Heroes of the Motherland (1937)

Movie №94748, 6 parts, Duration: 0:58:01
L. Varlamov, F. Kiselev
Text authors:
V. Lebedev-Kumach
Music designer:
A. Rojtman
Sound mixer:
D. Ovsyanikov
Z. Dunaevskij


The film tells about achievements of Soviet aviation, its application in the various sectors of the economy, the flight to America via the North pole and the holding of the 5th air show in Tushino.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The soldier and Junior commander put flags along Dole road in front of the beginning of the 5th air show in Tushino.

The soldier nailed to the flagpole multi-colored flags and a flag with the emblem of the Soviet air force.

The portraits of the leaders of the party and state over the stands.

Shrouded propeller aircraft.

Heavy bomber with shrouded propellers at the airport.

Covers chassis bomber.

The guard at the aircraft.

The aircraft on the airfield.

Watering machine on the streets of Moscow.

The driver installs signs with the route on the front and side Windows of the tram.

Open the gates of boxes of the tram, the trams travel on the line.

Cars leave the garage.

A crew member of the waterbus sets on Board a plaque with the inscription "Tushino".

River tram, named in honor of the Soviet pilots before being sent to Tushino.

The sailors set the gangway.

Plaque with the inscription "In Tushino" on Board.

The car stops on a river comes out of military pilots.

The pilots take off clothing, swim.

The pilots out of the water.

The pilots dress in the car.

The pilots sit in the car and leave.

The views of the Moscow Kremlin buildings in Moscow.

The layout of the aircraft in my son's room after V. P. Chkalov Igor.

Igor is asleep in bed.

Chkalov at the airport talking with the young pilots, the pilots ' faces.

I-16 fighters, standing in a row.

Bombers and flying boats at the airport.

One of the pioneers of Russian aviation Rossinsky B. I. among the pilots at the airport.

Newsreel of 1915: poster non-stop flight Moscow-Tver-Moscow on 2 July 1915 with a portrait Rossinsky.

Face Rossinsky.

The poster of one of the flights Rossinsky.

Rossinsky in 1915, sits in a sports car.

View of one of the grandstands of the Hippodrome.

Rossinsky sits in the airplane.

The spectators sit in the car.

Rossinsky waving from the cockpit.

Rossinsky among Soviet pilots at the airfield in Tushino, pilots applauded veteran.

Kindergarten students jump from a children's parachute tower, the parents watching the jumping.

Activity in aeromodelling circle, the pioneers collect the flying of model airplanes.

Young participants of competitions on aviamodelling sports have launched their models.

Launch glider with a Bicycle drive.

The conclusion of the glider at the start of the ejection means.

Glider in flight.

Flying gliders in Koktebel.

The face of the pilot-glider pilot during the flight.

Gliders in the sky.

The alarm glider.

Turn to the parachute rig in one of the cities North of the USSR.

Inhabitants of the Nenets tundra Efim Camerin in kuhlyanka rises to the parachute rig, the faces of the girls.

People watching by Caprinum.

Kanarin puts on the parachute straps.

Canarina a parachute jump from the tower.

Kanarin lands.

Skydiver freed from the straps.

The jump from a Church tower, turned into a parachute tower.

People on the ground to watch the jump.

The parachutist jump.

Lessons at the flying club on the theory of flight, the instructor demonstrates how to perform aerobatics on the layout of the aircraft.

The faces of the aeroclub.

Trainee on the simulators.

Lesson on packing a parachute.

Aeroclub line up the aircraft on the airfield.

The students took seats in the planes, the faces of the cadets.

The young pilot one of the flying clubs during morning exercises.

Girls line up in front of the aircraft.

Faces of the girls in flight helmets.

The face of the instructor.

Pilots took seats in the cockpit.

The signal to take off flag.

Planes run and fly.

Aircraft in flight, the commander watching the flight.

Execution of parachute jumps from the plane.

Flying airplanes.

The plane performs aerobatics.

Instructors congratulate the girls on the successful completion of the first flight, handed them flowers.


