Peace to You, the Planet Earth! (1973)

Movie №7365, 6 parts, Duration: 0:53:32
Vermisheva E.
Camera operators:
Dobronickiy V., Kasatkin P., Kiselev V., Krylov A., Kuzminskiy S., Monglovskaya G., Myakishev G., Fedyaev E., Filatov I., Khodyakov V.
Text authors:
Kamynin L.
Flyarkovskiy A.
Khmara L.


A film about the World Peace-Loving Forces Congress.


City of Moscow.
The meeting in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses of the World Congress of Peace Forces.
Congress delegates welcomed the representatives of the Komsomol.
Speakers: Leonid Brezhnev, UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim, the delegates: R. Chandra (India), OB Allende (Chile), G. Fuchikova (Czechoslovakia), K. Minon (India), , AK, Karim (Palestine), M. Tuominen (Finland), the patriarch Pimen (USSR), S. McBride, Noel-Baker (UK), B. Cabral (Guinea-Bissau), S. Rostotsky, A. Sheriff (Iraq), HM El Din (Israel), G. Titov and others.
Press Conference at the International Press Center.
Closing session of Congress.
Vice-President of the Congress M. Zimyanin read the communiqué of the Congress. MYAKISHEV, E. Fedyaev, IV Filatov,

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Earth - LS. (Top point).

Clouds - LS.

Arable land - LS.

Waterfall - MS., PNRM.

Palm trees on the beach - LS., PNRM.

Rural landscape with river - LS., PNRM.

Feather in the desert - CU.

Man goes through the grain - CU.

Sunset - MS., CU.

The girl's face - CU., PNRM.

Seagulls over the sea - LS. (Summer).


Explosions, collapsing house - LS.

Israeli military aircraft flying - CU.

Burning houses in the Middle East are dead - LS., MS.

Military actions in Cambodia - are crumbling house; children cry - LS., CU.

The police dispersed a demonstration in Northern Ireland, on the street beaten spend the first Irishman - LS., PNRM.

Police officers with dogs on the streets of Angola and Mozambique, the police beat up black men. black woman complains to the police, the police are arrested black men. lies dead man - LS., MS.

The World Festival of Youth and Students in Berlin come with the stadium in the city of Berlin - CU. (Summer).

Elderly Arabs - CU.

A man with a hoe on his shoulder - CU.

black woman passes on the street - CU.

The girl's face, the face of the old Vietnamese - CU.

Ruined city of Vietnam - LS.

Sculptures of prisoners at Buchenwald - MS., PNRM.

Demonstration of the festival of youth on the streets of Berlin in support of Boria-ing the people of Cambodia, Greece, Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, and others - boys and de-traps with posters in the streets of Berlin - MS., CU. (Summer).

Moscow, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the flowers on the grave, the grave of the couple - CU., MS.

The eternal flame at the tomb - CU. (Winter).

October 25, 1973: Delegates of the World Peace Congress to pass the building NIJ Kremlin Palace - MS., CU.

Palace of Congresses - LS.

Delegates in the lobby of the Palace - LS.

The delegates in the meeting room CDS, all stand up, applaud - LS., CU.

The presidium of the congress leaders of international and national organizations and movements, and peace activists - LS.

In the box CDN honorary guests of the Congress - the leaders of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Soviet government: Leonid Brezhnev, NV Podgorny, Kosygin, AA-to Thunders, DS Polyansky, K. T .

Mazurov, BN Ponomorev; AY Pelshe; FD Kulakov and others - LS.

Chairperson of the Executive Committee of the International Preparatory Committee Romesh Chandra (synchronously) - CU., MS.

Men listening to the R. Chandra on TV - CU.

Listen to the Hall of the Palace - MS., LS., CU.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Congress delegates in the hall of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses - LS.

Newsreel 1958:

Stockholm Appeal - CU., PNRM.

Stockholm Congress delegates Disarmament sign the appeal - MS.

Writers Fadeev and Tikhonov sign the appeal - CU., MS.

Residents of various cities around the world signed the Appeal; Soviet workers (in the shop of the plant) will sign a proclamation, books with signatures transmitted to the Presidency the Stockholm Congress - LS., MS.

