
Footage №87148, 3 footages, Duration: 0:24:35

Scene №1 Festive events and demonstrations in Moscow, Leningrad and other cities of the USSR

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Stalin I. V. passes along the walls of the mausoleum before the may day celebrations, 1934, in red square.

Mi Kalinin on the mausoleum.

VM Molotov and Khrushchev N. With. on the podium of the mausoleum.

A. M. Gorky on the tribune of the mausoleum.

GM Dimitrov and his mother Paraskeva Dimitrova in the mausoleum.

Austrian delegates welcome the may day demonstration with guest stands.

Ke Voroshilov welcomes the passing troops from the rostrum of the mausoleum.

Units of the Moscow garrison held on red square.

The face of the American Ambassador William Bullitt

Penalty shot among the spectators on the guest platform.

Division trainees of naval academies held on red square.

View of the red square during the parade.

Types of red square during the passage of armored cars and light tanks.

Planes in the sky over red square, people watching flying aircraft.

Planes lined up in the air in the form of a five-pointed star and other shapes, the faces of the audience.

The ANT in flight over red square.

Those cheering spectators.

Pass the infantry units of the Moscow garrison.

Schmidt O. Y. among the members of the expedition on the mausoleum during the solemn meeting in Moscow on 19 June 1934.

The commander of the 2nd grade Belov I. P. delivers a speech from the rostrum of the mausoleum.

VV Kuibyshev speaks.

Columns athletes pass the mausoleum.

Pass the protesters with banners.

A column of sailors on parade on the red square.

Oy Schmidt speaks from the podium.

View of a Moscow street during the meeting Chelyuskinites.

Demonstrators held on red square.

Young brass band musicians in the form of civil aviation held on red square.

It takes a column of girls.

The pioneers welcome the participants of the demonstration.

The faces of the children.

A column of children with the layout of the aircraft on one of the streets of Moscow.

Children carry a giant basket of artificial flowers.

Passing trucks with children and artists.

The protesters in the columns are on the streets of Moscow to Red square.

The boy's face.

Are singing teenagers.

People dancing and singing in the streets in anticipation of further movement of the columns, a man plays the accordion.

Children run away from actors dressed in costumes of the whites and the imperialists while playing on the street.

Stalin I. V., shkiryatov MF, GK Ordzhonikidze, Kaganovich L. M. are on the territory of the Kremlin before the may day demonstration in 1935, comes ahead of the security chief Vlasik N. With.

Sculptural composition "a Happy childhood" on one of Moscow streets.

Ordzhonikidze, Shvernik N. M. Stalin, Dimitrov, G. M., Kaganovich welcome the may day demonstration from the rostrum of the mausoleum.

Ordzhonikidze, K. E. Voroshilov on the mausoleum, stands behind Shvernik.

Voroshilov welcomes the participants of the demonstration.

Kaganovich and Khrushchev N. With. welcomed the demonstrators from the rostrum of the mausoleum.

Kaganovich and V. M. Molotov, standing on the mausoleum, watching the flying aircraft.

View of the mausoleum.

Columns of demonstrators with the layout of the globe, banners and portraits of members of the Politburo of the CPSU(b) are on the red square.

Pioneers in the school draw may day posters.

The portrait on the wall of the classroom.

Columns of demonstrators with banners and layout of the airship move along red square.

The demonstrators carried posters with quotations of Stalin and portraits of members of the Politburo of the CPSU(b).

The columns of representatives of the districts of Moscow, held on red square.

Heavy tanks T-35 and T-28 red square during a military parade.

Combined military orchestra is on the red square.

Military welcome troops from the side of the mausoleum, on the podium are chief of the Naval forces of the USSR Orlov V. M., Gamarnik, J. B., S. M. Budyonny

Mikoyan, A. I., Andreev, A. A., M. I. Kalinin, Rudzutak, Y. E. welcomed the demonstrators from the rostrum of the mausoleum, on the lower stands among the leaders of Moscow and Moscow region is Khrushchev N. With.

Heads of Moscow and Moscow region on the mausoleum.

Passing a mock armored car with a sculpture depicting the speaker of Lenin.

The demonstrators carried slogans about the happy childhood and motherhood.


