From the Red Square To the Red River (1980)

Movie №8360, 3 parts, Duration: 0:30:02
Pumpyanskaya S.
Camera operators:
Akkuratov E., Tsitron V.
Solncev N.
Zozulin V.


A film tells about Soviet-Vietnamese friendship, its history and tight cooperation of Societies of Soviet-Vietnamese and Vietnamese-Soviet friendship.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Panorama section of the river in Vietnam.

Palm trees by the road.

Panorama rice field.

A girl sits on the banks of the river.

Flowering tree branches.

Types of an ancient temple.

Court and junks on the river.

View of the river.

Newsreel 1965-1975 years: the eyes of the woman.

American bombers dropped bombs.

Bombs fly to the target.

Weeping women.

Vietnamese troops during the fighting.

The radio operator at the radio station.

Start flak missiles.

Rocket hit in an American plane.

A person of Vietnamese soldier.

Vietnamese missile troops are firing at the enemy.

Night fighting.

Tanks Army of North Vietnam included in Saigon.

Planting the Vietnamese flag on the building of Saigon.

Participants of festive demonstration Vietnamese national flags are portraits of Ho Chi Minh.

Those girls.

Rocketry on parade in Hanoi.

Tractors with rockets pass through the city streets, waving the national flag of Vietnam.

A general view of Red Square (above).

The queue at the Mausoleum of VI Lenin People go to the mausoleum, among them members of the Vietnamese delegation.

Entrance to the mausoleum.

Red flag flying over the Moscow Kremlin.

View Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.

Those people at the mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh.

The queue at the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.

Types streets of Moscow.

Chairman of the Board of the Soviet-Vietnamese friendship GS Titov gives interviews, talks about his meetings with Ho Chi Minh (synchronously).

Newsreel 1950-1960 years: Ho Chi Minh with the government over a map of Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh during his visit to the USSR in 1955.

The face of Ho Chi Minh.

Ho Chi Minh in the St.

George Hall of the Kremlin.

Ho Chi Minh examines Lenin's office in the Kremlin.

The face of Ho Chi Minh.

GS Titov gives interviews (synchronously).

The Vietnamese delegation led by Le Duan during a visit to the Soviet industrial enterprise in Brest.

People with flags in the hands of the Vietnamese delegation welcomed.

Members of the Vietnamese delegation laid wreaths at the memorial to the defenders of the Brest Fortress.

Inaugural Meeting of the Soviet-Vietnamese friendship in the presidium, MA Suslov and Le Duan.

Meeting of the delegation of the Ukrainian branch of the Soviet-Vietnamese friendship, arrived in Vietnam.

Residents of the city welcomed the Soviet delegation.

General view of the meeting in honor of the arrival of the Soviet delegation (above).

Children presented flowers to the Soviet guests.

Speech by Soviet dance group to the residents of the city after the rally.

Vietnamese applaud the pioneers of Soviet artists.

Those girls.

A visit of the Vietnamese delegation at a Moscow school.

Stand school exhibition with pictures from Vietnam.

The Vietnamese guests visiting the exhibition.

Stands school exhibition.

The Vietnamese guests are photographed for memory with teachers and students.

Pupils dancing in front of the Vietnamese guests dance.

The headmaster gives the Vietnamese guests a souvenir.

Students handed guests gifts for Vietnamese students.

Turkmen elders welcomed a delegation from Vietnam.

Turkmen girl teaches guests the national headwear.

Face the head of the Vietnamese delegation, Nguyen Thi Dinh in the Turkmen attire.

Nguyen Thi Dinh tells the girl of his military decorations.

Members of the Vietnamese delegation laid a wreath to the monument of Bryansk guerrillas.

Nguyen Thi Dinh and members of the Vietnamese delegation at the monument to the Bryansk guerrillas.

Laying flowers at the monument to the members of the Vietnamese delegation.

Nguyen Thi Dinh congratulates newlyweds at the monument.

The meeting of the Vietnamese delegation to the Kuban by rice.

Kuban rice growers and guests from Vietnam share their experiences.

Vietnamese guest holding rice stalks Kuban.

View of the rice fields in the Kuban.


Ho Chi Minh - the Vietnamese statesman and political figure Le Duan - Vietnamese statesman and political figure Mikhail Suslov - statesman and political figure


1955 1960s 1965-1975

Shooting locations:

Hanoi Vietnam



Reel №2

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Vietnamese rural landscape.

Farmers plow the land on oxen.

Watering a section of rice field.

Farmers work in the rice field.

Fields of the Wuthang cooperative.

Guests from the Kazakh state farm during a visit to the cooperative.

Rice farmer Golyan V. talks with Vietnamese farmers and the chairman of the cooperative.

Members of the cooperative during the harvest.

Women cut the stalks of rice with sickles.

Panorama of a rice field.