Congress delegates in the hall of CDS - LS., MS., CU.

In the hall of the Palace of Congresses are Komsomol groups, receives flowers congress delegates and delivers greetings to the congress delegates (synchronous) - MS., LS.

The logo of the Congress over the stage DPT - CU.

Badges Congress on posters and flags in the streets of Moscow - MS., CU.

Members of Congress visited the textile mill "Tryokhgornaya Manufacture" - delegates in the shop talking to factory workers; girls - weaver pinned icons delegates there - MS., CU.

The rally on Moscow street named after Salvador Allende - LS., CU.

Allende's widow - OB de Allende at the rally - CU.

The plaque on the wall of a building, a street sign - CU.

OB de Allende speaks at the Congress (synchronously in Spanish) - MS.

Listen to the Hall, crying Hindu - CU.

A minute of silence in memory of S. Allende Chile and all the patriots who died at the hands of torturers - is the Bureau, are members of Congress - LS., CU.

Photo: Chilean patriots imprisoned - CU.; Shooting Chilean workers - CU.


Police burn paper in the street - MS., CU.

Palacio de la Moneda, a bullet shattered the glass palace, the streets of Santiago, murder in the streets, the swastika on the streets of Santiago - MS., PNRM.

Pass through the streets of demonstrators with placards «Viva Chili» - MS., CU.

Photo Allende - CU.

Hall of DPT, the Tribune, a tape recording of voice sounds Allende, the participants attention relatively listen - MS., CU.

Congress delegates are the snowy Red Square mausoleum in all Le Nina, members of Congress lay a wreath at the Mausoleum, held in the Mausoleum - MS., CU.

Animation: Decree of the world - CU.; Portrait of Lenin - CU.

Reel №3

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In the Kremlin's Sverdlov Hall Academician DV Skobeltsin, chairman of the International Lenin Prize, presents diplomas and badges winners of the International Lenin Prize for Strengthening Peace Among Peoples: Eugénie Cotton, writer AE Korneichuk etc. - MS., LS.

Pablo Neruda after the award - MS.

Awarding International Lenin Peace Prize Brezhnev - D. Skobelev-ching presents Brezhnev badge and diploma of the winner and congratulates him - MS.

When awarding present: FD Kulakov, Gromyko, Mikhail Suslov, NV sub-mountain, Kosygin, AA Grechko, KT Mazurov, M. S. Solomentsev etc. - MS.

Evening session of Congress on October 26 - the general view of the hall filled with delegates - LS.

Brezhnev sent to the podium, standing room greets him - LS., MS.

LI Brezhnev makes a speech about peace policy of the Soviet Union, the program-me world, adopted at the 24th Party Congress, the peaceful coexistence of states with different social systems (synchronous) - MS., CU.

The delegates in the hall listening, applauding - LS., MS.

Reel №4

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Brezhnev continued speech at the conference, said the challenges put forward to the front of the struggle for the strengthening of peace, on how to address pressing global problems (settlement of the present conflict in an equitable way, to stop the nuclear arms race, etc.) (synchronous ) - MS., CU.

Present in the room and the Bureau of standing applause - MS., LS.

Press center for foreign journalists in the hotel "Intourist", correspondents ne chat messages on machines for their newspapers of LI Brezhnev's speech - MS., CU.

The people at the newsstand, foreign newspapers with a speech by Leonid Brezhnev: Polish "Trybuna Ludu", "New York Times", the Czechoslovak newspaper - CU.

KDS Hall during the congress - LS.

With an expression of gratitude to Brezhnev on behalf of the Congress is the general secretary of the United Nations Association of the World G. Perera (simultaneously in English) - MS.

Impressions on paper, LI Brezhnev share Gusta Fuchikova (synchronously in Russian) statesman of India Krishna Menon (simultaneously in Hindi)-sky Palestinian poet Abdul Karim Karmi (simultaneously in a foreign language), winner of the Lenin Peace Prize Mirjam Tuominen ( simultaneously in Finnish) - CU. (Shot in the foyer of IMR).

