The Manorial Council of the Russian Orthodox Church (Film 1 from the series "God with Us") (1989)

Movie №9686, 7 parts, Duration: 1:09:29
Karpov B.
Camera operators:
Lovkov V.


About feasts dedicated to the Millenium Anniversary of the Chistening of Russia.


Celebrations of the 1000th anniversary of Christianity in Russia.
Divine Liturgy at the Epiphany Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin.
Of the representatives and the primates of Local Orthodox Churches, members of the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, leaders and representatives of other Churches and religious associations.
Attending worship.
Prayer service at the Assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra before starting the local council.
Patriarch Pimen conducts service blesses members of the Local Council.
The meeting of the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Members of the local council vote for the adoption of the new Constitution of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Rank canonization ceremony in the temple of the Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra of St. Sergius.
Visiting members of the Local Council of St. George's Cathedral in
Kaluga Monastery in Tomsk
Russian Compound in
Sophia, Church of Alexander Nevsky in
Bulgarian farmstead in
USA. St. Nicholas Cathedral, Church of Three Saints in
Washington St. Tikhvin monastery in Pennsylvania.
Orthodox Christians pray during a church service in the church, the clergy perform the rites of the Church.
Students and professors of the Theological Academy are on the territory of the Trinity Sergius Lavra, go to the temple (city
Sergiev Posad).
Faculty council meeting of the Leningrad Theological Academy.
Says (synchronously) Rector of the Academy, Professor Archpriest Vladimir Sorokin.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

PNRM. and departure from the flame of a candle on the open Gospel - CU.

Face of the Savior - CU., Departure

Departure from the cross on the dome of the temple - CU.

PNRM. on the destruction of the Temple - CU.

The icon of the Mother of God "Tolga» - CU., Departure

Woman baptized at the closed doors of the temple, PNRM. the dome - LS.

Monument to Prince Vladimir on the Dnieper - LS., CU.

Clouds - CU., PNRM.

Moscow Kremlin - LS., PNRM.

Cathedral of the Epiphany - MS.

PNRM. People welcomes guests - LS., PNRM., Hitting

The Patriarch of Jerusalem goes - MS.

Looking women - CU.

Cypriot patriarch passes - CU.

The dome of the Cathedral of the Epiphany - CU.

Liturgy in the Cathedral of the Annunciation.

Sit the heads of churches - LS.

Rise Metropolitan Russian Church - MS.

Metropolitan Filaret of Kiev goes to the middle - MS.

Liturgy. "Small entry» - MS., Departure

PNRM. iconostasis with the "Little Entrance» - LS.

PNRM. Patriarchs of different churches, guests celebrate - CU., PNRM.

Cancer Metropolitan Alexy - MS.

PNRM. Relics from the image of Metropolitan Alexy - CU.

Archbishop Simon - CU.

Pray for priests - CU.

Metropolitan Filaret of Kiev and blesses tripiriem dikiri and goes to the altar - MS., PNRM.

Inodyakony go to the altar - LS., Shot from above, PNRM. on the iconostasis

Listen to the bishops and priests - MS.

Patriarch of Jerusalem read out greetings - CU.

Looks Guest - Protestant - CU.

Patriarch of Jerusalem kisses Patriarch of All Russia Pimen - CU.

Listen to the guests - LS.

Pope speaks of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark's Throne Shekunda III - CU.

Listening to - MS.

Speaks Russian Patriarch Pimen - CU., LS., PNRM. for listeners

Icon "St.

Moscow» - MS.

Candles on the canon - CU.

Metropolitan Juvenal candle - MS.

Metropolitan Vladimir candle - MS.

Praying with candles - LS.

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh - MS.

Requiem - LS.

Icon of All Saints - MS., LS.

PNRM. a monument to the Monk Sergei Radonezh - LS.

Caption - CU.

PNRM. on the monument - CU.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Landscape with the Trinity-Sergius Lavra - LS., Hitting

Assumption Cathedral in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra - MS.

The dome of the Cathedral of the Assumption - CU.

Painting MV Nesterov "Monk Sergei» - MS., PNRM. bear

Trinity Church in Laurel - MS.