Chkalov Valerij Pavlovich -- test pilot Rossinskij Boris Illiodorovich -- test pilot


1915 1937

Shooting locations

Moscow [820] USSR [863]


Summer [824] Winter [823] Autumn [826]

Reel №2

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Hunters, fishers on horseback move through the taiga in Eastern Siberia.

Seaplane at the shore of the river.

The hunters unloaded from bags produced of the skins of fur-bearing animals.

The face of an elderly hunter, smoothing his mustache and beard.

The fur on one of the skins, the faces of the hunters, the pilot sees the skins.

Loading bales with hides in the cargo compartment of a seaplane.

The plane sails away from the shore.

Planes in flight, clouds and mountains under the wing of the aircraft.

Aircraft flying over the mountains on the route Stalinabad-Khorog.

Face of a local resident.

Aircraft at the airport of Khorog.

By aircraft is a caravan of camels.

Unloading one of the planes.

Mountain landscapes under the wing of the aircraft, the nose of the plane with the rotating propeller.

View of ski gear.

Flying in the sky plane.

Fork snow desert in the Arctic circle (top).

The pilot throws the packet with the mail for wintering.

Winterers on a dog sled take the package.

The hands of one of the explorers sent thumbed books.

Airplane civil aircraft in flight.

Passengers - residents of the far North in the cabin, the faces of the passengers.

The plane lands on the polar airfield.

Rotates the propeller.

Passengers leave the plane, unloading the Luggage.

Passengers thank the pilot, the faces of the passengers.

Panorama of the Kazakh steppe, the kind of Karsakpay copper-smelting plant.

Cargo plane on the airfield next to the plant.

Loading the plane bags with ready bullion and copper concentrates.

Loading the plane bales of cotton at one of the airports in the Tajik SSR, mechanics inspect the work of one of the engines of the aircraft.

Apples on the branches.

The harvest of apples in one of the farms of the Tambov region.

Packing apples for shipment to the island of Rudolph, in a wooden box.

Boxes of apples before shipping.

Loading crates of apples into the plane.

A plane taking off.

Loading pedigree young pigs in the plane to be sent to one of the breeding farms of Bashkiria.

A plane taking off.

Planes flying over the taiga and mountains.

The landscape of lake Sevan in the Armenian SSR.

Sailing fishing vessel.

Trout in the network.

Unloading the catch with a butterfly net.

Packing trout in wooden boxes.

The application of labels to the drawers using a stencil.

Loading boxes with fresh trout in the plane.

Run-up and takeoff.

Conduct sowing of rice in the far East and Kuban with the help of the aircraft.

The fishing fleet under the wing of the aircraft.

The pilots in the cockpit air reconnaissance operating in the Caspian fisheries.

The seascape.

Drive a seaplane.

Locusts on the field of one of the farms of the Kazakh SSR.

Preparation of chemicals for the destruction of locusts.

The loading of pesticides into the hopper of the aircraft.

The rise of agricultural aviation aircraft.

Locusts on the field.

View of the tail of the aircraft during the dumping of toxic chemicals.

Panorama of one of the malarial swamps in Georgia, in Colchis.

The spraying from the planes of pesticides on the foci of malarial mosquito.

Plane health services flying over the mountains.

The mountain villages in Svaneti (above), faces of local residents.

Patient transport sled to an ox cart through the streets of the village to the plane.

Loading the patient into the aircraft.

The locals thank the pilot and escort departing aircraft, view of the village (above).

The air ambulance flight.

Mountain landscape under the wing of the plane (top).



Shooting locations

Moscow [820] USSR [863]


Summer [824] Winter [823]

Reel №3

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The steamer "Chelyuskin" goes to the bottom, crushed by ice in February 1934.

The report in the newspaper about the death of the ship and disembarking the crew on the ice.

View of the camp Chelyuskinites.

The head of the expedition Oy Schmidt is selected from tents, washes his face with snow.

The kindling of snow at the stake for drinking water, distribution of water.

Life in the camp Chelyuskinites.

View of the camp.

The plane flies to the camp Chelyuskinites.

The faces of the students, greeting the first plane.

Landing of an aircraft on the ice, people greet him.