Joseph Stalin [842] -- state and political figure Nikita Khrushchev [882] -- state and political figure Kalinin Mihail Ivanovich -- state and political figure Molotov Vyacheslav Mihajlovich -- state and political figure

diplomat Gorjkij Aleksej Maksimovich -- writer

playwright Dimitrov Georgij Mihajlovich -- the international revolutionary worker

of the Bulgarian state and political figure Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich -- state

political figure and military leader Vlasik Nikolaj Sidorovich -- an employee of the state security Bullit Uiljyam Kristian -- American statesman and political figure

diplomat Shmidt Otto Yuljevich -- geographer

polar Explorer Belov Ivan Panfilovich -- warlord Kujbishev Valerian vladimirovich -- state and political figure Shkiryatov Matvej Fedorovich -- state and political figure Shvernik Nikolaj Mihajlovich -- state and political figure Ordzhonikidze Grigorij Konstantinovich -- state and political figure Kaganovich Lazarj Moiseevich -- state and political figure Orlov Vladimir Mitrofanovich -- naval figure Gamarnik Yan Borisovich -- military and political leader Budennij Semen Mihajlovich -- warlord Mikoyan Anastas Ivanovich -- state and political figure Andreev Andrej Andreevich -- state and political figure Rudzutak Yan Ernestovich -- state and political figure


01.05.1934 19.06.1934 01.05.1935

Shooting locations

Moscow [820]


Spring [825] Summer [824]

Scene №2 Festive events and demonstrations in Moscow, Leningrad and other cities of the USSR

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The types of Nevsky Prospekt during a demonstration in Leningrad on 7 November 1924 (top).

The columns of demonstrators, headed by a brass band.

It takes a column of representatives of the Vyborg district.

Demonstrators ride in a decorated truck and horse-drawn carriages at Uritsky square (Palace).

Columns of demonstrators standing round the layout engine with a Smoking pipe.

The demonstration is moving past the grandstand in front of the Winter Palace.

Military buglers give a signal.

Pass the protesters with banners.

Demonstrators show a banner.

A convoy of tractors moving on Uritsky square.

View columns may day demonstration in 1930 in Leningrad.

Columns of demonstrators are passing by the building of the Winter Palace.

The leaders of the Leningrad S. M. Kirov, Chudov, M. S. from the podium welcomed the demonstrators.

Chairman of people's Commissars of the RSFSR, S. I. Syrtsov speaks, standing next to Kirov.

Pass the workers of the Baltic shipyard.

The demonstrators carried and driven models of ships and tractors.

Area moving convoy of tractors produced by the plant "Red Putilovets" in excess of the plan.

Pass the representatives of the Moscow and Narva districts of Leningrad.

The face of one of the demonstrators.

Are working with banners of their companies.

Evening festive electric illumination on the buildings of Leningrad in honor of the 12th anniversary of the October revolution.

Passing illuminated tram.

Festive evening event on Uritsky square.

Fireworks over the buildings of the Hermitage and the General staff.

The types of holiday on Uritsky square during the celebration of the 15 international youth day in 1929.

Representatives of the Communist youth international from the podium welcomed the demonstrators.

Persons of Chinese delegates.

The demonstrators carried slogans in support of China.

American delegates on Uritsky square.

Participants of the festival are red flags.

View of the holiday rally.

Crawler tractor at a may day demonstration in the head of the column of the Volodarsky district of Leningrad.

Tram cars, decorated for the may day holiday.

Kirov and Kalinin from the podium welcomed the demonstrators.

Kirov and Kalinin on the podium.

Kirov made a speech before the demonstrators.

The demonstrators carried banners with slogans and layout of the stratosphere.

The protesters from one of the Rostral columns of Vasilievsky island.

Types rally at the spit of Vasilievsky island.

The columns are the workers of Leningrad.

Demonstrators on 7 November 1930 in Moscow, held on red square.

The faces of the demonstrators and the Chinese delegates, next to Red square.

Demonstrators with banners move the Red square through the streets of Moscow.


Kirov Sergej Mironovich -- state and political figure Chudov Mihail Semenovich -- state and political figure Kalinin Mihail Ivanovich -- state and political figure Sircov Sergej Ivanovich -- state and political figure


07.11.1924 07.09.1929 07.11.1929 01.05.1930 07.11.1930

Shooting locations

Moscow [820] Leningrad [848]


Spring [825] Autumn [826]

Scene №3 Festive events and demonstrations in Moscow, Leningrad and other cities of the USSR

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The view of red square during the all-Union sports parade on 12 July 1937.

Athletes perform exercises with the poles.

Dancing boys and girls in tracksuits.

The columns are members of sports societies.

Mikoyan, A. I. and Gorky A. M., Kirov S. M., I. V. Stalin on the mausoleum during the may day demonstration in 1931.

Face The Bitter.

Stalin on the mausoleum.

A column of sportsmen is on the red square.

Stalin and Gorky headed to the stairs leading to the podium of the mausoleum.

The participants of the physical training parade held on red square with banners and layouts, Mikoyan, Kaganovich, Gorky, and on the mausoleum.

A division sailors held on red square during the may day parade.

Armored cars and heavy tanks pass through red square during the may day parade in 1935.

The face of Stalin and Kalinin.

