The President of the Finnish Republic in the USSR (1983)

Movie №8804, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:05
Voroncov A.
Camera operators:
Izvekov V., Filatov I.


About the official visit of the President of Finland Koyvis with his wife in the Soviet Union after the invitation of the Soviet Government.


Stay Finnish President Mauno Koivisto in the USSR. City of Moscow. Meeting at the airport. Meeting in the Kremlin with Yuri Andropov. Negotiations. Present: NA Tikhonov, Andrei Gromyko, Kuznetsov and others. Laying a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Mrs. T. Koivisto in the Academic Choreography School. Delegates in Star City, the museum, at a meeting with the astronauts. Among them, Air Marshal PS Kutakov, cosmonauts: Valentina Tereshkova, SE Savitskaya, GT coast, in the Bolshoi Theater Opera "Aida." Signing of the treaty in the Kremlin. Delegates sent to the plane in Kiev. City of Kiev. Streets. Monuments. At the reception at the VV Shcherbitsky, sightseeing in Kiev: Ukrainian State Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, St. Sophia Cathedral, Paton Electrical Welding Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Director of the Institute Paton gives explanations. "Rocket" on the Dnieper. Delegates to the ship. Landscapes.

Reel №1

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At the invitation of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Soviet government June 6, 1983 in Moscow on an official visit to the Republic of Finland President Mauno Koivisto.


Vnukovo airport of the capital.

Taxiing aircraft with the Finnish guest.

The members of the Soviet government sent to the aircraft.

Go down the ladder M. Koivisto and his entourage.

Welcomes guests: Politburo member, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR NA Tikhonov, member of the Politburo, First Deputy Chairman of the Board Ministers of the USSR, Soviet Foreign Minister AA Gromyko, a candidate member of the Politburo, First Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR VV Kuznetsov, Ambassador of Finland to the USSR A. Karhu and other officials.

Flags of the USSR and Finland.

Built guard of honor.

NA Tikhonov and M. Koivisto take report from the commander of the guard, bypass the guard of the Soviet soldiers.

President of the Republic of Finland welcomes the representatives of workers in Moscow.

Motorcade enters the gates of the Moscow Kremlin.

Finnish guests pass through the territory of the Kremlin, they are greeted by the General Secretary of the CPSU, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Y. Andropov et al.


Greeting Heads of Government.

Soviet-Finnish talks in the Kremlin.

The talks was attended by the Soviet side - UV Andropov, NA Tikhonov, AA Gromyko, VV Kuznetsov and other officials; with Finnish hand M. Koivisto, the Prime Minister of Finland Kalevi Sorsa, Minister of Foreign Trade E. Laine, A. Karhu and other officials. (During negotiating an agreement between the USSR and Finland on the early extension of the Treaty in 1948 (on Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance) to a new 20-year period).

Parliamentarians Finland lay wreaths: the Mausoleum of VI Lenin and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The building of the Moscow Academic Choreography School.

Wife of the President of Finland, Mrs.

Tellervo Koivisto watching performances of students of the school.

M. Koivisto and his entourage visited Star City, laying flowers at the monument to Yuri Gagarin.

Finnish guests visiting the exhibits in the museum space; Cosmonaut Training Center.

Soviet cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, the head of the Cosmonaut Training Center GT Coast acquaints visitors with space technology; the guests visiting: integrated simulator transport spacecraft "Soyuz", the cabin with instruments; simulator of orbital station "Salyut".

Reel №2

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The building of the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR. Members of the delegation of Finland in the box theater applauded.

Fragment of Verdi's "Aida" staged by the Leningrad Opera and Ballet, the Kirov.

Grand Kremlin Palace (6 June 1983), where the signing of the Soviet-Finnish documents.

AA Gromyko and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland P. Väyrynen sign a protocol between the USSR and the Republic of Finland on the extension of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance of 1948, exchange documents.

Minister of Foreign Trade of the USSR NS Patolichev and Minister of Foreign Trade of Finland E. Laine sign a protocol on cooperation of the Soviet Union and Finland in the field of agriculture and food production, exchange documents.

When signing documents present: Y. Andropov, MS Gorbachev, VV Grishin, NA Tikhonov et al.

Officials - from the Soviet side; from the Finnish side - M. Koivisto and its accompanying political figures.

Vnukovo airport of the capital.

Among the mourners M. Koivisto and his entourage: NA Tikhonov, AA Gromyko, VV Kuznetsov.

Ukrainian SSR. Kiev. (8 June 1983) General plans of Kiev; monument, fountain, passers-by.

The Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR, where he met a member of the Politburo, the first secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine V. Shcherbytsky with M. Koivisto.


At the negotiating table V. Scherbitsky, M. Koivisto, as well as officials involved in the conversation: the Soviet side - Deputy Chairman Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR AF Vatchenko, Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, NV Talyzin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR AP Ljashko, statesmen Finland.

The members of the Finnish delegation visiting the memorial complex "Ukrainian State Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.".

Sculpture "Mother Motherland", the obelisk, the Eternal Flame.

The delegation lays a wreath at the memorial.

Full-scale plans of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

The dome of St.

Sophia Cathedral.

The interior of St.

Sophia Cathedral: frescoes, mosaics.

The building of the Research Institute of Electric Welding named after Paton of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Members of the delegation of Finland monitor the process of welding. M. Koivisto sees seam.

Welding in the water.

President of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Director of the Institute of Hero of Socialist Labor BE Paton gives explanations guests.

View of the Dnieper.

Hurtling hydrofoil on the river - "rocket". M. Koivisto and his wife, accompanied by officials on the deck of a pleasure boat.

Foreign press reports the results of the Soviet-Finnish meeting (newspapers in Finnish).

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