The City (1986)

Movie №9181, 5 parts, Duration: 0:50:29
Derbysheva L.
Camera operators:
Ivlev U.
Derbysheva L., Shergova G.
Kasparov U.


About the activity of the Chairmen of the Executive Committees of municipal Councils of People's Deputies of five cities, about the problems of these cities.


The President of the Executive Committee of the City Council of People's Deputies VA Bodrov at work, gives an interview (synchronously).
The building of the executive committee.
Construction of a dairy.
Children in the classroom in the school of arts.
The inhabitants of the city streets.
Urban boiler.
The city of Tomsk.
The President of the Executive Committee of urban Yu Ya Kovalev at work, gives an interview (synchronously).
The streets, buildings of the city. Traffic, pedestrians.
Polytechnic Institute.
Private wooden buildings.
Disassembly of the old house.
Chemical Plant.
Session of the Executive Committee of the City Council,
on the problems of the chemical plant (synchronously).
Armenia. City Razdan.
Mayor TS Petikyan in the home, with his family in his leisure hours,
play music with her daughter, at work in the center of urban governance,
Talk with local policeman (synchronously).
Music school of the city. Students in the classroom.
Urban Music Festival.
Speeches participants.
City Lviv. Ukraine. The buildings of ancient and modern architecture.
The building executive committee.
Mayor VY Infantry at work, gives an interview (synchronously).
Restoration of the sculpture at one of the area.
Restoration of the market square of the city.
Restaurant "Under the Lion." The building and premises restaurant.
Cook restaurant gives interviews (synchronously).
Museum-pharmacy. Excursion to the museum.
Chess Club. The ex-champion of the USSR in March Litinskaya gives simul.
VY Infantry on one of the industrial enterprises of the city,
at a conference buyers.
Delegates buyers are interviewed (synchronously).
Georgia. City of Poti. Landscape Black Sea. Seaport. Unloading of ships.
President Mayor GG Kuhaleyshvili, First Party Secretary BD Gulua at work.
The movement of vehicles and pedestrians. The movement of buses on the routes.
Bus drivers are interviewed (synchronously).
Children's sports center.
Champion waterskiing H. Korkelia in training.
The movement of freight trains with cargo.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Students, soldiers in the clearing construction teams sing a song (simultaneously), then talk about the city executive committee (synchronous) - MS., CU., PNRM.

A girl playing the guitar - CU. (Summer).

Winter Siberian landscape, road, forest - LS., PNRM.

It takes a freight train - MS.

Travel on the bridge - MS.

People walking down the station stairs, hitting the inscription "MPS USSR. Severobaikalsk station of the Baikal-Amur Railway »- MS.

City Severobaikalsk - LS., MS., PNRM.

People on the street sign a proclamation for peace - different., Among them the chairman of the executive committee of the City Council of People's Deputies, the former civil engineer and Siberia champion in ski jumping Vladimir A. Bodrov - MS.

Photo: sports records B. Bodrov - MS.

VA Bodrov at work in the office - MS., PNRM.; Talks about urban issues (synchronously) - MS.

Faces of children playing in the street - CU. (Winter).

People walk down the street - LS., MS.

Apothecary Building, and other buildings - MS.

Women driven wheelchairs with children, walk the houses - MS., LS., PNRM.

PNRM. a board of honor at the building of the Board - LS.

VA Bodrov and others out of the building, sit in the "jeep", the car goes - MS.

Construction of dairy - PNRM. on a construction site, a car with cement, pouring cement, laying cement - different.

VA Bodrov and executive committee members at the construction site - MS., Hitting.

The boys are playing football in the street - LS., MS.

Looking girl - MS.

School of Art: girls choreographing - MS., PNRM.

The boy goes on a bridge - MS., PNRM.

New District Severobaikalsk - LS.

Executive committee members talk with the workers (synchronous) - CU., MS., PNRM.

City smokes boiler - LS., MS.

VA Bodrov and executive committee members visiting the outskirts of the city with temporary structures and beams - MS., CU.

Heating device of the self-made house - CU.

