You found 1899 newsreels for query "half-turn"

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Radiation and life. Film2. Invisible rays 1993

Movie, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:18, Published 10/4/2016 12:50:16 PM

Reel №1


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Filming in the laboratory of nuclear scientists.

Drawings of vessels on which the designations of heavy metals are written.

Periodic table of Mendeleev.

It turned out that heavy metals are a strong source of radiation.

The main feature of radiation is to penetrate through various obstacles.

Then the property of radiation was discovered to create ions in the surrounding air, so that the air becomes a conductor of electricity.

The concept of ionizing radiation.


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For example, there are 146 neutral particles in uranus238, and 143 in uranus235, respectively.

Such atoms are called isotopes of the same element, and their nuclei form a group of nuclides.

Some nuclides are stable, but most nuclides are unstable.

They are constantly turning into other nuclides.

With each act of decay, energy is released, which is transmitted further in the form of radiation.

Scientists have identified about 30 types of radiation.

The film deals with 3.


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Radium disappears slowly, only after 1600 years half of the original amount of powder remains.

The next 1600 years, the next half of the remaining powder disappears.

The concept of half-life.

Radium's daughter product radon decays by half in about 4 days.

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It emits an alpha particle and becomes a heavy metal again, but a different one - radium A or polonium, which decays by half in 3 minutes.

A long chain of transformations of uranium-radium in the form of a family tree.

Uranium 238 with a half-life of 4.47 billion years passes into thorium 234 with a half-life of 24.1 days, then into protactinium 234 with a half-life of 1.17 minutes.

Uran234 with a half-life of 245 thousand years passes into thorium230 with a half-life of 8000 years, then into radium226 with a half-life of 1600 years, then into radon222 with a half-life of 3,823 days, then into polonium218 with a half-life of 3.05 minutes, and so on.

This process continues continuously.

The concept of nuclide activity.

Portrait of the scientist Antoine Becquerel, after whom the unit of activity is named.


Ключевые слова


Turning complexes 1986

Movie, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:05, Published 2/23/2017 2:53:53 AM


Promotional film about turning robototizirovannyh complexes producing different items.

Flying on a plane Yak-52 1990

Movie, 6 parts, Duration: 0:45:59, Published 9/15/2015 3:00:22 PM


actions before and after boarding the cab, start the engine, the standard flight in a circle; errors landing, aerobatics: turn, dive, slide, battle turn, a revolution, loop Nesterova, half-loop, controlled horizontal barrel downward spiral, working out pilot actions in a group flight.

Reel №5


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Type of aircraft during a loop the loop (on top).

Driving performance of half-loop (animation).

The aircraft performs a half-loop.

The view from the cockpit during the half loop.

View dashboard.

The view from the cockpit.

Type of aircraft during the half loop (on top).

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The view from the cockpit.

The pilot in the cockpit.

Type of aircraft during the execution of one of the half-loop elements (above).

Driving performance of the aircraft horizontal barrel (animation).

The aircraft performs a "barrel".

The view from the cockpit during a "barrel".

View dashboard.


Reel №4


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The view from the cockpit (side).

Chassis landing aircraft.

Driving performance with a roll plane bend 30 degrees (animation).

The aircraft performs a turn.

The aircraft holds steady roll.

The pilot in the cockpit.

The plane banked and rectified finishes.

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The view from the cockpit during a turn.

View the dashboard during a turn.

The face of the pilot.

The view from the cab during a turn.

View dashboard.

The view from the cockpit during a turn.

View dashboard.


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The view from the cockpit.

Type of aircraft performing a turn (the top).

Type of aircraft performing a turn (below).

Type of aircraft performing a turn (the top).

Driving dive aircraft (animation).

Type of diving aircraft.

The view from the cockpit of the aircraft dive.


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The plane goes into horizontal flight.

Driving a combat turn (animation).

The aircraft performs combat turn.

The view from the cockpit during a combat turn.

View dashboard.

Flying a plane.

View from the inside of the cab.

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The pilot in the cockpit.

The view from the cockpit at the time of leaving the battle turn.

Flying a plane.

The aircraft performs combat turn.

Reel №2


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The pilot pulls the straps.

Connection pads headset to block the intercom.

Pilot checks as closed canopy.

Sample pedals and turn the control knob.

Pilot sitting in the cockpit, controls the visual deviation rudders and ailerons.

Installation of the elevator.

The face of the pilot.


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The face of the pilot.

Installation of the controls before starting the engine.

Position switches and toggle switches before starting the engine.

The technician turns the screw.

Shpritsovka cylinder engine during its launch.

The pilot in the cockpit looks around and gives the command "From the screw!".

The technician moves away from the screw.


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View dashboard.

Check instruments and toggle switches artificial horizon.

Check indicator lights cabin equipment.

Panel turn on automatic radio.

View dashboard.

Rotating propeller plane.

The plane with the engine running.


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The plane climbs, clears the chassis.

The aircraft carries a U-turn.

The pilot in the cockpit.

The aircraft carries the second turn.

The pilot in the cockpit.

The aircraft landing gear.

Half the battle 1973

Movie, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:10, Published 8/18/2014 11:04:52 AM

Your turn is complete! 1986

Movie, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:07, Published 5/29/2014 2:14:56 AM

Reel №1 Your turn is complete!

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Good turn deserves another 1992

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:51, Published 5/29/2014 1:50:46 AM

Reel №1 Good turn deserves another

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On the Lisichansk turn 1941-1945

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:37, Published 4/2/2021 2:41:42 PM

Scene №1 On the Lisichansk turn

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Lessons and technical creativity 1989

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:50, Published 8/2/2016 3:32:52 AM

Reel №1


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The face of the student.

The teacher with a pointer at the machine, shows different parts of the machine, asks questions.

Students pull their hands, answer.

Panorama of stands with different turning tools.

Bazhin asks questions, students pull their hands, answer.

Bazhin points with his pointer at the stands with tools.

Bazhin is in the classroom, takes out a box of tools, gives it to a student.

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Two students lay out turning tools on desks in the classroom.

Bazhin writes the topic of the lesson on the blackboard.

Large - the hand puts an instrument on the desk.

A box of tools is placed on the table.

Students lay out tools on desks.

There are various details on the teacher's desk on a stand.

Textbooks are placed on the desks - "Turning".

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Bazhin prepares for the lesson, prepares a special stand where parts and tools are installed.

Bazhin directs a special large mirror on the table so that students can see the reflection and begins the lesson.

The teacher tells and shows how to install the cutter correctly, asks questions.

The student answers the question.

Bazhin shows how to properly install the cutter on the machine, turns on the machine and begins to cut the part.

The general plan is a view of the classroom and the teacher at the machine.

Large - the machine works, metal chips fall off.


Ключевые слова

turning tools


Movie, 2 parts, Published 9/3/2024 10:20:48 AM

Orthodox encyclopedia №12 24.03.2012 2012

Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:03, Published 12/7/2017 2:57:53 AM


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