Painting MV Nesterov "Monk Sergius church building» - CU., Hitting

Spirits of the abbey church - MS.

Painting MV Nesterov "Monk Sergei» - MS., Hitting

View of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra - LS., MS.

Gates of Trinity-St - MS.

Trinity Gates.

Includes guests - LS.

Passes Catholicos of Georgia - MS.

Patriarch of Romania passes - MS.

Bulgarian Patriarch - LS.

Pass Catholics - MS.

Pass the Armenians - MS.

Watching people - CU.

Pass guests, PNRM. at Trinity Church - MS.

Temple of St.

Sergius - MS.

Local Council.

Prayer service - LS.

Praying Patriarch Pimen - MS.

PNRM. on the iconostasis - MS.

Prayer service before the local council - LS., PNRM. By Member

Patriarch Pimen prays (synchronous) - CU., Hitting

The participants of the Local Council - LS.

Archbishops - CU., Removed from the passage

Patriarch Pimen prays (synchronous) - CU.

Local Council - LS.

Patriarch blesses members of the Local Council - LS.

Departure from the emblem of the Holy Prince Vladimir's Bureau - MS.

PNRM. with the Holy Synod on the local council members - LS.

Address by the President of the Council for Religious Affairs of the USSR Council of Ministers KM Kharcheva - LS.

Listen to the guests - LS.

Kharchev hands folder Patriarch Pimen - MS.

Listening Metropolitans - CU.

PNRM. Acts Catholicos of All Georgia Ilia II - MS., LS.

Acts Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church - MS.

Listening to - MS.

Catholicos of Cilicia acts - MS.

Photographs father Nikolay Dmitriev - CU.

Acts Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England and Metropolitan, Dr.

Robert Runcie - LS., MS.

Speaker Metropolitan Filaret of Kiev (synchronous) - MS., LS.

PNRM. on the icon "The Baptism of Russia» - MS.

Speaker Metropolitan Filaret of Kiev (synchronous) - LS., PNRM.

Listening - LS., PNRM.

Speaker Metropolitan Filaret of Kiev (synchronous) - LS.

PNRM. by listening to the speaker Filaret (synchronous) - LS.

Photos: Patriarch Tikhon - CU.

Newsreel 1918-1929 gg.:

Destruction of churches - CU.

Blowing temples - MS.

The ruins of the temple - LS.

Photo: Ruined temples - CU.

Speaker Metropolitan Filaret of Kiev - MS.

PNRM. Listening to - MS.

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Speaker Metropolitan Filaret of Kiev - LS., PNRM. for listeners

Serves the Serbian Church - MS.

Speaker Metropolitan Bombay and Ankamaliysky Philippos Maar Teofilos - MS.

Acts Patriarch of Antioch and All the East Ignatius Maar Zakk first - MS.

Patriarch of the Assyrian Church serves the East Maar Dinh IV - MS.

Participants applauded the cathedral - LS ..


PNRM. with Assumption Cathedral in walking participants - MS.

PNRM. with a group of photographers to the participants and guests of the Cathedral - MS.

Guests talk Cathedral - MS.

Catholic talks with a Russian woman - CU.

PNRM. Talking guests Cathedral - CU.

Catholics talking to Orthodox priests - CU., PNRM.

Participants talk Cathedral - CU., MS.

PNRM. with domes of the Assumption Cathedral in the procession in robes - LS.

Looking women - CU.

Procession in robes - LS.

The procession goes to the porch - MS.

Procession metropolitans in robes - CU.

Sits synod - LS.

Archbishops sit in robes - MS.

Speaker Metropolitan Juvenal (synchronously) - MS.

Listening to - MS.

Speaker Metropolitan Juvenal (synchronously) - MS., LS., Departure

Iconostasis - LS.

PNRM., Make an icon of St.

Dmitry Donskoy - MS.

Icon on the lectern - MS.

PNRM. on the icon of St.

Dmitry - CU.

Nepryadva river at sunset - LS.

Monument of Kulikovo - MS.

PNRM. on the monument "Shield and Sword» - CU.

The image of St.

Dmitry - CU.

