Pain and Rage of Salvador (1981)

Movie №8495, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:34 Black-white
Lavrova T.
Maksimova N., Nikanorov A.
Kolychev U.


Film about the Republic of El Salvador, created on the basis of foreign chronicles.


A film about El Salvador, created on the basis of foreign (foreign) newsreel. El Salvador. Landscapes. Plantations of coffee, cotton. Protests. Punitive action Salvadoran armed forces against the civilian population: armed soldiers in the streets, searched cars and people at home, interrogating the men in the presence of his family members, making arrests, the corpses of people killed as a result of punitive actions. Colonel Majano. Napoleon Duarte stands, kisses a woman. Members of the Patriotic Movement hang posters, pasting leaflets. Demonstrations. Killed, including children. Destroyed printing house, radio station. Arrested and killed journalists. Archbishop of San Salvador, Oscar Arnulfo Romero is in the Cathedral (Romero's voice-overs and synchronously in Spanish), believers in the cathedral. Killed junta Romero, bullets, who was killed Romero. Funeral Romero. Prisoners of war patriots. Portrait of F. Marty. Meeting of the patriotic movement of forces. Portrait of the Farabundo Marti. Performers are the leaders of the patriotic forces. Members of the movement of patriotic forces during an armed clash with the National Guard. Killed. Demonstrations of solidarity with the patriots of El Salvador, Mexico and Venezuela. The billionaire from the U.S. Rockefeller down the plane. Supports U.S. Secretary of State Haig.

Reel №1

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The soldier, a man lying on the sidewalk; face, hands bound.

The soldier with the prisoner.

Map of El Salvador.

Landscapes of El Salvador.


Coffee tree with fruits.

Soldiers from bales of cotton.

Passing car with cotton.

High-rise building.

City streets with traffic.

By plane descends N. Rockefeller.

Protest rally of the Salvadoran people; he spoke.

Watched from the roof of the soldiers.

Soldiers with machine guns on the streets.

Soldiers drive past homes of the poor.

The soldiers searched the car, bus.

Are people with their hands up.

The soldiers searched the men; go to the house to conduct a search; woman with children, soldiers interrogated her husband.

Soldiers steal people from the village.

Passing soldiers killed Salvadorans.

The meeting of the junta that seized power in El Salvador.

Said Col.



Another head of the junta Napoleon Duarte; N. Duarte says.

In the working peasants.

The dwellings of the poor; baby crying; the houses are children.

Patriots hung on the wall anti-government posters; man handing out leaflets calling for action.

The demonstration on the streets of El Salvador; demonstrators with placards.

Soldiers take aim; fleeing soldiers; killed on the streets of the city; killed the boy.

Burning printing house of the newspaper "The Independent"; destroyed the machine; broken sign printing.

Destroyed typography.

Exploded station.

Soldiers are arrested reporter.

Reporter illuminates the film.

Journalists killed.

Are soldiers of the National Guard, Police.

Passing soldiers in an armored car and a car.

Pass demonstrators with batons right-wing forces.

Salvadorans killed.

Soldier killed by turns.

Were people killed by Salvadoran.

Exterior view of the cathedral.

The woman's face, listening to the prayer.

Archbishop of San Salvador Óscar Romero is a prayer calling for the soldiers not to obey the orders of the junta.

Believers in the church.

The bullets that killed A. Romero.


The coffin A. Romero.

Are soldiers with guns.

Reel №2

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Funeral A. Romero; area, filled with people; the coffin A. Romero carried out of the cathedral; passes the clergy, the people with slogans.

Panic in the area during the funeral; soldiers shoot at the people, the people were scattered, people climb over the fence, crawling along the ground; drag the wounded.

Flying helicopter.

Demonstrators on the streets, protesting against Washington's interference in the affairs of El Salvador.

Guards with machine guns in the woods.

Guards clash with the people.

Lying dead girl, are wounded; Salvadoran prisoners are patriots; Patriots are prisoners; captivity at the bottom of the truck.

Drove truck with prisoners.

At a rally in San Salvador students with arms raised and fists clenched vow to continue the struggle for freedom; By participants of the rally.

Participants of the meeting in protest set fire to the American flag; burning the flag.

US Secretary of State Haig stands (the strengthening of military aid to the junta).

The meeting room.

Lying dead child.

Crying woman.

Woman comes to the corpse of the child, crying.

A sign on the clinic.

On a bed a man lying dead.

Street of the city, facing the machine, one of them killed the driver sits.

See the people, crying women.

Lying dead man; woman crying; the candle burns.

The meeting room of the patriotic forces of El Salvador.

Portrait of the head of the first uprising of the Salvadoran people, the founder of the KP A. Salvador FMLN.

The leaders of the patriotic forces of El Salvador.

Hall applauds.

Leaders on the podium sign the document.

In the hall throwing leaflets.

The street sneak soldiers of the National Guard.

Patriots shoot.

Fleeing soldiers guard.

Are brutally murdered leaders signed the "Manifesto of unity."

The inscription in Spanish "Your clenched fist - symbol of victory.

We will achieve it. "

Patriots stand with clenched fists, swearing revenge on the killers.

Demonstration of solidarity with the patriots of El Salvador in Venezuela.

Monument, demonstration of solidarity with El Salvador in Mexico, the demonstrators with placards against US interference in the internal affairs of El Salvador.

Port in Italy.

Encased military equipment, which Italian dockers refused to load the ships heading to the coast of El Salvador.

The building of the State Department in Washington.

A sign on the building department.

Residents of Washington at the building department with signs require help to stop the bloody junta.

Salvadoran village, are patriots.

The village are women; rifles are patriots, is a woman with a child.

To liberate the village are patriots.

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