local woman who works in the village church Maria Truhacheva performs one of the psalms: "In the Jordan ...", tells about the arrival of the German fascist army in the village in 1941.

It talks about the strength of the faith and the steadfastness of the spirit of the inhabitants, the role of the clergy, with whose help it was possible to survive and overcome the most difficult, turning point in the course of the Second World War.

Shooting of common terrain plans (winter).

Temple: the surviving iconostasis.

Monument to the fallen in the war.




Scene №4 We held out with faith: Metropolitan Nikolai (Yarushevich).Plot 1

The Donskoi Monastery.

On the territory of the monastery tanks (tank column named after Dmitry Don), made for the donations of believers, during the Great Patriotic War.

Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War: a military operation to liberate Berlin.

The wounded soldiers of the Red Army.

Photo of Metropolitan Sergius.



Scene №5 We held out with faith: Metropolitan Nikolai (Yarushevich).Plot 2

An interview with the historian O.Yu.

Vasilieva about the collection of funds for the front, organized by the Orthodox Diocese, which resulted in the creation of a tank column named after Dmitry Donskoy.

On the participation and role of the mission of Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky).

Photo of the fighters of the tank division of Don.

Military chronicle (1945): street fighting.


26.03.2005 1941-1945

Scene №6 Orthodox Conference "For Your Friend"

Conference "For Your Friend", dedicated to the spiritual feat of the people who survived the events of the Great Patriotic War (1941-45).

The word of Patriarch Alexy II.


Interview with the participant of the Great Patriotic War - Father Vasily (Ermakov) about his prayers to God during the war and with Mother Adrian - WWII veteran.



Scene №7 We stood by faith: the miraculous image of the Kiev Icon of the Mother of God

Address plan of the Assumption Church in Zvenigorod near Moscow (winter shooting).

Service in the Temple.

Parishioners during the service.

The image of the Kiev Icon of the Mother of God, which local residents give a miracle of salvation during the Great Patriotic War.

The village in winter: wooden houses, road.

Interview with VK Babakina - the story of the salvation of the icon itself before and after the war.

Interview of the priest about the Kiev image of the Mother of God.



Scene №8 We stood with faith: Mother Adrian.

A story about Mother Adrian (Natalia Malysheva).

In 1941, she volunteered for the front.

Participant of the battle for Moscow.

Photos of the war years.


04/09/2005 1941-1945

Scene №9 Forum "For Your Friend: Russian Orthodox Church and Great Patriotic War"

The arrival of Patriarch Alexy II to participate in the Conference.

Metropolitan of Kaluga and Borovsky Clement.

Presidium of the forum.

Execution of the prayer "The King of Heaven ...".

Speech of the Patriarch at the conference.

Alexy II speaks about the qualities that were manifested in the people during the Great Patriotic War; On the contribution of the Russian Orthodox Church to the struggle against fascism, about the persecutions experienced by the church.

A gift to the Patriarch - books from veterans.

Present father Dmitry (Smirnov) and Archbishop Vereisky Eugene.

In the meeting hall priests are veterans of the Great Patriotic War.


Clement - Metropolitan of Kaluga and Borovsky. Alexy II is the bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church.



Scene №10 We stood by faith: Father Gerasim (Ivanov)

A story about Archpriest Father Gerasim (Ivanov).

Photos from the family archive.

Military photographs.

Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War:

Moscow: Kremlin towers (general view);

Military actions: explosions, broken military equipment;

shooting guns; city ​​battles, wounded.

The soldiers say goodbye to the killed brother-soldier.

Interview with Father Gerasim.

The works of Father Gerasim - painted by him: the iconostasis, the bell towers.


16.04.2005 1941-1945

Scene №11 We held out with faith: Archpriest Gleb (Caleda)

Photos of Gleb Kaleda.

His letters of the war period.

Interview with his wife - Lydia Caledo.

Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War: military operations, the Kremlin on Red Square.

Photos of Gleb Kaleda in the priest's order.



Scene №12 We stood by faith: Letters from the front

Letters from the war years from the files of the archives.