Bow members of canonization - MS.

Make an icon of St.


Andrei Rublev - MS., Hitting

Bows Metropolitan Juvenal and others - MS.

The image of St.

Andrew, PNRM. on the icon "Trinity» - CU.

PNRM. Andrei Rublev icon "Trinity» - MS.

Face of St.

Andrei Rublev - CU.

Icon of St.

Andrei Rublev transmit Patriarch Pimen - CU.

Patriarch blesses icon - MS.

People cross themselves - CU.

Make an icon of St.


Maxim the Greek - MS.

Cost synod - MS.

PNRM. The image of St.

Maxim the Greek - MS.

The book is an icon - CU., Hitting

PNRM. The image of St.

Maxim the Greek - CU., Departure

Dukhovsky Temple Holy Trinity-St - LS.

Participants watch the canonization - MS.

Make an icon of St.

Macarius the Metropolitan - MS., PNRM.

PNRM. Image of the Holy Metropolitan Macarius - CU.

Lives of the Saints - CU.

Image of the Holy Metropolitan Macarius - CU., Hitting

Baptized members of canonization - LS.

Make an icon of St.

Paisius Velichkovsky - MS.

The image of St.

Paisius - CU., PNRM.

Dobrotlyubie - CU.

The image of St.

Paisius - CU., Hitting

Baptized members of canonization - MS.

Patriarch Pimen blesses icon - MS.

Make an icon - MS.

Baptized members of canonization - MS.

The image of Blessed Xenia of St.

Petersburg - CU., Hitting

The interior of the chapel Xenia - LS.

Appearance of the chapel - LS.

The image of Xenia - MS., PNRM.

Look archbishops in robes - MS.

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Endure an icon of St.

Ignatius Brenchaninova - MS.

The moment of canonization - LS.

The image of St.

Ignatius Brenchaninova - CU., PNRM.

Compositions II Brenchaninova - CU., PNRM.

Face of St.

Ignatius Brenchaninova - CU.

Bishops baptized - MS.

Sneaked icon Reverend Elder Ambrose - CU.

Baptized Metropolitan Juvenal - MS.

PNRM. The image of the old man of St.

Ambrose - CU.

Optina - LS.

Graves near the church - MS.

Grave of Elder Ambrose - MS., Hitting

The image of Elder Ambrose - CU., Hitting

PNRM. Watching priests - MS.

The image of St.

Theophan the Recluse - CU.

Book-labor F. Recluse - CU.

The image of St.

Theophan - CU., PNRM.

Patriarch blesses icon and PNRM. Participants at the canonization - LS.

The dome of the Cathedral of the Assumption - MS.

Bus pass - CU.

Pass the guests with flowers - MS.

Guests come to church, PNRM. the cross - LS.

Guests at another church - LS.

Guests greet people - MS.

Guests - CU., PNRM. on People

Meeting at the Kaluga - LS.

Meeting the "bread-and-salt» - MS.

Belfry - LS.

Guests walk up the stairs to the temple - MS., LS.

PNRM. Church in Kaluga - MS.

Pass guests - MS.

Guests pictures at the launch - LS.

Looking women - MS.

Romanian Patriarch Teoctist part of the cloister (Yaroslavl Province) - MS.

PNRM. Guests in the ruined Tolga Monastery - LS.

Guests talking - LS.

Novice monastery with flowers - CU.

PNRM. the ruined monastery - MS.

Cathedral of the Trinity Lavra of St.

Sergius - MS., Hitting

The meeting of the Local Council - LS.

Speaker Metropolitan Vladimir of Rostov - MS.

Speaker Metropolitan Vladimir of Rostov (synchronously) - MS., CU.

Photo: Reception in the Kremlin - MS.

Speaker Metropolitan Vladimir of Rostov (synchronously) - CU.

PNRM. Cheering - CU.

Metropolitans Juvenile and Alexis - CU.

Listen to the priests - CU.

Speaker Metropolitan Vladimir of Rostov (synchronously) - CU.

PNRM. Cheering - MS.

PNRM. by listening to the speaker of Metropolitan Filaret of Minsk (synchronous) - LS.

