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The celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great October revolution in Moscow 1987

Footage, 23 footages, Duration: 0:13:54, Published 6/19/2019 8:50:11 PM

Scene №11 Parade on Red Square

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A column of athletes in red clothes is moving along Red Square, carrying red banners in their hands

Ключевые слова

Parade on Red Square

Scene №13 Parade on Red Square

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Columns of demonstrators of workers and workers with posters and red flags are moving on Red Square

Ключевые слова

Parade on Red Square

Scene №12 Parade on Red Square

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Athletes wave red flags in their hands.

Workers and workers of Moscow gather at the Lenin monument with various posters and balloons in their hands and move towards Red Square.

A column of demonstrators of workers and workers is moving along Red Square towards St.

Basil's Cathedral.

Ключевые слова

Parade on Red Square

How it was №1 12.10.2001 2001

Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:34:58, Published 2/20/2018 6:35:37 PM


The parade on Red Square on November 7, 1941.

Reel №1


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It was decided to hold a traditional November parade in Moscow, in Kuibyshev and Voronezh.

Sergei Markov tells why he appointed Semyon Budyonny to take the parade.

Interview with Maria Budyonna.

The widow of the marshal talks about Stalin's call to Budyonny, about the organization of the parade, about security issues that had to be solved.

Vladimir Boyarsky was a participant in the meeting dedicated to the 24th anniversary of the October Revolution, which took place at the Mayakovskaya metro station (at that time the deepest station), the Moscow subway.

Describes the content of Stalin's report.

Video chronicle:


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Interview with Georgi Filippov.

Filippov's subdivision was concerned with ensuring the security of the meeting, which was held at the Mayakovskiy metro station in 1941.

Describes how Joseph Stalin, having used the "coloring", arrived at Mayakovsky.

Sergei Maslov tells what kind of situation was in the capital on the eve of the 1941 parade.

Speaks of anomalously cold weather, because of which the German aircraft could not carry out any sortie.

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Interview with Anatoly Mitrokhin.

He recalls his meeting with military commander Pavel Artemyev, commander of the 1941 parade in Moscow.

Gevorg Chobonyan tells how, as a volunteer, he came to the parade in 1941 from Saratov, where he served.

Participants in the parade recall the victorious mood that reigned in the parade.

The presence of Stalin supported and instilled confidence in everyone.

Video chronicle:

Military parade on November 7, 1941 in Moscow.


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The story of the video recording of Stalin's speech is told, which, due to the fact that the time and place of the parade were kept secret, had to be re-recorded after the event, in the studio.

Later, this video produced a lot of sense.

Participants in the parade are restoring the events of 1941.

The details of the parade are recalled in detail.

Praskovya Sergeeva, tells that she became a participant of the parade due to a happy coincidence.

Her division was surrounded by Smolensk at the beginning of the war.

The commander withdrew from their entourage and they were able to catch up with their medical sanitary battalion already on the way to Moscow.

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On November 7, at five in the morning, they were raised on alert and none of the participants even suspected that they were being taken to Red Square, not to the front.

But after the parade, the entire medical battalion was sent to the front line.

Military parade on Red Square 1972

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:58, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM

Scene №1 Military parade on Red Square

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Enters the Red Square military equipment.

Different types of military equipment: rocket launchers, "Katyusha" and others are moving to Red Square.

Pass the troops.

The clock on the Spassky Tower show 10:45.


Military Parade

Military parade on Red Square 1958-1959

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:18, Published 2/21/2014 7:22:59 PM

Scene №1 Military parade on Red Square

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On Red Square wheeling rocket.

On the mausoleum of Lenin Voroshilov, Khrushchev and others.

Pass the protesters.

Over the column athletes flying pigeons (removed from the upper point).

