You found 13125 newsreels for query "Generals and war heroes"

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Always Invincible 1992

Movie, 3 parts, Duration: 0:28:28, Published 11/10/2012 12:26:58 AM


Rector of Protection Church in
Dedovichi Pskov region and conducts classes for children in Sunday school on the life and exploits of the Russian general Alexander Nevsky.


Rector of Protection Church in
Dedovichi Pskov region and conducts classes for children in Sunday school on the life and exploits of the Russian general Alexander Nevsky.

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NPL Order of Alexander Nevsky

DA says Odoev (synchronous) - MS.

In the park are war veterans - LS., PNRM.

Are war veterans - MS., PNRM.

Child - CU., PNRM.

PNRM. on the monument "The Battle of Lake Peipus» - CU., departure

Peipsi - LS., PNRM.


Boris Safonov 1976

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:34, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM


The film is about life and deeds of arms of Boris Safonov, Twice Hero of the Soviet Union. The film is made together with the training studio of the All-Russian State Film Institute.


A film about aviation regiment commander of the Northern Fleet during World War II, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, BV Safronov, who died in battle in 1942, Tula village Sinyavino, was born and spent his childhood years BV Safronov. Photos BV Safronov for different years. Monument BV Safronov in his


A film about aviation regiment commander of the Northern Fleet during World War II, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, BV Safronov, who died in battle in 1942, Tula village Sinyavino, was born and spent his childhood years BV Safronov. Photos BV Safronov for different years. Monument BV Safronov in his

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Various photos B. Safonov, his military friends (A. Kovalenko, PA Redkova) British pilots who fought with Soviet soldiers, families Safonov (wife and son) - Various.

About Boris Safonov told his countrymen A. Kovalenko and PA are rare (synchronously) - MS., CU.

Waves northern landscape - LS., MS.

Pilots in the navigation map (every year on 30 May - the day of death Safonov - a place of death of the hero flying pilots), sailors from the ship is lowered into the sea wreath, on the monument B. Safonov plane flies - different.

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Monument (bronze bust) pilot Boris Safonov - Twice Hero of the Soviet Union in his homeland (pp.

Senyavin Tula region), mother Safonov - MS., CU.

Odnoselchanka Safonov MF Vorobyov talks about his childhood Safonov (synchronously) - MS., CU.

Report on the village, scenery, singing the chorus of villagers (synchronous) - Various.

Sailing vessel named the B. Safonov - LS., MS.

B. Safonov photos of different years, photographs of Soviet aircraft, crashed German plane, pilot Boki - student Safonov - different., PNRM.

Passing trains the Boris Safonov, talking to the guys (tells Safonov) Safonov classmate at school, trade schools at the station "Tula" (synchronous) - Various.


On the Steep Wave Of Time 1987

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:34, Published 4/15/2014 4:49:04 AM


The film tells about the first Chief of Naval General Staff of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Fleet EA Behrens


of Naval General Staff of the Workers and Peasants' Red Fleet officer of the tsarist navy EA Behrens. Naval Museum. Sea Cadet Corps, college students are. Ships at sea. Photography. Cruiser "Varangian". Newsreel. Events of the revolution of 1917 in Petrograd. Admiralty. The First World War. Intervention


of Naval General Staff of the Workers and Peasants' Red Fleet officer of the tsarist navy EA Behrens. Naval Museum. Sea Cadet Corps, college students are. Ships at sea. Photography. Cruiser "Varangian". Newsreel. Events of the revolution of 1917 in Petrograd. Admiralty. The First World War. Intervention

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Hands apart the rifle - LS. plans.

Sailors with shells - MS. plans.

Trains leave - MS., LS. plans.

Announcement of a set in a sailor's troops for the Civil War - CU. plans, PNRM.

Photo: men, groups with a banner, another group, the men with a gun (multrabota) - CU. plans.

House - CU. plans, PNRM., hit a plaque.

Ship - CU. plans for departure.


A Shot at Oneself 1989

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:16:10, Published 11/10/2012 1:05:52 AM


About Lieutenant General S.M. Krylov, who headed the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1974-1979 .

