Several Interviews On Labor Union Issues (1987)

Movie №9360, 6 parts, Duration: 0:58:46
Pavlov A.
Camera operators:
Maev V., Minkin M.
Kravchenko L.
Ostrovskaya T.
Boltnev A.


About the work of labor unions in various industries.


Film about the activities of trade unions of the USSR. The city of Gorky. Gorky Automobile Plant. Production processes in the shops. Factory workers are interviewed about the activities of trade union (synchronously). Nursery school, recreation center of the plant. Armenia. The city of Yerevan. "Armelektromash. The territory of the plant. Shops, bakery, snack factory. Factory workers are interviewed (synchronously). Barber. Latvia. Of Riga. Factory workers WEF give interviews (synchronously). Belarus. Collective farm "Sovetskaya Belorussia". Director farm VL Bedulya gives interviews (synchronously). Harvest. Streets and houses farm. Children bathe. The city of Kemerovo. The building of the regional council of trade unions. Base of mechanization. Employees base give interviews (synchronously). Kostroma. Weaving factory. People say unionists (synchronously). Dining factory. Destroyed clubhouse. Castle on the door. Stadium "Trud". Cross at the stadium. Says director of the stadium (synchronously). Of Riga. Garment Association "Ausma". Design Bureau. Production processes in the shops. Mine Raspadskaya in the Kuzbass. Interviews sewer workers and miners on the work of trade unions (synchronously). Coal mining Raspadskaya. Crimea. City Mishor. Children at the fountains. Doctor of one of the resorts Strakhov is welcome, giving an interview (synchronously). Interview vacationers (synchronously). Feast of Neptune. People affected by the Chernobyl accident and received housing in sanatoriums of the city, give interviews. Students go to school. The city of Yerevan. Plant Armelektromash. Trade union activist Savayan gives interviews (synchronously).

Reel №1

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The employee factory VEF interview on trade unions (simultaneously in the street) - CU.

On the work of trade unions say the book seller van, a nurse - CU. (Synchronous).

Union meeting at the Gorky Automobile Plant, speaker stands (synchronous) - CU., Departure, impact.

Listen - some bored woman sleeps - CU.

Acts blacksmith N. Kustorev (synchronous) - CU.

Assembly of cars in the shop GAZ - LS., MS., PNRM.

Spinning wheel - MS.

Forge - MS., Hitting, PNRM.

The auto hammer - CU.

Blacksmith at work - CU., MS.

Blast Furnace Shop - MS.

The workers at work, takes off the helmet - MS., CU.

Shop factory with outdated equipment - LS., MS.

Anvil - MS.

Automatic line - MS.

Machine controlled - MS., Departure.

Test vehicles at the site - LS., CU., Impact, departure.

Reconstruction of the old case of car - LS., MS., PNRM.

Construction of residential buildings in the city of Gorky - MS.

The territory of the kindergarten - LS. with a / t

Auto plant worker says not good enough recreation (synchronous) - CU.

Holiday Village Automobile - the river, the machines in the forest - LS., MS., PNRM.

The guy in the boat rowing and tells of the recreation center (synchronous) - CU.

The desert land base - MS., PNRM., LS.

GAZ shop steward is interviewed on the street (synchronously) - CU.

Reel №2

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Yerevan - people go to work.

Foreman of the plant "Armelectromash" gives interviews (synchronously on the street) - MS., Hitting.

The worker said the organization of life in the factory (synchronously in the street) - CU.

Manufacturing plant, passing special purpose vehicle - MS., PNRM.

Factory outlets (external and internal view) - MS., Hitting.

Bakery, bake pita - MS., CU.

Buffet at the shop of the plant - MS., PNRM.

Shop - MS., Hitting.

Shoe Store - MS., Departure.

Fashion workshop, the customer enters into the booth - LS., PNRM.

A woman doing her hair in a barber shop at the factory.

Woman gives interviews (synchronously) - CU.

Barber inside and out - LS., Hitting.

On the Trade Unions says the head of WEF (synchronous) - MS., Hitting.

Belarus - the chairman of the collective farm "Sovetskaya Belorussia" VL Bedulev in the field, said the work of trade unions (synchronous) - CU.

Harvest, harvesters in the field - MS., PNRM.

Field (from the cab combiner), steering wheel combine - MS.

The car on the current poured corn, grain drying - MS., PNRM.

Sunset, the field passes harvester - MS.

The chairman of the trade union committee of the kolkhoz M. lanyard (synchronous) - CU.

Children run to the river, swim - MS.

Village Street - MS.

Kid in a sunflower - MS.

A new settlement on the farm - LS., PNRM.

VL Bedulev and M. lanyard pass on corn field - MS.

Stork in the - MS.

