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Newsreel of the great Patriotic war 1941-1945

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:48, Published 12/23/2019 1:18:40 PM

Scene №1 Newsreel of the great Patriotic war

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The soldiers of the Moscow division of the national militia make Hiking March during maneuvers, it takes a brass band.

Divisions division on the March.

The soldiers of the Leningrad people's militia in the ranks.

The division of the red army on the March during the counter-offensive at Moscow in late 1941 - early 1942.

View of front road.

Unloading evacuees and s the siege of Leningrad women and children of sanitary cars.

The soldier puts the girl to the cart.


Места съемки:

USSR [863] Moscow region [788] Ukraine [229] Slovakia [198]

Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:47, Published 5/5/2021 4:08:26 PM

Scene №1 Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War

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Места съемки:

Moscow region [788] Ukraine [229] USSR [863] Berlin [821]

withstand Moscow 1941

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:02, Published 6/27/2016 7:03:44 PM

Scene №1 withstand Moscow


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Types of the Moscow Kremlin and the Kremlin wall.

Freight and passenger cars on the streets of Moscow.

The traffic controller at an intersection.

Duty calculations in anti-aircraft guns at the position in one of Moscow parks.

Tram passes anti-snow-covered structures.

Panorama of one of the anti-structures.

The street is mobilized column.

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Trucks passing through the intersection, go down the street.

People at the entrance to the cinema is considered a poster, demonstration of newsreel announces military parade November 7, 1941.

People stand in line at the newsstand, buy newspapers.

A man reads a message about the failure of the German offensive on Moscow.

People considered "TASS Windows" - posters with caricatures of Hitler, fragments of cartoons, TASS employees hang a new banner.

Места съемки:

Moscow [820]

Battle for Moscow. The Unknown War №2 1979

Movie, 6 parts, Duration: 0:49:03, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM


The second film of the epic is about a battle for the city of Moscow in winter of 1941-1942.


Firefighters extinguish a fire. Hitler in a plane, a map. German soldiers were shot from a cannon, ferried across the River. 3h. - Says Zhukov. Military Moscow; barricades in the streets, urchins, etc., issue of weapons of the militia. Defense Tula. 4h. - The funeral of General Panfilov: coffin lowered into<br/>Nov. 7, 1941: are soldiers, says Stalin. Hitler and others visiting the soup kitchen, tanks passing mark by 27 km (from Moscow). 5h. - Zhukov at the map. The Soviet counter-offensive: fleeing German soldiers, fighting in the city, fire, people welcomed the Soviet troops. 6h. - Destruction of the German


Firefighters extinguish a fire. Hitler in a plane, a map. German soldiers were shot from a cannon, ferried across the River. 3h. - Says Zhukov. Military Moscow; barricades in the streets, urchins, etc., issue of weapons of the militia. Defense Tula. 4h. - The funeral of General Panfilov: coffin lowered into<br/>Nov. 7, 1941: are soldiers, says Stalin. Hitler and others visiting the soup kitchen, tanks passing mark by 27 km (from Moscow). 5h. - Zhukov at the map. The Soviet counter-offensive: fleeing German soldiers, fighting in the city, fire, people welcomed the Soviet troops. 6h. - Destruction of the German

Reel №2

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Newsreel - train arrives, the Germans were at the station.

Germans get bread.

Murdered soldiers burning tank, shoot guns, explosions, wounded Soviet soldiers.

Military Moscow - An iconic tram rides.

Pushkin monument, stratospheric balloon in the sky, loudspeakers, anti-aircraft guns.

Air raid, people run to the shelter, the people in the shelter, the empty streets.

People down the escalator in the metro.

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Dogfight in the skies over Moscow.

People sleeping on the subway.

Fired anti-aircraft guns.

Work in the factories: shops, women do grenades and shells.

The consequences of an air raid on Moscow - Firefighters extinguish by fever, burning building, a passing car "first aid", the wounded, firing anti-aircraft guns, destroyed the building.

Children on the streets collecting shells.

Downed German planes.

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Caricature of Hitler.

Hitler is flying in an airplane, arrives on the Eastern Front.

Hitler at the map.

German offensive near Moscow - are the soldiers going military equipment, fly planes.