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A picture of Lieutenant General S.M. Krylov, Head of the Academy of the USSR Ministry of the Internal Affairs in 1974-1979.

A panorama of Krylov’s office.

A panorama of the office where Sergey Krylov shot himself.

A picture: S.M. Krylov and the USSR Minister of the Internal Affaifs N.A. Shchelkov,.

L.A. Voznesenskiy (Krylov’s subordinate?) is speaking about S.M. Krylov at Krylov’s funeral feast.

S.M. Krylov is conducting classes at the Academy of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs (MIA).

S.M. Krylov is standing at the map; making a speech at a Scientific Council Meeting.


Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov [Faith, Hope, Love] 2003

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:47, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM


About women - veterans of the the Great Patriotic War (Soviet people's participation in World War II in 1941-1945): A.G.Gavrilova, R.V.Kuvaldina and L.N.Perestoronina.

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Women veterans at New Year's party - MS., PNRM.

Said the boy in the children's sanatorium was

Kirov (synchronously) - MS.

Says ZP Moshonkin in the museum of military glory Kirov city club of war veterans (synchronous) - MS.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Soviet soldiers shoot - MS.

Soviet soldier shoots - MS.


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Kremlin tower with clock - CU.

Soviet soldiers with anti-aircraft guns on the roof - LS.

On the streets of Moscow driven balloons - LS.

People on the streets of Moscow during the war - LS.

On the streets of Moscow driven balloons - LS.

Balloons in the air - MS.

Spotlights over Moscow - MS.


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Museum of Battle Glory of the Kirov city club of war veterans - MS., PNRM. with exhibits on stand ZP Moshonkin and other female veteran.

The museum of military glory says LV Marchenko (synchronous) - MS.

ZP Moshonkin and another woman is considered a veteran in the museum of the photo album - MS., PNRM. at the exhibits.

Tea in Kirov club war veterans, including women veterans with their baking - MS., PNRM.

Women veterans at a tea party at the club veterans - MS., PNRM.

AG Gavrilov and others at the table - MS.

Chairman of the City Council of Veterans ES Zhuikov congratulates women veterans with the new year (synchronous) - MS., PNRM.


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Down guerrillas out boy - MS.

The boy comes to the commander of the guerrilla unit - LS.

The commander of the guerrilla group awards boy - CU.

Plate with the NDP in German and Russian, "Ambulance war» - CU., PNRM. the corpses.

Soviet soldiers treated the corpses in the snow - MS.

The corpse of a soldier in the snow - CU.

Corpses in the snow - CU., PNRM.


By Roads of Memory 1979

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:48, Black-white, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM

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Photos of Lily Litvyak: children, with his brother, the military, the aircraft and the other - different.

Photos of pilots, 30-40's - Various.

Newsreel 30's.:

Meeting pilots heroes go machine, flying flyers classes at the flying club, pilots on the airfield; takeoff, the aircraft in the air.

The former aircraft technician IV Pasportnikova tells LA Litvyak (synchronous) - MS. (Moscow).

Orlov's Soldiers 1985

Movie, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:26, Published 11/10/2012 12:57:37 AM


during the Civil War(a multi-sided conflict that took place within the borders of the former Russian Empire following the collapse of the Russian Provisional Government and the Bolshevik takeover of Petrograd in 1918-1922) and the Great Patriotic War (Soviet people's participation in World War II in 1941-1945)


Tank - a gift to soldiers from MI Orlova (monument). 1.3 hours - Family History Orlov. F. M. Orlov - the storming of the Winter Party and the Civil War. The train with the soldiers before being sent to the front. Voroshilov, and Stalin on the tribune of the Mausoleum. 2 hours - Record of volunteers to


Tank - a gift to soldiers from MI Orlova (monument). 1.3 hours - Family History Orlov. F. M. Orlov - the storming of the Winter Party and the Civil War. The train with the soldiers before being sent to the front. Voroshilov, and Stalin on the tribune of the Mausoleum. 2 hours - Record of volunteers to

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Newsreel 1941-1945.:

The crew of a tank brigade of the 6th Guards Mechanized Corps of the tank, built by MI Orlova, tank pulls.

