You found 9769 newsreels for query "д 22/2"

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Moscow rallies, demolition of the monument to Dzerzhinsky 1991

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:43, Published 7/5/2019 2:08:23 PM

Scene №1

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Participants of the Moscow rallies with banners and slogans, pandemonium in the streets and squares, MS Gorbachev in the crowd.

Demolition of the monument to F. E. Dzerzhinsky August 22, 1991.

Empty pedestal with inscriptions.

The streets of Moscow the next day.

The crowd at the traffic lights.

Foreign newsreels №5574 1978

News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:10:06, Published 3/1/2013 11:25:45 AM


Czechoslovakia - Universiade-78. Involved 400 athletes from 22 countries.
During breaks - familiarity with Moravian folklore.
Presentation of awards to the winners.


Czechoslovakia - Universiade-78. Involved 400 athletes from 22 countries.
During breaks - familiarity with Moravian folklore.
Presentation of awards to the winners.

The city of Rostov 1975-1985

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:24, Published 8/4/2022 3:47:28 PM

Scene №1 The city of Rostov

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View of the city from the lake.

The water surface.

View of the Rostov Kremlin.

Novgorod Detinets (00:00:22:03)

View of the Novgorod Kremlin from the opposite bank of the Volkhov.

The reflection of the Church of St.

John the Theologian in the water.

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The Church of St.

John the Theologian in Rostov the Great.

Rostov Kremlin.

Pskov Kremlin(00:01:43:12-00:02:00:22).

Novgorod Kremlin(00:02:07:00)

Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin (00:02:13:17)

Pskov Kremlin (00:02:27:07)


space environment №351 27.10.2021 2021

Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:18:00, Published 8/22/2022 8:03:18 AM

Reel №1

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72nd International Astronautical Congress in Dubai, plenary report by Dmitry Rogozin, Director General of Roscosmos.

Baikonur, pre-launch operations with the Soyuz-2 launch vehicle.1a" and the Progress MS-18 transport cargo ship.

CPC, Alexander Misurkin and Oleg Novitsky are going through the stages of the Constellation LM-21/22 experiment.

One line:

- 8th National Championship of End-to-end working professions of high-tech industries "World Skills Hi-Tech 2021";

- Progress RCC, tests of fuel tanks of the first stage of the Soyuz-5 launch vehicle;

- Vostochny, installation of the components of the launch table frame for the Angara launch vehicle.


Daily News / A Chronicle of the day №19-1964 1964

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:08, Black-white, Published 3/25/2014 11:00:15 AM


Bella and others. Among those present: AI Mikoyan, Kosygin, Mikhail Suslov, and others. Dnipropetrovsk region. North of wheat on the farm named after 22-th Congress of the CPSU. City of Moscow. Printing "Red Proletarian". Books Khrushchev on the conveyor. Packing books. Selling books Khrushchev in a bookstore


Bella and others. Among those present: AI Mikoyan, Kosygin, Mikhail Suslov, and others. Dnipropetrovsk region. North of wheat on the farm named after 22-th Congress of the CPSU. City of Moscow. Printing "Red Proletarian". Books Khrushchev on the conveyor. Packing books. Selling books Khrushchev in a bookstore

Reel №1

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1. City Yalta.

Khrushchev's meeting with Algerian President Ahmed Ben Bella.

The signing of the communique.


City of Moscow.

Meetings Algerian-Soviet Friendship in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

Speakers: Leonid Brezhnev, A. Ben Bella and others.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Among those present: AI Mikoyan, Kosygin, Mikhail Suslov, and others.

3. Dnipropetrovsk region.

North of wheat on the farm named after 22-th Congress of the CPSU.

4. City of Moscow.

Printing "Red Proletarian".

Books Khrushchev on the conveyor.

Packing books.


To new heights 1984

Movie, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:26, Published 4/17/2014 1:38:01 PM

Reel №2


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Фотоснимки природных явлений, сделанные из космоса спутником "Метеор".

Метеорологи составляют очередной прогноз, используя данные, полученные со спутника.

Космический корабль в полете.

Космонавт Быковский В.Ф. говорит о разработке учеными СССР и ГДР в 1975 году многофункциональной камеры для фотографирования земли из космоса, об установке камеры на корабле "Союз-22", испытании камеры, о количестве снятых кадров (синхронно и за кадром).

Фотоснимки поверхности Земли, сделанные камерой, установленной на космическом корабле.

Быковский демонстрирует фотографии частей космической фотокамеры.

Вид макета станции "Салют".


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Вьетнамский космонавт Фам Туан и Виктор Горбатко на заднем сиденье автомобиля.

Кубинский космонавт Арнальдо Тамайо Мендес спускается по трапу самолета.

Монгольский космонавт Ж. Гуррагча и В. Джанибеков на борту космического корабля.

Лицо румынского космонавта Д.

Прунариу после приземления.

Французский космонавт Жан Лу Кретьен в салоне автобуса.

Тренировки космонавтов в Центре подготовки космонавтов им.


Fragment of the K / W "socialist village" No. 22 1935

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:30, Published 11/18/2020 10:10:36 AM

Scene №1 Fragment of the K / W "socialist village" No. 22

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

here and now №1 06/22/2000 2000

Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:11:45, Published 7/13/2020 2:43:27 PM

Reel №1


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Vytautas Landsbergis, Chairman of the Seimas of Lithuania.

The main topics discussed in the studio:

1.On how to identify and honor damage.


Pro territorial issue and the borders of Lithuania in 1939-40

3. On the referendum in Lithuania, where in 1992 the issue of compensation for damage was raised for the first time.

4.I need to negotiate on this matter.


Календарь: 06/22/2000

Peak hour №1018 03/22/1995 1995

Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:24:25, Published 2/20/2018 7:48:22 PM

Peak hour №1 06/22/1998 1998

Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:01, Published 2/20/2018 9:26:18 PM

Reel №1

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Fragment x / movie "Some Old Men Are Going to Battle" with the newsreel of the fighting actions of aviation of 1943-1944.

The veteran of the Great Patriotic War, the fighter pilot Colonel Fedor Fedorovich Prokopenko speaks about the prototype of the hero of the film "Some old people are going to battle" Remembers the beginning of the war on the morning of June 22, 1941, his participation in combat operations, the types of Soviet combat aircraft, recalls various episodes from the life of his squadron, talks about Vasily Stalin.

Fragments of the x / movie "Only Old Men Are Going to Battle."

Календарь: 06/22/1998

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