German guns firing, moving tanks, the German soldiers crossing the river.

Burning houses.

Are wounded Soviet soldiers, explosions, are soldiers.

Reel №1


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Newsreel - Moscow.

PNRM. the Kremlin (the plane).

The time on the roof.

Defensive barricades in the streets of Moscow.

Seeing the soldiers at the front.

Military train departs, an orchestra.

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The pre-war life - Moscow, flower shop, cars on the streets, the children on the carousel, a cafe on the street selling flowers.

Grand Theatre - dancing Galina Ulanova.

Summer 1941 - German offensive: explosions, are the German tanks, military vehicles passing.

Military Moscow - the streets, the people are placed bags.

Driven balloons.

Women dig barrage strengthening.

People to read the ruling.


Reel №5


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On a city street riding tanks, are skiers.

Zhukov at the telegraph.

Kalinin Front commander, General Konev.

The Soviet offensive: shooting guns, explosions.

General Rokossovsky and others.

Flying German planes drop bombs, explosions on the ground.

Riding tanks, infantry running, fly planes, fight.


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Residents meet soldiers-liberators.

Pass the guerrillas.

The rally in the liberated city.

Flying planes, shooting guns, riding tanks, fleeing soldiers - the Soviet offensive.

Destroyed homes, residents are saving a burning grain.

The Beginning Of the End 1973

Movie, 3 parts, Duration: 0:30:56, Black-white, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM


The narration of the first months of the war of the Soviet Union with the Hitler-time Germany, about the Battle for Moscow.

Reel №2


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Leningrad, Neva - LS.

German newsreel of 1941-1945.:

Pass the smiling German soldiers - MS.

The Kremlin, Moscow - MS., LS.

Hitler stands - CU.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Anti-aircraft guns in the square at the Bolshoi Theatre - MS.

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Moscow, Red Square - LS.

The soldier at the guns on the roof looking through binoculars - LS.

Balloon on Pushkin Square - LS.

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Sentry guns - MS.

Patrol near the Bolshoi Theater - LS.

The military are carrying balloons - LS.

Moscow street military - MS. (With us).

Pass recruits - MS.

Passing freight tram - LS.

PNRM. with a female battalion commander.


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Street of the city - LS.

Muscovites reading resolution - MS.

Animation: "Pravda" newspaper, the NDP on the newspaper "Enter October 20, 1941 in

Moscow and the surrounding areas of the city siege »- CU. (With collisions).

City Under Siege - LS.

Issuing uniforms recruits - MS.

Soldiers raise gun - MS.


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Photo: Soldier - MS. (With collisions).

Photo: another soldier - CU. (With collisions).

Photo: another soldier - CU. (With collisions).

Moscow - LS.

Photo: V. pilot Talalikhin - MS.

Locators - MS.

Searchlight beams - LS.


Reel №3


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Woman kissing a man - CU.

Man kisses a child - CU.

Are women and a man - MS.

On the wall plate with the NDP "Solnechnogorsk city Soviets, Moscow Region.» - LS.

PNRM. at the man.

A man washes a window - MS.

Women bear card - MS., PNRM.


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German prisoners - MS., PNRM., LS.

Pass the Soviet troops and military equipment - MS., PNRM., LS.

The Kremlin, Moscow - LS.

Passage of German prisoners on the streets of Moscow - LS.

Looking woman - CU.

Held captive German generals - MS., PNRM.

Looking women - CU.

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German prisoners spend in Moscow - MS., PNRM., LS.

German prisoners spend on the bridge - LS.

Broken German military equipment - MS., PNRM., LS. (The plane).


Reel №1


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People at the memorial - LS.

Monument - LS.

Newsreel 30's.:

Streets of Moscow - LS., MS. (From the window).

Grand Theatre - LS. (The gate).

Mason lays bricks - MS.

Bricklayer at work - LS.

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Moscow Street - LS., PNRM.

Carousel - LS.

The girl on the carousel - MS.

Smiling girl - CU.

Girl with flowers - MS.

Smiling girl - CU.

Smiling boy - CU.


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Woman serves baby - MS.

Woman with child - MS.