Military parade on Red Square 1970-1979

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:04, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM

Scene №1 Military parade on Red Square

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A fragment of a military parade on Red Square - passing rocket launchers of ballistic missiles

Military parade on Red Square 1970-1979

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:09, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM

Scene №1 Military parade on Red Square

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By Red Square, passing the installation of ballistic missiles.

The parades on red square 1920-1950

Footage, 3 footages, Duration: 0:28:25, Published 3/29/2020 1:23:47 PM

Scene №1 The parades on red square


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Types of red square during a military parade and demonstration (top).

View of the red square during checkout of units of horse artillery (above).

Division of heavy artillery, track rod held on red square.

Squadrons of bombers and fighters flying towards the centre of Moscow for access to d red square.

A squadron of biplanes in the sky.

Dropping paratroopers during maneuvers, the Marines slipping off the wing of the aircraft.

The aircraft during airdrop the canopy and squadrons of aircraft in the sky.


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Hockey players with sticks on the layout, mounted on a truck.

Bearers of the red square.

Athletes, who constructed a "pyramid" figure on parade in red square.

The view of red square during a may day demonstration (above).

View of one of the guest stands.

On red square columns are athletes.

Types of red square during a sports parade, Stalin

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from the podium welcomed the participants of the parade.

The layout of the mountain with the climbers on the truck.

Passing the layout of the ring with the boxers.

Are members of the sports society "Spartak".

Are children with wooden rifles at the ready.

Gymnasts on parade.

Gorky street view with moving through it the columns of the athletes (on the top).


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View of the Central part of red square during a run of sports figures (above).

The exercises in red square by participating in the parade.

The view of red square during a performance of students of Institute of physical culture.

Voroshilov, Stalin, Khrushchev N. With., Mi Kalinin, Kaganovich on the podium of the mausoleum during the may day parade in 1935, Stalin talking with Voroshilov, welcomed the participants of the parade.

Stalin, Voroshilov, Molotov, Kaganovich, Mikoyan, shkiryatov MF, GM Dimitrov mausoleum welcomed the participants of the parade, applauding.

Voroshilov and Stalin on the mausoleum.

Shvernik, Stalin, Andreev, A. A., And N. Bulganin.


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The participants of the sports parade with a portrait of Stalin and the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) are on the streets of Moscow on Red square June 30, 1934.

A column of girls in sports uniform is Red square.

The types of the columns of athletes marching through the Moscow parade on the Red square (above).

Voroshilov, Ordzhonikidze, Stalin, Kalinin, Molotov are on the territory of the Kremlin on Red square.

View of the guest stands.

The girls face in flying helmet and forage cap.

Participating sports parade in the ranks.


Scene №2

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Units of flak on the track rod out to the parade on red square may 1, 1930.

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Columns pioneers held on red square in front of the temporary bleachers.

The infantry units of the red army held on red square during the parade November 7, 1932.

The view of red square during the parade (above).

Types of red square during the passage of armored vehicles (top).

Passes through the tank T-26.

Types of red square during the parade (above).

The battalion captured banners throws to the foot of the mausoleum flags and banners of the Wehrmacht during the Victory Parade on 24 June 1945.


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The view of red square during the passage of the anti-aircraft artillery in trucks.

A small division is on the red square during the parade November 7, 1941.

Columns of students of Moscow Suvorov Military music College opens military parade on red square November 7, 1973.

The view of red square during the parade (above).

Columns of military academies and the marine corps.

The column of airborne troops held on red square.

Armor is on the red square.

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Intercontinental ballistic missiles on parade in red square.

Types of red square during the passage through it of armored vehicles.

Missiles passing through red square.

The view of red square during the passage of the anti-aircraft missile complexes (top).

The troops of the Moscow garrison on parade in red square on November 7, 1940.

Heavy artillery, track rod is on the red square.

Tank at high speed rides on the red square.

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Anti-aircraft artillery on the chassis of the truck in the parade on red square.

Military academies in the parade on 7 November 1973.

Snippets of the parade on 7 November 1940 and the Victory Parade, the battalion captured flags at the Victory Parade.