VL Bedulev and M. fabkoma lanyard with members of the kolkhoz and discuss on current labor issues (synchronous) - MS., CU., PNRM.

Reel №3

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Machinist union says (synchronously) - MS ..

Kemerovo - LS., Hitting.

At a meeting of the inspector says poor performance of the base of mechanization - different.

Base mechanization - MS., PNRM ..

Head base MM Chebuchakov - CU.

Repair Shop - MS., PNRM.

Car - MS.

Regional committee meeting of the Presidium of branch trade union (synchronously).

Said M. Chebuchakov - MS., PNRM.

Listen - Various.

Are: human resources manager, the chairman of the regional committee and others (all simultaneously) - MS.

Kostroma weaver Hero of Socialist Labor V. Pletnev said the work of trade unions (simultaneously), works for the machine - different.

Dining Flax - LS., PNRM.

VN Pletnev talking to women in the dining room (synchronous, they criticize the work of the dining room) - CU., PNRM.

Reel №4

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Continued conversation VN Pletnev with weavers in the dining room (synchronous) - CU.

Rehearsal for ballroom dancing in the culture - MS., PNRM.

Clubhouse in Kostroma - LS.

The lock on the door - CU.

Abandoned Club - LS., PNRM.

CSDF crew knocking at the locked doors of the club - MS. (Spring or fall).

Dilapidated clubhouse - MS., PNRM.

Crew members speak with the cleaner (synchronous) - CU., LS.

Street, the building is one of the club - MS., PNRM.

The lock on the door - MS.

Entrance to the stadium "Work» - MS., PNRM.

Empty soccer field, empty podium - LS., PNRM.

Start cross, people run on the highway - MS.

Finish MDF (removed rocking) - MS.

Director of the Riga factory sportswear "Ausma" at a meeting of socialist competition says (synchronously) - CU., Departure.

Diagram of the system of socialist competition on the scoreboard - MS., Departure, PNRM.

The chairman of the trade union committee (synchronous) - CU., MS., PNRM.

Certification of union workers: Chairman of the Union asked the man responsible (synchronous) - MS., PNRM., CU.

Emblem "Ausma» - CU.

Sewing shop - MS., PNRM.

Factory Design Bureau - MS., PNRM.

Seamstress talks about his work (synchronous) - CU.

The mine in Kuzbass: miners torches are at the bottom - LS., MS.

Foreman of the mine "Raspadskaya" B. Gvozdev gives interviews (synchronously) - CU.

Reel №5

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Operates coal combine - MS., PNRM.

Rotor - CU.

B. Gvozdev at work in the mine, says (synchronously - criticisms) - CU., MS.

Rolls coal - MS., PNRM.

The woman and the couple on the street, talking about the work of trade unions (synchronous) - MS., PNRM.

Mishor - LS., MS.

Children play in the fountains - MS., PNRM., LS.

Girl with a Doll - CU.

PhD NM Strakhov tells victim assistance from Chernobyl (synchronous) - LS., CU.

A doctor examines a child - MS., PNRM.

Hematology laboratory, laboratory assistant at work - MS., PNRM.

Survey girls - MS.

The device - MS.

Beach, children at the beach - MS., CU., PNRM.

Say the driver of the Chernobyl nuclear power station, a woman with a child from Chernobyl (synchronous) - CU., MS.

Black Sea - MS., PNRM.

"Neptune Holiday» - MS., PNRM.

See the spectators - the inhabitants of Chernobyl - LS., PNRM.

They say a woman from Chernobyl (synchronous) - MS.

Children with parents go to school at the resort - MS., CU.

Yard sanatorium September 1 - LS., PNRM.

Are the parents - MS., Hitting.

Teacher says to the disciples on the Day of Knowledge (synchronous) - LS.

Bonfire at the sea, sat women - LS., CU., PNRM.

People dancing at the fountain - CU., LS., PNRM.

Reel №6

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Directed CSDF Pavlov interviews on trade union issues from people on the street (synchronous) - MS., PNRM.

Checkpoint of the plant "Armelectromash" people are (summer) - LS., Hitting.

"Open Letter" at the plant, says the correspondent of the newspaper "Trud" L. Savoyan (about the poor quality of construction) (simultaneously) - CU., MS.

They say builders, factory workers (synchronous) - CU., MS.

A. Savoyan speaks to residents of buildings construction deficiencies (synchronous) - Various.

The unfinished part of the house, unfinished area - MS.

New homes - MS., PNRM.

Tainted flooring in the house - MS., Hitting.

The woman in the new house shows spoiled sink - CU., PNRM.

Woman shows bad opening window - MS., Impact, departure.

Empty apartment with a cracked sink, bad sex, etc. - MS., PNRM.

On trade unions say the taxi driver, the pilot (synchronous) - CU., PNRM.

Helicopter takes off - MS.

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