Newsreel 1939-1941.:

The Kremlin, Moscow - LS.

Out of the plane Ribbentrop - LS., MS.

Photo: The Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union - CU., PNRM., Hitting.

Animation: pass Ribbentrop, then freeze.


Soviet artillery in the great Patriotic war 1941-1945

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:08, Published 9/24/2019 2:07:54 PM

Scene №1 Soviet artillery in the great Patriotic war

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Soviet artillery battery firing at the enemy during the counteroffensive at Moscow in December 1941.

The loading of guns.

The face of the gun commander issuing the command.

Volley battery of 152-mm guns.

Rotate the tower German heavy tank "Tiger".

The face of a German tanker.

German heavy tanks are firing.


Marshal Zhukov talks about the Battle of Moscow 1969

Movie, 6 parts, Duration: 0:52:57, Published 1/22/2014 8:47:52 AM

Reel №1

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Moscow region.

Movement of the car.

Zhukov was driving the car.

Cottage GK.


Present: Zhukov, K. Simonov, N. Pavlenko, a member of the film crew Nikolayev.

Zhukov talks about the Battle of Moscow, answers questions KMSimonov.


Movie №1 Marshal Zhukov talks about the Battle of Moscow.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Shooting 08/06/1966.

Moscow region.

Movement of the car.

Zhukov was driving the car.

Cottage Zhukov.

Present: Zhukov, K. Simonov, N. Pavlenko, a member of the film crew Nikolayev.

Zhukov talks about the Battle of Moscow, answers questions KMSimonov.


Serve my Homeland №1 17.12.2006 2006

Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:02, Published 12/12/2023 3:45:21 PM

Reel №1

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Места съемки:


Moscow Strikes Back 1965

Movie, 6 parts, Duration: 0:58:04, Black-white, Published 11/14/2012 1:00:00 AM


City of Moscow. October 1941. Kremlin. Red Square. Sverdlov Square. Gorky Street. Residents are preparing to defend the city: build barricades, fortifications on the streets and on the outskirts of the city. Record volunteer militia, obtaining weapons, uniforms. Making rounds at a defense plant, machines<br/>Speech by Stalin at the microphone (synchronously). The movement of infantry, tanks, cavalry, skiers, motorized infantry on city streets. Defenses. Moscow region. October 1941 - January 1942. Fighting infantry, artillery, cavalry, aircraft, tanks, the movement of the Red Army. Generals: PA Belov, IV Boldin<br/>Mikhailov and other towns of Moscow region. Fighting in the Armed Forces of Germany. The terrorist and the punitive actions of the German troops. The destroyed and burned houses, killed, shot by Red Army soldiers and civilians, orphans, destroyed: New Jerusalem Monastery (Moscow region), the House-Museum


City of Moscow. October 1941. Kremlin. Red Square. Sverdlov Square. Gorky Street. Residents are preparing to defend the city: build barricades, fortifications on the streets and on the outskirts of the city. Record volunteer militia, obtaining weapons, uniforms. Making rounds at a defense plant, machines<br/>Speech by Stalin at the microphone (synchronously). The movement of infantry, tanks, cavalry, skiers, motorized infantry on city streets. Defenses. Moscow region. October 1941 - January 1942. Fighting infantry, artillery, cavalry, aircraft, tanks, the movement of the Red Army. Generals: PA Belov, IV Boldin<br/>Mikhailov and other towns of Moscow region. Fighting in the Armed Forces of Germany. The terrorist and the punitive actions of the German troops. The destroyed and burned houses, killed, shot by Red Army soldiers and civilians, orphans, destroyed: New Jerusalem Monastery (Moscow region), the House-Museum

Reel №6

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On the roads passing Soviet tank Soviet soldiers are dressed in camouflage - MS.

The inscription "So look around Moscow Earth after defeating the Nazis at the gates of the capital."

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The road after the bombing, the broken machine, military equipment, weapons, weapons abandoned by the Germans - are different.

Germans killed - CU.

Nazi plane in the snow - CU., MS., PNRM.

Graveyard of dead Germans near Moscow - LS.

Crosses - CU., PNRM.

Killed on the battlefield - LS.

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Passing car - CU., PNRM.