Effects of fire: charred door beams - MS., CU., PNRM.

"Beams» - LS.

VA Bodrov says temporary shelters (synchronous) - CU.

Children run along the street - LS.

Sign saying "Sports 41/1" sign on the mailbox - CU., PNRM.

Improvised home - CU., PNRM.

Cat on a tree - CU.

VA Bodrov and others at a meeting of the executive committee (synchronous) - MS.

Building a house (night) - MS., CU., PNRM.

VA Bodrov is working in the office - CU., MS.

Reel №2

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The forest is chairman of the Tomsk Mayor Yuri Y. Kovalev - MS.

YY Kovalev, and other members of the executive committee are on the road, look at the city - MS., CU., PNRM.

Tomsk - LS., PNRM. Hitting, traveling around the city - MS.

The building of the Polytechnic Institute - MS.

"The Olympic Games on the pavement": students solve problems on asphalt - different.

The inscription on the house and a plaque, "Lane Derbyshevsky.

In this house lived one of the first Marxist workers Siberia, a member of the CPSU since 1896 Derbyshev Nikolai 1879 - 1955. Here, from 1896 - 1901 year had been working meeting, which ushered in the Tomsk organization RSDLP »- MS., Departure.

Old houses decorated with carved wood (frames, skates, etc.) - Various.

People chopping wood in the yard of the old house, collecting water from the column, have a bucket of water - different.

The building with the flag of the Executive Committee - LS., Departure.

YY Kovalev takes the visitor said to her (synchronous) - Various.

TTY screen - CU.

Dismantling of the old house to move - LS., MS.

PNRM. from the old house to the new house - LS., MS.

Executive committee member Gonchar on the balcony of a new home, says (synchronously) - CU.

The new area (with balcony) - LS., Departure.

PNRM. the road to the chemical plant - MS., PNRM., departure.

The meeting of the executive committee at the chemical plant: act Gonchar, YY Kovalev, the director and other members of the complex (all simultaneously) - MS., CU.

Building the data center - MS., PNRM.

Laboratory technicians at work.

In the room are members of the Executive Committee - MS., PNRM.

Training class in the center - MS., PNRM.

YY Kovalev and others in the classroom of the display (with the teacher) - MS.

Reel №3

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The city handed out - LS., Departure, PNRM.

Gas lines - CU., PNRM.

PNRM. on the power line.

People walk down the street - MS.

Chairman of the executive engineer Tigran Sarkisovich Petikyan plays the violin, the daughter plays the piano - CU., MS., PNRM.

Hands on piano - CU.

Town hall building with the flag - MS., Departure.

Remote control in urban traffic control - LS., MS.

Inscription in Russian and Armenian: "Electrostal", "Sewer", "Garbage", "Center for Urban Management» - CU., PNRM., Departure.

Dispatching - LS.

PNRM. the stands.

Says Manager - MS.

Meeting of the Commission on Minors: TS Petikyan said the boys, pulled masks (synchronous) - MS., CU.

Emergency car rides around town - MS.

The new district handed out (with us) - LS.

Of the broken water pipe has water, workers are repairing a pipe - are different.

Welders at work - LS., MS.

TS Petikyan talks with the district on education (synchronous) - Various.

Local policeman on the street with teenagers - LS., MS.; Knife in his hand - CU.; Policeman talking to the boy's father - MS.

Close-ups of adolescents.

Armenian girl playing the violin - CU.

TS Petikyan says the director of the music school and the teachers (synchronous) - MS., CU.

The orchestra rehearses - MS., PNRM.

Festively dressed members of the orchestra are going to a music festival - MS.

Brass band playing in the street - MS., Hitting, playing trumpet - CU., Departure.

Area, there are buses - LS., PNRM.

Folk dance in the square - MS.

The orchestra of folk instruments - LS.

Drummer - CU.; Violinists play - MS., Departure.

The audience applauded - different.

Theatrical performance ("Fly Tsokotukha"), are the children (synchronous) - MS., CU.

Singing girl, man - LS., Hitting, MS.