Chelyuskinites rocked the pilot.

Boarding of women and children.

Chelyuskinites escorted the plane with the next batch of rescued people.

Faces of pilots - the first Heroes of the Soviet Union V. S. Molokov, Vodop'yanova M. V., Levanevsky S. A., Slepnev M. T., kamanina N. P. Doronin I. V. and A. V. Lyapidevsky

The pilots of the plane at the airport.

Red flag on an ice floe on the site of the former camp Chelyuskinites.

The Landscapes Of Ethiopia.

The farmer plows plow the land, made of the branches of a tree.

Types of Ethiopian villages, people look up.

Flying an Italian bomber.

Bombs exploding on the ground during the Second Italo-Ethiopian war 1935-1936 years.

The consequences of the bombing, people take out the dead bodies, burning huts.

Faces of people lost their homes and relatives.

Effects of the bombing of Italian aviation, fires, and dead bodies.

Medical assistance to the wounded.

Panorama of Madrid (above).

Types of streets and architectural monuments of Madrid.

Sculpture of don Quixote and Sancho Panza.

Historic monuments of Madrid.

Nazi planes in the sky over Madrid, people run to the shelter.

The people of Madrid go out of the bombed quarters.

People go down to the shelter.

Nazi planes over Madrid.

Damaged by bombs historical and architectural monuments of Madrid.

View of the destroyed Cathedral.

The woman was crying, standing at the door.

The people were left without shelter, on the street.

View of the crater from a bomb in one of the areas of Madrid.

Flying Soviet planes.

The pilot Vodopyanov at the helm.

Schmidt O. Yu. next to the Navigator, the planes of the expedition Schmidt and Sherman go to the North pole.

The pilot at the controls.

Spinning propeller aircraft.

The Arctic landscape.

The Navigator plots the course.

Schmidt and Vodop'yanov in the cockpit.

The Arctic landscape.

Navigator notes on the map the point of landing.

Schmidt and the expedition landed at the North pole.

Landing once the aircraft expedition.

Pilots and members of the expedition congratulate each other.

The rise of the national flag of the USSR over the North pole.

Members of the expedition give a salute of rifles and revolvers, singing the "Internationale".

The planes of the expedition, landed at the North pole, Arctic landscape (panorama).

On flagpoles waving flag with a profile of Stalin and the state flag of the USSR.

Schmidt and the participants of the expedition singing "Internationale" after the flag raising, the faces of the members of the expedition.

Tent of the expedition.

Flags fluttering in the wind.


Shmidt Otto Yuljevich -- geographer

geophysicist and polar researcher Molokov Vasilij Sergeevich -- polar pilot

commander Vodopjyanov Mihail Vasiljevich -- pilot

commander Levanevskij Sigizmund Aleksandrovich -- pilot Slepnev Mavrikij Trofimovich -- pilot Kamanin Nikolaj petrovich -- pilot

commander Doronin Ivan Vasiljevich -- polar pilot Lyapidevskij Anatolij Vasiljevich -- pilot




Shooting locations

Arctic [941] Ethiopia [71] Madrid [873]


Summer [824] Winter [823]

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The meeting of Chkalov V. P. in Vancouver.

G. F. Baidukov, A. V. Belyakov and V. P. Chkalov the aircraft after landing July 20, 1937, Vancouver residents welcome the Soviet pilots.

Artillery salute in honor of the Soviet crew.

Soviet pilots and their attendants with flowers in their hands walking through the streets of Washington.

VP Chkalov speech before leaving Home (synchronously).

The ANT-25 in flight.

View of the American airfield (top).

The Gromov aircraft after landing in the United States.

Americans welcome the Soviet pilots, passing through the streets in cars.

M. M. Gromov on the podium, the panorama of the rally in honor of the Soviet pilots.

IV Stalin and ke Voroshilov on the podium watching the landing of the aircraft of parties to the conquest of the North pole.

Landing the plane.

Out of the plane, Schmidt O. Yu.

Landing the next plane.

Voroshilov and Stalin applauding, standing on the podium.

O. Schmidt of the plane.

Schmidt passes along the platform, the people on the podium greet him.