Meeting soldiers winners in Leningrad, the view of red square during the Victory Parade on 24 June 1945.

Meeting returning soldiers winners, alternates with footage of the Victory Parade.

A column of sailors passes in front of the mausoleum during the parade November 7, 1927.

A military band in red square.


Scene №3

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Red Navy on parade in red square on November 7, 1940.

Cossack units of the red army advance on Gorky street to participate in Prades on red square on 7 November 1927.

Cossacks passing by the top of the monument of Freedom.

Machine-gun carts on Gorky street.

Marching columns of soldiers and sailors.

Lesson material part of the trilinear rifle in the circle osoaviahima, the instructor explains the action of the shutter.

Armed workers before the parade.


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Red army soldiers and commanders come from the club on the territory of military unit in 1923.

The unit goes on parade.

Types of red square during Paradi demonstrations of 7 November 1927 (above).

The troops held on red square.

A poster with the digits of the achievements of the Union republics.

A military band played.

Foreign military attaches on red square.

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Cossack units on the gallop held on red square.

Cossack units pass through Red square, are included in the Spassky gate.

Cossack camp on the territory of the Kremlin after the end of the pard (panorama).

The commander gives the command.

The face of the Cossack veteran.

Cossacks systems are on a tour of the Kremlin.

Cossacks visiting the Tsar cannon, lie like a gas meter on it.


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View of the red square before the parade.

Parade commander Voroshilov gave a report to M. I. Kalinin

Kalinin and Voroshilov are on the red square, the cameramen are shooting.

Sailors on parade.

Face the red army.

Kalinin and Voroshilov bypassed and welcome built on the red square troops.

Faces of soldiers and sailors.

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Drummers and buglers are in front of the podium in red square on may 1, 1930, followed the infantry column.

View of the red square during the may day parade in 1930.

In front of the podium passing machine-gun carts and an armored car.

Kalinin and Rykov A. I. on the podium.

Troops marching past podium (shot from different angles).

View of the building of the Bolshoi theatre on the opening day of the 16th Congress of the CPSU(b) on June 26, 1930.

The view of Sverdlov square and the Bolshoi theatre.


Military parades on red square 1919-1923

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:15, Published 8/14/2016 11:22:54 AM

Scene №1 Military parades on red square

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Is red squad.

Panorama of the rally in red square.

VI Lenin stands on red square before the parade of troops vsevobuch may 25, 1919, standing next to Samuel T.

The people welcomed Lenin.

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Lenin, standing in the back of a truck, a parade of troops vsevobuch on red square, standing next to Belenky A. Ya.

Infantry division of the red army on parade in 1923.

Lenin was a parade of troops vsevobuch.

Infantry and cavalry units of the red army through red square during parades 1922-1923 years.

Passing a battery of horse artillery.

Artillery tractor-drawn on parade on red square.

Infantry units on parade in red square.

The red army parade on the red square 1924

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:13, Published 7/30/2020 1:00:13 PM

Scene №1 The red army parade on the red square

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The City Of Moscow.

Parade on red square.

Sports parade on Red Squar 1935

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:56, Published 12/18/2014 10:02:31 PM

Scene №1 Sports parade on Red Square.

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Panorama of Red Square (above).

Caption: "Children of the capital entrusted to Nina Zdrogovoy pass Comrade Stalin bouquet of flowers."

Nina Zdrogova with a bouquet of flowers.

IV Stalin, Voroshilov KE, LM Kaganovich on the platform of the mausoleum.

Two girls watching the progress of sports parade.

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Spectators and guests welcome Stalin IV

Man and woman talking.

Column athletes in anticipation of the Red Square.

The general plan of the Red Square during the sports festival.

IV Stalin, Mikoyan AI, KE Voroshilov Nina Zdrogova on the platform of the mausoleum.

The girls with sports and dance number.

Performance of participants sports festival on Red Square.

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