Days of Berlin in Moscow (1979)

Movie №8265, 3 parts, Duration: 0:27:44
Bobrov G.
Camera operators:
Epifanov G., Kasatkin P., Krylov A., Kuznecov I., Maksimov L., Minaev A., Khavchin A., Yatsun E.
Leonidov L.


The film is about the Commonwealth of the Soviet Union with the German Democratic Republic.

Historical reference

1979 - the year of 30 th anniversary of the GDR, from 12 to 17 June in Moscow took place days in Berlin, the capital of the GDR delegation, which arrived to take part in the Days of Berlin in Moscow, headed by a member of the Politburo of the Berlin SED first secretary of the District Party Committee, Konrad Naumann.


Days of Berlin in Moscow from 12 to 17 June.
Muscovites friendly meetings with representatives of Berlin in the party and public organizations, industrial enterprises and construction sites, exhibitions and concert halls, museums and sports fields.

Reel №1

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Berlin area with a fountain in the foreground - a lawn with flowers.

Newsreel 1973:

A friendly meeting LI Brezhnev in Berlin, LI Brezhnev down the ramp, greeting Erich Honecker - CU.; Fare cars escorted by motorcycle through the streets of the city, are different.

Meet with flags and banners "Friendship", are members of the Soviet delegation; CU. cheering.

Moscow - LS. from the top of

Soviet area - report - MS.

Report on the streets of Berlin - in the foreground - the children at the pool.

Moscow River - MS. with a passing boat.

Moscow - LS. (Near the Kremlin).

Gorky Street with traffic - MS.; In the foreground - a poster of Friendship with the GDR.

Kalinin Avenue - report - MS.

The poster at the cinema "October" with the NDP "Berlin Days in Moscow» - CU., PNRM. on Kalinin Avenue.

At Sheremetyevo airport taxis TU-134-A - MS.; The ramp down of the capital of the GDR delegation headed by K. Naumann, the delegation met in Berlin: the first secretary of the Moscow City Party Committee VV Grishin, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Moscow City Council, VF Crafts and more.

A banner with the NDP, "Welcome!» - CU.

Friendship Wagon Train - MS.; Berlin welcomes guests from welcoming windows of the train - CU.; Various Greeters apron Belosrusskaya portraits LI Brezhnev and Erich Honecker.

Rides the bus with a delegation from Berlin - MS. (Background is a song about Moscow, executed by the Germans in Russian, sung by the choir of Berlin) - MS., CU.

Streets with the bus - LS.

Members of the delegation in the bus - MS.; Bus driver - MS.

Banner "Berlin Days in Moscow" on a city street - MS.

Berlin delegation headed by K. Naumann at the reception of the first secretary of the Moscow City Party Committee VV Grishina, sit down, talk - Various.

Hotel «Russia» - CU.; Inauguration Berlin Days in Moscow, in the public concert hall - the representatives of the working people of the Soviet capital and delegates GDR capital, cheering - LS., MS., PNRM.; Acts Grishin (synchronous) - MS.

On the podium K. Naumann (simultaneously in German) - Various.

In a sign of fraternal friendship and militant solidarity K. Naumann presents the Moscow city party organization banner Berlin Area Committee of the SED, K. Naumann presents Grishin banner - MS.

Cheering - different.

Hotel «Russia» - MS. with Moskvoretsky bridge.

Kremlin - LS.

German delegation led by K. Naumann lays a wreath at the Mausoleum of VI Lenin, wreath - CU.; Members of the German delegation includes the Mausoleum - MS., CU.

PNRM. with chandeliers on account of VI Lenin with members of the Berlin delegation in the Kremlin; Table VI Lenin - CU.; Shelves with books - CU., PNRM.

Lenin Hills - CU., LS.; Are members of the delegation.

The members of the German delegation at the monument to VI Lenin - different.

Monument VI Lenin in the Kremlin - CU.

Serves K. Naumann (simultaneously in German) - MS.

Reel №2

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Report on the city - MS.

Factory workers' Moskabel "greeted the German delegation at the entrance to the plant, the girl's face - CU.; Girls presented guests with bread and salt and flowers - MS.

The members of the German delegation at the "Moskabel" among workers, talk, give a memorable gift sister company, the workers

Berlin, kiss - MS., CU.

Izolirovschitsa Valentine Lvuhina at work at the machine - CU.

Guests from Berlin to the original exhibition, where the products of the plant "Moskabel" and cable plant products GDR guests visiting products, products - CU.

Said party secretary "Kabelverk obershpree" Sheve (simultaneously in German).

Delegation machine factory "Marzahn" meets with the team of the plant "Red Proletarian", which entered into a socialist competition, the guests talk to the workers, to learn from the workers of the plant, take notes in their notebooks - different.

The third conference of the foremost innovators and Moscow and Berlin, the German worker advocates - MS.; Different.

Hall and the Bureau.

German guests went to the shop of the Moscow Automobile them.