The expedition climb the podium.

The leaders of the party and the state welcomed the participants of the expedition, Voroshilov hugs Schmidt.

Voroshilov, Stalin, Kaganovich, L. M., shake hands with the members of the expedition, embrace them.

The faces of the people welcoming the Schmidt and his companions.

Schmidt with bouquets of flowers in hands sits in the car, responds to greetings.

Voroshilov, Stalin, Chubar', V. Ya. on the podium.

Cars with participants of the expedition leaving from the airport.

People welcome the participants of the expedition, rides in the car.

Chkalov with his wife and son rides in the car on the streets of Moscow after returning from the United States.

Cars with participants of the expedition and flight over the North pole, passing through the streets of Moscow, continuously spilling leaflets.

View of the Gorky street (above) during the journey of the characters.

Cars enter the gates of the Kremlin.

The buildings and streets of Moscow before the beginning of the celebration of aviation Day.

Directing traffic at the intersection at Okhotny Ryad.

Passing trams.

The column of cars moves in Tushino.

Are people.

Tram rides with hanging on the footboards passengers.

Passengers sit on the waterbus departing in Tushino.

The working people of Moscow in a truck going to the aviation festival in Tushino.

The waterbus departs from the pier.

Sm Budyonny and his family out of the car after arriving in Tushino.

People come to Tushino airfield.

Arrival on the occasion of Khrushchev N. With.

Bulganin and N. And.

People at the tram stop.

Arrival at the feast Egorova A. I.

People go on holiday, passing cars.

Arrival at the feast Kosarev A.V. and V. Y. Chubar, along with their family members.

Ships go through the canal.


Passengers alongside.

The waterbus goes to the pier.

Passengers descend to the dock.

Arrival at the feast Ezhova N. And.

Yezhov shakes hands with Budyonny, Kosarev, Khrushchev and Bulganin.

Yezhov, Nikita Khrushchev, Bulganin Kosarev and climb the stairs to the podium.

People pass under the railway overpass.

Stalin, VM Molotov and Voroshilov out of the car, greeted with Budyonny, go up the stairs to the podium.

View of the Tushino airfield before the air show.

The audience gathered at the occasion, standing at the edge of the airfield (panorama).

View of the pavilion leading to the airport.

Voroshilov, Stalin, Chubar on the podium before the holiday.


Chkalov Valerij Pavlovich -- test pilot Bajdukov Georgij Filippovich -- test pilot

commander Belyakov Aleksandr Vasiljevich -- air Navigator Shmidt Otto Yuljevich -- geographer

geophysicist and polar researcher Gromov Mihail Mihajlovich -- test pilot Joseph Stalin [842] -- state and political figure Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich -- state

political and military leader Kaganovich Lazarj Moiseevich -- state and political figure Nikita Khrushchev [882] -- state and political figure Chubarj Vlas Yakovlevich -- state and political figure Bulganin Nikolaj Aleksandrovich -- state and political figure Molotov vyacheslav Mihajlovich -- state and political figure

diplomat Ezhov Nikolaj Ivanovich -- state and political figure

head of the state security Kosarev Aleksandr Vasiljevich -- state and political figure Budennij Semen Mihajlovich -- warlord Egorov Aleksandr Iljich -- warlord



Shooting locations

Moscow [820] USA [851] Washington [852]


Summer [824]

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Air group the air force Academy, the Zhukovsky opens the celebration by building in the sky five-pointed star of planes, ke Voroshilov, VM Molotov, Chubar V. J. on the podium.

Spectators watch the flight.

Building planes in the sky as the words "Soviet", "Lenin", "Stalin", Yezhov, Voroshilov, Molotov, Khrushchev and Stalin watched from the stands for the flight.

Yezhov and Kosarev on the podium.

The face of one of the spectators.

Flying parts planes, piloted by cadets flying clubs, face the audience.

Glider pilots - Lieutenant Sukhomlin, Baruzdin, the match took place on the glider strap.

Glider pilots lowered the canopy.

The gliders will start in tow of airplanes R-5.

Sukhomlin in the cockpit of a glider.