PNRM. Listening to the cathedral - MS.

Acts Filaret of Minsk (synchronous) - CU.

PNRM. Listening to - MS.

Acts Filaret of Minsk (synchronous) - CU.

PNRM. Listening to - MS.

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

PNRM. Listening - CU.

Acts Filaret of Minsk (synchronous) - CU.

Listening - CU.

Acts Filaret of Minsk (synchronous) - CU.

Cheering - LS., PNRM.

Said Metropolitan Filaret of Kiev - MS.

All stand up and applaud - LS., PNRM.

Applaud standing - MS., LS.

Said Metropolitan Filaret of Kiev (synchronous) - MS.

PNRM. Far Caves Lavra - LS.

Applaud priests - CU.

Hitting the bell tower of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra - LS.

Candle - CU.

PNRM. Listening Metropolitans - CU.

Speaker Metropolitan Alexy of Leningrad and Novgorod (synchronous) - CU.

Listening to the priest - CU.

Speaker Metropolitan Alexy of Leningrad and Novgorod (synchronous) - CU., Taken from different points

PNRM. Listening - CU., MS., Removed from the movement

Photo: International Religious Conference in 1977 - different.

PNRM. by members of the Synod - CU.

Speaker Metropolitan Alexy of Leningrad and Novgorod (synchronous) - CU., MS.

Cheering - MS.

The meeting of the Local Council - LS.

Acts Archbishop Alexander of Dmitrov (synchronous) - LS., MS.

Listening - LS.

Procession of teachers and students of the Theological Academy - LS., MS.

Students enter the church - LS.

The dome of Trinity Cathedral - CU.

PNRM. The building of the Theological Academy - LS.

The building of the Theological Academy in Leningrad - LS.

Faculty council meeting - LS., MS.

The rector of the Theological Academy, Vladimir (synchronous) - CU.

Exam at the Theological Academy - LS.

Students write an essay - MS.

PNRM. Prayer service at the Academic Church - LS.

The icon of the Mother of God - CU.

Priest - CU.

PNRM. Applicants pray - CU ..


PNRM. Icon of St.

John the Divine - CU.

The Bible - CU.

Open Bible - CU.

Plate - CU.

Local Council - LS.

Speaker Metropolitan Pitirim (synchronous) - CU.

Listening - LS.

Speaker Metropolitan Pitirim (synchronous) - CU.

PNRM. Cheering - CU.

Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Acts Archpriest Leonid Kuzminov - LS., MS.

Museum of the Economic Department of the Moscow Patriarchate (HOZu) - LS.

PNRM. Products Sofrino factory - CU.

Hands machined crown - CU.

Machined cross hands on the Gospels - CU.

Working woman - CU.

Hands make incense - CU.

Panagia - CU.

PNRM. Printing press - CU.

Hands glued image - CU.

Construction of church buildings - MS., LS.

Restoration of the building - MS.

Dilapidated old-Golutvinsky Monastery - MS ..


Speech Father Leonid (Kuzminova) - MS., PNRM. the members of the Synod

PNRM. Cheering - LS.

Archbishop of Cyprus stands - MS.

Listening to Fr Vitaly Borovoy - CU.

Synod members take podarou - MS., CU.

Primate of the Old Catholic Church speaks Dutch Archbishop of Utrecht Dr.

Antonius Jan Glazemaker - CU.

Representative serves Ethiopian Church - LS.

Speaks Bulgarian Patriarch Maxim - MS.

Bulgarian Patriarch goes to the temple - LS.

The icon of St.

Alexander Nevsky - MS.

Liturgy, the Little Entrance - LS., Departure

Icon of St.

Cyril and Methodius - MS.

Liturgy at - LS., PNRM., Hitting

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Sofia - LS.

Monument to Alexander the Liberator - LS.

Russian Compound in Sofia - LS.

PNRM. Bulgarian Compound in Moscow - LS.

Metropolitan Vladimir of Rostov and Novocherkassk blesses icon - MS.

PNRM. with people in the acting Metropolitan Starozagorski Pancras - LS.

PNRM. Monument of military glory in Bulgaria - MS.