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Moscow - LS. (From left).

The discussions in the committees of the Congress - the delegates to give speeches, talk to each other by God - MS.

Column Hall of the House of Unions - MS.

Meeting of the committee on peaceful coexistence and international security, the commission speeches are: a delegate from Nigeria Oka, President of the International Federation of War Veterans, the delegate from the United States Kupper, English Life-Rist, Nobel Laureate Philip Noel-Baker (synchronous) - MS.

On the sidelines playing Russian Patriarch Pimen (synchronous) - CU.

Talking of the panellists' social progress and human rights »- MS.

Meeting of the Commission on "social progress and human rights" in the conference - hall CMEA - LS.

A report on the outcome of the commission serves vice president of the Congress, one, leaders of the organization "Amnesty International" Sean McBride (synchronous) - MS., LS.

Red Room Cinema "Charge", where the meeting of the Commission on the national liberation movement and the struggle against colonialism and racism - LS., MS.

Delegate acts of Congress, the representative of one of the African countries - CU.

Guinea - Bissau (landscape) - MS.

Cost guerrilla detachment, are soldiers, led by the legendary Amilcar Cabral, later killed by Portuguese mercenaries - LS., MS.

During the session with a speech about the atrocities of the Portuguese colonizers acts of-State Commissioner of Guinea - Bissau Vasco Karbala (simultaneously in Guinean language) - CU.

Remainder of colonialism in Latin America, said one delegate from Latin American countries (simultaneously in Spanish) - MS.

Romesh Chandra Commission Bureau - MS.

Congress delegate director SI Rostotsky said on the sidelines of the consequences of the war in E nuvshey (synchronous) - CU.


Ruined cities of Europe - LS., PNRM.

On behalf of the Liberal Youth of Germany with the approval of the policy of peaceful coexistence The delegates of Germany (synchronously in German) - CU.

At the meeting of the committee on the Middle East are: Minister of State for Iraq's Aziz Sherif (synchronous) - CU.; Known public figure Palestine Khaled Mohi El Din (synchronously) - MS.

Faces of women of different nationalities - MS.

Black woman from Mozambique, with a baby in her arms, as a partisan - MS.

The commission acts on Indochina predstavitelitsa of the front of the National Liberation of South Vietnam with a story about the fate of seven year old boy Le Tong, who spent three years in prison (4-years) (synchronously in Vietnamese) - MS., CU.

Women in the audience carefully Lusha - MS., CU.

Le Tong boy walking, working in the garden (the soft earth under a tree), has dinner at the table - MS., CU.


Vietnamese prisons, children and mothers in prison - MS., LS.

The commission acts Hero Soveskogo Union cosmonaut Titov speech on Vietnam (synchronously) - MS.

Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Members of the Palestinian delegation to hand out leaflets calling for ensuring the legitimate rights of the Arab people of Palestine, the delegates with leaflets in hand, composer D. Kaba-Levski considering flyer - MS., LS., CU.

A meeting of solidarity with the Arab peoples in the club Institute.

Kurchatov, youth with posters in the hall - LS ..


Press center for foreign journalists in the hotel "Intourist", the journalists at the press center - CU.

A press conference at the press center - LS., MS.

At the press conference is Romesh Chandra - CU., PNRM.

Moscow - LS.

Kremlin Palace of Congresses - LS.

Congress delegates on the sidelines, writer Tikhonov talks with delegates, delegate-artist draws a woman, a man with a pipe draws - CU.

Delegates at the Palace stood applauding, clapping presidium - LS., MS., PNRM.

Vice - President of the Congress, Sean McBride reads from the podium, "Call of the World Congress of Peace Forces» - MS.

Listen to the delegates to the congress - MS.

Vice - President of the Congress, Mikhail Zimyanin communiqué reads Congress - CU.

Closing remarks to the delegates of the congress appeals R. Chandra - CU.

Delegates applauded standing, holding hands, chanting slogans - MS., CU.

Sky, sloping field, combines the field, is the farmer - LS., CU.

Faces of boys and girls of different nationalities - CU.

Children run through the water, seagulls soar - MS.

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