Drummer - CU., Hitting.

TS Petikyan in the audience - CU.

Reel №4

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Lions - MS., PNRM. Hitting (with mountains).

The old district of Lviv - LS.

PNRM. from a passing tram at building the city executive committee - LS.

Ukrainian flag on the building - MS.

The table in the office.

The chairman of the city executive committee Vladimir Y. Infantry (synchronous) - Various.

Sculptures of lions on the building - CU., PNRM.

Restoration of sculptures - CU., PNRM.

Blacksmith at work - CU., MS.

The fire in the hearth - CU.

Vintage street lamp - CU.

Signs above the shops, restaurants and other buildings (old) - CU.

PNRM. through the halls of the restaurant - LS.

The fountain inside the restaurant - LS., CU.

Woman chef tells of old dishes (synchronous) - CU.; Exhibition dishes - CU., PNRM.

A waiter carries dishes - LS., PNRM.

Sculptural bas-relief, people go into a pharmacy museum - CU., PNRM.

Tourists visiting the equipment in an old pharmacy, the girl picks up a mortar - MS., CU.

In an old mansion of former national champion in chess March Litinskaya provides a simultaneous, in a session attended by the chairpersons of the regional federation of chess, a mechanical engineer VY Infantry - Various.

PNRM. on a chess board - CU.

Hand takes shape with a checkerboard - CU.

Market Square - MS., Departure, LS.

The bus leaves from the plant - LS.

The shop automobile pass VY Infantry and other members of the executive committee, said the wizard (synchronous) - MS., CU.

Hands holding a mirror for the car - CU.

Building shops - MS., PNRM., Departure.

PNRM. on a trading hall in the House of furniture sets are - different.

Conference participants say buyers (synchronous) - Various.; MS.edi participants - VY Infantry, plant manager.

Samples electrical - CU., PNRM.

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Sunset over the Black Sea - LS.

Georgian village at sunset - LS.

The young men are singing on the beach (simultaneously in Georgian).

Cranes in the port (at sunset) - LS.

Quay Poti - LS.

Commercial port - LS.

Cargo ship "Rostov-on-Don" "is a port - MS., CU.

Crane operator in the cab - CU.

Boatswain directs discharge - MS.

Chairman Mayor Terence G. Kuhalayshvili, first secretary of the city party committee Bakur Davidovich Gulua and others pass through the city, talking to residents - MS., CU.

Ceremony settlement above-plan a new home: the people in the rain stand in the yard - MS., LS., PNRM.; Poster at home with the words "Happiness new tenants» - MS.

Executive committee member presents a symbolic key tenants - MS.

The theater building - LS.

Bus Stop - LS.

People come out of the bus - MS., Hitting.

Bus drivers say the transport experiment (synchronously) - CU., PNRM.

Children in bathing suits running on the sports complex - LS., Departure.

Water ski base: water ski champion Khatuna Korkelia water skiing - MS., LS.; Jumps - LS., PNRM.

The building of the executive committee, hitting the flag - MS.

Animation: Resolution of the Council of Ministers on the further development of the experiment to enhance the role of local councils - LS.

GG Kuhalayshvili said at the city's Board of Directors (synchronously in Georgian) - MS.

The Directors Roundtable - LS., MS., PNRM.

Say: Chairman of the Board, Deputy Chairman of Executive Committee VS ticks member TMO (territorial interbranch association), the Minister of Communications (synchronously).

Unloading at the port: bucket pours ore division, unloads her out of the car - different.

TMO representatives talk with the head of the train station - MS., CU.

The old railway station with the words "Poti» - MS.

Railroad tracks, overgrown grass - MS., Departure, Hitting, PNRM. (Top point).

Railwayman manually set points - MS., CU., PNRM.

Passing electric - CU.

Train - MS., PNRM., CU.

Dirty train cars at the port - LS., CU.

Said the boatswain - MS.

Poti (new areas) - LS.

GG Kuhalayshvili, VY Infantry, TS Petikyan, YY Kovalev, VA Bodrov - CU.

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