Leningrad chronicles №33 (1959)

Newsreel №87020, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:19
Studio LSDF
L. Kikaz, A. Minkin
Others authors:
F. Abramov


The issue is devoted to various aspects of the life of Leningrad and the Leningrad region.

Reel №1

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Portraits of the President of Guinea Ahmed Sekou Toure, N. S. Khrushchev and K. E. Voroshilov on the facade of the airport building.

The state flags of the USSR and the Republic of Guinea are flying.

Representatives of Leningrad enterprises, party and trade union organizations are waiting for the arrival of Guinean President Ahmed Sekou Toure in Leningrad.

The faces of the greeters.

There are children with bouquets of flowers in their hands.

The plane after landing.

Ahmed Sekou Toure descends the plane's ramp.

Chairman of the Leningrad City Executive Committee N. I. Smirnov, member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR I. V. Spiridonov, First Secretary of the Leningrad City Committee of the CPSU N. N. Rodionov greet Sekou Toure and his entourage at the plane ramp.

Presentation of flowers to the Guinean guests.

Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Council of Nationalities Mukhitdinov N. A. greets the leaders of the city and region.

The company of the honor guard at the airfield, the faces of the soldiers.

The head of the guard of Honor gives a report to the Guinean guest.

Sekou Toure and Smirnov bypass the formation of the honor guard company.

Faces of guests and greeters.

A company of the guard of honor passes in front of the Secu Toure in a parade formation.

Smirnov approaches the microphone.

Smirnov makes a welcoming speech (synchronously).

Smirnov shakes hands with Sekou Toure, people applaud.

Sekou Toure makes a response speech in French (synchronously).

Sekou Toure and his wife take seats in the cars.

The motorcade is leaving the airport.

The motorcade of the Guinean delegation goes through the streets of Leningrad, residents of the city welcome guests.

A visit by the Guinean delegation to the Leningrad Metal Plant.

Applauding workers.

Sekou Toure and Mukhitdinov during the inspection of the factory shops.

Sekou Toure shakes hands with one of the workers.

Sekou Toure leaves an entry in the book of honorary visitors.

The workers applaud.

Applauding pioneers.


Sekou Toure and her entourage during a visit to the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers.

Tying red ties to Mrs.

Sekou Toure and the women accompanying her.

Guinean guests dance together with the pioneers and lead a round dance.

Departure of Sekou Toure and Mukhitdinov from Leningrad.

Sekou Toure and Smirnov respond to the greetings of the Leningrad residents, heading for the plane.

Smirnov shakes hands with the Guinean guests.

Members of the Guinean delegation climb the plane's ramp.

Sekou Toure goes up the ladder.

Sekou Toure, Mukhitdinov and the leaders of Leningrad wave goodbye to each other, the plane taxies to the runway.

Ships at the berths of the Leningrad seaport.

Loading of helicopters and planes for the 5th Antarctic expedition on the diesel-electric ship "Ob".

The head of the aviation detachment Pimenov on the deck of the ship.

"Ob" at the pier.

The face of Captain Dubinin.

The face of the head of the expedition Korotkevich.

View of the rally dedicated to the departure of the expedition to Antarctica.

Secretary of the Leningrad City Committee of the CPSU Popov B. A. speaks from the rostrum.

Dubinin and Korotkevich make a speech in response.

The participants of the rally applaud.

The members of the expedition say goodbye to their relatives.

Members of the expedition and mourners wave goodbye to each other.

Students of TU No. 3 read "Lightning" about the receipt of an order for the manufacture of machine tools for farms of the Leningrad region, the text "Lightning".

Students and masters at a meeting with the director, a photo of the future machine.

Internal view of the workshop.

Students of TU N. Zaitsev, B. Safonov at work at the machines.

The process of processing the part.

Ready-made parts made by students.

The process of assembling new machines.

Brand TU No. 3 on one of the machines.

Ready-made milling machines.

Types of the rally on the occasion of the opening of the monument to A. S. Griboyedov.

The faces of the rally participants.

Deputy Chairman of the Leningrad City Executive Committee Sokolov announces the opening of the monument from the podium.

Removing the veil from the monument.

The participants of the rally applaud.

Types of the monument.

Panorama of the greenhouse complex under construction (from above).

Construction of the complex, the face of the crane operator.

The foreman gives commands to the crane operator.

Installation of the greenhouse frame.

Interior view of the greenhouse under construction, installation of heating pipes.

Glazier at work.

View of a part of the greenhouse complex under construction.

Types of the hall and the presidium of the solemn meeting dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the poet A. E. Reshetov.

Reshetov reads his poems from the podium (synchronously).

The participants of the meeting applaud.

Leonid Sobolev speaks from the podium.

Chairman of the Leningrad branch of the Writers ' Union Prokofiev congratulates Reshetov on his anniversary.

Poets M. Dudin and L. Oshanin congratulate Reshetov.

People in the hall applaud.


Ahmed Seku Ture -- Guinean statesman

political and public figure Smirnov Nikolaj Ivanovich -- statesman and politician Spiridonov Ivan Vasiljevich -- statesman and politician Rodionov Nikolaj nikolaevich -- statesman and politician Muhitdinov Nuritdin Akramovich -- statesman and politician Popov Boris Aleksandrovich -- statesman and politician Korotkevich Evgenij Sergeevich -- glaciologist


polar explorer Reshetov Aleksej Leonidovich -- poet

journalist Sobolev Leonid Sergeevich -- writer

journalist Dudin Mihail aleksandrovich -- poet


journalist Oshanin Lev Ivanovich -- the poet-songwriter




Autumn [826]

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