Signed: "Our Red Army: 1918 - 1944".

Fragment of a feature film about the Great Patriotic War.

Photos of priests - veterans of the Second World War.

Interview with the military historian Olga Vasilyeva.

The historian tells about the tragic history: the death of the priest's son, the survival of the inhabitants in the besieged Leningrad.

Letters of the war years with illustrations.

Video chronicle of the Great Patriotic War:

Moving convoy with food on the Ladoga lake in winter during the air raid of fascist fighters (Road of Life).

Blockade Leningrad: people dismantle the rubble, after air strikes, faint from the decline of forces in the streets.


05/07/2005 1941-1945

Scene №13 War through the eyes of children: children's drawings about the war

Figures of children, dedicated to the events of 1941-1945 .: "Children draw a war".

Interview with Vladimir Krupinin.

Video chronicle:

The child follows the harrow during the sowing season: the horse drives.

Agricultural work: women work in the field.

Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War: a battle in the city, wounded soldiers, soldiers say goodbye to the killed brother-soldier.


Krupin Vladimir is an Orthodox writer



05/07/2005 1941-1945

Scene №14 Ascension church on the Pereyomil heights

Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region.

Rural Temple.

Memorial stele on the Peremilovsk heights Heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Ascension church.


Icons of the temple.

Interview with veteran Alexander Balabeev - participant in military events (during the Great Patriotic War), which took place near the village.



Scene №15 We stood by faith: Schemonahina Alexandra

The nun Alexander is walking along the inner courtyard of the temple square.

Mother in the refectory.

The Church of Peter and Paul in Lefortovo - the address plan.


Above the altar is the inscription "Christ is Risen".

Interview with nun Alexandra.

Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War (1941-0945):

volunteers before sending to the front, fighting, shooting artillery, military Moscow: barrage balloons above the city, a monument to Alexander Pushkin.

Service in the temple of various years: 1950-70 ..

Contemporary photography: Procession; lighting cakes, turn to the temple.


28.05.2005 1941-1945 1950-1970

Scene №16 We held out with faith: Archpriest Vasily Brylev

Spring and summer shooting.

Moscow region.


Panorama from the field to the general plan of the village church of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

Father Vasily enters the temple, is attached to the icons.

The interior of the Temple.

Interview with Father Basil.

Military awards and orders of Father Basil.

Chronicle of military events of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

Explosions from the air raid.

Volley of artillery pieces.

Fight in the city.

Under the fire, a soldier runs.

Machine-gun fire.

Hand grenade launcher.

Soldiers in the train car go to the front.

A detachment of Red Army soldiers is walking along the road.

On Red Square laying the banners of the German-fascist army to the walls of the Kremlin.

Return from the front.

Meeting soldiers

Service in the Moscow church on Poklonnaya Hill on the feast day of St.

George the Victorious.

The service is headed by Patriarch Alexy II.


06/09/2005 1941-1945

Scene №17 We held out with faith: the Milyukov family

History family of Alexandra Gavrilovna and Fedor Grigorievich Miliukov.

A suburban village near Moscow.


Fences in the garden.

Pensioners cut the lawn with a lawn mower.

Summer holiday home.

Cluse-up: Bumblebee on blossoming rose.

Inflorescences of strawberries on beds; greenhouses.

Pensioners work in the garden, manually cultivate the land in the garden.

Family photos.

A newsreel of military events (1941-1945): the soldiers are resting by the fire; flamethrower on the battlefield, Sevastopol battle.

Interviews with the Milyukovs' families about the events of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet regime of government - the camps of the Gulag, about faith that saved in difficult and dangerous life situations.


20.06.2005 1941-1945

Scene №18 Church-public forum "For Your Friend" (source video)

Presentation of the award Schimonokhine Adrian at the church-public forum "For Your Friend".

Journalists, television cameras.

Speech by Alexy II

Interview with Mother Adriana.

Schemonohinia talks about the war years (1941-1945), about his salvation; about captured soldiers (prisoners of war).

Military awards Adriana: medal straps.


Alexy II (Ridiger) is the bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church.

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