Poland's liberation: the Soviet soldiers ride on a truck, and road traffic, the river Oder.

Colonel General Lelyushenko with soldiers on the banks of the Oder, the Hero of the Soviet Union Corps Commander VF Orlov at the car.

Photo: V. Orlov and other military photos - MS.

Letter Orlova wife - MS.

Photo: V. Orlov and his wife, photographs and burial tombs VF Orlova - different.


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Drove a tank labeled "Motherland", built by the MI Orlova.

Firework display in Moscow on Victory Day (evening), the people in Red Square.

Monument-tank "Motherland" in Berlin with light (evening).

Officer of the Order of the Patriotic War, first-degree MI Orlova with children: Lt.

Maria Fyodorovna and a reserve officer, Captain Evgeny Fedorovich.

Photo: Mikoyan presents award MI Orlova.

Photo: M. Orlov, N. Popova - MS.

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Hero of the Soviet Union, commander of the 17th Brigade of the 6th Guards Mechanized Corps, LD Churilov congratulates M. Orlov.

Photo: The crew of "Motherland" at the tank.

Map of the environs of Berlin.

GDR: Shtefansdorfa street in Berlin - MS., PNRM.

Rally on the eve of the 40th anniversary of victory over fascism: students in the square in front of the school named Vasily Orlov - LS., PNRM.

The inscription on the school - CU.

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Serves the principal (simultaneously in German) - MS.

Are students with banners - MS., PNRM.

Standing Soviet soldiers - MS.

Monument to the Hero of the Soviet Union, Guards Colonel Vasily Orlov - LS.

German students lay flowers at the monument - MS., CU., PNRM.

Parade May 9, 1985 on Red Square in Moscow, are tanks - LS., MS., PNRM.

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Newsreel of 1941-1945.

The planes are in the sky; the bombs are falling down.

A panorama of the former Army Commander and veteran of the Russian-Japanese War, World War I and the Civil War F. M. Orlov’s application for enlisting in the Soviet Army.

The letter from the People’s Committee of Defence to F. M. Orlov.

The enrolment of volunteers in the Army; distribution of weapons.

A military wagon train is running (winter).

The soldiers are going.

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The pictures (at the front and others) of the Rifle Division Commander, chevalier of many orders F. M. Orlov.

A picture of the woman pilot of the air regiment under the command of Marina Raskova [a Soviet woman pilot, heroine of the Great Patriotic War] Maria Orlova.

A picture of the Tank Battalion Commander Vasily Orlov.

The commendation list.

A picture of Vladimir Orlov who fought in the volunteer corps; the notification of V. Orlov's death.

Newsreel of 1941-1945.

The people are running, a house is going to ruin, the fire is being extinguished.


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The meeting in the square in 1917.

A picture of the former non-commissioned officer, the Vyborgsky Red Guard Detachment Commander Fyodor Michaylovich Orlov.

The picture of the Orlovs’ children: Vladimir, Evgenya, Maria and Vasily (in their childhood).

A picture of F. M. Orlov during the Civil War.

The echelons before going to the front; boarding the train; people are on the roof of the train, echelons are going.

The cavalry is galloping.

The pages of the newspaper “Krasnaya Zvezda” [“Red Star”].


The Letters to the Red Commander 1989

Movie, 3 parts, Duration: 0:25:11, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM

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People listening to.

Iosif Stalin is talking to a woman, surrounded by other people.

A trial of Prompartiya (Industrial party): persons on trial.

A.A.Vyshinsky, Prosecutor General, and N.V.Krylenko, prosecuting official, are speaking.

Ramsin, a person on trial, and others.

People listening to in a hall.

A night demonstration, posters with words “If an enemy doesn’t give up, he will be killed”, “Death for betrayers”, etc. are carried.


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A cavalry is galloping.

Soldiers are running.

Leaflets are being thrown from a train.

A panorama of M.G.Anisimov, a veteran of the Civil War, typing.

Newsreel: a winter forest, reflection in the water, birches in the forest.

An animated work: a photo of Innokenty Serafimovich Kozhevnikov, the commander of Army.

A panorama of a grilled window.


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An echelon with soldiers.