A tractor is loosening the ground in a harvested field.

Tractors pass by on the road.

Types of buildings of the 1st machine tool factory in Hanoi.

Internal view of one of the plant's workshops.

Workers assemble new machines.

The face of the worker.

The production process in the shop.

A Vietnamese worker at a Soviet-made machine tool.

Factory worker Nguyen Ying Hong at the machine, correspondents approach her.

Nguyen Ying Hong gives an interview (in Vietnamese, synchronously, with a Russian translation behind the scenes).

General view of the shop of the plant "Red Proletarian" in the USSR.

The head of the brigade named after the Society of Soviet-Vietnamese Friendship Maltsev I. at work.

Work crews assemble the machines.

Soviet and Vietnamese pennants awarded to the brigade.

Brigadier Maltsev gives an interview (synchronously).

Shipment of finished products for Vietnam in one of the ports of the USSR.

Maltsev gives an interview (synchronously).

General view of the shop of the plant "Red proletarian".

View of the Moscow Kremlin.

Newsreel of 1978: the signing of the treaty of friendship and cooperation between the USSR and Vietnam in the Kremlin in November 1978.

The Doges are signed by Brezhnev L. I. and Le Zuan.

Brezhnev puts his signature under the contract.

Le Zouan reads the text of the contract.

Andropov Yu. V. during the signing of the agreement.

Brezhnev and Le Zouan sign the treaty.

View of the Moscow Kremlin.

Arrival of cargo at the port of Haiphong, unloading of Soviet ships.

The face of a Vietnamese port crane operator.

Labels on cargo containers.

Unloading of metal structures.

The captain of the Soviet cargo ship "Boris Lavrenev" Filippov V. gives an interview (synchronously).

Unloading of a Soviet ship.

Vietnamese movers at work.

Trucks leave the port gate.

Meeting of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) in Hanoi.

The Vietnamese delegation at the COMECON meeting.

The representative of the USSR speaks.

People on the streets of Hanoi.

People pass by on bicycles.

Views of the building of the Hanoi Polytechnic Institute.

Students in between classes.

Students read lecture notes.

View of the institute building.

Meeting of Soviet guests at the Vietnam-Soviet Friendship Society.

The Chairman of the Society, Nguyen Van Thinh, talks with the guests.


Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev - statesman and political figure Yuri Andropov - statesman and political figure Le Duan - Vietnamese statesman and political figure



Shooting locations:




Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Visitors to the exhibition in the Company Vietnam-Soviet Friendship view photos on the stands.

Photos from the life of the Soviet Union at the exhibition stands.

Those visitors.

Photos at the exhibition stands.

Visitors view Soviet publications in Vietnamese and Russian.

Works of Lenin in Vietnamese and Russian.

People at the bookshops in Hanoi.

The girl's face, reading Vietnamese-Russian phrasebook.

The lesson of the Russian language in one of the Vietnamese schools.

Those students.

One of the students read poems by Pushkin.

University students in Ho Chi Minh City are going to school.

Students greeted the Soviet guests, talk to them.

Those girls, listening to one of the guests.

Ukrainian bandura trio performs Vietnamese lullaby (synchronously in Vietnamese).

Vietnamese women with children in their arms.

Persons of Vietnamese children.

The daily life of Vietnamese peasants.

People in junks on the river.

Newsreel February 1979: burning houses in the border village of Vietnamese during the Chinese aggression.

People fleeing from the Chinese troops.

Refugees are on the road.

Text of statement by the Soviet government in the newspaper "Pravda".

Photos of meetings in labor collectives of the USSR in support of Vietnam in the fight against Maoist aggressors.

Newsreel 1979: Brezhnev, speaking from the podium (synchronously).

Vietnamese soldiers deliver ammunition to the front lines.

Vietnamese troops put forward to meet the enemy.

Chinese armored vehicles destroyed.

Captive Chinese soldiers on the road.

Chinese prisoners sit on the ground.

Vietnamese refugees return to their homes.

The remains of buildings destroyed by the Chinese invaders.

People apart the rubble.

Welders weld metal structure.

Construction of the road.

Vietnamese and Soviet engineers during the reconstruction of port facilities.

Faces of Soviet and Vietnamese specialists.

Dockers Le Minh Hoang Sang Nguyen Kiet and give interviews in Vietnamese (synchronously overs sounds Russian translation).

A solemn meeting in honor of the start of construction of hydraulic complex on the River Black.

Passing dump the load.

Types of construction.

Works excavator.

Soviet specialists in the area to discuss plans and prospects for development.

Tipper removal of soil.

View of the Black River.

Soviet engineers advise Vietnamese specialists in construction.

The Soviet guests talk with the Vietnamese military.

Persons Vietnamese boys and girls.


Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev - statesman and political figure



Shooting locations:


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