Battlefield (the plane) - LS., MS.

The inscription "Country proudly recognize the brilliant victory of the heroic Red Army, crashed near Moscow German troops."

Moscow: are residents (winter) - MS.

Waiting in line for the newspapers - CU.

Newspaper article with the headline "In the last hour» - CU.

The meeting at the factory - LS.


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The troops of General Konev come to Kalinin.

General Konev - CU.

Konev other captains - MS.

Is on the offensive infantry.

Part generals Maslennikov and Yushkevich knock the enemy out of the city.

Command post - LS.

General Maslennikov - CU.


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Soviet attacks - LS.

Fighting in the streets Mozhaisk - LS., MS.

Are tanks - LS.

Caption: "January 20, our troops occupied the city Mozhaisk - the last stronghold of the Nazi hordes in the Moscow region» - LS.

In the streets of liberated city passing motorcyclists, cars and infantry - LS., MS.

Residents of the city from the machine distribute newspapers - LS., MS.

On the wall hung a banner reading: "From the people's revenge did not go to the enemy!".


Reel №3

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Caption: "December 6, 1941, the Red Army, wear down the enemy in previous battles, went over to the offensive."

Soviet troops counterattack near Moscow.

Soviet artillery in action, gun firing at the enemy soldiers charged guns - different.

Explosions - MS.

Balloon in the air - MS.

Signalman in the talks on the phone - MS.

Troops under the command of General Rokossovsky pursue tank and infantry divisions of the enemy, go to Istria, tank run to the tanks, get in tanks, tanks attacked.


Reel №2

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Caption: "Day and night, Moscow forged weapons for victory."

Production of weapons in the shops of the plant - LS.

Women and adolescents work in the shops of the plant at the bench, in the assembly minutes.

Mines on the line - MS., LS.

Wiping shells - MS.

Moscow (evening) - LS. (Top point).

Beams of searchlights in the dark sky - LS.


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Soviet soldiers at the guns, firing at the enemy anti-aircraft guns, guns - different.

Passing freight train, carrying the front boxes of ammunition - LS.

Caption: "About eighty divisions threw Hitler to storm the Red capital."

Defensive battles near Moscow - firing positions in the winter forest - LS., PNRM.

Soviet artillery, machine gun fire on enemy positions, charge the gun, shoot - different.

The explosion in the woods - MS.

Run over soldiers in camouflage overalls - MS., LS.


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Are German prisoners - LS.

German prisoners - MS., CU., PNRM.

German prisoner, his clothes - CU., PNRM.

Caption: "In the battle for Moscow forged Guard combat of World War II, are born fighters and commanders - illustrious virtue, the law which - victory!"

Awarding of soldiers at the front - different.

Awards - LS.

Presenting the Guards Banner 1st Cavalry Corps.


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Troopers with banner passing village - LS.

Caption: "The best sons of the Soviet people are going to defend his native Moscow."

Pass the troops sent to the front: the bridge is the cavalry rides heavy artillery, war horse carriages pass units of Red Army troops in camouflage suits.

Caption: "Day after day, bleeding, the Nazis still crawl to Moscow, they amuse the idea that close to the Moscow suburbs."

Soviet Command is developing a plan counterattack (Zhukov and others) - MS.

The pilots of the military unit dismantled military buildings - LS.

Aircraft at the airport - different.


Two mothers 1971

Movie, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:55, Published 3/13/2018 3:57:36 PM

Reel №1


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View of the demonstration in Madrid (above).

People at the rally throw leaflets.

Fortus is sitting at his typewriter.

Photo of Florian as a young man, before leaving Moscow for Spain.

Newsreel 1936-1938: residents of a Spanish city escape from the bombing.

People go down to the bomb shelter.

A man with a child in his arms runs across the street.


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Soviet anti-aircraft gunners fire at the plane, the plane breaks out.

Battles for Stalingrad in the summer of 1942, alternated with photos of R. Ibarruri.

Street battles in the city, portrait of D. Ibarruri.

Soviet artillery fires during a counteroffensive near Stalingrad.

The corpses of German soldiers.

Attack of the Soviet infantry.

View of a column of captured German soldiers.


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