Flying the gliders.

The spectators watching the flight.

Gliders in the air to perform a synchronous action.

Khrushchev, Molotov and Stalin watch the flight of the gliders.

Gliders in the sky performing aerobatics, and spectators watch the flight.

Landing gliders.

Faces of the audience.

The demonstration of activities agricultural aviation spraying pesticides.

Flies link sport aircraft, spectators watch the flight.

Boy looking through binoculars.

The rise of one of the sports two-seaters, face the audience.

Demonstration of aerobatics.

Pilot V. K. Kokkinaki sits in the plane.

Takeoff Kokkinaki.

Ezhov, Voroshilov, Molotov, Khrushchev watched from the stands for high-altitude flying Kokkinaki.

Kokkinaki plane performs aerobatics and combat turns at maximum height.

Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov, Khrushchev, Chubar, Budyonny on the podium.

The pilots of the air force demonstrate aerobatics, face the audience.

Military pilot Levers P. V. takes place in the fighter-15.

The link speed of the fighters under the command Rychagova flies over the airfield, spectators watch the flight.

Led Rychagova fly up wheels.

Fighter pilots Suprun S. P., Toporovskaya, Crayfish, Nikolaev and Novels in the cockpit before takeoff.

Khrushchev and Voroshilov on the podium.


Kokkinaki Vladimir Konstantinovich -- test pilot Richagov Pavel Vasiljevich -- fighter pilot

military leader Suprun Stepan Pavlovich -- fighter pilot Stalin Iosif Vissarionovich -- state and political figure Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich -- state

political and military leader Hruschev Nikita Sergeevich -- state and political figure Chubarj Vlas Yakovlevich -- state and political figure Molotov vyacheslav Mihajlovich -- state and political figure

diplomat Ezhov Nikolaj Ivanovich -- state and political figure

head of the state security Budennij Semen Mihajlovich -- warlord Kosarev Aleksandr Vasiljevich -- state and political figure



Shooting locations

Moscow [820]


Summer [824]

Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The soldier at the airport sends a signal allowing the rise of the fighter wing.

A fighter wing under the command of Suprun up in the air.

Pilots swimming in the river.

Synchronous execution with link fighter aerobatics, Voroshilov and Stalin stands watching the flight.

The fighters perform combat turns.

Paratroopers climb into the bomber TB-3.

The spectators sit on the grass airfield.

Flying aircraft with troops on Board.

The Marines on Board one of the planes.

The face of the commander of one of the amphibious groups.

Parachute, spectators watch the jumpers.

View of the tail section of one aircraft, the canopy in the sky.

Landing skydivers, spectators watch the landing, paratroopers quench dome.

The air defense observer looking through binoculars.

The aircraft lifted into the air at the beginning of a demonstration of air combat.

Calculation of anti-aircraft machine gun in full combat readiness.

Squadrons of aircraft flying to meet each other, the audience watching the "air battle".

The squadron closer together anti-aircraft gunners firing at air targets with blank ammunition.

Conditionally stricken plane falls into a spin.

Anti-aircraft gunners firing, the pilot of the "downed" plane's coming down by parachute.

The explosion in the air, fragments indicative of air combat.

View of the Parking lot at the airport, the audience watching the progress of the battle from the roof of the car.

Bombers come on "purpose", anti-aircraft battery fires.

Drop the bomb on a conditional goal.

The destruction of the bridge layouts and buildings.

Voroshilov watching the progress of the battle, behind Khrushchev.

Burning models of buildings.

Flying planes with troops on Board.

Marines are selected on the wing before jumping.

Dropping paratroopers from the aircraft, the paratroopers off the planes.

Paratroopers in the sky.

View of the rear of the aircraft, with the parachutists in the sky.

Flying squadron of Soviet aircraft.

Vodopyanov M. V. a pilot of the aircraft.

The faces of the pilots.

Flying planes, Stalin on the mausoleum.


Stalin Iosif Vissarionovich -- state and political figure Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich -- state

political and military leader Vodopjyanov Mihail Vasiljevich -- pilot



Shooting locations

Moscow [820]


Summer [824]

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