The pioneers held on red square, welcomed the leaders of the party and state.

Stalin watches over flying aircraft.

Flying over the area of the aircraft.

Kaganovich and Molotov on the mausoleum of watching a flying aircraft.

Ke Voroshilov and Stalin on the mausoleum during the sports parade of 1937, "pyramid" from the parade.

Demonstrators 1935 on the move represent "real" posters.

The view of red square during a may day demonstration.

Voroshilov goes at a gallop from the Spassky gate to Red square.

The view of red square during a military parade (above).

It takes a column pioneers-model aircraft.

Pioneer units pass in front of the mausoleum.

Are pioneers, armed with homemade bows.

The column of pioneers and athletes are on the red square.

Voroshilov from the podium welcomed the troops.

The cavalry is on the red square.

The view of red square during the passage of the cavalry (above).

Machine-gun carts on red square

Stalin welcomed the troops, standing on the mausoleum, standing next to Shvernik N. M.

Calculations of horse artillery on parade in red square.

View of red square during the departure of the cyclists (above).

Cyclists in tank helmets go on red square.

Fly airplanes.

Tank of the BT series at high speed passes through Red square.

The view of red square during the passage of tanks new samples (top).

Tanks move along red square, Ordzhonikidze, Stalin, Dimitrov, G. M., Kaganovich welcome the troops from the podium of the mausoleum.

The view of red square from passing it on tanks, the square flies the aircraft "Maxim Gorky".

Types of red square from passing it on tanks (above).

Khrushchev N. With. and Molotov are watching the flying aircraft.

Aircraft over red square, Stalin and Ordzhonikidze watching them.

The pilots flying.

Heavy tank T-35 on parade in red square, foreign military attaches welcomed the troops, the face of the military attaché of Japan and Poland.

Planes in the sky over red square, Stalin on the mausoleum.

The column layout of the engine on the red square.

Kaganovich welcomed the demonstrators.

The demonstrators carried portraits of Stalin and slogans in honor of the Comintern.

Khrushchev N. With. on the lower platform of the mausoleum in Moscow leaders.

It takes a column of anti-fascists with the effigy of Mussolini, Stalin and Voroshilov respond to the greeting from the podium of the mausoleum.

Zhdanov A. A., and leaders of Leningrad on the podium during the may day demonstration in 1936.

The view of the demonstration on Uritsky square (Palace).

Are working with banners of their companies.

Passing the layout of the ship.

There is a column of athletes.

A column of sailors passes by the area.

Commander of the Leningrad district Belov, I. P. and M. S. Chudov on the podium.

Red army soldiers and commanders shout "hurray" before the parade.

Military parade on Uritsky square in Leningrad.

Views of the square with built in it military units (above).

S. V. Kosior, p. P. Postyshev and the leaders of the Ukrainian SSR on the podium during the may day demonstration in Kiev.

Military parade on Khreschatyk on may 1, 1935.

Cavalry and horse artillery on parade.

Postyshev welcomes the passing troops.

Engineering units and armored vehicles are moving along Kreschatik.

Postyshev and Peter G. on the podium during the parade and demonstration.

The pioneers welcome the leaders of the Republic.

I. E. Yakir among the military during the may day celebrations in Kiev.

May day demonstrations in 1935 in the capital.

Pioneers and schoolchildren.

Postyshev, Petrovsky from the rostrum are responsible for greeting the demonstrators.

Kinds of the may day demonstration in Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region.


Joseph Stalin [842] -- state and political figure Nikita Khrushchev [882] -- state and political figure Kalinin Mihail Ivanovich -- state and political figure Molotov Vyacheslav Mihajlovich -- state and political figure

diplomat Gorjkij Aleksej Maksimovich -- writer

playwright Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich -- state

political and military leader Mikoyan Anastas Ivanovich -- state and political figure Kirov Sergej Mironovich -- state and political figure Kaganovich Lazarj Moiseevich -- state and political figure Zhdanov Andrej Aleksandrovich -- state and political figure Shvernik Nikolaj Mihajlovich -- state and political figure Ordzhonikidze Grigorij Konstantinovich -- state and political figure Dimitrov Georgij Mihajlovich -- the international revolutionary worker

of the Bulgarian state and political figure Belov Ivan Panfilovich -- warlord Chudov Mihail Semenovich -- state and political figure Yakir Iona Emmanuilovich -- warlord Kosior Stanislav Vikentjevich -- state and political figure Postishev Pavel petrovich -- state and political figure Petrovskij Grigorij Ivanovich -- state and political figure


01.05.1931 01.05.1935 01.05.1936 12.07.1937

Shooting locations

Moscow [820] Leningrad [848] Kiev [933] Kemerovo region [780]


Spring [825]

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