Memorial Church at Shipka - MS., Hitting

Local Council.

Speaker Metropolitan Filaret of Kiev - LS.

Listening to - MS.

Speaker Metropolitan Filaret of Kiev (synchronous) - MS., Hitting

PNRM. Priests stand at the memorial service for the fallen soldiers in Afghanistan-MS.

PNRM. with chandeliers on employees requiem - LS.

Subdeacon - CU.

Deacon censes Eve - MS.

Icons - MS.

PNRM. Cemetery - LS.

A portrait of the deceased on the monument - CU., Hitting

PNRM. on the monument to those killed in Afghanistan - CU.

Portraits of the dead on the monuments - CU.

Landscape, road - LS.

Clerics pray at the funeral - CU.

Celebration emblem depicting Prince Vladimir - CU.

Icon of St.

Paisius Velichkovsky - LS., Hitting

Speaks Romanian Patriarch Teoctist - MS.

Listening to - MS.

Romanian Patriarch gives icon - LS.

All baptized - LS.

The blessing of the icon - MS.

Acts Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada Theodosius - CU.

Washington, DC - LS.

Temple in Washington - LS.

Said Metropolitan Theodosius (synchronous) - CU.

American baptized - CU.

Output from the altar to vodosvyatie - MS.

Praying man - CU.

Priest - CU.

Metropolitan Theodosius makes vodosvyatie (synchronous) - CU.

Boy - CU.

Priest - CU.

PNRM. Icon of St.

Nicholas - MS.

Reel №7

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Temple in Washington - MS.

Passing cars, PNRM. at another church - MS.

Temples in America - MS., Hitting, PNRM.

Church of Three Saints in America - MS., Hitting

Service - LS., Shot through the glass doors

PNRM. Sunday school for American children - LS.

Boy sings - CU.

Baptized teacher - CU.

Children go to church - LS., Hitting

The girl says (simultaneously in English) - CU.

PNRM. Young people go to church - MS.

Says the man (simultaneously in English) - CU.


Tikhon's Monastery in Pennsylvania (USA) - MS.

Singing monks of St.

Tikhon's Monastery - CU ..


Archbishop blesses German - LS.

PNRM. Icon "The Baptism of Russia» - CU.

View of New York City - LS.


Nicholas Cathedral - MS.

Candles - CU.

Parishioners - MS.

Bishop Clement communion congregation - CU.

PNRM. Trees in the snow.

Winter view of New York City - CU.

View of the Trinity Lavra of St.

Sergius, hitting the Cathedral of the Assumption - CU.

By the Head of the Czech church, Metropolitan of Prague and all Czechoslovakia Dorofei - LS., Hitting

Listening to - MS.

The General Secretary of the Conference of European Churches Pastor Dr.

Jean Fisher - LS.

President of the World Alliance of Reformed Pastor Alan Buçaco - CU.

General Secretary of the World Methodist Council Dr.

Joe Heil - MS.

PNRM. Listen to the head of the churches - the guests of the Cathedral - MS.

Acts Archbishop of Tokyo, Metropolitan Theodosius over Japan - CU.

Listening to - MS.

The head of the Finnish Orthodox Church, Archbishop of Karelia and All Finland John - LS.

PNRM. Listening on the Local Council - LS.

Acts Archbishop Kirill of Smolensk and Vyazma - CU.

Writes Patriarch Pimen - CU.

The members of the Synod record amendments to the Charter - CU.

Vote of the cathedral - MS., PNRM.

Listen to the members of the Synod - MS.

Archbishop Cyril stands - LS.

PNRM. with Archbishop Kirill members of the Synod - MS.

PNRM. with members of the Synod on the cheering - LS.

Says Patriarch Pimen - LS.

PNRM. by listening - LS.

Patriarch ends speech, everyone stands up and applauds - LS ..

PNRM. on the chandelier

Patriarch blesses the local council - CU.

Expenses of the members of the Synod - MS.

PNRM. The members of the Local Council photographed for memory - LS.

Icon of the Savior - MS., Hitting

PNRM. The members of the Local Council photographed for memory - LS.

Movie №0

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