Horse soldiers are passing by.

Riders are standing.

General Lavr Kornilov, Admiral Alexander Kolchak are standing.

Mikhail Frunze is greeting soldiers.

Vasily Chapayev among soldiers.

Innokenty Kozhevnikov at a meeting.


Mikhail Frunze as a Revolutionary and a Military Leader 1985

Movie, 3 parts, Duration: 0:30:21, Black-white, Published 11/10/2012 12:57:43 AM


On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Mikhail Frunze, a distinguished revolutionary, legendary Civil War [Civil War in Russia in 1918-1922] hero, a military commander, strategist, who laid down the basis for the Red Army creation.


participation in the Civil War and MF Frunze. Houses-museums in the cities: Frunze, Shuya and other documents, photos, personal belongings. Film shots: civil war, Frunze: pass down the line of troops, out of the car, welcomed the troops on the podium, spoke. Interview members of the Civil War: Ibragimov, Jankowski


participation in the Civil War and MF Frunze. Houses-museums in the cities: Frunze, Shuya and other documents, photos, personal belongings. Film shots: civil war, Frunze: pass down the line of troops, out of the car, welcomed the troops on the podium, spoke. Interview members of the Civil War: Ibragimov, Jankowski

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Attack - LS.

Explosions - LS.

Horse racing - MS.

Photo by M. Frunze's card war - LS.

Newsreel of the 20's.:

A hand shoots up the phone, dials - CU.

The hand on the telegraph machine - CU.

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Uralic steppe (the plane) - LS.

Newsreel of the 20's.:

Cost White Guard general Novitsky - biographer Kolchak - MS., PNRM.

Monument to Mikhail Frunze - LS., PNRM.

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Tourists climb the stairs of the museum - LS.

Documents laid Frunze - MS., PNRM.

Photo: Workers at a gathering in the forest - LS.

Snow-covered monument to the heroes of the 1905 revolution in Moscow on Red Presnya (departure) - LS.

Photo by G.

Shuya - LS.



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Photo: Mikhail Frunze speaking to soldiers - MS.; Riders - MS.

Manuscripts Frunze - CU., PNRM.

Seashore Turkish shaft at Perekop, strengthening - LS., PNRM.

Telegram to Lenin about the end of the Civil War - CU.

Newsreel of the 20's.:

Race carts, cheering troops, bayonets - LS.

Red ceremonial building - LS.


The Battle 1994

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:57, Published 11/10/2012 12:26:50 AM


About sabotage agents during the Great Patriotic War (Soviet people’s participation in World War II in 1941-1945).


The film follows the events of World War II is built on the memories of war veterans, ex-paratrooper, who threw in a location guerrilla groups: A. Gorchakov, N. Moliya, Semenov, N. Barashkova (synchronous and over), film the Russian State Archive Film and Gosfilmofond and Russia.


The film follows the events of World War II is built on the memories of war veterans, ex-paratrooper, who threw in a location guerrilla groups: A. Gorchakov, N. Moliya, Semenov, N. Barashkova (synchronous and over), film the Russian State Archive Film and Gosfilmofond and Russia.

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Animation: Boy Musketeers - LS.

PNRM. The ship cast off from the pier - LS. (Background sounds song by Boris Grebenshikov "City of Gold")

PNRM. River - LS.

Former spy-saboteur, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War Ovid Gorchakov watching from the deck - CU.

PNRM. Water with solar flares - LS.

PNRM. from the bridge to sitting Gorchakov - LS.

PNRM. Children sing on the ship (synchronously) - MS.


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PNRM. with barbed wire on his sword - CU.

PNRM. with trees around the fire veterans - LS.

Bonfire - CU.

War veteran, a former scout-spy Moly N. listens - MS.

Veterans sitting by the fire - LS.

Veterans speak at a fire (synchronous) - MS.

Bonfire - CU.


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Street Military Moscow - LS.

People read the reports from the front - LS.

Stalin makes a Mausoleum - MS.

Volunteers go to war - MS.

Gorchakov is a locked house - LS.

Stairs in the house - LS.

PNRM. Gorchakov up the stairs - LS.


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