Likhachev, employing workers and Berlin car company "IFA" factory workshop - MS.; Workers greet, talk.

K. Naumsanu awarded certificates of honorary member of the team of the Hero of Socialist Labor, the mechanic-driver Manahtina and pennant winner of socialist competition.

Meeting in the auditorium of the car assembly housing after the meeting with the delegation of the Moscow automakers GDR capital - LS.; Applauds the Bureau - MS.; Applauds room - LS.

Serves K. Naumann, cheering - LS.; K. Naumann presents collective ZIL honorary banner Berlin district committee of the SED - MS., CU.; Applaud Hall - MS., LS.

Director general of the PD Borodin, on behalf of the German capital's avtozavodtsev presents guests a memorable gift, applauding and shouting "Friendship" room.

The appearance of the exhibition pavilion of the GDR in Moscow Grishin and Nauman at the "Berlin - the capital of East Germany 30 years," hello, are held in the exhibition hall.

Visitors walk to the exhibition; VF Crafts speaking at the opening ceremony - MS.; Listen present at the show - different., A return to the speaker Lord Mayor of Berlin Erhard Krak - MS., CU.; Photographers - CU., MS.

Mayor of cuts the ribbon - CU.

The participants visiting the exhibits pavilion, take leaflets - MS., CU.

Photo of the new district of Berlin Wall exhibition - LS., Departure.

Layout Building Berlin - CU.; Exhibits - different.

Interviewed visitors (synchronously) - CU.

Kids fashion show at the exhibition - MS.; Berlin fashion designers fashion show - different.

PNRM. Layout, depicting the new center of Berlin, visitors at the model - MS.

Honored Builder of the Russian Federation A. Surovtsev - CU., Speaks with German builders, the construction of a new home in a new residential area of ​​Moscow with the participation of German workers - different.; Welder works - CU.; Operates a crane - CU.; Guests from Berlin are along the house under construction - MS., PNRM. for a new home.

Chairman of the Moscow City VF Crafts with German guests in the City Council Executive Committee at the model built for the Olympics in 80 sports facilities, says the new building in Moscow - CU. .

Photo plates with Olympic venues - CU.; German guests talking with VF Fishing at the table - different.

Guests get acquainted with the construction of Olympic facilities; PNRM. Construction indoor cycling track in Krylatskoye - CU.; guests visiting Berlin rowing canal in Krylatskoye - different. (VV Grishin accompanies guests).

Reel №3

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Veterans of the anti-fascist movement in the Proletarian District Party Committee, sitting at a table, talk - Various.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - CU.; Helmet at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Eternal Flame - CU.; Guests from Berlin lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, sentry at the Tomb of Unknown Soldier - CU.

The bus met German guests with Soviet Komsomol, kiss - CU.; Conversation with German guests Komsomol at the table - different., Representatives of German youth given presents Soviet Komsomol.

In the hall dancing youth ensemble performs "Pudis» - MS. (Sung a song in German).

Flags of the USSR and the GDR - MS.

In an outdoor stadium in Moscow competing Soviet and German athletes - different., Field hockey, football - the moments of the game, the Olympic bear - emblem - MS.; Swimming competition in the pool.

Says a veteran anti-fascist Hans Heading - CU. (In German about his impressions of Moscow).

German guests of the pioneers in the summer camp - different.; Guests handed pioneers gifts, kiss boys.

Pond with swans - LS.

Berlin singer Vera Elshlegel sings "Lullaby" in Russian - MS., CU.; Audience applause - LS., PNRM.

Faith Elshdegel interview (synchronously in German) - CU.; Singing in German (synchronously) - MS.

Building of the exhibition halls on Manezh Square with a poster art exhibition GDR GDR an art exhibition, K. Naumann cuts the ribbon - MS.; Present applauded - MS.; Visitors view the exhibits - different.; Painting "VI Lenin »- CU.; Exhibits - different.

PNRM. along the promenade to the hotel "Russia" in the foreground - the ship sails - MS.

Guests from Berlin pass through ENEA - MS.

PNRM. a rocket to the visitors at the pavilion "Space» - MS.; guests visiting the exhibits of the pavilion "Space".


Rocket launch - MS.; Soviet and German astronauts (Bykovskiy and Z. Yen) at the launch site before the start - MS.; Blast-off - CU.

Delegation of Berlin in Star City, greet guests with astronauts, welcomes guests Bykovskiy; German guests visiting the Space Museum, Star, Cosmonaut Training Center - Various.; Delegation Berlin pass through the Star.

Monument to Yuri Gagarin in Star - MS.; Visitors laying flowers to the monument to Gagarin.

Gorky Street with motion machine in the foreground - the poster "Berlin Days in Moscow."

German girl says (synchronously in German) - CU.

Soviet girl gives guests a balalaika with the NDP "Moscow - 80".

Said the head of the delegation K. Naumann (simultaneously in German) - CU.

German guests say goodbye to Muscovites - different.

Moscow - LS. (The building of the CMEA).

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